

The Opportunities and Challenges of Ideology in China on the Internet Times

【作者】 高建华

【导师】 杨永志;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 互联网时代正处于飞速发展的过程中。我国的互联网从发展到普及仅仅用了十多年的时间,但是它给社会带来的变化却是翻天覆地的。网络渗透在社会生活的各个方面,并作为一种社会变革的力量,深刻地改变了社会的生产方式、生活方式与思维方式。互联网推动着政治、经济、文化、社会各个方面的发展,改变了传统社会主义意识形态建设的社会环境,搭建起主流意识形态建设的新平台。互联网时代的发展,国际国内形势深刻变革,使得意识形态领域的斗争与交锋呈现出新的特点。作为一把“双刃剑”,互联网时代的发展在为社会主义意识形态建设提供机遇的同时,也使社会主义意识形态的发展面临着严峻的挑战。面对着当前社会的新形势、新特征与新挑战,意识形态工作需要站在时代和战略发展的高度,科学分析互联网对主流意识形态建设造成的影响,理性认知社会主义意识形态建设的基本原则,采取有效措施主动应对,通过加强主流意识形态在互联网时代的说服力、凝聚力与吸引力,巩固马克思主义思想在意识形态领域的指导地位,确保社会主义意识形态的在互联网时代的安全性。本文以互联网时代社会的变迁为出发点,分析了互联网时代的社会主义意识形态建设与网络中的社会主义意识形态建设两个方面的内容。本文既充分肯定与认识了网络社会的积极影响与社会功能,又不回避它带来的负面效应和主流意识形态在网络建设中存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了社会主义意识形态建设的基本观点与建设策略,力争在建设一个坚定的社会主义意识形态理论网络阵地的同时,使马克思主义理论时刻保持先进性,与时俱进。第一章本文试图从互联网与社会主义意识形态的关联性与发展趋势出发,分析了互联网时代现代人生存与发展的社会境遇,指出了社会主义意识形态在互联网时代的功能拓展,并进一步探讨了互联网对社会主义意识形态的影响。互联网时代实现了虚拟的网络社会与现实社会的融合,促进了社会的平等与开放程度,削弱了国家对信息的控制,促进了公民社会的发展。而社会主义意识形态通过网络渠道发挥的政治、经济、文化引导作用,则有利于应对互联网对意识形态的传统价值生态、政治生态与文化环境带来的不利影响,充分发挥用马克思主义思想引领社会思潮的作用。第二章本文具体论述了网络意识形态。这包括了对网络意识形态的概念、基本特征、传播机制、构成要素的分析与考察。网络意识形态作为社会主义意识形态的重要组成部分,其理性认知的深化对于优化与扩展主流意识形态建设具有重要的理论与现实意义。第三章主要探讨了互联网为社会主义意识形态建设带来的机遇。互联网搭建了社会主义意识形态建设的理论与实践平台,为政府与公众进行沟通提供了新的途径,拉近了受众与主流意识形态之间的距离,为社会思潮的整合与马克思主义思想在世界范围内的传播创造了有利条件。同时意识形态工作方式与方法的改变则有利于增强社会主义意识形态的吸引力。第四章着重分析了互联网对社会主义意识形态建设提出的挑战问题。西方国家的话语霸权与技术优势、多样化社会思潮的泛滥、网络舆论推手的推波助澜都在一定程度上削弱了主流意识形态的传播效力,冲击着马克思主义思想的一元化地位。加之,主流意识形态的主动适应性不强等问题的存在,使得主流意识形态的发展举步维艰,必须采取有效措施加以解决。第五章主要关注并研究了互联网时代社会主义意识形态建设的基本观点。互联网时代社会主义意识形态建设需要建立新的价值追求,争取促进意识形态建设与公民教育、道德建设、经济同步发展。同时我们还需要改变意识形态的传统建设路径,实现政府治理与社会自律、法制建设与道德建设、新媒体应用与教育思路创新相结合的发展模式。在以人为本教育理念的指导下,建设一批高质量的意识形态工作队伍,通过多方面的思想教育提高公众对马克思主义理论的思想认同程度。第六章明确提出了利用互联网加强我国意识形态建设的策略。社会主义意识形态建设需要理论研究与现实应用并重,促进大众化进程,从而增强主流意识形态的说服力与战斗力。针对社会思潮多元化的社会现实,意识形态工作要进一步巩固党领导下的马克思主义思想的指导地位的同时,包容与整合多样化社会思潮,有针对性地开展工作,提高主流意识形态的实效性。同时针对网络违法行为要进一步加大打击力度,促进网络立法,确保互联网时代的社会稳定与国家安全。

【Abstract】 The Internet Age is in rapid development process. Our country Internetdevelopment to the popularity in just ten years time, but the changes it has broughtabout earth-shaking. Network penetration in the various aspects of social life, as aforce of social change, profoundly changed the social mode of production, lifestyleand the way of thinking. Internet promotes the social political, economic, cultural andsocial aspects of change, and change the traditional socialist ideology construction inthe social environment, to build a new platform of the construction of mainstreamideology. The development of the Internet ear, the profound change of internationaland domestic situation, ideological struggle and confrontation shows the new features.As a "double-edged sword”, the development of the Internet age for both thesocialism ideology construction offered opportunity, but also enable the developmentof the socialist ideology is faced with severe challenges. Facing the current society’snew situation, new characteristic and new challenges, and ideological work requiresstanding on the height of the era and strategic development, scientific analysis of theimpact of the construction of the mainstream ideology on the internet. rationalcognition of the basic principles of the construction of socialist ideology, and takeeffective measures to actively respond to challenges, strengthen the mainstreamideology convincing, cohesive and attractive in the Internet era, in order toconsolidate the guiding position of the idea of Marxism in the ideological field,ensure the security of the socialist ideology in the Internet age. This article base onthe age of the Internet society changes as the starting point, Analysis of the networkera of socialist ideology construction and network of socialist ideology constructionin two aspects. This article not only fully affirmed and recognized the positive effectsof network society and social function, not evade the adverse effects and problems ofthe mainstream ideology in the network construction, based on this and put forwardthe construction of socialist ideology the basic views and construction strategy, strive to build a firm network position of the socialist ideology theory, maintaining theadvanced nature of Marxist theory, keeping pace with the times.The first chapter of this article attempts from the relevance of Internet and thesocialist ideology and development tendency of Internet, analysis of the modernhuman existence and development of the social situation in Internet era, Pointe outthe network function development of socialist ideology in the era and further discussthe influence of Internet on the ideology of socialism. The age of the Internetachieved the fusion of virtual network society and realistic social, promoting socialequality and openness, weakening of state control of information and promoting thedevelopment of civil society. Socialism ideology through the network channels playthe political, economic and cultural guide, The socialist ideology of political,economic, cultural through the network channels play a leading role. It is beneficial todeal with the adverse effects on the environment of Internet on ideological value oftraditional ecological, political ecology and culture, full play the lead role of the ideaof Marxism in the field of social thought.The second chapter discusses the network ideology. It includes the concept ofnetwork ideological, basic characteristics, propagation mechanism and elements.Network ideology as the important part of socialist ideology, the rational cognition tooptimize and expand the mainstream ideology construction has the important theoryand the practical significance.The third chapter mainly discusses the opportunities of socialism ideologyconstruction in the age of the Internet. Internet build socialism ideologicalconstruction theory and practice platform, provides a new way for the governmentand public communication, closer the distance between the audience and themainstream ideology, created favorable conditions for the social integration and Marxthought spreads throughout the world. At the same time the ideological work patternfor a change in favor of enhancing the appeal of socialist ideology.The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of the challenge problem of socialistideology construction in the age of the Internet. The western discourse hegemony andtechnical advantage, diversification of the proliferation of social thought, the networkpublic opinion pusher add fuel to the flames have weakened the mainstream ideology dissemination effect, impact the dominant position of Marx ideology.In addition, themainstream ideology of the initiative are not flexible, makes the mainstream ideologydevelopment steps forward dimension difficult, we must take effective measures tosolve them.The fifth chapter concern and study the basic viewpoints of the network era ofsocialist ideology construction. Internet era of socialist ideology construction need tocreate new value of the pursuit; promote the ideology of building and civiceducation,、moral building and the simultaneous development of the economy.Meanwhile, we also need to change the traditional path of the construction ofideology, to realize the government governance and social autonomy, legalconstruction and moral construction, application of new media and educationalinnovation of train of thought of combining the development mode. Inpeople-oriented construction under the guidance of the concept, build a batch of highquality ideological work team, through a wide range of ideological education toincrease public awareness of the ideological level of acceptance of the theory ofMarxism.The sixth chapter put forward clearly to use the Internet to strengthen theconstruction of China’s ideological. The construction of socialist ideology requiresboth theoretical research and practical application, promote the popularization process,thereby enhancing the mainstream ideology persuasive power and fighting capacity.According to the social trend of thought of diversified, the ideological work need tofurther consolidate the leadership of Marx ideology, inclusion and integration ofdiverse social current of thought, specific aim ground begins the work, improve theeffectiveness of the mainstream ideology. At the same time, in view of the networkillegal acts to further increase the blow strength, promote the network legislation, toensure social stability and national security in the age of the Internet.

【关键词】 互联网社会主义意识形态机遇挑战策略
【Key words】 InternetSocialist ideologyOpportunityChallengeStrategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

