

【作者】 仇娟东

【导师】 曹钢; 赵景峰;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 政治经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 近年来,我国经济以近两位数的速度快速增长,经济社会面貌大为改观,国内外学术界称这种现象为“中国奇迹”,然而与这种快速变化相伴随的是我国经济活动空间布局的深刻变化,区域经济“块状”特征的形成、地区差距的扩大和经济增长效率的地理集中便是该变化中凸显出的重要问题。由此而来的问题便是:第一,地区差距与经济增长效率地理集中现象形成的内在机理是什么?第二,区域经济的“块状”分布和经济增长效率的地理集中,二者近乎相同的空间布局仅仅是偶然体现,还是它们之间有着必然的联系?第三,经济增长效率的地理集中、区域经济增长的“块状”分布和地区差距的形成这三个现象均与地理或空间因素相关,由此产生的问题便是地理因素在这三者的形成中究竟起着什么作用?本研究便在引入了动态性的空间经济学视角下分析了这些在经济增长过程中形成、在空间中体现的重要经济问题。具体地,我们按照以下思路安排研究内容:第一部分,提出问题与文献回顾,包括论文中的第一、第二章。第一章主要介绍研究目的与研究意义,界定了经济增长效率集聚和地区差距的概念,说明了论文的研究思路、内容、方法与技术路线,并指出了可能的创新与不足。第二章主要从地区差距、经济增长效率及经济集聚三方面回顾了相关文献,以期为本研究寻找恰当的视角与理论支持。第二部分,理论研究,包括论文中的第三章。第三章主要建立了“分工——外部性——报酬递增——效率集聚——经济增长——地区差距”的总体分析框架,并阐述了具体作用机制。第三部分,实证研究,包括论文中的第四、第五、第六章。第四章在要素与经济非协同集聚视角下分析了地区差距形成的一般过程,结合中国相关年份与地区的面板数据,实证检验了劳动力、资本、技术等要素投入对我国地区差距的影响,并对这些因素的影响方式与我国地区差距的时空分布作了经济地理上的分解。第五章采用SML指数法测算了1998-2011年期间全国各地区的生产率指数和环境技术效率,进而在空间经济学框架下提出了经济关联、知识关联、规模收益和交通运输条件等可能引起效率集聚的因素,并运用“系统广义矩估计法”对这些因素的作用方向与方式作了实证检验。第六章在运用统计分析和动态分布分析初步判断要素投入、经济增长效率对地区差距贡献份额的基础上,又运用面板单位根检验、面板协整检验和面板误差修正模型等方法直接检验了要素投入、经济增长效率与地区差距的长短期关系,并从分工因素、市场因素与政策因素三方面检验了可能导致地区差距与经济增长效率形成和集聚的深层次原因,在这些分析的基础上,又给出了我国经济地理重塑的基本设想。第四部分,结论与政策建议部分,包括论文的第七章。在对研究内容和研究结论简要总结的基础上,给出了我国地区差距治理的思路与措施。通过这些分析,得出的结论主要有:(1)分工是经济增长效率集聚及地区差距形成的根源。(2)知识溢出、交通成本对经济增长效率集聚和地区差距具有重要影响。(3)我国区域经济发展水平具有明显的地理集中特征,而要素与经济的非协同集聚是地区差距形成的直接原因。(4)各地区经济增长效率的空间分布具有明显的地理集中性,并且省域经济增长效率提升主要是由技术进步所推动的,而技术效率的作用比较有限;省域经济增长效率表现出一定的趋同和溢出现象。(5)相对于要素投入,经济增长效率是影响我国地区差距的更为主要的因素。根据上述分析与结论,我们给出的治理我国地区差距的简单思路为:在进一步推动经济集聚的同时,也要为经济及效率的空间溢出做好准备,并通过对各地区“第一自然”的再发现和“第二自然”的再创造实现经济地理的重塑。

【Abstract】 For the past few years, the rate of economic growth in China increases by double-digit rate, and the situation of economy and society changes tremendously. These achievements and performances was called "China Miracle". Meanwhile, many problems in the geographical space appears prominently:the transformation of spatial distribution in economic activity, the formation of "lump" characteristics in regional economics, the broaden of regional disparity and the geographical concertration of economic growth efficiency. Therefor, the problems in this process are as follows:firstly, What’s the specific mechanisms of spatial concertration of regional disparity and economic growth efficiency? Secondly, the "lump" concertration of regional economy and geographical concertration in spatial are distributed seemingly, are they just accidental distribution or they are necessarily hava a inner connection? Thirdy, the geographical concertration of economic growth efficiency, the "lump" characteristics in regional economic growth, and the formation of regional disparity, these three problems all are related to geography and spatial, in that way, what’s the function of geography and spatial? Therefore, we analyzed these problems that take shapes in the process of economic growth and embodiment in the spatial in the perspective of new spatial economics. Concretely, we analyze these problems in the following:Firstly, put forward the questions and literature review, including chapterl and chapter2. In chapter1, we introduced the study objectives and the significances, defined the concept of economic growth efficiency and regional disparity, illustrated the train of thought, contents, methods and technical route, also, pointed out the probable creation and shortcomings. In chapter2, we reviewed the literatures of regional disparity, economic growth efficiency and economic agglomeration, and the main purposes are find out the reasonable perspetive and theoretical support.Secondly, theoretical analysis, including chapter3. In chapter3, we established the framework of "division-externality-increasing returns-economic growth-regional disparity", also, we expounded the concreate mechanism.Thirdly, emperical study, including chapter4, chapter5and chapter6. In chapter4, we analyzed the general forming process of regional disparity in the perspective of non-coordinated agglomeration of factors and economy, combined the panel data of related provinces and years, tested the function of labor, capital and technology emperically, also, we decomposed the influence pattern and the space-time distribution of regional disparity. In chapter5, we applies the Sequential Malmquist-Luenberger index to measure China’s regional productivity and technical efficiency from1998to2011; Then put forword the factors may give rise to the efficiency agglomeration:economic-linkage, knowledge-linkage, returns to scale, and transportation conditions; then explored the directions and paterns of these factors by System Generalized Method of Moments(SYS-GMM). In chapter6, we tentatively analyzed the relation among factor input, economic growth efficiency and regional disparity by statistical analysis and dynamical distribution analysis; then, examined the short-term and long-term relationship among factor input, economic growth efficiency and regional disparity by Panel Data Unitroot Test, Panel Data Cointegration Test and Panel Data Error Correction Model; the main aim of these analysis are finding out the main factor that induce the regional disparity, factor input or economic growth efficiency? finally, we analyzed the further reasons that bring about the regional disparity and economic growth efficiency in the aspects of division, marketization and government intervention.Finally, conclusion and policy sugestions, including chapter7. Based on the summarization of study contents and coclusions, we put forward the management route and measures to reduce the regional disparity.Based on the studies mentioned above, the may conclusions are as follows:(1) division are the source of economic growth efficiency agglomeration and regional disparity.(2) knowledge spill-over and transportation cost have a great influence upon economic growth efficiency agglomeration and regional disparity.(3) there are an obvious geographical agglomeration of regional economic level, and the direct reason of regional disparity are the non-coordinated agglomeration of factors and economy.(4) there are an obvious geographical concertration of regional economic growth efficiency, and the technological progress are the main driving force of the economic growth efficiency, but a limited function of technological efficiency; also, an obviously conclusion are the convergence and spill-over phenomenon in provincial economic growth efficiency.(5) related to factors input, the economic growth efficiency are the main factors that influence the regional disparity in China. Based on the analysis and conclusions mentioned above, the simple method that reduce the regional disparity in China are as follows:promote the development of economic agglomeration furtherly, meanwhile, getting ready for the spatial spill-over of economy and efficiency, and the final results are the reshapment of economy and geography, in detail, the methods are rediscovering of "First Nature" and rebuilding of "Second Nature".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

