

【作者】 师荣蓉

【导师】 徐璋勇;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 发展经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 “三农”问题是影响中国改革、发展和稳定的重大问题,而金融支农对于破解“三农”问题至关重要,农村信用社作为我国金融支农的基本力量,其有效支农对于“三农”问题的解决具有重要意义。由于我国农村经济表现出较强的地域性,不同地区农村信用社支农的重点也不尽相同,因此有必要对我国农村信用社支农效率及其区域差异进行研究。本文研究内容包括:(1)农村信用社支农效率的理论分析。界定农村信用社支农效率的内涵,分析农村信用社支农的作用机制,探讨金融生态视角下农村信用社的支农效率和区域差异背景下农村信用社的支农模式。(2)中国农村信用社支农的历史沿革、发展现状及制约因素分析。回顾农村信用社发展的历史,分析支农现状,探讨支农效率的内外部制约因素。(3)中国农村信用社支农效率及影响因素的实证研究。构建支农效率的评价指标体系,采用非期望产出DEA模型和修正的三阶段DEA模型,对中国省际农村信用社支农内部配置效率和外部功能效率及其内外部影响因素进行实证研究。(4)中国农村信用社支农效率的区域差异研究。对我国省际农村信用社支农效率进行空间维度和时间维度的分析,通过聚类分析和收敛性检验,考察不同区域农村信用社支农效率的结构性特征及收敛性变化趋势。(5)中国农村信用社支农效率的改进路径及相关政策建议。从农村信用社内部视角和外部金融生态视角归纳支农效率的改进路径,并提出不同区域农村信用社支农效率提升的政策建议。本文研究结论主要有:(1)研究农村信用社支农效率一方面需要关注支农信贷的数量,另一方面必须高度重视支农信贷的实际支农效果,本文从农村信用社支农内部效率和支农外部效率两方面来考察支农效率。支农内部效率考察的是支农信贷发放的数量问题,即支农信贷发放的数额和覆盖面;支农外部效率考察的是支农信贷发放的质量问题,即支农信贷实际发挥的支农作用。(2)我国农村信用社支农效率呈现出局部有亮点,整体不乐观。现阶段农村信用社提供的金融服务还远远不能满足“三农”发展的需要,有近1/3省份的农村信用社支农内部效率和支农外部效率均较低,有超过2/5省份的农村信用社支农内部效率或支农外部效率有待提高,仅有超过1/4省份的农村信用社支农内部效率和支农外部效率均较为理想。(3)我国农村信用社支农效率的提升受到农村信用社内部因素和外部金融生态环境因素的制约。提高农村信用社支农效率应统筹内外,多措并举。从农村信用社内部视角来看,应坚持服务“三农”方向、完善法人治理结构、扩大资产规模、创新金融服务产品;从外部金融生态视角来看,应优化政策环境、提高固定资产投资、引导农村人力资本投资、改善农村文化环境、完善合作金融法律体系、推进农村信用体系建设、培育竞争性的农村金融市场、发展农业保险。(4)不同区域农村信用社支农效率之间差距较大,但存在着一定程度的收敛趋势。不同区域农村信用社应实施不同的支农模式以适应当地农村经济发展的需要,并建立区域间的支农帮扶联动机制共同促进支农效率的提高。本文的创新之处主要有:(1)将农村信用社支农效率分解为支农内部效率和支农外部效率,从农村信用社内部发放支农信贷的数额、覆盖面和外部支农信贷的实际支农效果两个方面进行研究,从而更为清晰地反映农村信用社的支农效率,有利于促使农村信用社从粗放型支农向集约型支农的转变。(2)本文采用非期望产出DEA模型测算考虑非期望产出不良贷款的农村信用社支农内部效率,采用修正的三阶段DEA模型测算剔除环境因素影响后的农村信用社支农外部效率。鉴于农村信用社由于历史包袱等原因不良贷款率高,非期望产出DEA模型能够测算考虑非期望产出不良贷款的农村信用社支农内部效率,促进农村信用社的健康可持续发展;鉴于农村信用社支农外部效率受金融生态环境影响较大,修正的三阶段DEA模型能够剔除外部环境因素和随机误差对农村信用社支农外部效率的影响,更加真实地反映农村信用社的支农外部效率。(3)本文探讨了中国农村信用社支农效率的结构性特征及收敛性变化趋势,拓宽了已有研究的领域和范围。现有研究多是以农村信用社的经营效率、改革效率、成本效率或信贷效率为研究对象,主要集中在部分区域、省市或区县的农村信用社,鲜有对全国省际农村信用社支农效率及区域差异的研究。鉴于农村信用社服务“三农”的职能定位和我国农村经济发展的异质性特点,本文将我国农村信用社支农效率及其区域差异作为研究重点,以期对现有研究做出补充和完善。

【Abstract】 Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area are major issues affecting China’s reform, development and stability, and financial supporting agriculture has important significance to solve these issues. Rural credit cooperatives as the basic strength of financial supporting agriculture, its’ efficiency of supporting agriculture is essential for the solution to the issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area. Because that China’s rural economy has shown a strong regional difference and the rural credit cooperatives focus on different parts to provide support, it is necessary to study on China’s rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting efficiency and its regional difference.This study covers the following topics:(1) Theoretical analysis of the agricultural supporting efficiency of the rural credit cooperatives, including defining the connotation of rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting efficiency, analyzing the agricultural supporting mechanism of rural credit cooperatives, and exploring agricultural supporting efficiency of the rural credit cooperatives from the perspective of financial ecology and agricultural supporting model of rural credit cooperatives under the background of regional difference.(2) Analysis of the historical evolution, development status and restrictive factors of China’s rural credit cooperatives, including recalling the history of the development of the rural credit cooperatives, analyzing the present situation of agricultural supporting, and exploring the internal and external constraints of agricultural supporting efficiency.(3) Empirical study on China’s rural credit cooperatives’agricultural supporting efficiency and its influencing factors, including building evaluation index system of agricultural supporting efficiency, using undesired output DEA model and modified three-stage DEA model, and doing empirical research on rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting internal configuration efficiency and external functional efficiency as well as its internal and external influencing factors.(4) Study on the regional differences on the supporting efficiency to agriculture of China’s rural credit cooperatives, including analyzing rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting efficiency from space and time dimensions and investigating the structure characteristics and evolution trend of rural credit cooperatives’agricultural supporting efficiency in different regions by cluster analysis and convergence test.(5) Recommendations on the related policy as well as the improvement access to the efficiency of agricultural supporting from China’s rural credit cooperatives, including summarizing the improvement access to efficiency of agricultural supporting from both internal perspective and external financial ecology perspective of rural credit cooperatives, and eliciting policy recommendations for rural credit cooperatives’ development from the perspective of regional differences.This study reaches the following conclusions:(1) The research of the agricultural supporting efficiency should not just stay on the quantity of agriculture loans, but should be more concerned about the actual effect of the agriculture loans. Rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting efficiency needs to be measured from the internal efficiency and the external efficiency. The internal efficiency approaches the quantity of internal agricultural loans, which is the agricultural supporting loans amounts and coverage. The external efficiency approaches the quanlity of external agricultural loans, which is the actual effect of agricultural loans.(2) Rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting efficiency shows the local highlights, but not optimism in a whole. At the present stage, financial services provided by rural credit cooperatives are far from satisfying the development of agriculture, farmer and rural area. There are nearly one-third provinces’ rural credit cooperatives which are low in both agricultural supporting internal efficiency and external efficiency, over two-fifths provinces’ rural credit cooperatives need to be improved in agricultural supporting efficiency either internally or externally, and just over one-fourth provinces’ rural credit cooperatives are relatively satisfactory in both agricultural supporting internal efficiency and external efficiency.(3) The internal factors and the external financial environment factors restrict the efficiency of rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting. It should coordinate the planning, take measures simultaneously and concern internally and externally to improve the efficiency of rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting. From the internal perspective of the rural credit cooperatives, the internal efficiency improvements benefit from adhering to the belief of servicing "Three Agricultural Problems", improving corporate governance structure, expanding the scale of assets, and innovating financial service products. From the external financial ecological perspective, optimizing policy environment, increasing fixed assets investment, guiding human capital investment in rural areas, improving the cultural environment, perfecting the legal system of cooperation finance, promoting rural credit system, fostering competitive rural financial markets, and developing agricultural insurance are all in favor of agricultural supporting efficiency improvements.(4) Although wide gaps exist among rural credit cooperatives’agricultural supporting efficiency in different areas, there is a convergence trend to a certain degree. It is better for rural credit cooperatives in different areas to implement different modes of agricultural support in order to adapt to the needs of the local rural economic development, and to carry out exchanges and cooperation in order to increase agricultural supporting efficiency.The innovation of this study mainly touches upon the following aspects:(1) It decomposes rural credit cooperatives’agricultural supporting efficiency into internal one and external one. And the agricultural supporting efficiency is measured from two aspects, first, internal, the amounts and coverage of agricultural supporting loans, second, external, the actual effect of agricultural supporting loans. It evaluates the whole process of the rural credit cooperative agricultural supporting efficiency more clearly, so as to contribute to the transformation of rural credit cooperatives in agricultural support from extensive support to intensive support.(2) Using undesired output DEA model, the article estimates rural credit cooperatives’agricultural supporting internal efficiency considering the undesired output of non-performing loans. Using modified three-stage DEA model, it estimates rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting external efficiency removal of the impact factors of environmental. On the one hand, high rate of non-performing loans of rural credit cooperatives due to the historical burden, and the undesired output DEA model can estimate rural credit cooperatives agricultural supporting internal efficiency considering the undesired output of non-performing loans. On the other hand, the agricultural supporting external efficiency is greatly influenced by the financial ecological environment, modified three-stage DEA model can remove external environmental factors and the random errors which can influence the efficiency of rural credit cooperatives agricultural supporting, so rural credit cooperative agricultural supporting external efficiency can be reflected more truly.(3) The study explores the structural characteristics and convergence trends of China’s rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting efficiency and widens the field and scope of the existing research. The previous researches were mostly concentrated in rural credit cooperatives’ operating efficiency, reforming efficiency, cost efficiency, or credit efficiency, and they were mainly focused on rural credit cooperatives of partial regions or provinces. There has almost been no research about national inter-provincial rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting efficiency and regional differences. In view of China’s rural credit cooperatives’ function positioning of service agriculture, farmer and rural area, and the characteristic of heterogeneity of the rural economic development, in this study, China’s provincial rural credit cooperatives’ agricultural supporting efficiency and its regional differences were taken as research priorities, in order to make supplement and the improvement to existing researches.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

