

On Hohhot Real Estate Rfom1632to1937

【作者】 李艳洁

【导师】 常建华;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文所研究的“呼和浩特”是指今天的呼和浩特市,以玉泉区、新城区、回民区、赛罕区四区为探讨范畴,时间断限是1632年至1937年。追溯历史,清代的呼和浩特由相距五里的归化城、绥远城二城组成。归化城源自明代中后期的蒙古土默特阿拉坦汗始建的库库和屯,绥远城是乾隆四年(1739)竣工的驻防八旗满城。民国时期,城市房地拓展,由归化城和绥远城基本连成一体的城市名称变为归绥市。将历史上的呼和浩特房地问题放置在城市空间里讨论,清代和民国时期,房地发展经历了不同状态。全文共分三个部分,九章内容。叙述和分析了不同时期,不同状态下,呼和浩特房地发展的内容,特点,以探究这一演变的实质和意义。清代时期,归化城房地有二层权属。土地属于国有,归化城土默特部有占有权。房地掌握在以归化城土默特上层为主的蒙古部落和清廷支持的召庙手中。随着清政权的渗透,又出现了一部分官地。随着内地移民的涌入,房地产业迅速发展,蒙古部落和召庙房地是清廷以户口地和香火地方式赐予蒙古土默特左右翼和召庙的,不允许蒙民交产,所以民间和召庙房地产业以租赁为主。租赁以约定俗成的契约方式进行,从契约来看,房地租赁许退不许夺,租户在契约关系中掌控很大权力。尽管不允许蒙民交产,由于互有经济需求,中央对呼和浩特民间房地管理不完善,民间房地交易市场一直存在,形成一定规模的蒙民房地产业主。官房产业的出现主要是为弥补办公经费的不足,实行严格的四柱清册上报理藩院制度,受中央宏观调控。清代乾隆四年修建的绥远城,由清政府筹划、派员、资金,全权修建。城堡及城内所有设施均属国有,绥远城房地的规划、规模、布局、质量、维修,都由中央严格控制,地方政府委托进行。随着政局调整,房地的变价售卖由以绥远城将军、归化城副都统,以及管理绥远城经济事务的绥远城理事同知,或者绥远城理事同知的上级机构山西抚政参与进行。不允许旗民交产,旗民交产在民间私自进行。绥远城内的房地产业主要是满足城内八旗及眷属生活所需设置铺房出租,房地租赁实行四柱清册制度,上报户部,由清政府严格管理。房地租银作为绥远城财政的一部分,用于绥远城内部开支。清末,清政府实行新政,在蒙古地区实行垦务政策。针对已经形成的归化城、绥远城房、地权属的复杂情况,清中央和地方政府开始了对房地的清理整顿。清末实行的房地印花捐,以及绥远城将军贻谷进行的归化城房地清理登记,颁发印照事宜,从法律上认可了归化城蒙民交产,确认了房、地权属分离。绥远城房地经过绥远省官产清理处入手,制定官产清理二十二条,官房一律变价私有,完成绥远城房地权属国有向私有化转移,确认了房、地权属分离。在制度上,这些房地整顿清理工作使归化城和绥远城消除了界限,城市趋向一体化。清至民国初年,归化城房地移民化形成,绥远城房地私有化。在这个过程中,中央权力不断以各种方式渗透,甚至直接主宰房地产业,地方政府则加大对房地的控制权力,强化国家认同。土著居民房地不断收缩,移民房地占据主要地位,近代移民化城市形成。

【Abstract】 Hohhot studied in this thesis refers to today’s Hohhot City and the thesisexplores the city’s four districts, which are Yuquan, Xincheng, Huimin, Saihan from1632to1937. Traced back to Qing Dynasty, Hohhot was composed of Guihua andSuiyuan City, which is distance of five li. Guihua was originated in Kukuhetunfounded by Mongolian Tumd Alatan Khan in the Middle and Late Ming Dynasty. AndSuiyuan City was founded in Qianlong four-year (1739), which was a Manchu citiesgarrisoned by the Manchu Eight Banners. During the period of the Republic of China,the city’s real estate had been extended. The Guihua and Suiyuan cities becameorganic whole, and named as Guisui. In this thesis, the premises of Hohhot in historywere discussed in field of the city space. The development of the premises haddifferent configuration in Qing and the period of the Republic of China. The paper isdivided into three parts, nine chapters. This paper describes and analyzes the contentand features of the Hohhot premises development in the different times and underdifferent conditions, so as to explore the essence and significance of this evolution.The Qing Dynasty period, Guihua City real estate had two layers of managementauthority. The land belonged to the country and Tumd had a possessory title to land.The premises laid in the hands of the Guihua upper nobilities of Tumd Mongoliantribes and temples supported by the Qing government. With the penetration of theQing regime, there was part of the Crown Land. With the influx of migrants from theup-country, the real estate industry was developing rapidly. The real estate belongedto Mongolia tribes and temples were given by government in name of resident landand worshippers land and the owners had no right to exchange. The industry of civiland temples real estate was lease-based form. The contract was used in the lease. Inthis contract, the tenants had prior right to lesser. That is to say that the tenants canterminate the contract without any restraint, but the lesser had no right like that.Despite there were law of prohibiting transaction of real estate, due to mutualeconomic needs and the poor management for central government, premises market had always existed and Mongolia real estate businessmen formed a certain scale. Theofficial real estate industry was mainly to compensate for the lack of funding foroffice and executed a strict system reporting to Li Fan Yuan by the way of Four-postinventory. It was controlled by the central government.The Qing government provided planning, staff and funds to built the Suiyuan Cityin Emperor Qianlong four-year by. The castle and all the city facilities arestate-owned. The Suiyuan city’s real estates planning, size, layout, quality andmaintenance were strictly controlled by central government and local governmententrusted to manage. With the political changes, the real estate selling affairs chargedby the Suiyuan City generals, the Guihua Vice-all Series, Suiyuan City Li Shi TongZhi who managed economic affairs, or Shanxi Asking Political which was theSuiyuan city’s director. It was illegal for citizen of Eight Banners to sell their realestate, so they sold it secretly. The way of the Suiyuan city’s real estateindustrialization is mainly to set shop rental and the profit was mainly to meetnecessities of the Eight Banners soldier and their family’s life. The rental of realestate applied to the Four-inventory Report system and reported to the Ministry ofstrict management by the Qing government. As a part of Suiyuan city financialincome, the rent were used for the Suiyuan city internal expenses.In the later Qing dynasty, the Qing government carried out a new policy whichimplemented in Mongolia area a reclamation policy. Associated with complex realestate situation in Guihua and Suiyuan City, the central and local governments beganto clear and rectify the real estate. Through the implementation of stamp tax of realestate, and the Guihua real estate clean-up registration charged by Yi Gu, who was theSuiyuan City General. Therefore, the Guihua Meng Min real estate exchange waspermitted in law and the ownership separation of real estate were confirmed. TheApartment of Suiyuan Property Government-owned charged the job. It drew CleaningProperty Government-owned Twenty-two and sold the state-owned real estate, whichtransferred state-owned real estate to privatization. Therefore, the real estaterectifying job eliminated boundaries between Guihua and Suiyuan city and the citytrend to integration.From Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China, the real estate of naturalization appeared in Guihua city and privatization in Suiyuan city appeared too. In thisprocess, the central powers penetrated constantly in various ways, even directlycontrolled the real estate industrialization, local government increased power on thereal estate. Indigenous people continued to shrink and modern immigration cityformed.

【关键词】 清代民国呼和浩特房地私有化移民化
【Key words】 Qing DynastyRepublic of ChinaHohhotReal EstatePrivatizationNaturalization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

