

A Study on the Sustainable Development of Three Gorges Reservoir Area after the Three Gorges Project

【作者】 邵蕾

【导师】 张建清;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 区域经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 三峡库区的发展问题一直以来都是受到广泛关注的,诸多学者也都进行了一系列的研究,中共十八大报告提出“建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关乎民族未来的长远大计。面对资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势,必须树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。”建设美丽库区,走可持续发展道路,已在各界形成共识。三峡库区从三峡移民搬迁工作开始之后,经历了一场历史性的变革,生态环境和经济社会状况发生了显著变化,在取得辉煌成就的同时,在新形势和新要求下,也出现了一系列的新问题。生态环境方面主要表现在库区水环境保护形势更加严峻,生态环境脆弱性加剧,农业面源污染问题更加突出,消落区保留保护问题还得不到有效解决;经济社会方面主要表现在城乡差距拉大,城镇和农村建设不协调,经济增长对投资依赖性太强,移民就业困难,区域发展不均衡,遗留问题亟待解决。经济社会发展与环境保护之间的矛盾决定了三峡库区必须走可持续发展的道路。三峡库区可持续发展现状如何?通过收集整理三峡库区部分区县近年的统计年鉴,采用因子分析法,构建可持续发展评价模型,对库区部分区县可持续发展情况进行了评价。为了说明问题,笔者选取了武汉、深圳、上海及重庆市作为对照区域。通过评价,我们可以了解到库区在生态环境方面处在比较良好的水平之上,但是在经济发展、社会稳定和政治环境等方面落后于发达地区,可持续发展还处在一个较低的水平之上。三峡库区的可持续发展必须重视内部区县之间的差异,针对三峡库区现状,全方面推进库区可持续发展。三峡库区的可持续发展到底该如何进行?产业发展始终是区域发展的核心内容之一,三峡库区的产业发展必须走生态产业的道路,这也是可持续发展的主要内容之一。通过对三峡库区生态工业园和生态农业园规划的情况进行整理分析,我们可以了解三峡库区在生态工业和生态农业发展上的现在和未来。三峡库区的生态工业园区建设必须以构建生态产业链为核心内容,积极打造完善的污染控制和资源循环利用体系,减少污染物和废弃物的排放量,实现工业园区的生态化和环境负面影响最小化。三峡库区发展生态工业存在许多问题,主要包括:库区园区总体布局和规模不合理;部分地方财政无力支持园区前期投入:专业人才匮乏,管理机制落后;规划编制水平良莠不齐,无法正确指导区县生态工业发展等问题。面对这些问题,地方管理部门必须重视规划的指导作用,加快人才队伍建设,提升管理水平,强化企业主导作用,保障生态工业园区建设如期进行。生态农业园区建设必须以农业生产现代化和生态化为核心内容,发展现代农业,推进生态环保技术在农业生态中的应用,建立完善的保障体系,推进农业工业化,促进农业龙头企业的发展。县域经济作为库区区域发展的重要单元,其可持续发展路径对区域可持续发展具有重大的指导意义。通过对开县各方面的全面研究,我们可以了解到在三峡库区走可持续发展道路必须是全面地推进工业化、农业现代化和城镇化,片而地推进其中一个方面将导致区域无法实现可持续发展。推进“三化”建设不能盲目地进行,而是要将生态文明建设融入其中,实现生态工业、生态农业和新型城镇化建设同步进行。因此,三峡库区可持续发展路径可以概括为以生态文明建设为核心内容的“三化”协调发展路径。政策层面,前后三峡时期政策的具有一定的延续性,主体思想仍是促进移民发展。进入后三峡时期,更加注重移民安稳致富和生态环境的保护,更加全面地分析看待三峡库区的发展问题。根据前文总结的可持续发展路径,笔者从产业发展、环境保护和城镇化三个方面提出了些许薄见,旨在促进库区按照以生态文明建设为核心内容的“三化”协调发展路径走可持续发展道路。总之,通过综合评价研究,我们可以发现库区可持续发展的问题和影响因素,也了解到要走可持续发展的道路必须重视区县差异,全面推进,走一条以生态文明建设为核心内容的“三化”协调发展路径。

【Abstract】 The development of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area always attracts widespread attention. While many scholars had conducted series of studies, the consensus that to keep on path of sustainable development for the Three Gorges Reservoir Area was reached. Three Gorges Reservoir experienced a historic change since the day that Three Gorges relocation work started. Ecological environment and economic and social conditions has undergone significant changes. Although brilliant achievements accomplished, under the new situation and new requirements it brings a series of new problems. In the aspect of ecological environment, the problem is mainly appeared as ever increasing demand for protection of the water environment of the reservoir area. The situations like heightened vulnerability of the ecological environment, more prominent agricultural non-point source pollution problem, the drawdown area reserved protection is not able to be solved effectively. On the other hand, when we look into economic and social condition, the problem is expressed as widening gap between urban and rural areas. Unbalanced urban and rural construction, economic growth that independent from investment, low employment rate of immigration, uneven regional development are expected to be taken care of urgently. The contradiction between the economic and social development and environmental protection determines we must develop sustainably when constructing the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.How is the sustainable development in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area now? Through collecting the year books of districts and counties in the Three Gorges reservoir area of recent years, use factor analysis to build the evaluation model to evaluate the state of sustainable development of some districts and counties in the reservoir area. To illustrate, I selected Wuhan, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Chongqing as a control area. Through the evaluation, we can understand the reservoir area is in a relatively good level when considering the ecological environment, but not as good as developed area when it comes to economic side because social stability and political environment, sustainable development is below average. When carrying out sustainable development of the Three Gorges reservoir area, we must pay attention to the difference between the districts and counties, emphases on the status of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area to promote sustainable development in the reservoir area thoroughly.How do we perform the sustainable development of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area? The answer is, despite industrial development has always been the core of regional development, we must stick to the road of eco-industries when we develop the industry of the Three Gorges reservoir area which is one of the main content of sustainable development.Analyzing the eco-industrial parks and eco-agriculture park of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, we can understand the present and future of the Three Gorges Reservoir on the eco-industrial and eco-agricultural development. The construction of Eco-industrial park of the Three Gorges reservoir area must consider building eco-industrial chain as the priority and take the initiative to create pollution control and resource recycling system that good enough to reduce emissions of pollutants and waste. Hence, negative ecological and environmental impact of the industrial park were minimized. A few problems have been found in the eco-industries development, including the overall layout and size of the reservoir park unreasonable; inability of some local government for providing support for the park initial investment; lack of professionals, management mechanism falls behind; some planning work may be inappropriate and hence not being able to guide districts and counties to perform eco-industrial development and other issues correctly. Facing these problems, local authorities must pay attention to the guiding role of planning, speed up the development of qualified personnel, improve the management to ensure of the construction of eco-industrial park be on schedule. Ecological agriculture park construction must be modernized and eco-friendly. Promote eco-friendly technology and industrialized agriculture in the agro-ecological field, and facilitate the development of leading agricultural enterprises.As an important unit of regional development in the reservoir area, sustainable development path of county level economy is of great significance to the regional sustainable development. When we look into Kaixian, we can understand for sustainable development in the Three Gorges reservoir area we must promote industrialization, agricultural modernization and urbanization simultaneously. Any one-sided development of above cannot achieve sustainable development. To promote the "three modernizations", we are not supposed to do it blindly, but infuse ecological civilization into the construction and realize the simultaneous development of ecological industry, ecological agriculture and new urbanization. Therefore, the sustainable development path of the Three Gorges reservoir area of can be summarized as "three modernizations " coordinated development path with the core content of construction of ecological civilization.On the policy level, there is a certain continuity of the Three Gorges policy during the whole development. However, the main idea of the policy is to promote the development of immigration. Entering the after Three Gorges period, we need to emphases on Secure Prosperity of immigration and protection of ecological environment, and look at the development of the Three Gorges Reservoir in a more comprehensively manner. According to the sustainable development path of the previously summarized, author posed opinions from the three aspects which are industrial development, environmental protection and urbanization, which is to promote the reservoir area engage the path of "three modernizations " coordinated development with the core content of construction of ecological civilization.In conclusion, through an integrated evaluation, we found the issues and influencing factors of sustainable development of the reservoir area. We also learned that going on the path of sustainable development, we must pay attention to the difference between the districts and counties, stay on the path of coordinated development which takes "three modernizations" as core.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

