

Preparation of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Based on Different Substrates and Optimization of Their Structures and Performances

【作者】 范科

【导师】 彭天右;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 材料物理与化学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 染料敏化太阳能电池(Dye-sensitized solar cells,DSSC)由于其相对低廉的成本和较高的光电转化效率,引起了人们的极大兴趣。但是传统玻璃基DSSC质量重,不能弯曲等缺陷限制了DSSC的应用范围。因此,如何在质量轻、柔性基底上制备光阳极,成为该领域的关键之一。另外,光阳极通常所使用的TiO2纳米粒子和钉联吡啶类染料对入射光的利用率较低,因此提高光阳极的光捕获效率、拓展光谱响应范围也是提高DSSC性能的另一关键问题。为此,本论文开展了在不同柔性基底上制备光阳极和提高光阳极的光捕获效率、拓展光谱响应范围的研究。主要实验现象和研究结论归纳如下:1.以导电塑料(ITO-PET)为柔性基底,发展了向P25浆料添加钛酸正丁(?)(TBOT)胶粘剂或TiO2小粒子“纳米胶”等方法低温(120℃)制备塑料基光阳极。结果表明:1)TBOT在P25浆料中的含量越大,膜电极内P25纳米粒子间的联接性越好。当浆料中TBOT/P25质量比为0.17时,制备的塑料基电池的效率达到了3.94%。2)以非水热法制备的TiO2小粒子(粒径<10nm)作为P25浆料的“纳米胶”可增强P25纳米粒子间的联接,并提高染料吸附量,但同时减小了膜内孔径和电解质扩散速率。当TiO2小粒子在膜内含量为29wt%时,制备的FTO玻璃基和ITO塑料基电池的效率分别为3.53%和2.71%。上述两种不含有机粘结剂的P25浆料的制备方法,具有操作简便、成本低廉、膜内粒子间联接良好、电池效率较高等优点,为塑料基电池的规模化生产提供了一条可资借鉴的途径。2.以导电塑料(ITO-PET)为柔性光阳极基底,以海胆状TiO2分等级结构微球作为电极材料制备浆料,低温(150℃)制备了塑料基光阳极,并采用新型离子液体(DMPII)基无碘单质的准固态电解质组装电池。结果表明:1)溶剂热法制备产物为具有高比表面积(~97m2g-1)的海胆状TiO2分等级结构微球,该微球由纳米粒子(<20nm)和一维纳米带聚集而成。2)TiO2微球不仅可提供充分的染料吸附面积,而且膜内较大的孔径也有利于准固态电解质的渗透,所构建的准固态柔性电池效率达4.32%,优于同等条件下制备的P25基电池效率,为新型、高效和廉价的塑料基电池的关键材料的探索提供了一条新的思路。3.以钛片为柔性基底,首次采用水热法和膜转移法相结合的方法制备了具有高比表而积的超细TiO2纳米管自组织膜光阳极。结果表明:1)采用水热法在Ti片表面制备了厚约12μm,具有较高比表面积的超细TiO2纳米管自组织膜。使用膜转移法将该Ti02纳米管膜制备了TiO2纳米管膜/Ti基柔性光阳极。2)超细TiO2纳米管自组织膜不仅具有超细的管径(<10nm)和较大的比表面积(~100m2g-1)可以吸附充足的染料,而且其一维纳米结构可减少电子复合,组装的Ti02纳米管膜/Ti基电池效率达6.23%,优于P25膜/Ti基电池效率(3.36%)。上述结果为制备高效金属基电池提供了一条可供借鉴的途径。4.以廉价的纸张为柔性基底低温(250℃)制备纸基光阳极。首次采用离子液体基无碘准固态电解质和透明对电极组装了准固态纸基电池。结果表明:1)使用简单的溶液沉积法即可在纸张上沉积纳米Ni导电层,获得的柔性Ni/纸基面的电阻(<1Ω sq-1)远低于导电玻璃和导电塑料的面电阻。2)水热合成了粒径约为9nm的Ti02小粒子(STP),并将该STP小粒子添加到不含有机胶粘剂的P25浆料中;该浆料和无碘准固态电解质保证了膜电极的粒子联接,避免了碘单质对纸基的侵蚀。所制备的纸基准固态电池效率达2.90%。纸基准固态DSSC的研发成功为探索大幅度降低DSSC制作成本提供了一条的新思路,对推动DSSC的规模化生产具有重要的实际意义。5.为提高电池的光捕获效率,制备了一些新颖的光散射材料。结果表明:1)采用水热法可制备宽20-80nm,长200-400nm的一维梭形TiO2纳米棒:采用化学沉积法可制备由直径约300nm,长约3μm的铅笔状ZnO纳米棒组成的ZnO微米花。2)以梭形TiO2纳米棒作为光散射材料可有效地提高纳米TiO2基电池的光电化学性能。TiO2纳米棒主要起到光散射作用,提高了膜电极的光捕获效率;且其一维结构有利于降低电子复合。当纳米棒的含量为10wt%时得到了4.68%的电池效率,与不含纳米棒的电池相比,效率提高了66.5%。3)将ZnO微米花作为ZnO纳米粒子膜光阳极的单独的散射层有效地提高了纳米ZnO基DSSC的光捕获效率,并有利于电子寿命的延长,将电池效率由2.32%提高到3.18%。以上结果对DSSC的结构设计与优化具有一定的理论指导意义。6.从扩展光谱响应范围出发,以有机染料DH-44和非对称酞菁锌Zn-tri-PcNc-1为染料对玻璃基TiO2膜电极进行共敏化,并组装共敏化DSSC。结果表明:1)DH-44和Zn-tri-PcNc-1分别在可见光区和近红外区有较强烈的光谱响应,利用其吸收光谱匹配互补的特性可实现全色段光谱吸收,提高电池的光捕获效率。2)采用两种染料共敏化的电池的光电转化的有效值范围可延伸到近红外区,且共敏化电池的效率(6.61%)要高于单染料DH-44敏化(5.16%)和Zn-tri-PcNc-1敏化(2.38%)的电池的效率,显示了该两类染料共敏化在拓展电池光谱响应范围和效率方面的优越性,为替代价格昂贵的钌联吡啶类染料和制备宽光潜响应、高效、廉价和环境友好的DSSC提供了一些新的思路。

【Abstract】 Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) have attracted much attention due to their relatively low cost and high conversion efficiency;however, the traditionally used conductive glass substrates limit their applications because of rigid and heavy properties. Therefore, it is a key issue to prepare photoanodes of DSSC on flexible and light-weight substrates. On the other hand, TiO2nanoparticles and Ru-bipyridine dye, which are mostly used in DSSC, have low light-harvesting and narrow spectral response. Increasing light-harvesting efficiency and broadening spectral response are also important for the improvement of DSSC. Thus, we carried out investigation into fabrication of the photoanodes of DSSC on different flexible substrates, and increasing light-harvesting efficiency and broadening spectral response of the photoanodes. The main contents and conclusion are as follows:1. Flexible DSSCs are prepared on ITO-PET at low temperature (120℃) by adding TBOT and nanoglue to P25paste.(1) The amount of TBOT added to P25paste is critical for the performance of flexible DSSC. The nanoparticle interconnections will be enhanced with increasing amount of TBOT. After optimization, when mass ratio of TBOT/P25in the paste is0.17, the electrode has the best performance and an efficiency of3.94%is obtained.(2) Small TiO2nanoparticles (diameter<10nm) derived from non-hydrothermal method can enhance P25interconnection, increase dye absorption, decrease the pore size and the rate of electrolyte diffusion in the film. After optimization the small TiO2nanoparticles should be29wt%in the film, and efficiencis of3.53%and2.71%are obtained on FTO glass and ITO-PET substrates respectively. The above two preparations of binder-free P25paste have merits of simpleness, low-cost, good particle interconnections and relatively high efficiency. It is expected these methods can provide new routes for large-scale DSSCs based on plastic substrates.2Flexible DSSCs is prepared on ITO-PET at low temperature (150℃) by using sea urchin-like hierarchical TiO2microspheres as the paste and a novel iodine-free, quasi-solid state electrolyte based on ionic liquid DMPII.(1) Sea urchin-like hierarchical TiO2spheres, which are composed of TiO2nanoparticles and nanoribbons with high surface area (~97m2g-1) and good particle interconnection, are prepared by solvothermal method.(2) The TiO2spheres can supply sufficient area for dye absorption and reduce electron recombination, and the micro-pores in the film are favorable for the diffusion of quasi-solid state electrolyte. The TiO2spheres based flexible DSSC achieves efficiency of4.32%, which is better than P25nanoparticles based one.3. TiO2nanotube film is prepared on the surface of Ti foil by combining hydrothermal and transfer methods.(1) The diameter of TiO2nanotubes is less than10nm, and the nanotubes are tangled to form a porous film with thickness of~12μm. TiO2nanotube/Ti flexible photoanode is fabricated by transferring method.(2) The synthesized TiO2nanotubes can not only supply sufficient area for dye absorption, but also reduce electron recombination due to one-dimensional nanostructure. TiO2nanotube/Ti electrode obtains an efficiency of6.23%, which is higher than P25/Ti electrode. The above results can offer a reference for preparation of metal based DSSCs with high performance.4. Quasi-solid state DSSC on Ni/paper substrate is fabricated using binder-free TiO2paste and iodine-free quasi-solid state electrolyte.(1) Conductive Ni naoparticle layer is coated on flexible paper substrate by a simple solution deposition method.The sheet resistance of prepared Ni/paper substrate is lower (<1Ω sq-1), which is favorable for decrease of serial resistance of DSSC.(2) Small TiO2nanoparticles (diameter~9nm) are synthesized by hydrothermal method, and added to binder-free P25paste. The binder-free paste and iodine-free quasi-solid electrolyte can make good nanoparticle interconnections and avoid corrosion to the paper substrate. After250℃heat treatment, an efficiency of2.90%can be obtained by the Ni/paper based DSSC. The application of paper in DSSC can lower the cost of the cell significantly with maintaining the flexibility. It is important for broadening the area of DSSC application and the relative large scale production.5. To increase the light harvesting efficiency of DSSCs, some novel scattering materials are prepared.(I) One dimensional fusiform TIO2nanorods with width of20-80nm, length of200-400nm can be obtained by hydrothermal method. Three dimensional ZnO micro-flowers with diameter of-300nm, which are composed of pencil-like ZnO nanorods with length of~3μm,are synthesized and solution deposition method.(2) Due to the large size, TiO2nanorods have strong scattering effect and can increase the optical path in the film, leading to the enhancement of light-harvesting efficiency. And the one dimensional structure of TiO2nanorods can offer a direct path for the electron transfer, decrease electron recombination.However, adding TiO2nanorods will result in the decrease of surface area and dye absorption. After optimization, TiO2nanorods should be10wt%in the film electrode, and4.68%efficiency can be achieved, which is66.5%higher than that of electrode without TiO2nanorods.(3) ZnO micro-flowers are coated on ZnO nanoparticle film electrode and used as scattering layer for the DSSC. Because of the scattering effect of ZnO micro-flowers, the light absorption and light-harvesting efficiency of ZnO electrode increase significantly. The overall conversion efficiency of ZnO electrode is enhanced from2.32%to3.18%. I he above one and three dimensional nano-semiconductors can give more options of scattering materials for DSSCs.6. To expand the spectral response of DSSCs, TiO2film on FTO-glass substrate is cosensitized by stepwise method using metal-free organic dye DH-44and zine phthalocyaninc dye Zn-tri-PcNc-1.(1) Due to the matched spectral response of these two dyes, the spectral response of cosensitized photoanode is broadened, resulting in increased light-harvesting and conversion efficiency.(2) The cosensitized elctrode obtains an efficiency of6.61%with expanding the spectral response to near-infrared region, which is higher than the single dye DH-44sensitized one (5.16%) and Zn-tri-PcNc-1sensitized one (2.38%), showing significant advantages of cosensitization. This research offers a new route to prepare DSSCs with broad spectral response, low-cost and high efficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

