

Modern Chinese Women’s Sports with a Gender Perspective(1843-1937)

【作者】 王云

【导师】 朱庆葆;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在中国近代,一场剧烈的东西方文明冲突导致了文化断裂,现代女子体育止是在这种社会急剧变革的大背景下发端的。因而中国现代女子体育并非是正常的文化交流结果,而是常常表现为民族危机压迫下的突发性历史事件。女性的性别与身体在这一场体育文化事件中无可避免地被涂抹上鲜明的时代色彩,并被打上社会思潮的深深烙印。最初的教会女子学校的体育理所当然地招致了国人普遍的抵触和抗拒,然而,被遮蔽的民间自发的女子西式体育娱乐还是破土而出了,这些西式体育项目的逐渐流行,源于近代女子面对“精彩”的外部世界时的好奇与兴奋,并由此产生了尝试的冲动。值得注意的是,最早从事西式体育的女性,既非闺阁女子,亦非受过教育的知识女性,而是处于社会下层的妓女和女佣,正是她们悄无声息地跨进历史的时间之流,中国近代女子体育方得以发轫。这样一个历史性的开端并没有想象的那般轰轰烈烈。正如唐振常先生所言:西方现代性的物质层面比它的“精神”层面更易被中国人接纳。李欧梵先生也认为:现代性的最先多表现于物质层面,数量的慢慢积累才导致了质的改变。因此,我们有理由相信:平静水面下的暗涌正酝酿着潮汐。清末民初,绝大多数现代体育项目都已经在中国出现并基本定型了,这就意味着它们并没有按照时间先后或激烈程度的高低渐次与中国女性相遇,而有可能是一股脑儿地被引进到到中国。事实上也是如此,仅就上海租界公共区域西人所开展的运动项目而言,就有舞蹈、赛马、赛脚踏车、划船、拔河、体操、蹴鞠、马戏、田径、网球、垒球、高尔夫、游泳等等,总之,凡西人有的,租界无所不有。当然,每一种西式体育项目与中国女性遭遇时都有不同的命运,既不是按照倡导者所构想的方式(比如裸体运动),也不完全按照由和缓到激烈的通常方式(比如自行车);而且有的被接受并发扬光人(比如篮球),有的则被淘汰(比如足球),还有相当一部分不冷不热(比如垒球和棒球)或忽冷忽热(比如溜冰和高尔夫,溜冰虽然是传统项目,但以化妆舞会和舞蹈的现代面目呈现)地存在着。这都与女性与西式体育的遭遇方式有关,这是强者的文化殖民和弱者的自救与自卫,前者应该包括教会女学的体育和民间自发的零星的体育活动,后者则包括中国女学堂的体操课。这三条线一直贯穿于近代女子体育的发生、发展的全过程,彼此间相互影响又相互交叉,但又有各自的轨迹与特点。遗憾的是,长期以来,囿于某些偏见以及相关资料的缺失,民间自发的女子体育活动不仅被主流叙事所排斥,也一直难以进入现代研究者的视野。教会女学的体育(包括青年会办的女学堂和妇女短期的体育培训班)初起时是与标榜文明与先进的西式教育一同引进的,教会女学堂早期并没有正式的体育课,“至于按真正的体育着眼,最初教会学校所采用的简单游戏,不过只为了养心怡体,他们还没有把体育当做正式的课程,”为了迎合中国家长的需要,教会学校更重视音乐课,以期留住和扩大生源。教会学校正式的体育课的开设,和中国的维新思潮有着密切关系,而其后竞技运动的引入更是直接受到五四以后中国妇女解放思潮的影响。甚至在女性的束胸问题上,它们也要赶在国人之前采取措施,波十顿的西佛先生(Mr. R. A. Seaver)很称赞教会学校在中国提倡体育的成绩,可是他又说:“教会的活动范围是育限的,但是一小部分的中国人总可以得到利益……”正因为如此,随着中国女性的不断觉醒和自主意识的迅速提高,在竞技运动兴起时,引领风潮的就是中国女学堂而不是教会女学校了。《良友》、《北洋画报》和《玲珑图画杂志》等在报刊杂志的公共空间中开始的对理想的现代女性的想象建构,可以追溯到吴友如的仕女画,以《明眸皓腕》图为代表的女性图像可以视为传统市民文人知识分子眼中的理想女性,她们在只有同性和孩子的环境中开展她们的西式体育,优雅的台球体现着画中女性的有闲阶级的身份,既传统义现代,既是贤妻良母又温文尔雅,浪漫时髦。有一个细节很是耐人寻味:与传统的春宫图以及晚清妓女明信片和名妓报刊相似的是,西式台球与女子手腕上的玉质手镯、耳垂上的玉坠、细细的鞋尖一样,都是意在引导读者想象女子身体的性感迷人。画面上虽然都是清一色的女性,却分明隐去了,一个潜在的男性观者。它预示着女性体育从一开始即落入历史的“凝视”(米歇尔·福柯Michel Foucauh语),这或许正是中国近代女子体育的宿命。在近现代,女性自发的体育实践因为保持只为女性的健康与娱乐的纯洁日的,一直成为女性的“自留地”。但是,在国难背景下,女性自发性体育实践很难获得历史意义,只有当它与国族利益紧密维系在一起时,才育可能获得合法的地位和发声的机会。主流女子体育(以学校体育为主)的叙事完全是来自于精英知识分子关于民族国家的想象,他们认为,正是女性的贫弱(裹足和无教育)才导致了中国人种的孱弱和国力的衰微。在国人笃信的“物竞天择”、“优胜劣汰”的进化论视域中,只有改造进而强健母亲的身体,才能激活民族国家的生产力,因此,无论是人种的进化,还是国力的增强,都有赖于女子体育。女性体育“强国保种”的社会责任由此得到了社会的一致体认。现代女性也因此被赋予新的角色、身份和责任,以便纳入民族国家的想象建构的体系中,作为国家而非传统中的家庭的资源而被随机使用。但女性体育用以培训建立在性别分工基础上的女性身体,毕竟与男性体育不同。女性在体育或“尚武”中分别以国民母、女国民,或以巾帼英雄的身份进入身体叙事,这三种角色都表明国家话语对女子的体育活动的强力渗透。由此看来,近代女子体育产生于建立民族国家的迫切需要,当旧的性别关系尚未完全肃清,而新的性别关系尤其是女性这一性别群体的经济地位、政治地位等尚未明确之时,国家利益的种种诉求便一股脑儿推至女性眼前,民族危机的加剧,义使得女性别无选择,其结果是女性不得不牺牲自身利益而服从民族国家大计。不仅如此,女性还注定要被明显带有浓厚父权色彩的国家和性别政治所操弄,因此在民族国家框架下所设计的女性的任何一个角色,都不可能通向女性真正解放的道路。在近代中国,建立民族国家的迫切需要超乎一切,因此,一切有利于民族健康的运动,哪怕有可能损害男性性别群体的尊贵地位,国人也会对此保持中立的态度。同样,随着女性的觉醒和受教育程度的提高,女性在这场体育改造身体的运动中从来也不是完全被动的,她们通过自觉地和积极地从民族国家体系中接过新角色和新身份,从而也象征性地接受了国家赋予自己的与男性平等的运动权利,而男性再也无法从“有伤风化”或政治权利的角度加以反对,只能从“生理事实”或女性气质的角度寻找借口,并加以阻挠。但是女性通过体育赋权从而在体育运动中得以像男子一样无所顾忌地挑战儿乎所有传统和体育禁忌,甚至打破男性气质、女性气质的决然划分,使其变得模糊与暖昧,并且她们使篮球场真正变成了一个等同于男子的竞技场域,彻底破坏了男性欲使每一个女性集体活动的空间都变成竞美舞台的企图,成为新一轮性别关系中最具能动作用的力量。她们通过在体育领域中的一些“越界”行为,不断地调整和改变传统的性别关系,并反作用于民族国家建构中固有的性别建构。因此,国家无疑成为这新一轮性别关系的主要推手,而性别政治与反性别政治成为另-个构造新型性别关系的重要因素。从女性体育进入国家与社会的的第一次预演——《女学堂演武》,到女性运动会集体运动的特点以及游泳和篮球运动等等,无一不是二者在起着主导作用。但是,由于意识形态与日常实践的差距,再加之党派政治、政府要员的个人喜好、阶级与阶层等各种因素,我们今天看到的运动义会大大超乎我们的想象,我们既能看到符合女性气质的女学生土风舞,也能看到倪明辉的裸体舞和“大腿舞”;既有男性化的足球运动,也有中性的田径、篮球运动;既有令人大跌眼镜的裸体运动与天乳运动,也有束胸、游泳和健美运动;既有贵族化的网球、骑马和高尔夫球,也有不温不火的垒球和棒球运动。女性体育必然要涉及女性的身体形象问题,民族救亡的外在呼号只有转变为女性切己切身的内在需要,才能使女性自觉、持久又充满热情地投入体育锻炼,因此“健康美”这个关于新时代女性美的标准由国族精英们想象打造出炉。根据1933年《女子月刊》的一个《理想的爱人征文结论》的征文调查结论,“健美的身体是现代妇女第一个条件”,我们可以看到健美是如何与民族国家的建构相联系的。这一标新立异的女性美的新观念,分明脱离了传统而具有了“现代”的性质。在时尚的报刊杂志所提供的公共空间,健美的新女性想象也由少数精英知识分子的倡导,迅速地影响到读者的流行想象,以至于后来的新中国一直到目下,我们择偶时对于女性的首要标准始终未变:健康美。这些足可证明流行的新女性形象由理想变为现实的的轨迹。结局或许是难以令女性满意的;由于国家、社会及商业、性别政治的合力操卉,女子体育不会仅止于健康,随着健美的女性身体成为各种欲望合理合法的释放地,同时也成为各方力量交锋的场所,成为各种叙事尽情阐释自身的场域。因此,天乳运动、裸腿、裸足和裸体运动、人体美与游泳运动等等先后登场,而一种符合“国民母”形象的丰乳肥臀的理想的女性美的身体终于击退各路摩登,无可动摇地成为近代女性的标准身形,占据着媒体和消费空间的中心位置,并主导流行。女性身体开始转向现实的维度,向福柯的文化的身体的语域转变,而非自然的生物的转变,就是符合福柯所说的符合审美标准的“有用的身体”,由此,健美运动最终演变为一场通过运动塑型身体的运动。福柯与当今最杰出的女性主义者朱迪斯·巴特勒都认为:“身体与性都是文化建构的。”对处于他者地位的近代中国女子体育的研究,也让我们得出了类似的结论。

【Abstract】 In modern China, a violent conflict between Eastern and Western civilization had led to cultural fracture. Under the background of rapid social change, modern women’s sports began to sprout. And therefore Chinese women’s sports usually presented the sudden historical events under the oppression of national crisises, and were not the results of normal cultural exchanges. Femal’s gender and body in this sports and cultural event had been inevitably painted with distinctive distinctive colors of times and had been branded with deep marks of social ideological trends.Naturally, the original girls’sports in church schools led to the widespread resistance from Chinese people, however, women’s shaded, non-autogenous and western-style sports and entertainments had emerged. Due to modern women’s curiosity and excitement while facing the "wonderful" world outside their homes, these western-style sports were gaining popularity and and arousing their strong desire to try. It was noteworthy that the first-period in western-style sports were neither those boudoir women, nor those educated women, but those prostitutes and maids of the lower classes. They silently stepped into the historical time river. And then women’s sports could start in modern China. Such a historic start wasn’t as vigorous as imagined. As Mr. Tang Zhenchang said that the material aspects of western modernity were accecpted more easily than its "spiritual" dimension by Chinese people. Mr. Li Oufan also said that initially, modernity was often reflected on the material level, and the gradual accumulation of the number led to a qualitative change. Therefore, we find reasons to believe that invisible waves under quiet water were preparing a tidal.During late Qing dynasty and early years of republic of China, most of modern sports had emerged and had almost fixed, which meaned that they hadn’t met Chinese women according to chronological order or the level of intensity, and there was a possibility that they had been introduced to China at the same time. That was a truth. Only in public areas of Shanghai Concession, the westerners had carried out many kinds of sports such as dancing, jockey, bicycle race, boating, tug of war, gymnastics, kickball and circus etc. Certainly each kind of western-style sports had a different fate while meeting Chinese women, which meaned the results of the strong’s cultural colonization and the weak’s self-defense and self-help. The former Should include girls’ sports in church schools. and sporadic private and voluntary physical activity, the latter should include the gymnastics courses of Chinese female schools. It was regretful that for a long time, limited to some bias and the lack and loss of relative references, the mainstream narrative the voluntary spontaneous physical activity of women was not only rejected by the mainstream narrative,but also was overlooked by modern researchers.During the earlier period, there was no formal physical education in girls’ church schools. To cater for the needs of chinese parents, church schools attached more importance to music course and they tried to attract and expand students. Formal physical education was closely related to China’s reform. Then the introduction of competitive sports had been directly affected by ideological trend of chinese women’s liberation. Church schools always wanted to go before chinese people. But later with the wakening and gradually developing self-awareness of Chinese women, Chinese female school rather than church girls school lead fashion trend when the competitive sports began to develop.The imaginative construction of the ideal modern women in the public space newspapers and magazines can be traced back to Wu Youru’s beauty portraits.The women’s pictures represented by "bright eyes and white arms " could be viewed as the ideal women in the eyes of the traditional literary citizen intellectuals. The women were both traditional and modern, both virtuous and romantic and smart. They began their western-style sports and entertainments in a symbolized family environment. Similar to traditional erotic figure, the late Qing courtesan prostitute postcards and courtesan newspapers, the western billiards as same as women’s jade bracelets on the wrists and the jade pendant lobes, were guiding readers to imagine the sexuality and attraction of women’s bodies. Although there were all women on the potraits, a potential male viewer had been omitted. It predicted that at the beginning women’s sports had fallen into the "gaze" of histoty (Michel Foucault). Pergaps this was just the fate of modern women’s sports.Because women’s spontaneous sports practice only maintained the pure purposes of health and entertainment, it had been a women’s "private plots." However, in the context of national crisis, it was very difficult for women’s spontaneous sports practice to obtain historical significance. Only while combining it with the interests of nation-state, it was possible to obtain a legal status and an opportunity to speak.The narrative of mainstream women’s sports (basing on school sports) completely came from the imagination of elite intellectuals on the nation-state.They thought that women’s poverty and weakness(bound feet and no education) caused China’s weak race and the decline of national power. In the vision of the theory of evolution that Chinese people strongly believe in "natural selection and survival of the fittest",only to re-construct and strengthen mothers’bodies could activate the productivity of the nation-state. Therefore, both the evolution of race and the increase of national power were dependent on women’s sports. Due to that, the social responsibility of "strengthening state and protecting race " of women’s sports had gained consistent social realization. Therefore, modern women were given new roles, identities and responsibilities so that they were incorporated into the imaginative construction system on nation-state. As national resources rather than traditional family resources, women were used randomly. However,the difference from men’s sports is that women’s sports were used to train female body based on the gender division of labor. The women in sports entered the narrative of body respectively as citizen’s mother, female citizen and heroine. These three roles showed that national discourse had strongly penetrated into women’s sports activities. From this, the modern women’s sports arised from the urgent need to establish nation-state. When the old gender relations had not been fully eliminated, especially the gender groups, economic status, political status of women,and the new gender relations had not been yet clear, not only all the demands of national interest would have been pushed along in front of women, but also intensification of national crisis would have maken women have no choice, as a result, women would have had to sacrifice their own interests and to obey the nation-state plan. Moreover, women also destined to be manipulated by the country with a strong patriarchal color and gender politics. Therefore, any role of women designed under the framework of nation-state could not have led to true emancipation of women.With the wakening of women and improvement in the level of education, in this movement of physical transformation of body the women were never entirely passive, empowering women through sport could challenge almost all traditional taboos and sports as men without scruple, even break masculinity, femininity decidedly divided. They were the power of the most dynamic in a new round of the role of gender relations. Women in sports through the "out of bounds"behavior constantly adjusted and changed the traditional gender relations,while reacting in the Inherent gender constructed on the nation-state.Therefore, the state would undoubtedly become the major promoter of the new round of gender relations.The gender politics and anti-gender politics of new gender relations become another important structural factor. However, due to the gap between ideology and everyday practice,coupled with the political parties,the personal preferences of government official and various factors such as class, the movement we see today will greatly beyond our imagination.Women in sports is bound to involve women’s body image. Through the essay findings of an "ideal lover essay concluded of "Women’s issue" in1933, we can see how the fit is associated with the construction of nation-states and with the "modern" in nature and away from the traditional. The new female bodybuilding imagination quickly affected by a few elite intellectuals to the readers of the popular imagination because the provision of public space magazine. Those of proven popular new female imagination is how to become reality.Since the state, society and business, gender, political force manipulation, women’s sports is not only limited to health, a line with "national home" buns image of female beauty ideal body finally beating back a variety of modern, unshakable become the standard of modern female figure, occupied the center of media and consumer space and dominated the popular. Thus, bodybuilding eventually evolved into a shape the body’s movement through the campaign.Foucault as well as one of the most prominent feminists, Judith Butler thought"Body and sex are both constructed by culture." Research on modern women’s sports as the "Other" identity have led us to get a similar conclusion.

【关键词】 近代中国女子体育社会性别
【Key words】 modern Chinawomen’s sportsgender
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期
  • 【分类号】G812.9;K25
  • 【下载频次】1148

