

Study of Network Political Participation in Contemporary China

【作者】 郑兴刚

【导师】 寇清杰;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 民主决定于参与。政治参与是政治民主的主要内容,也是深刻影响政治民主的核心变量。因而,扩大公民有序政治参与就成为推进政治民主健康发展的重要路径。网络政治参与是网络技术催生的新型政治参与方式,是政治参与在信息时代的新发展。本文以网络政治参与为研究对象,以网络政治参与对中国民主政治的影响为基本线索,较为系统全面深刻地论述了网络政治参与对中国民主政治发展的积极效应和发展困境,以及网络政治参与发展的出路问题。本论文分为绪论、正文及结语三大部分。论文的绪论部分主要论述了选题缘起、选题意义、文献综述、研究思路、方法、重难点、创新点及不足之处。文章的正文部分分为五章。论文第一章论述了网络政治参与的相关概念和理论基础。网络政治参与的相关概念包括政治民主概念及网络政治参与概念。网络政治参与的理论基础包括政治参与基本理论、技术与民主的关系理论,媒介与民主的关系理论。论文第二章论述了网络政治参与在中国的兴起。网络政治参与的兴起,是网络技术的支撑、现实政治参与困境的挤迫和网络政治参与优势的吸引三种因素共同作用的结果。网络政治参与在中国的兴起大体经历了三个时期:1994-2002年是网络政治参与的肇始时期,2003-2007年是网络政治参与的初步发展时期,2008-现在是网络政治参与的深入推进时期。网络政治参与是以信息为基础,以网络空间为载体,以互动为加速器,以虚拟和现实相互作用为运作机制而实现的。论文第三章论述了网络政治参与的积极效应。中国的兴起,在很大程度上突破了传统政治参与的困境,给中国民主带来了一系列积极效应,如增进政治表达,优化政治决策,强化政治监督,涵育公民文化等。网络政治参与在一定程度上改变了中国的政治生态,促进了中国政治民主的发展。论文第四章论述了网络政治参与的发展困境。网络政治参与虽然给中国民主带来了一系列积极效应,然而,不可否认的是,网络政治参与也存在一些制约性因素,如参与的非平等化、参与的非理性化、参与的可操纵性等。网络政治参与的这些制约性因素将不可避免地给中国政治民主发展带来一些负面效应,如影响民主的广度和深度、危害社会的和谐与稳定、导致社会的隐性控制等。论文第五章论述了网络政治参与发展的出路。推动网络政治参与的健康发展,最重要的是要有一种乌托邦远见,要从战略上对网络政治参与进行科学规划:要坚持以人为本原则、法治化原则和有序化原则;正确处理好虚拟和现实的关系、自由与秩序的关系、自主发展和学习借鉴的关系。在网络政治参与发展的具体路径上,应着力从三个方面加以推进:消弭数字鸿沟,推动网络政治参与的平等化发展;加强电子政府建设,不断提升网络政治参与制度化水平;治理网络环境,维护网络政治参与的正常秩序。论文的结语部分对网络政治参与的前景进行了展望。网络政治参与毕竟是网络技术催生的新型政治参与方式,其发展前景与网络技术和民主的关系息息相关。从短期来看,网络政治参与的发展取决于现实政治体制的选择性吸收;从长远来看,网络技术作为一项革命性的技术,必将极大推动中国政治民主的发展。因此,我们必须对网络政治参与的发展抱有足够的信心和耐心,并采取各种切实有效的措施着力加以推进,唯有如此,才能使网络政治参与造福于中国的政治民主,造福于全体中国人民。

【Abstract】 Democracy depends on participation. Political participation is not only the main content ofpolitical democracy but also a core variable which profoundly influences political democracy.Therefore, it is an important path of promoting healthy and orderly development of politicaldemocracy to expand citizens’ orderly political participation.Network political participation is a new type of political participation expedited by networktechnology and a new development of political participation in the information age. Takingnetwork political participation as the research target and influence of network politicalparticipation on the development of China’s democratic politics as the clue, this dissertationsystematically and comprehensively deals with the positive effects of network politicalparticipation on China’s democratic politics, the plight during its development and the way out ofthe development of network political participation.This dissertation consists of three parts: the introduction section, body and conclusion.The introduction section of this dissertation mainly discusses the origin and significance ofthe topic, document review and research thinking, methods, emphases and difficulties,innovations and shortcomings.The body of the dissertation is made up of five chapters.Chapter One discusses the related concepts, including the concept of political democracy andnetwork political participation, and theoretic basis of political participation network, including thetheory of political participation, the relationship between technology and democracy and therelationship between media and democracy.Chapter Two discusses the rise of network political participation in China. The rise ofnetwork political participation in China results from three factors: the support of networktechnology, the crush of the plight of realistic political participation and the attraction of theadvantage of network political participation. The rise of China’s network political participationhas undergone three periods: the initial period (from1994to2002), the onset period (from2003to2007) and the period of in-depth development (since2008). The realization mechanism ofnetwork political participation is taking information as the base, cyberspace as the carrier, interaction as the accelerator and interaction of virtuality and reality as the operationalmechanism.Chapter Three deals with the positive effects of network political participation. The rise ofnetwork political participation has broken through the plight of traditional political participationin a large part and brought a series of positive effects to China’s democracy, such as theenhancement of political expression, optimization of political decision-making, strengthening ofpolitical supervision, and cultivation of civic culture. Network political participation has changedthe political environment to a large extent and promoted the development of China’s politicaldemocracy.Chapter Four discusses the plight of network political participation during its development.Network political participation has brought a series of positive effects. However, it is undeniablethat network political participation also has some restrictive factors, such as unequal, irrationaland manipulable participation and etc. Inevitably, these restrictive factors will bring somenegative effects to the development of Chinese political democracy, for example, the breadth anddepth of democracy will be influenced, social harmony and stability will be endangered, thesociety will be implicitly controlled.Chapter Five deals with the prospects of network political participation. To promote thehealthy development of China’s network political participation, it is of utmost importance to havea utopia vision and make scientific plan of it. The principle of taking man as the end, rule of lawand ordering should be adhered to. The relationship between virtuality and reality, freedom andorder, independent development and learning from others should be correctly dealt with. On theconcrete way of developing network political participation, emphasis should be put on threerespects: eliminating digital divide to promote equal development of network politicalparticipation, strengthening the construction of electronic government to improve the institutionallevel of network political participation and improving the network environment to safeguard thenormal order of network political participation.The conclusion of the dissertation forecasts the future of network political participation.After all, network political participation is a new type of political participation expedited bynetwork technology. Therefore, the future of it is closely related with the relationship betweennetwork technology and democracy. In the short term, the development of network politicalparticipation depends on the optional absorption of realistic political system. In the long run, the network technology, as a revolutionary technology, will greatly promote the development ofChina’s political democracy. Therefore, we must have enough confidence and patience on it andtake various effective measures to promote it. Only in this way, can we make the network politicalparticipation benefit China’s political democracy and Chinese people.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

