

On Zhang Wentian and Sinicization of Marxism

【作者】 刘占奎

【导师】 张静;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 张闻天是推进马克思主义中国化的优秀典范。无论是在革命战争时期,还是在社会主义建设时期,张闻天始终坚持实事求是,一切从实际出发的原则,把马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合,不断实现理论的创新发展,开拓马克思主义中国化的新境界,为马克思主义中国化的历史性飞跃做出了重要贡献。张闻天马克思主义中国化思想的形成历经了一个艰辛和曲折的探索实践过程,体现了对马克思主义中国化的理论自觉。这一过程同时表现了中国共产党人对马克思主义中国化的不懈努力。本文以张闻天马克思主义中国化的思想主张与实践活动为研究对象,考察张闻天探索马克思主义中国化的背景与动因,理清其马克思主义中国化思想和实践发展的历史脉络、基本原则与主要内容,进一步总结历史经验,揭示中国共产党人不断推进马克思主义中国化的非凡历程。本文共分为三部分。第一部分,绪论,包括选题意义、研究现状、研究方法、论文新意和不足之处。第二部分,张闻天马克思主义中国化思想的形成、理论和实践探索以及所蕴含的历史意义和基本经验。这一部分主要包括第一至四章,是文章的主体部分。第一章阐述张闻天马克思主义中国化思想的演进。主要从张闻天马克思主义中国化思想的前提与形成两个方面阐述。第二章阐述张闻天马克思主义中国化思想主张的内容。主要包括理论联系群众、重视马克思主义理论宣传的作用、注重调查研究、宣传与组织工作相结合等。第三章梳理张闻天力行马克思主义中国化的具体实践。主要包括在实际工作中巩固发展马克思主义宣传的舆论阵地、加强党员干部的马克思主义理论教育、在群众教育中推进马克思主义中国化等。第四章总结张闻天对马克思主义中国化的重要贡献。主要包括提出马克思主义中国化的原则、巩固和加强党的建设以及丰富和发展马克思主义等方面内容。第三部分,论文的结束语部分。通过对张闻天马克思主义中国化思想形成与发展脉络和实践探索的梳理,笔者认为马克思主义者必须不断学习,坚持理论创新;运用马克思主义理论不能教条,必须结合实际;密切联系群众,推进马克思主义大众化;增强党性修养,敢于坚持真理、修正错误。研究张闻天马克思主义中国化思想与实践,对于当今推进马克思主义的理论创新与实践创新仍具有重要借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Zhang Wentian was a fine example who advanced the sinicization of Marxism.He was always practical and realistic either in the experience of revolutionary war orin the practice of peaceful development. He held the Marxist fundamental theorieswith China’s concrete practice and constantly realized the innovation of the theorydevelopment. Besides, he has exploited new realm for the development of Marxismsinicization. In all, he has made his important contribution for the historic leap ofMarxism of Chinese. It was a hardship and tortuous exploring process which alsomanifested Chinese Communist Party is always making unremitting endeavor for thesinicization of Marxism, to shape Zhang Wentian’s thought of sinicization ofMarxism. Ultimately, the above process has improved the theory consciousness ofsinicization of Marxism to be realism. The object of this dissertation is ZhangWentian’s thought and practice of sinicization of Marxism. The background and agentof Zhang Wentian’s experience of exploration for Marxism sinicization will beinspected in to make the history, principles and main content of Marxism sinicizationmuch clear. Thus the complex thought card of Chinese Communist Party whoimproving the development of Marxism sinicization summarization will beproclaimed by summarization of historical experiences.This dissertation has three parts.The first part is the introduction including topic significance, present researchsituation, research method, paper originality and deficiencies.The formation process, theory, practice, historical significance and basicexperience of Zhang Wentian’s Marxism sinicization thought will be stated in thesecond part which contains four chapters and be the main part. In the first chapter, theevolution of Zhang Wentian’s Marxism sinicization thought will be elaborated in theaspects of premise and shape of Marxism sinicization. The details of Zhang Wentian’sMarxism sinicization are in the second chapter, including his ideas of theory should be connected with the masses, Marxism theory propaganda and investigation shouldbe payed great attention, and propaganda should be connected with organization work.Then it comes the third chapter for the concrete practice of Zhang Wentian’s Marxismsinicization. This chapter covers his three practices: consolidated and developed thepublic field of Marxism propaganda in practice; strengthened Marxist theoryeducation of the Party members; forwarded the education of sinicization of Marxismin the masses. The last chapter concludes his great contributions to sinicization ofMarxism. For example, he proposed the principles of Marxism sinicization and theidea of consolidate and develop the Party building. Thus the Marxism was enrichedand developed.The third part is a conclusion. Through clarified the formation and developmentprocess as well as practice groping of Zhang Wentian’s Marxism sinicization, I holdthe ideas as below. First, the Marxist must study and innovate constantly. Secondly,the Marxist theory is not dogma so must be connected with reality. Third, the Marxistmust be tied up with the masses frequently in order to improve Marxism popular. Thelast, the Marxist should either strengthen their Party spirit training or have thecourage to hold truths and rectify mistakes. The research of Zhang Wentian’sMarxism sinicization thought and practice has significant references for theinnovation of Marxism theory and practice in nowadays.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

