

On the Country Mass Uprising in Jiang-Su Province from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Early Republic of China(1901-1921)

【作者】 樊翠花

【导师】 池子华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 民变是困扰中国的一大社会问题。在处于社会转型期的清末民初,民变是整个社会不良运行状态的一种映照,一定程度上也是传统向现代转型的阵痛所致,江苏乡村民变则是一典型缩影。通过多维度、跨学科考察清末民初江苏乡村民变的概貌、发生机理、政府防控机制和民变的社会效应,可管窥社会系统的运行和更嬗。清末民初江苏乡村民变具有多重特征,在时间分布上,具有频发性与聚发性;在空间分布上,具有广泛性与区域性,苏南倍于苏北,松江府高于其他;在民变类型上,具有传统性和现代性;在民变规模上,具有群体性和暴力性;在民变人员构成上,具有复杂性和落后性;在行动方式上,具有一定的组织性和匿名性。江苏具有滋生民变的环境条件,河湖密布,易生洪涝灾害,便利的水陆交通降低了民变的代价,增加了官府的处置成本;人多地狭,为民变这一集合行为提供了人数条件;乡村教育程度落后与迷信鬼神八字成为乡民抵制现代化改革的思想因素。乡民承受着多重结构性压力,农民收入构成单一,土地高度集中,抗风险能力低,农民在市场浪潮中只能随潮飘荡;盗匪遍地,兵祸不断,百姓无法安身立命;社会下层背负着穷人、农民、苏北人、客民等社会身份痛苦,受社会排斥者被迫采用非常规途径实现其目的。乡民的心理预期与实际所得不符,产生挫折和仇官、仇绅、仇富的对抗性情绪,容易做出冲动报复行为,在“大闹大好处,小闹小好处,不闹没好处”观念的驱动下,在从众过程中,更容易陷入集体无意识,失衡的社会心理构成社会不安的潜流。环境条件、结构性压力、社会心理等要素的互动与持续发酵,为民变积蓄着力量,终于在米珠薪桂、租税强制征收、剧烈的社会变革、自然灾害频发、谣言煽惑等因素的诱发下,经过集体行为动员,民变层见叠出。粮食骚乱由米价高低和米价年际波动幅度共同决定,商品化程度高的江苏地区更易于出现“人造”饥荒,并周期性发作,引发大规模恐慌。租赋确定和征收常常是官民矛盾的焦点,政府、地主、农民围绕农产品展开激烈的争夺,使租赋征收的强制色彩越来越明显。而政府在其中的作用日益关键,政府就成为乡民求助对象和针对的目标。高发的天灾造成巨大的生命财产损失,饥民大量涌现,报荒纷沓而至,乡民在饥寒的逼压下不再受社会规范的束缚,天灾性公共危机为民变提供了集聚的基础。而现代化变革使新旧矛盾集中爆发,清政府穷于应付,北京国民政府措手不及。处于惶恐不安中的乡民为谣言大行其道提供了便利条件,乡民通过大众歇斯底里式的集合行为来缓解大难将至的焦虑。根据民变的诱因和局势的发展情况,政府运用经济、政治、法律、思想等防控手段,采取相应的处置措施。经济上,为平抑米价,政府筹款购米、禁止私运米粮、打击囤积、限制粮食加工;为赈灾救荒,政府实行急赈、工赈、资遣饥民、蠲缓、治灾、兴办工艺;政治上,采取整顿吏治、严缉盗匪、法律约束、查禁谣言、舆论宣传、开启民智等预防措施;为紧急处置民变,疏导教育,武装弹压,软硬兼施,军警震慑、强行驱散、抓捕带离、遏制反弹,多策兼行,对饥民与乱民、首要与胁从,区别对待。然而,由于粮食危机、商人逐利、米禁斗争、米价利益难以平衡、赈款无着、赈米难购、赈灾人员腐败、贫民遣不胜遣、地方力图自保、救助理念落后、赈济治标不治本等原因,使得米价调控和灾荒救济的效果甚微,政府救助工作无法正常发挥保护、整合、稳定的功能。由于政府在乡村社会势单力薄、报刊舆论口诛笔伐,导致调控民变的政治威力无法有效发挥。数量众多的、高频率的民变对社会起着分裂与整合的双重作用。一方面,民变剥蚀政府统治根基,加剧社会动荡,损耗社会财富,增添乡民痛楚,延缓江苏的现代化进程;另一方面,民变发挥社会安全阀功能,释放了民怨,激活政府救助机制,推动新的社会管理制度的构建,加速了清王朝的覆灭,刺激北京国民政府推行新制度,引发社会对乡村和民变问题的关注和思考。在民变的“破”与“立”中,促进了社会系统的新陈代谢。

【Abstract】 Mass Uprising is a major social problem in modern China. In the period of social transition of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, Mass Uprising is reflected by the abnormal operating state of the whole society, to some extent, it was also caused by the pain in the evolvement from tradition to modern. The country Mass Uprising in Jiangsu province is just a typical epitome. The general picture, how it occurred, forestalling and controlling mechanism of the government, the social effects of the uprising in rural Jiangsu province in the late Qing Dynasty and early period of the Republic of China of country mass uprising has been investigated through a multidimensional and interdisciplinary study, the operation and evolution of social system will be reviewed.The Country Mass Uprising in Jiang-Su Province in that transitional period has multiple features. In the time distribution, it has the feature of frequency and assembly, while in the spatial distribution, it is widespread and regional. The phenomenon in Southern Jiangsu Province is more obvious than the northern one, and Song-jiang Prefecture is much higher than the other; in Mass Uprising type, it is with the feature of tradition and modernity; in scale, it is collective and violent; in the skeleton of participants, it is complex and backward; in the manner of action, it is somewhat organized and anonymous.Due to such environmental conditions as massive and widespread lakes and rivers, frequent flood, and besides, convenient land and water transportation reduced the cost of the Mass Uprising, while increased the disposal cost of government, which are easy to bring about the occurrence of Mass Uprising in Jiangsu Province. The condition of more people and less land provides collective action with large enough population. Rural backward education and worship of Supernatural Beings and Eight Characters impelled the thoughts of Villagers to resist the Modernization Reform. In the face of Multiple structural pressure, for example, the income of the villagers is single, the land is highly concentrated, Anti-risk Ability is low, these forced the villagers have to be drifted with the tide of the market. With the bandits everywhere and successive disaster of war, the civilian couldn’t live. The lower class scornfully lived in the name of the poor, the peasants, Subei People, and those migrants were forced to adopt unconventional way to achieve their purposes. Because the actual results of the villagers were against their psychological expectations, these came into being the confrontational moods and revenge action as hostelling the Government, the gentry and the rich, and the idea that benefits could be obtained by the struggle was motivated in the process of mass behavior, and the villages are easy to sink into the Collective Unconsciousness, in the end, their unbalanced social psychology might trigger social turbulence. The environmental conditions, Structural stress, and their social psychology interacted with each other and continuously acted, all of these favored the Mass Uprising. Ultimately, in the situation of the high prices, collecting rents, modernization reform, natural disasters and rumors, the Mass Uprising emerged one after another. Rice disturbance was determined by the rising or falling of rice prices and its interannual fluctuations together. In Jiangsu, because of higher commercialization, man-made famine was very easy to happen, and periodically attacked and initiated mass panic. Levying taxes is often the focus of the contradictions between the officials and the civilians. The government, the landlord and the Villagers had conflicted on agricultural products, and these forced the mandatory levies more and more obvious. Owing to the government’s key role, it became the object which the villagers hoped to get help and the target which the villagers attacked. Serious natural disasters caused huge losses of lives and property, famine victims emerged in large numbers, declaration of famine came in a continuous stream. In hunger and cold, the Villagers had to break through the bondage of social norms. Public crisis which originated in the natural disasters provided the foundation for the uprising. The old and new contradictions intensively broke out in the process of modernization transformation, the Qing Government was difficult to solve, the Beijing Government of the Republic of china is caught unprepared. When the villagers are alarmed and confused, the rumors are generally acceptable. By going into hysterics, the villagers brought temporary respite from anxiety.Based on the development of the cause and the situation of the Mass Uprising, the government had taken the corresponding disposal measures by means of economy, politics. To tame rice prices, the government raised money to buy rice, prohibited to smuggle rice grain and to crack down on hoarding, restricted food processing; for relieving famine, government had taken urgent relief, work relief, the hungry in the severance, Juan slow, managing disaster, running process; for emergency disposal of the uprising, counseling, education, armed crackdown, carrot and stick, military deterrent, away from capture, contain the rebound, many policy and line, for the hungry and the rabble, primary and be an accomplice under duress, would be treated differently. However, due to the food crisis and profit-seeking of merchants and banned struggle, the rice benefit that is difficult to balance, no relief fund, and hard to purchase, disaster relief personnel corruption and poor be sent off, backward place to try to protect themselves, rescue and relief take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, made little effect of price regulation and famine relief, the relief work of the government to develop the function of protection, integration and stability could not work. Due to poor power of the rural society and newspaper criticism of public opinion made controlling Mass Uprising of political power could not take effect.Numerous and high frequency of the uprising played a dual role of division and integration in the society. On the one hand, the Mass Uprising denudated ruling foundation of the government, added social unrest, lessen the social wealth, added the villagers’ pain, delayed the modernization of Jiangsu; Mass Uprising, on the other hand, played a social safety valve, released the popular discontent, activated the government rescuing mechanism, and promoted the construction of a new social management system, accelerated the demise of the Qing Dynasty, stimulated the implement of the new system Beijing government, and caused social thinking and attention to the problems of countryside and the Mass Uprising. In the uprising of "destruction" and "establishment", it promoted the metabolism of the social system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

