

On the Eastern Miscellany(1904—1948)

【作者】 陶海洋

【导师】 李良玉;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 《东方杂志》是商务印书馆的一个重要出版物,也是20世纪上半叶中国发行最早、持续时间最长、影响最大而又完全民办的综合性杂志。《东方杂志》于1904年创办、1948年终刊,共发行44卷、819号,先后经历8位主编,发表作品20000余篇。在经历清季、北洋政府、民国过程中,《东方杂志》不仅记录了20世纪上半叶世界的发展历程,积极参与中西文化交流、大量述评现代人文社会科学知识,而且努力为社会培养人才,因此成为中国现代文化的一个生长点。秉承商务印书馆“以扶助教育为己任”的企业宗旨,《东方杂志》致力于介绍现代文化最新成果,以述评时事政治作为办刊特色,并积极参与中西文化交流。在长达44年的发展过程中,《东方杂志》可以分为主要五个时期,即早期杂志(1904—1910年)、杜亚泉时期(1911—1919年)、钱智修时期(1920—1931年)、王云五时期(1932—1941年)、苏继颀时期(1943—1948年)。为便于研究,钱智修时期可以分为具体的三个阶段,即钱智修时期(上)(1920—1923年)、钱智修时期(中)(1924—1927年)和钱智修时期(下)(1928—1931年),王云五时期可分为两个阶段,即王云五时期(上)(1932—1938年)、王云五时期(下)(1939-1941年)。杜亚泉、钱智修、胡愈之、王云五等四人,不仅是《东方杂志》的重要作者,而且是杂志发展中的关键人物。其中,杜亚泉以其独特的见解引发了中西文化论争,钱智修是主编时间最长者,胡愈之是作品最多的作者、又曾担任过杂志主编,而王云五则是挽救商务印书馆及《东方杂志》的核心人物。早期杂志《东方杂志》的重要作者,有蛤笑、蕴照、孟森等人。主要内容以清末新政为重点,在立宪主旨下,多数作者主张保存传统文化,同时述评清廷政治腐败、主张发展实业,作品主要涉及教育、立宪、外交、实业等内容,同时还有大量转载文章。杜亚泉时期《东方杂志》的作者约计453人次,而重要作者有杜亚泉、胡愈之等10人。这一时期《东方杂志》文章来源大为拓展,其中来源于英美等西方国家报刊的译述文章更多。杂志积极参与新文化运动,介绍大量西方社会思潮,其中包括各类社会主义思潮。以杜亚泉为代表的作者,认真反思包括“一战”在内的现代文明的“时代错误”,述评民国建立后愈益严重的政治腐败,努力寻找整合社会的新的精神动力。这批文化人,努力进行中西文化的鉴别、对比和“体合”,“随世运而俱进”,自觉承担起现代文化最为激烈的观念转变的时代使命。杜亚泉因引发东西文化论争,主编职务被无奈地撤换。事实上,文化分歧在《东方杂志》内部早就开始,主编的替换也经过一个微妙的过渡阶段,另一方面,由于文化争论中所涉及的问题,当时的文化人不可能达成共识,注定了这场文化论争只能是一波三折的过程。钱智修时期(上)的《东方杂志》的作者共约计510人次,重要作者有胡愈之、周建人等12人。这一时期,《东方杂志》积极顺应时势变化,“注重于切实可行之具体问题”。作者队伍更为庞大,出现大量介绍西方社会发展的翻译作品,包括文学作品的翻译与创作,理论视角更为开阔,同时出现更多的独立评论,又使这一杂志逐步摆脱了文化争论和思辨的色彩,进一步加大了现代文化的传播力度。钱智修时期(中)的作者共约计340人次,重要作者有黄惟志、胡愈之等11人次。这一时期的主要内容以1926年为界,有一个从述评中西文化,转向重点述评国际时事政治的变化过程。在国际时政报导上,主要以欧洲为重点,并介绍苏联以及他国的政治发展。这一变化与钱智修等人的民间政治思想有关。同时,这一时期出现更多的文学创作,注重描述某类社会层面、特别是知识分子和下层百姓的生活状态,成为中国现代文学的重要内容。钱智修时期(下)的作者约有786人次,重要作者则为俞颂华、张明养等9人次,作者队伍进一步分化。在内容上,这一时期进一步注重国际时事的报导与述评,并进一步关注了国外社会文化、社会生活,同时出现现代文学的创作高潮。文学作品更多关注基层民众生活及心理状态,反映了基层社会民众在政治剧变与社会动荡中面临的生活压力。王云五时期的《东方杂志》,是中国文化事业受日本侵华战争摧残、并努力抗争的一个见证,日本侵华战争造成《东方杂志》三次停刊、四次搬迁的曲折。王云五时期的《东方杂志》(上),作者总人数约计1340人次,重要作者有张明养、郑永恭等12人次,而来源于社会上的作者大为增加,可以说明商务印书馆在经历“一·二八”事变的劫难后,及时得到社会的大力支持。这一时期正值中国新一代文化人成长并活跃于文化舞台,文化传播的主体、内容与方式都发生着前所未有的变化,中国社会出现新一轮的文化生成现象。《东方杂志》更多关注了世界经济危机冲击下各国的经济应对之策,国际社会新的战争危险,特别增强了经济体制理论的述评。同时,主要由于中日矛盾的上升,关注民族生存和国家发展,成为文化人的深深的忧思,并由于环境的逼迫,出现新一轮的文化反思。这一时期,文学作品受战争影响最大,出现大批现实主义风格作品,但这种特殊政治动荡中出现的创作高潮,很快因抗日战争进入艰苦时期而中断。王云五时期(下)的《东方杂志》作者共计约317人次,重要作者有吴泽炎、郑允恭等18人次。这一时期述评欧洲相关事务的作品大为减少,而反映具体国家之间外交活动的作品比例大为上升,反映了国际政治力量在“二战”中重新组合的状态。其中,中日战争的相关报导大为增强,同时出现的经济类作品针对性更强,很多作品述评了中国在抗日战争中经济、贸易、金融等方面的具体应对之策,但这一时期的社会文化及文艺作品的质量却开始下降。苏继癫时期的《东方杂志》作者总人数约计613人次,重要作者有吴泽炎、岑仲勉等8人。这一时期《东方杂志》尽管走出了抗日战争的阴影,却又因内战等影响而出现发展顿挫,并最终休刊。这一时期的作者队伍日益星散,办刊特色也逐步丧失。《东方杂志》忠实地反映和记录着时代变迁,成为20世纪世界和中国社会发展的一个全备的资料库,全面述评中西文化交流中的主要学术思想,成为探索中国发展模式必需的思想库,大量培养人才,成为中国现代社会发展的人才库,同时,在剧烈的社会动荡中保持长时段的持续发行,也成为世界杂志发行史上的典型的样本库。《东方杂志》的发展历程说明,现代文化的发展,不仅需要社会诸要素共同的现代化作为基础,更需要中国文化人努力实践现代学者品格。

【Abstract】 The Eastern Miscellany was an important culture product of Commercial Press. It was also a folk completely magazine which published earliest、maintained longest and affected biggest in China before50s in20th century. The Eastern Miscellany was originated in March of1904, and maintained to1948. This magazine had44books and819issues,8editors, about20thousands writings. It went through the last stage of Qing Dynasty, the Modern China. The Eastern Miscellany not only became an important registrar in the development of Chinese modern society, but also threw itself into the culture communion between the East and the West, bring in more and more modern social and human knowledge, cultivated numbers of ideology and specialist which was needed in Chinese modern development in the mean time, and became an important fountain of Chinese modern culture.Taking Commercial Press’ tenet of " assuming age mission of helping education ", the Eastern Miscellany tried introducing the newest social modern culture, transmitting and introducing current political affairs on time which became its managing characteristic, and throwing itself into the culture communion between the East and the West. There were five material periods in44years of the development of the Eastern Miscellany, they were early epoch (from1904to1910)、Du yaquan epoch (from1911to1919)、Qian zhixiu epoch (from1920to1931)、Wang yunwu epoch (from1932to1941)、Su jiqing epoch (from1943to1948). In favor of studying, we can mark Qian zhixiu epoch off material three epoches, they are from1920to1923、from1924to1927、from1928to1931respectively. In the same time, we can also mark Wangyunwu epoch off two epoches, they are from1932to1938、 from1939to1941respectively.There were four important characters in the development of the Eastern Miscellany. They were Du yaquan、Qian zhixiu、Hu yuzhi and Wang yunwu. Not only were they important authors, but also key characters. Du yaquan aroused the debate between the East and the West. Qian zhixiu occupied the editor in chief farthest. Hu yuzhi was the author and one of editors who had the most writings. Wang yunwu was one of the whole show who retrieval the Commercial Press and the Eastern Miscellany in1932.There were ten important authors in the early epoch, they were Ge xiao、Li zhao、 Meng sen, ect. Its main content was constitutionalism of the last stage of Qing Dynasty. Most of authors proposed conserving traditional culture under being for this political reform. Their writings explained political corruption of the last stage of Qing Dynasty, affirmed development at the same time. Their opinions included education、 constitution、diplomatism、industry, ect. There were amount of writings from other papers in the mean time.There were about453authors in Du yaquan epoch, and the important authors were Du yaquan Hu yuzhi, ect. There were more writings from Euramerican papers which exploited more sources of writings in the mean time. The Eastern Miscellany in Du yaquan epoch threw itself into arguing the culture differentia between the West and the East, introduced plentiful western thinking which included multifarious socialism. These authors in which Duyaquan could be a delegate reviewed earnestly the "epoch error" just like the First World War, reviewed the more and more grave social corruption and tried to look for the newest genius impetus which could united the social development. These authors tried to distinguish balance and unite the culture of the West and the East. They assumed the work of transforming social consciousness which was warmest in social culture growth and "advanced with the social development". As the director, Du yaquan forwardly joined in the arguing of the culture differentia between the West and the East, however his position was reshuffled. In fact, the arguing had existed in interior. The reshuffle of director also came by a subtle course. On the other hand, most of argued questions then could not be posed common answer, the devious culture arguing was foredoom.There were about510authors in Qian zhixiu epoch (1), and had12important authors, they were Hu yuzhi、Zhou jianren, ect. There were further more authors, and more translation writings which interpreted the Euramerican development. These writings included original and translated literature, enlarged visual angles of the magazine. More independence opinions in this epoch made this magazine gradually get rid of the arguing color, enhanced the degree of transmitting modern culture furtherly. In this epoch, the Eastern Miscellany " pay attention to study the material questions ".There were about340authors in Qian zhixiu epoch (2), and had11important authors, they were Wang weizh、Hu yuzhi, ect. In this epoch, there was a climacteric from1926which changed from explaining the culture differentia between the West and the East to transmitting the international political current affairs. The main international political current affairs included Europe political development, political movements of USSR and other countries. This change was related to the Qian zhixiu’s view of "civilian politics". In the mean time, there were further more original literature which paid more attention to certain social estate especially intellect and roughscuff. These literature became an important part of Chinese modern literature.There were about786authors in Qian zhixiu epoch (3), and had9important authors, they were Yu songhua、Zhang mingyang, ect. In this epoch, the author procession divided ulteriorly, there were more reports about international political current affairs, more writings of foreign social culture and living. In the mean time, the new climax of original literature came forth, and the literature in this epoch pay more attention to roughscuff and its mentality, reflected the compressive stress in the political upheaval and social turbulence.The Eastern Miscellany of Wang yunwu epoch could testify the history in which Chinese culture was destroyed by Japanese militarism from1930s to1940s, and Chinese intellect tried to oppose Japanese culture aggression. Japanese aggression made deviousnesss in which the Eastern Miscellany had to be closed down for3times and migrated for4times. There were about1340authors in Wang yunwu epoch (1), and had12important authors, they were Zhang mingyang、Zheng yonggong, ect. More and more authors appeared after "Jan. Twenty Eighth Incident" which could be seen forceful support from society. The newest intellect then came on and became culture activist, and the main body、content and style of culture communion had unprecedented change. There was a newest phenomenon of culture growth, in which the Eastern Miscellany paid further more attention to the world economic crisis, the countermeasures of every countries, the new world war crisis and enhancing to interpret thought about economic systems. The national survival and development became suffering mind along with increasing conflict between China and Japan. The newest self-examination occurred on account of the suffering situation. The literature producing were shock mostly, and appeared more realism literature. However, the original climax of literature occurred in special political era disappeared quickly along with the tough phase of opposing Japanese militarism war.There were about317authors in Wang yunwu epoch (2), and had18important authors, they were Wu zheyan, ect. The reports about Euramerican affairs reduced mostly. This change reflected the recombine of international political camps in the Secondary World War. But more and more correspondingly reports about either diplomatism、the war between China and Japan appeared in this epoch. The economy writings were fartherly ideographic and explained countermeasures of Chinese government then in economy、commerce、finance and so on in the opposing Japanese militarism war. But the quality of social culture and literature begun decline in this epoch.There were about613authors in Su jiqing epoch, and had8important authors, they were Wu zheyan、Cheng zhongmian, ect. Although the Eastern Miscellany had gone through hatching of the opposing Japanese militarism war, it couldn’t gain newer resplendence in the domestic war, and suffered grave setback and closed down in the end of1948. Authors in this epoch present decentralization, and the magazine lose its feature step by step.The Eastern Miscellany recorded the epoch development loyally, it became a comprehensive info storeroom of the world and Chinese development in20th century. It became a necessary ideology storeroom in studying Chinese development style on account of its explaining the main thinking in the culture of the West and the East. It trained diversiform specialists and became an expert storeroom which was necessary in Chinese modern development. In the mean time, it tried to keep、reform and renovate in the long social wave, and became a stylebook storeroom in the development of the world modern magazine accordingly. This development fact of the Eastern Miscellany can show that the creating of Chinese modern culture needs a difficult course. Not only need the basic of collective modernization of the social elements, but also need much more Chinese scholars try to possess modern scholar character.

【关键词】 东方杂志现代文化主编内容特色
【Key words】 The Eastern MiscellanyModern CultureEditorRegistrarCharacteristic
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期
  • 【分类号】G239.29
  • 【下载频次】3529

