

From Marx Social Development View to Scientific Development View-the Evolvement Track of Socialist Development Philosophy

【作者】 高丽萍

【导师】 李毅;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “什么是社会主义社会发展、怎样实现社会主义社会发展”是贯穿在从马克思社会发展观到科学发展观的鲜明主题。共产主义是马克思解决社会发展问题的途径与目标。马克思通过对资本主义社会发展问题的批判,在吸收近代西方社会发展观合理因素的基础上,提出了科学社会主义社会发展观,不仅正确揭示了人类社会发展规律,为社会发展观奠定了科学理论基础,而且提出了社会主义社会发展的具体构想。马克思社会发展观的主要内容包括社会整体发展论、社会发展综合动力论、社会发展辩证决定论和社会发展价值论。从而系统回答了“什么是社会发展、什么促使社会发展、怎样实现社会发展、社会发展为了谁”等问题。理论与实际相统一是马克思社会发展观的基本原则,这一原则决定马克思没有用固定模式规范社会主义社会发展的具体道路和途径。理论与实际相统一的原则具体体现在马克思“历史环境”思想中。马克思“历史环境”思想说明社会主义如何发展要根据具体的历史环境。但是,在现实社会主义实践中人们对究竟什么是社会主义社会发展、怎样实现社会主义社会发展的认识经历了一个曲折的过程。本文认为马克思社会发展观与社会主义实践的结合经历了由科学到空想再到科学的两个大的否定之否定阶段。第一个否定之否定阶段就是列宁对马克思社会发展观的实践初探。这一否定之否定阶段是由俄国十月革命的胜利到战时共产主义政策再到新经济政策和列宁晚年三个阶段两次否定构成的。列宁领导俄国十月革命的胜利标志着世界历史方向的改变,从而使马克思社会发展观由理论形态转变为现实形态。但是,战时共产主义政策的实施却超越了经济文化比较落后的实际,使马克思的共产主义理想陷入空想,通过对战时共产主义经验教训的反思,列宁实行了新经济政策,重新找到了马克思社会发展观与经济文化比较落后基础上建立的社会主义国家社会发展相结合的正确途径。列宁晚年在新经济政策的基础上全面地思考了在经济文化比较落后基础上究竟应该如何实现社会主义社会发展的具体途径,这不仅是对战时共产主义时期发展观念的彻底扬弃,也是对列宁在经济文化比较落后基础上建立无产阶级政权的观念升华;第二个大的否定之否定阶段是由新经济政策和列宁晚年、苏联模式社会主义和中国特色社会主义三个阶段两次否定构成。苏联模式社会主义并没有按照列宁的思路将马克思社会发展观与社会主义实际相结合,相反,在苏联模式社会主义实践中马克思的共产主义理想陷入了空想。毛泽东虽然试图走有中国特色社会主义发展道路,但最终还是没有走出苏联模式的发展范式。中国特色社会主义实践彻底走出了苏联模式的发展误区,其具体路径就是在坚持马克思社会整体进步的发展要求、依靠人民群众实现人的自由而全面发展的发展实质和理论与实际相结合的基本原则这“一脉”的基础上,根据具体的历史环境面临的发展问题,实现有重点的从经济、政治到文化分布发展,通过邓小平时期以生产力为基础的社会发展观到以江泽民为核心的党的第三代领导集体以制度创新为核心的社会发展观再到以人为本的科学发展观,实现了马克思社会发展观的与时俱进。科学发展观作为中国特色社会主义社会发展理论的集中体现具有丰富的理论意义,主要体现在科学发展观实现了马克思社会发展观具有历史意义的飞越:其一、科学发展观昭示着马克思社会发展观的核心价值;其二、科学发展观体现了马克思社会整体发展的最优化原则。同时,科学发展观也具有极其重要的当代价值。实践证明,当代西方社会发展理论无法解决当代世界的发展难题,科学发展观超越了当代西方社会发展理论,进一步展示了马克思社会发展观的当代价值。本文最后得出的结论就是:要从社会主义社会发展、相对落后国家社会主义社会发展、中国作为在相对落后基础上建立的社会主义社会发展审视马克思社会发展观与实践结合的内在规律。

【Abstract】 “What is the development of socialist society and how do we realize it” is thedistinctive theme that has run through Marx social development view to scientificdevelopment view. Communism is the way and goal that Marx applied to resolvesocial development issues. By criticizing the development issues in capitalist societyand absorbing the reasonable factors of development views in modern westerncountries, Marx put forward the scientific socialist development view, which not onlycorrectly revealed the developing law of human society and laid the scientific theoryfoundation for social development view, but presented a concrete idea to thedevelopment of socialist society.Marx social development view mainly includes such theories in socialdevelopment as the holism, the comprehensive dynamics theory, dialecticaldeterminism and the value theory, which systematically gives answers to questionssuch as “what is social development? What can promote social development? Howand for whom can the social development be realized?” The unity of theory andpractice is the fundamental principle of Marx social development, which means thatMarx didn’t use a set pattern to formulate the concrete ways and approaches for socialdevelopment. This principle is specifically embodied in Marx’s thought of historicalenvironment, which indicates that the development of socialism is in accordance withthe specific historical environment. However, in realistic practice of socialism, ithas been a tortuous process for people to know what on earth the socialistdevelopment is and how to realize it. This thesis maintains that the combination ofMarx social development view with the socialist practice has experienced two bigphases of negative negation. The first negatively negating stage is Stalin’s initialprobe to the practice of Marx socialist development view. This process is constitutedby three phases and two negations, evolving from the victory of Russian OctoberRevolution to at-war Communism Policy to New Economic Policy and to Lenin’slater years. It was the victory of Russian October Revolution led by Lenin thatmarked the change of world history direction and put into practice the theory of Marx social development view. The implement of at-war Communism Policy, however,surpassed the reality of backward economy and culture, and involved Marx’scommunism ideal into fantasy. In retrospect to the lessons taught by at-warCommunism, Lenin implemented New Economic Policy and again found the correctapproach to combine Marx social development view with the social development ofsocialist countries based on backward economy and culture. at his later years, Lenincomprehensively thought about the concrete way to how the development of socialistsociety can be realized on the basis of backward economy and culture, which not onlythoroughly discard the development concept in the period of at-war communism, butalso elevated Lenin’s thought of building proletarian regime on backward economicand cultural basis. The second negatively negating stage is made up of three phasesand two negations, that is, New Economic policy and Lenin’s later years, Sovietsocialism and socialism with Chinese characteristics. Soviet socialism didn’t,according to the Lenin’s thought, combine Marx social development view with thepractical socialism. On the contrary, in the practice of soviet socialism, Marx’scommunism was put into fantasy. Mao Zedong didn’t escape the mold of sovietsocialism although he once tried a road of socialist development with Chinesecharacteristics. The practice of Chinese style socialism thoroughly gets out of thewrong development mode of soviet socialism. It maintains Marx’s developmentrequirement of whole society progress, and insists the essence of depending on thepublic to realize human’s freedom and comprehensive development. On thesefoundations and according to the development issue encountered in specific historicalenvironment, it distributes the development into economy, politics and culture; socialdevelopment view has different performances in different periods: at first, DengXiaoping put forward the social development view based on the productivity; then thethird generation of the leading collective of the party in the core of Jiang Zemingrealizes the social development view in the core of institutional innovation; later thesocial development view is increasingly people oriented. These performances realizethe advance of Marx social development view with the times. Scientific developmentview, as the concentrated reflection of the socialist development theory with Chinesecharacteristics, has its rich meaning of theory, which mainly embodies the historical leap of Marx social development view. First, scientific development view reveals thecore value of Marx social development view. Second, scientific development viewreflects Marx’s optimal criteria of the whole society development. Meanwhile,scientific development view also has the important value at present. It has been foundthat the development theory of western countries cannot solve the developmentproblems encountered in contemporary world, Scientific development viewsurpasses the present development theory of western countries and furthermorereveals the contemporary value of Marx social development view. The finalconclusion of this article is as follows: The inherent law that Marx socialistdevelopment must interact with practice should be scanned from the aspect ofsocialist development, which particularly refers to the socialist development ofrelatively backward countries, especially China whose socialist development is builton relatively backward foundation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

