

Study on Yang Hong Dao

【作者】 樊运景

【导师】 薛瑞兆;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 杨宏道在金元易代之际的文坛享有盛名。因值金末丧乱,他南北流离,生活困顿,成为那个时代士人遭遇的缩影。当时,传统的儒家思想遭受冲击,一方面,他感愤儒道衰落的现实,崇尚“扶教传古”;另一方面,他的处世心态也受到释道思想影响,渐趋消极。金元之际,一些士人为逃避祸乱,或遁入空门,或隐于乡里。而那些士人所鼓吹的隐逸,既是无奈之举,也不会彻底。杨宏道早年本有用世之心,他因种种原故未能取得功名,其禀性又为当时官场的处事规则所难容,遂屡遭挫折,这使他产生了比较强烈的隐逸追求。然而,他为稻粱计,不得不四处奔波,从未将自己的隐逸思想付诸实践。杨宏道等人的隐逸追求,反映了那个时代士人面临的严酷现实及其沮丧情绪。金代后期,由赵秉文、李纯甫倡导,宗唐得古之风兴起。杨宏道是其中的重要代表之一。其诗歌创作与文学批评自觉地继承了赵、李以复古为革新的文学思想。杨的儒家思想根深蒂固,对两宋理学也有深刻感悟。在诗学观念上,他强调“吟咏性情”的特质,倡导“有德者必有言”,反对“江山之助”说。他论文重道,糅合了南宋理学家朱熹的论文主张,具有浓郁的道学气息。与此相关,他以审视的眼光看待唐诗,对隋唐而下“诗文相尚”的创作风气颇有微词。同时,他也重视诗律。在看待宋代文化遗产上,其思想意识比较通达。杨宏道的文学思想体现出积极继承与创新的意识,是“宗唐得古”思潮的具体体现。这与当时特殊的历史文化背景以及个人的思想性格与人生经历密切相关。杨宏道的诗作反映了金末战乱的血腥,但更多的是个人不幸遭遇的感叹,表现出忧思与哀怨的情感基调,低回曲折,多少带有悲怆内敛的风格特征。其诗歌用语平和,反映了对“风雅精神”的追求以及对唐诗内涵和形式的汲取与体认。具体看,杨宏道宗唐而不主一家,对盛、中、晚唐诗人都有所继承。同时,他也注重宋诗,从苏轼等人那里汲取营养。也就是说,金人宗唐而不废宋,体现了积极的通达意识。他的散文转益多师,对韩愈、欧阳修、苏轼等均有继承,不分门户,不简单摸仿,不循常规套路。他表达的旨趣往往同情感的宣泄结合,使其散文融入了自己的个性,呈现出摇曳多姿的艺术风貌。同时,他的散文也融入了两宋理学思想,对于深入认识金末元初散文创作的特征具有参考意义。综上,杨宏道在继承唐宋传统的基础上,也将个人性情熔铸诗文中。他的创作因之带有独特的艺术风貌,他的文学批评也体现了独立自主意识。

【Abstract】 Yang Hong dao enjoyed great reputation in literary in the time when Jin Dynasty was replaced by Yuan.Due to encountering war occurred in late Jin Dynasty, he led a wandcring life in north and south, and lived in poverty, so he became miniature of misfortune of scholars at that time.Then, traditional Confucian ideas was shocked, on one hand, he was indignant at reality that Confucianism tended to decadence, and advocated to"support Confucianism to renew ancient tradition"; On the other hand, his lifestyle and state of mind were also affected by Buddhism and Taoism, so that he gradually became negative. In the time when Jin Dynasty was replaced by Yuan,some scholars either fled to Buddhism or hid in the village to seek refuge from war.Yet seclusion advocated by those scholars was neither helpless nor thorough. Yang Hong dao was originally aggressive in his early years, but he didn’t achieve fame on account of variety of reasons,and his temperament was incompatible with rule of doing things in the officialdom in that time, then he repeatedly encountered setbacks,which made him emerge relatively strong seclusion pursue. However,he had to run around to make a living, and he did not become a real hermit.Yang Hong dao etc’s seclusion pursue reflected harsh reality with which scholars in that time were confronted and their frustration.In late Jin Dynasty, due to advocacy of Li Chun fu and zhao Bing wen, atmosphere of advocating Tang poems to get antiquity prospered.Yang Hong dao was one of important typical cases. His poetry writing and literary criticism consciously inherited literary thought of reviving ancient learning for innovation which was advocated by Zhao and Li. Y’s Confucianism was deep-rooted.and he also experienced a profound sense of Song Dynasty Neo-confucianism. On the poetic ideas,He emphasized on characteristic of chanting nature, initiated on having a saying only have a moral,and opposed the concept that country helped creation. He attached importance to morality in terms of prose, which Integrated Song dynasty Zhu Xi’s prose concept,and had rich neo-confucianism flavor. Correspondingly, he took seriously a look into the poetry of Tang Dynasty,and was very dissatisfied with creative atmosphere of advocating poetic words and expressions from Sui and Tang Dynasty. Simultaneously, he also attached importance to versification. His thoughts was tolerant on looking into Song Dynasty cultural heritage. Yang Hong dao’s literary thoughts incarnated positive awareness of inheritance and innovation,which was included in the connotation of atmosphere of advocating Tang poems to get antiquity.This was closely related to special historical and cultural background which formed at that time、 Yang Hong dao’s personality and thought and life experiences.Yang Hong dao’s poems reflected bloody scene caused by the war occurred in late Jin Dynasty, however,he complained of hardship because of his misfortune even more in his poems, so his poems manifested hardship and plaintive emotional tone, being depressed and tortuous,and involved pathetique and restrained style characteristics more or less.His poems language was mild, which reflected the pursuit of fuga spirit,realization and assimilation of content and form of Tang Dynasty poetry.Specifically, Yang Hong dao advocated Tang poems, however, the objects that he imitated were not just one but a number of poets who lived in the prospering, medium and late Tang periods. Simultaneously, he also payed attention to Song poems, and absorbed nutrients from poems of Su Shi and so on.That is, Jin Dynasty poets learned from. Tang but not abandon song poems, incarnating positive accessibility awareness. His prose inherited a lot from many teachers,for example Han Yu、 Ou Yang xiu and Su shi etc, which had not factional views, didn’t imitate simply and follow regular routine. The purpose of his proses was combined with emotional catharsis,which made his own personality into his proses,so his proses showed a wide variety of artistic style. Simultaneously, his proses also merged Neo-Confucianist of Song Dynasty,which had reference value for a deeper understanding of prose creation features of late Jin and early Yuan periods.In summary, on the basis of inheriting the tradition of Tang and Song, Yang Hong dao endowed his own personality in his poetry and prose.Therefore his creation had a unique artistic style, his literary criticism also incarnated independent awareness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

