

Research on Luling’s Champion Shcolar Culture

【作者】 杨小东

【导师】 桂胜;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 科举取士制度在中国绵延存在了一千余年,斗转星移,现在已经成了历史的陈迹。但是,“状元”一词作为一个吉祥的字眼,透露着一种公平竞争和奋发图强的精神,一直流传和使用到今天。然而,现今的社会大众对于“状元”的理解往往存在很大的偏颇,反映的是一种直接而浅陋的功利主义诉求。实际上,在科举时代中状元或者进士在很大程度上确实是人们趋之若鹜的梦想,但千百年来真正能够实现这种梦想,并且是持续地实现这种梦想的群体并不多,而一旦一个群体能做到这一点意味着中状元有其深刻的文化内涵和运行机制。本文以庐陵地区为研究对象,该地区从宋代开始出状元,到清朝为止总共出了13名状元,状元人数仅次于苏州,列全国同类地区第二,进士多达3000人,列全国同类地区第一。本文拟从庐陵状元入手,以庐陵状元文化为研究对象,探析状元文化的内涵、现状与传承。本文对科举与状元,社会结构、民风习俗与状元以及庐陵文化与状元研究等方面的研究情况做了综合概述,认为可以在现有研究的基础上,以庐陵状元文化为研究对象,借助社会科学的理论和方法,着重考察古代庐陵状元文化的内涵与特征,庐陵状元文化的现实和民众认知情况,初步形成关于状元文化的阐释与传承研究。在研究设计中,本文界定了状元、状元文化和庐陵状元文化等核心概念,同时确立了本文的研究目标和内容,并对本文借助的相关理论、研究方法、研究框架和路线,以及本文的创新点。重点和难点做了详细的说明。在具体的研究内容方面:第一,本文考察庐陵状元文化的内涵、特征及其形成的原因等主要问题,主要采用文献研究的方法探索庐陵的历史风貌。首先,自隋唐以后,庐陵地区的人口不断增长,农业、手工业和商业的发展长盛不衰,而雄厚的经济条件为庐陵地区的社会稳定和安居乐业打下了坚实的基础。而发达的经济条件、稳定的社会环境则造就了科举上的成就。具体表现为北宋开始庐陵科举状元和进士开始繁荣,无论在全国还是在江西,庐陵地区都是科举非常发达的地方,产生了数量众多的状元和进士,经历了从唐朝的无到两宋、元的发达,到明的极盛,再到清朝衰落的发展过程;在区域内,庐陵地区状元和进士数量形成了以庐陵、吉水、安福和泰和四县为中心的科举中心,其他地区则在这几个县的辐射下形成边缘地区。其次,从文化人类学和文化心理学的角度看,庐陵状元文化的内涵表现为重教崇文、爱惜人才的传统,自强不息、艰苦奋斗的精神,力争上游、勇争第一的意志以及文章节义、回报社会的品质。关于这种内涵形成的原因,从地理环境和历史文化背景出发看,地方经济社会稳定,地方政府重视教育,地方书院繁荣发展,村野私塾的支撑以及状元光环效应的驱动是庐陵状元文化产生以及千百年不衰的主要原因。第二,本文以田野调查的方式考察和记录发生在人们生活中依然留存的状元文化。主要是以社会学、民族学和民俗学通常采用的田野调查法,再结合当地的文献资料、深度访谈和若干个案研究等方法对庐陵地区的书院、古村和风俗三个面向对状元文化的民间存在进行全面的考察。在白鹭洲书院楹联传达了庐陵状元文化中以家国天下为己任,秉持礼义廉耻的儒家道统理念,和以文天祥为代表的庐陵士大夫成为庐陵文化的榜样,被一代代传扬和学习;同时另一个表现就是其与主流文化之间的不断适应和融入,在融入中获得认可和上升的机会。其次,古村保留了完整的状元文化的家族痕迹,主要反映在民间建筑的风格、社会结构和群体聚居的模式和理念。最后,庐陵的民俗风情与状元文化息息相关,打上了深深的科举烙印,如“对轿对”、农耕和风水文化中都隐含着状元文化的气质。第三,在问卷调查的基础上,本文从对状元知识的了解程度、关注态度、当代青年的状元意识、当代状元了解状元的途径等角度探讨了现代青年对对状元相关知识的认知现状,从对状元文化的理解、对状元文化现状的认识、状元文化传承与保护的认识等角度探讨当代青年对状元文化和庐陵状元文化的认知现状。基于对现状的认识,本文研究认为在现阶段,我们对庐陵文化的研究意识还不够强、研究力度还不够大,这就导致对庐陵文化的内涵挖掘不够,对庐陵文化的传承和保护也仅仅停留在比较肤浅表面的层次,没能很好地辨析其中的封建残留和积极成分并作出选择,同时又没能有效保护开发庐陵文化物质形态、真正把握庐陵文化精神精髓。此外,当代青年有自己的文化消费方式,也有自己的文化价值观念,不同与前人。庐陵文化的表现形式和传承途径比较单一、陈旧,无法满足当代青年的需要。如果不对它进行创新,最终就会被年轻人所抛弃。第四,庐陵状元文化蕴含着许多优秀的精神内核。因此本文提出了状元文化传承的实践路径。本文认为庐陵状元文化的实践原则主要包括:物质和文化同步推进,保护与开统筹兼顾,继承与发展双管齐下,政府和社会合力共治。在具体的操作上,一方面做到外塑形象,在保护和开发好庐陵状元文化中做好总体规划,切实地付诸行动,积极推进开发步伐;另一方面做到内铸灵魂,加强研究,增进文化宣传,提升教育,夯实传承基础,结合井冈山精神,推动优秀文化融合。

【Abstract】 Luling Champion Scholar Culture which emerges as the accompaniment of "the Fifth Invention of China" the imperial examination system has a very strong Chinese flavor, and which refers to the sum of the value concept, code of conduct, the interpersonal relationship, social customs, literature art and the physical morphology formed from the interaction between the public and Champion scholar group in the process of training, generation and employment of champion scholar. This paper focuses research object on the Champion Scholar Culture of the Luling area and takes the field work method, literature research method, and investigation method as its research methods and which discusses Luling champion scholar culture, especially the inheritance issues, from the perspective of the diversity of culture and the marketization and takes the sociology of knowledge, cultural identity, ethnomethodology, field theory as the theoretical basis.The first part clarifies five conceptions, such as champion scholar, scholar culture, Luling champion scholar culture and etc, and it maintains that the champion scholar culture is a dynamic process which is embodied in each process and detail of training, generation and as well as employment of top one scholar; and the champion scholar culture is a complex system which includes material form, contains the spirit, and also the system configuration; and is not only reflected in the top group, but also in the social public. On this basis, with the literature materials, this article provides an overview of Luling Jinshi matrix and makes a profound analysis on the typical character of Wen Tianxiang, Ou Yangxiu, Xie Jin and Nie Bao in Luling area and thus sums up the essence of Luling champion scholar culture: the tradition of advocating education and cherishing talents, the spirit of Self-discipline and working hard, the will of aiming high and desiring to be first, the character of righteousness repaying society(the conviction of patriotic loyalty and unyielding integrity, unyielding faith; the character of clear frugality and pioneering innovation; the emotion of Thanksgiving to society and returning hometown), and analyzes the causes of prosperity of Luling champion scholar culture from five angles, such as the local economy and social stability, local government attaching importance to education, prosperity and development of local school, support of the private countryside school and the drive of the halo effect of champion scholar.The second part, on the basis of the questionnaire survey, discusses the cognitive status of modern youth on the current champion scholar culture and its related knowledge from the point of view of understanding, attitude, consciousness of contemporary champion scholar and the ways to know champion scholar culture, and the cognitive status of modern youth understanding champion scholar culture and Luling champion scholar culture from the angles of understanding, cognition and the protection and inheritance of champion scholar culture and Luling champion scholar culture, and then draws a conclusion that there are many deficiencies in the inheritance of Luling champion scholar culture and also discusses the reasons from the government’s dilemma, public puzzle and education in confusion, self-enclosed regional culture and the challenges existed in Luling champion culture itself.Finally, based on illustrating the significance of inheritance of Luling champion scholar culture and defining the basic principles of Luling champion scholar culture, the paper puts forward some suggestions:on the one hand, making overall plans, putting into practical action and promoting the pace of development to built external image image--to persist in manifesting the culture in object and reinforcing historical memory; on the other hand, casting spirit--Vowing enlightenment people with culture and carrying forward the good tradition, which includes both enhancing cultural propaganda and raising the level of education to pass on the energetic essence of "Luling champion scholar culture ". And at the same time, it would be wise to keep in mind realizing the confluence between Luling champion scholar culture and the Spirit of the Jinggang Mountain while inheriting the Luling champion scholar culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】F833.13
  • 【下载频次】384

