

Research on Evaluation of Road Traffic Operations Based on Floating Car for Shenzhen

【作者】 吕北岳

【导师】 杜清运;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在城市交通拥堵日益成为现代城市发展不可逾越阶段的今天,如何科学的对城市道路交通运行状况进行合理的量化评价,并使之成为制定城市与交通规划方案、评估缓解拥堵措施、引导市民合理出行的技术基础,从而为城市的可持续发展和促进和谐社会的构建做出贡献,已经成为城市交通规划师关注的热点。另一方面,现代空间信息技术的快速发展和普及,使得快速、即时的对城市交通运行情况进行评价成为可能。由于我国的经济发展迅速,城市交通的发展变化速度也非常快,加上不同城市城市空间结构存在较大差异,使得这种已经在其他城市取得一定成效的交通运行评价系统难以简单复制。为此,在深圳市机动车保有量持续快速增长,道路交通拥堵状况口趋严重,拥堵区域及拥堵时段呈蔓延态势的背景下,建立适合于深圳城市空间布局特点的道路交通评价指标体系以及指标算法,并面向广大市民发布道路交通运行评价结果成为深圳市交通行业管理部门和城市交通规划师关注的工作重点之一。本次研究研究以科学性和实用性为原则,旨在建立符合深圳城市特点的科学可靠的道路交通运行评价指标体系及计算方法,形成包括数据采集、传输、计算和发布等各项工作的发布应用实施方案。(1)指标体系及算法研究在分析道路交通运行评价的对象、评价的尺度以及评价的一般方法等理论研究基础上,针对深圳市交通管理和交通服务的实际需要,结合城市交通运行特点和智能交通发展条件,以评估城市道路交通拥堵程度为重点,建立了深圳市道路交通运行评估指标体系。同时,在国内首次提出基于出行时间的综合性交通指数,建立了基于行程时间(比)与交通指数的换算模型,提出了全新的交通指数计算方法。(2)系统开发及评估应用发布以建立城市交通运行评价体系及应用为目标导向,开发了道路交通运行指数计算及发布应用系统,具有数据接收、数据处理以及车速和指数计算、专题网站发布等功能。一是面向市民提供即时交通运行状况信息,对市民出行进行合理引导,二是面向规划方案制订者和决策者,对城市发展及交通基建(道路规划建设)的规划方案进行辅助决策、及效果评估。本论文的结构安排如下:第1章作为论文的绪论,主要介绍课题来源、研究背景、分析国内外研究现状及存在问题,介绍本文研究的主要内容。第2章是关十道路交通运行评价体系的研究。在分析道路交通运行评价的对象、评价的尺度以及评价的一般方法等理论研究基础上,从交通评估需求分析入手,讨论不同群体对交通运行状况评价的需求,研究设计道路交通运行评价的指标体系。第3章是关于道路交通运行评价模型与算法的研究。以道路交通运行评价指标体系为基础,重点开展道路交通运行评价关键模型的设计与可靠性验证等进行研究。第4章是系统研发与发布应用等方面的介绍。根据文章前部分论述的评价指标以及指标算法模型,开发了道路交通运行评价指数计算及发布应用系统,包括系统的设计思想、逻辑结构以及运行过程等,并介绍了运行评价指数计算结果的发布与应用相关情况。第5章是研究结论与展望。对论文的工作进行总结,提出有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 With the modernization of cities, traffic congestion has been becoming an insurmountable problem in the development of cities. In the situation of that, quantize and evaluate the city traffic reasonably and apply this method in the formulating traffic plan, evaluating the measures that ease traffic congestion and guiding citizens travel reasonably have become a hot issue among urban traffic planning designers. And make it own contribution to the sustainable development and promoting social harmony.meanwhile the development of modern space information technology also make it possible to evaluate the situation of traffic fastly and timely.In our country, with the development of economy, the situation of urban traffic is change rapidly. Considering the different space structures between cities, it is different to copy the traffic evaluate system of other city. Here, with the increasing of vehicle possessing, traffic has become heavier and heavier in time and regions. With the situation of this, it is important for urban traffic planning designers to formulate an algorithm and a system, which can evaluate the situation and publish to public.In this project, It mainly consider the scientificalness and practicability and try to formulate and build an algorithm and a system which fit the situation of ShenZhen. And present a solution which contains data acquisition, data transportation, data calculation and announcement.(1) The research of indicator system and algorithmOn the basic of the researching of traffic object, evaluate scale and evaluate algorithm, contrapose the need of ShenZhen traffic control and serve combination the feature of urban traffic and the development of smart traffic, build the ShenZhen traffic evaluation and indication system to evaluate the traffic congestion in Shenzhen. Meanwhile raise the conception of time-based comprehensive traffic indication. Build a model based on distant, time and traffic indication and raise a new algorithm for traffic indication.(2) System development and publish of evaluationIn order to build a application system, here, we build the algorithm for traffic indicator and publish system, which contain the function of data receive, data processing, indicator calculation and website publish. With the help of this system, citizens can get the traffic information immediately. While policy maker can have an assisted assessment of road planning, building and efficiency evaluation.In this paper the structure is as below:The first section is the introduction. The introduction mainly introduce the oriental of the research project, the research background and the oversea and domestic research status and summarize the main idea in this paper.The second section is the study of traffic evaluation system. On the basic of the researching of traffic object, evaluate scale and evaluate algorithm, analysis need of traffic and discuss the need from different group and the indicator of traffic evaluation.The third section is the study of traffic evaluation indicator model, which is based on the traffic evaluation indicator system. In this section we also discuss the research of the algorithm of evaluation indicator and reliability demonstration.The fourth section is the introduction of system and its application. According to the evaluation indication and model, here. It develops the algorithm of traffic evaluation indicator and publish system, which including the design of the system, logic structure, processing and the case about the system and its publish.The fifth section is the conclusion and perspective. In this section It do a summarize about this paper and present the problem needed further studied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

