

Research on Political Work of the People’s Army during the War of Resistance Against Japan

【作者】 任春峰

【导师】 赵铁锁;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中共党史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 政治工作是中国共产党的政治优势,是人民军队的“传家宝”。人民军队在创建后不久,就认识到政治工作是人民军队的生命线。为保障这一生命线地位,人民军队在每个历史阶段都极为重视政治工作。在抗日战争时期,人民军队围绕党和军队的中心任务,立足政治工作开展的客观环境,结合政治工作对象的具体实际,制定了科学性与革命性相统一的工作内容,采用了多种多样的方式方法,使军队政治工作开展得有声有色,有效地保证了人民军队的党性、人民性和革命性,巩固了抗日民族统一战线,确保了抗日战争的最后胜利,彰显了重大的历史意义。本文以军队政治工作学为指导,对抗日战争时期人民军队政治工作展开整体性探讨。在研究思路上,没有沿袭以时间为主线的传统政治工作史研究方法,而是以军队政治工作的构成要素为纲,依据历史文献,全面考察抗战时期人民军队政治工作的工作环境、工作内容、工作方式、工作对象和工作效果,并在此基础上,总结其基本特点和历史经验,为新时期人民军队政治工作提供借鉴。有基于此,全文分为以下三个部分:第一部分,第一章绪论。这是论文的引言部分,指出选题意义、研究现状、研究创新与不足之处。第二部分,第二至六章。这是论文的主体部分,包括抗日战争时期人民军队政治工作的理论基础、时代背景、主要内容、方式方法以及分析评价。第二章阐述抗日战争时期人民军队政治工作的理论基础,主要从军队政治工作的哲学根基、理论渊源、指导思想三个方面论述军队政治工作的理论前提,指明抗战时期人民军队开展政治工作的理论根据。第三章分析抗日战争时期人民军队政治工作的历史背景,从世情、国情、党情、军情四个方面说明抗战时期人民军队开展政治工作的内外条件,指出当时利弊共存的双重工作环境。第四章阐释抗日战争时期人民军队政治工作的主要内容,主要从搞好军队内部建设,巩固统一战线,打牢群众基础和从政治上削弱敌人四个方面,论述抗战时期人民军队政治工作求得官兵一致、团结友军、军民一致、瓦解敌军的四个基本内容。第五章归纳抗日战争时期人民军队政治工作的实践路径,通过分析抗日战争时期人民军队开展政治工作的过程,阐述人民军队政治工作的主要方式和基本方法。第六章对抗日战争时期人民军队政治工作进行评析,指出人民军队政治工作的效果、价值,分析人民军队政治工作的基本特点,总结人民军队政治工作的历史经验。第三部分,第七章结语。这部分既是对全文的总结,又是力图挖掘历史对现实的宝贵启示。通过全文对抗日战争时期人民军队开展政治工作的全面梳理,总结指出抗战时期人民军队开展政治工作的成功之道在于:继承优良传统,并在新的基础上坚持与时俱进、开拓创新。唯有如此,军队政治工作才能永保生机与活力。这同样是给予新时期人民军队开展政治工作提供的宝贵启示。

【Abstract】 Political work is the political superiority of the Communist Party of China aswell as the “heirloom” of the people’s army. Not long after being founded did thepeople’s army realize that political work is the lifeblood of it. To ensure theposition of the lifeblood, the people’s army was extremely mindful of it in everyhistorical period. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, based on thecentral task of the Party and the army, the objective environment of carrying outpolitical work and the concrete conditions of the object, the people’s army workedout the working content in combining science and revolution and applied flexiblemethods to make the political work alive, guarantee the Party, people andrevolution spirit of the army, consolidate the anti-Japanese national united front,ensure the final victory of the war and reveal the major historical significance.Guided by the learning of military and political work, the author madeintegral discussion about the political work of the people’s army during the War ofResistance against Japan. Traditional historiographical approaches with time asthe main line were not used in this thesis. Instead, according to historicaldocument, the elements of the army’s political work were used as the outline toinvestigate the working environment, content, method, object and effect of thearmy’s political work during the War of Resistance against Japan and based onthis, the fundamental feature and historical experience were concluded to providereference for the army’s political work in the new period. Based on this, the wholethesis was composed of the following three parts:The first part is the introduction. In this part, the significance, status,innovation and disadvantage of the thesis are pointed out.The second part includes the first five chapters. This is the main body of thethesis which includes the theoretical basis, background, main content, methods,analysis and evaluation of the political work of the people’s army during the Warof Resistance against Japan. The first chapter is about the theoretical basis of thepolitical work of the people’s army during the War of Resistance against Japanwhich discusses the theoretical premise from the philosophy foundation, theory origin and guiding ideology of it and points out the theory basis of carrying outpolitical work. The second chapter is about the historical background whichindicates the conditions of carrying out the political work in viewing the situationof the world, the country, the Party and the army to point out the workingenvironment with advantages and disadvantages. The third part is about the maincontent of the political work which discusses the four basic contents of officersand soldiers’ consistence, military and civilian’s consistence, unification of friendsand disintegration of enemies from the aspects of doing well within the armyconstruction, consolidating the united front, making solid mass basis andweakening enemies politically. The fourth chapter is the conclusion of the practicepath of the political work. The main and basic methods of the political work areillustrated by analyzing the process of carrying out the work. The fifth chapter isthe evaluation of the work in which the effect and value of the work are pointedout, the fundamental features are analyzed and the historical experience isconcluded.The third part is the final part, which is a conclusion of the thesis as well asthe enlightenment of the reality. Through a comprehensive arrangement of thepolitical work of the people’s army during the War of Resistance against Japan, itis pointed out that the way of success lies in inheriting good traditions andinsisting on keeping pace with the times and innovating. Only in this way canmilitary political work keep its vitality. This also provides the enlightenment tocarry out political work for the people’s army in the new period.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

