

The Chain of Reciprocal Altruism:a Comparative Study on Government-organized and Non-governmental Charitable Organizations’Resource Mobilization

【作者】 龙永红

【导师】 朱力;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 社会学(专业学位), 2012, 博士

【摘要】 资源动员是指组织利用环境获得稀缺而有价值的资源以维持运转的能力,即有能力获得达至目标的工作方式。对于主要依赖于外界资源的慈善组织来说,无论其是官办还是民办,资源动员都是其生存之根本。当然,官民两类慈善组织在资源动员路径与方式上必定有不同,通过比较找出其不同的原由、各自的优势、互补融合的可能,以构建出理想的资源动员模型是主要的研究目标。而且,目前官办慈善组织的“去行政化”成为显性议题,去什么?保留什么?如何去?只有在充分明白两类慈善组织运作的本质与逻辑基础上,我们才能进行判断与抉择,而不是盲目的“去行政化”。资源动员是贯穿慈善组织运作始终的一个过程,以其为视角来探讨以上问题,采用选取富有代表性个案进行比较研究较为适宜。因此,本研究在对我国慈善组织资源动员实践与研究文献的总结分析上,借鉴合法性、社会认同、社会交换等理论工具,分析比较了慈善组织资源动员的合法性、公信力、动员技术三个要素的运作,对要素运作中所展现的动员结果、动员路径、动员逻辑也进行了比较分析。论述分析的主要观点如下:(一)官民慈善组织在资源动员的合法性、公信力、动员技术这三个要素的运作上有很大差异,从而形成不同的动员路径和框架。官办慈善组织作为政体结构内的组成部分,其资源动员主要依赖政府的组织安排与制度化资源,行政合法性要素的运作统合了公信力与动员技术要素,形成“依附性”的动员路径和“政慈一体化”的动员框架。民间慈善组织资源动员以“共意性”为主要特征,公信力要素的运作显著,这表现为其作为社会域内的重要组织形态,主要依赖组织的公信力,以及与政府、企业、同类组织、公民之问的良好嵌入性关系网络来达成目标,形成“嵌入一体化”的动员框架。(二)官民慈善组织资源动员逻辑具有同一性:遵循互惠利他逻辑,创造社会交换价值链来获取资源。互惠是慈善组织在资源动员中使各参与主体的需求得到满足,利他价值是慈善组织资源动员的目标也是互惠交换得以可能的根本。因为慈善利他行为能提供道德、尊敬、形象、自我发展等社会资源。慈善组织可以通过项目、活动或仪式,将这些社会资源与潜在的拥有可捐赠的经济资源者进行对接,从而获得以人、财、物为主的实体慈善资源。所以,慈善组织(动员主体)以满足捐助参与者和服务对象的多重需求为出发点(需求主体),然后通过设计多样互动平台,在与捐助参与者(动员客体)持续的非等价的交换互动中,将可能的潜在的利已驱动和显在的利他驱动结合,实现从需求主体至动员主体再到动员客体然后回到需求主体的互惠利他循环链。但官民慈善组织资源动员的互惠利他逻辑也有内在差异。官办慈善组织资源动员的运作动力、动员潜力及服务效果都源于政府与慈善组织之间的同体异形关系,具有强烈的为国家政绩服务的目标取向;服务对象在互惠利他链中只是单纯的单向度的接受款物者,不具有参与性与主体性;慈善组织资源动员能力和效率与组织成长之间相关性不明显;这一互惠利他链具有单向流动性强特点。而民间慈善组织的资源动员以促进组织自身的成长和社会发展为目标,它以多层面项目活动作为启动原点,促进资源在慈善组织、动员对象、服务对象、国家政府之间的良性循环;服务对象也是传递公益慈善价值并提供服务的主体之一,其动员的互惠利他链具有多向循环流动的特点。(三)构建了慈善组织资源动员互惠利他链的理想模式。官办慈善组织近两年遭遇了接二连三的的公信力危机事件,这使如何弱化官办慈善组织的行政色彩,打破其资源垄断地位,促进其转型成为重要问题。而民办慈善组织面临如何抓住机会增强独立性与自主性,提升资源动员能力问题。实践经验表明,官办慈善组织转型后依然保持着它与国家之间的关系网络,如扶贫基金会。民间慈善组织的资源动员能力和政府的培育支持也是不能分离的。所以,慈善组织的资源动员要打破国家与社会、官方与民间这样二元区分框架,形成“国家在社会中”的互惠利他循环链:慈善组织通过合法性、公信力、动员技术等要素的有效运作,让公众与企业开心地捐赠出资源,使公众与企业放心地让慈善组织有效输送资源,服务对象积极参与资源的传递,国家更有力地投入制度化资源,从而吸引公众与企业下次更开心地捐赠出更多资源。这里的制度化资源是指国家统一规制公平的资源竞争环境,培育社会监督机制,支持民间的专业性评估机构,以帮助社会公众对慈善组织的规范性进行鉴别并作出捐赠选择,而并不根据组织的出身背景来给予特有的机会或资源。事实上,慈善组织运作中的互惠利他链也正是其社会发展功能得以实现的内在逻辑。因为慈善组织的资源动员是一个将经济理性与道德责任、生命价值、社会发展很好地融合在一起的一个场域。它是一个联接社会各方的关系体,在这个关系体的运作中,人与人之间、群体与群体之间、组织与组织之间因为一个共同的美好目标——公益慈善作为纽带而聚集在一起,在互动沟通中兼容了个体发展与社会发展的双重目标。因而,慈善组织在募捐活动、社会服务、志愿服务、价值倡导等公益慈善行动中,充分突出捐赠者与参与者的意义及对社会的贡献,充分推动互动者之间不同需求的对接与传递,服务对象也作为传递慈善价值并提供服务的互动者参与其中,从而形成一个从“慷慨至慷慨的再生产”互惠利他链,这是使社会成员共享发展机会与发展成果得以可能的重要方面。这一逻辑的结果必然体现在改善人与人之间、人与社会之间、人与自然之间的关系上,这正是慈善组织解决社会问题,缓解社会矛盾,推动社会和谐发展功能得以发挥的内在逻辑。不过,本研究的结论受到了民间慈善组织规模过少的限制。本研究所选择的民间慈善组织个案虽具有很强的典型性与代表性,但也是为数极少的民间慈善组织中最具规范性与实力的代表。因而,其资源动员技术在某些方面不具有很强的借鉴性。这对结论的有效性有一定的影响。另外本研究也未对企业捐赠的动员作专门性分析,而是将其嵌入在比较分析的各章内容中,不能清晰地看出企业捐赠在两类慈善组织资源动员中的差异性特征。这有待于以后的研究进行推进。

【Abstract】 Resource mobilization means that organizations obtain rarely and valuable resources from the environment to maintain function, namely the ability to target work. Resource mobilization is fundamental to survive for charitable organizations, mainly dependent on outside resources, whether they are government-run or private. Although these two types of organizations must have different paths and ways of resource mobilization, but only by comparison we could see the rousce of their difference, their respective advantages, the complementary fusion possible to build an ideal resource mobilization model. Moreover, the government-organized charitable organization’s de-administralization has become a dominant issue, what are you going next? Retain what? How to do? Only fully understand the operation and logic of the essential characteristics of based on between two types of charitable organizations.So we can carry out the judgments and decisions, rather than blind de-administralized. Resource mobilization runs throughout the process of charitable organization’s operation.Therefore, selecting representative cases carried out a comparative study is a more appropriate method on this perspective to explore the above issues.So,this article study the same point and the differences between the two on the path and the logic of resource mobilization by cases from the organizational development of the legitimacy, the credibility of the construction, mobilizing technology.The conclusions in this article are as follows: (1)Government-organized and non-governmental charitable organizations in legitimacy, credibility and mobilizing technology of resource mobilization are very different, thus forming the different mobilization path and framework.Government-organized charitable organization as part of the polity structure, their resource mobilization mainly dependent on government organizational arrangements and institutionalized resources. Their administrative legality integrates with credibility and mobilizing technical elements, so they form the mobilization path of "dependence ", and the mobilization framework of "the integration of political and charity" Non-governmental charitable organizations become "consensus" of resource mobilization path.The credibility of the operation is significant, because they are mainly dependent on the credibility and embedded relationship network between between government, businesses, similar organizations and persons to achieve their goals, as important organizational form of the social domain. This forms the mobilization framework of "embedded integration".(2) Government-organized and non-governmental charitable organizations on the logic of resources mobilization has the same point:they both attach importance to create a value chain of social exchange to obtain resources,that is called resource mobilization reciprocity altruistic chain.Reciprocity is that charitable organization make the parties’needs involved in resource mobilization are met, altruistic value is resource mobilization’targets and also is the fundamental of reciprocal exchange. Altruistic behavior can provide the spiritual resources of morality, respect, image, self-development. Charitable organizations through activities or ceremonies connect these social resources with potential owners of economic resources donated and pass it. They so can obtain the human, financial, and material as the main entity charitable resources. Therefore, charitable organization(the subject of mobilization) meet the dual demands of donor participants and service objects (the subject of demand)as a starting point, then design the interactive platform to attract humanpower and financial through morality, respect, image, self-development and other non-physical resources. They maintain non-equivalent exchange interaction with the donor participants (the object of mobilization).So they complete the mutual altruism circular chain from the subject of demand to the subject of mobilization then to the object of mobilization,and then back to the subject of demand by the way of combination possible potential benefit with significantly altruistic drive.Government-organized and non-governmental charitable organizations on the logic of resource mobilization have inherent differences.Mobilization potential and effects of the government-run charitable organizations lie from the-same-body-but-profiled relationship between the government and charitable organizations, with a strong national performance goal orientation of resource mobilization.Their service object is simply the receiving section who does not have to participate in the reciprocal altruism chain.What’s more,there is no obvious correlation between charitable organizations’ resource mobilization capacity and organizational growth.This reciprocal altruism chain is strong characterized by one-way flow. Resource mobilization of non-governmental charitable organizations promote a virtuous circle between charitable organizations, the object of mobilization, service object and the national government by the way of its multi-faceted project activities under the target of the organization’s own growth and social development. The service object is also passed the charity value and services.This reciprocal altruism chain is strong characterized by a continuous loop flow.(3) Build the ideal model of reciprocal altruism chain on the resource mobilization of charitable organizations.The government-run charitable organization suffered a spate of credibility crises in the past two years, which makes how to weaken the administrative colors of government-run charitable organizations and break the monopoly status of its resources, and promote its transformation become an important issue. Civil charitable organizations face the problem of how to seize the opportunity to enhance the independence and autonomy, and enhance resource mobilization capacity. Practical experience shows that government-run charitable organization in transition remains the network of relationships from the country, such as the Foundation for Poverty Alleviation. The resource mobilization capacity of the civil charitable organizations can not be separated from cultivation and supportion of the country. Therefore, the charitable organizations in resource mobilization should break the-two-yuan-distinguish framework between the state and society, the official and civil so that forming "the state in society’reciprocal altruism cycle chain:public and corporate happy to donate resources, charitable organizations channel validly resources;clients actively participate in the transfer of resources, and countries more effectively put into institutionalizing resources, the public and the business next time be more happy to donate more resources,so achieving overall harmony among state, society, market. Institutionalized resources means that the country regulates unifiedly fair resources competition environment and foster social supervision mechanism,and support the professional assessment of the civil institutions in order to help the public identify and make a donation selection to charitable organizations normative, and not to gives a unique opportunity or resources according to the organization’s origins and background.In fact, the charitable organization resource mobilization’s ideal reciprocal altruism chain is also the internal logic of promoting the harmonious development of society. Because charitable organizations’resource mobilization fuses economic reason with moral responsibility, the value of life. It is a connection to the social body of the relationship of the parties between people, groups and organizations as a link aggregation together, achieve the dual goals of individual development and social development in interactive communication. Thus, charitable organization fully highlight the significance of the donors and participants and contributions to the community, and contribute fully to connect with the interaction between different needs by charitable fund-raising activities, social services, voluntary service, value advocacy activities.This is reciprocal altruism mobilization logic. The inevitable result of this logic is reflected in the improvement between people, between people and society, the relationship between man and nature, this is the internal logic that charitable organizations play an important role in solving social problems, easing social conflicts, and promoting the harmonious development of society function. In this way, the community will form a reciprocal altruism chain of "from generous to a generous reproduction". It will be possible to everyone to share development opportunities and social development outcomes.However, the non-governmental charitable organization is too small-scale.The selected non-governmental case in this study is typical and representative of all ones, but it is the most normative and powerful one of the very few non-governmental charitable organizations. Thus, the effectiveness of conclusions is possible limited. The resource mobilization technology in some respects does not have a strong draw. In addition,this study does not analyze specially the mobilization of corporate donations, only embedded in a comparative analysis of each chapter, so we can’nt clearly see the differences in characteristics of corporate giving in the two types of charitable organizations, which is subject to future research to advance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期
  • 【分类号】C916
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1139

