

"Toward Liberation": On Agricultural Labor of Women in Taihang Mountain Area during the Collectivization

【作者】 刘洁

【导师】 李金铮;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 新中国成立后,发动妇女参加社会化大生产成为中共妇女工作的重要内容。在中共的发动下,乡村妇女开始大规模地走出家庭,走上社会,参与社会生产,为国家、为集体创造了大量的财富和价值,同时也使自身的素质和处境发生了很大的变化。但这是不是就代表“妇女解放”了?到底什么是“妇女解放”?集体化时期的妇女是否真正获得了解放?这是妇女史研究的重要课题,也是本文着力论述所在。本文集中研究了集体化时期太行山区妇女在参与农业生产的过程中,在农业生产中所起的重大作用以及给自身带来的重大变化,并试图说明乡村妇女在参与农业生产的过程中所面临的困境和挣扎,探讨集体化时期乡村妇女是否真的获得了解放。全文包括引言和六章正文。引言部分主要介绍了本课题的意义、学术史、研究理论和方法以及资料来源等。第一章,主要介绍新中国成立前太行山区妇女参与农业生产的情况。在传统社会中,在“男主外,女主内”的劳作分工模式下,妇女大部分时间从事家务劳动,主要的活动是煮饭洗衣、编织缝纫、料理家务、养育孩子等劳动。就太行山区来说,由于地少人多,除少数贫农妇女到田间搞些辅助劳动外,一般没有参加田间劳动的习惯,否则会遭人耻笑。由于家务劳动难以被量化且不具有交换性,其价值在传统观念中被大打折扣,所以妇女在家庭中一直被视为“吃闲饭的人”或“无用的人”。直到抗战前夕,太行山区广大妇女仍处在封建宗法制度束缚之下,仍然被禁锢在封建文化浸染的传统女性空间中。抗战开始后,中共出于解放妇女的历史使命和根据地面临的巨大财政经济困难等原因,开始发动妇女参加农业生产。在中共的发动下,太行山区妇女开始冲破几千年的封建束缚,摆脱了单一的家务劳动,参与农业生产人数和范围逐步扩大,并在农业生产中起到了一定的作用。同时,参与农业生产也使妇女改变了原先“以劳为耻”的劳动观念,形成了新的家庭关系,也使妇女的社会地位有了一定提高。第二章,主要介绍了新中国成立后中共对妇女的生产动员。在马恩列斯妇女解放理论的指导下,更由于新中国成立后经济建设中面临的巨大劳动力缺口和对苏联经验的借鉴,新中国成立后,发动妇女参加农业生产仍然是中共妇女工作的一项重要任务。中共通过思想教育、在家庭内解放妇女的后顾之忧、利用示范效应、帮助妇女学习农业技术以及实行男女“同工同酬”等方法发动妇女参加农业生产。第三章,主要介绍妇女在农业生产中逐渐“撑起了半边天”。在中共的发动下,太行山区妇女的劳动参与率逐渐提高,在生产中的作用也日益凸显,在农业生产中逐渐“撑起了半边天”。第四章,主要介绍妇女参加农业劳动对自身的影响。集体化时期,妇女大规模参与农业生产劳动,不仅为家庭、集体乃至国家创造了大量财富与价值,而且对其自身素质的提高也有很大的影响。在参与农业生产过程中,妇女的劳动技术、精神风貌以及社会地位均有了很大程度的提高与改变。第五章,介绍集体化时期的男女“同工同酬”。在集体化时期,工分是计量农民参加集体劳动的数量和质量并获取相应报酬的一种形式。由于“男尊女卑”的历史原因和妇女的劳动技术水平低等现实原因,在妇女参加集体劳动初期,往往是男子的工分普遍高于妇女的工分。随着妇女劳动技术的提高和劳动强度的增大,妇女对这种男高女低的记分方法逐渐产生了异议,开始要求在农业生产中实行男女“同工同酬”。中共出于解放妇女和提高妇女劳动积极性的考虑,逐渐把男女“同工同酬”制度化,并取得了一定的成效。但由于男女生理的客观差异和传统的男女劳作分工模式不同,男女“同工同酬”却只能成为一句追求男女平等的口号,在集体化时期并未能真正实现。第六章,介绍乡村妇女在参加集体农业生产过程中面临的困境和挣扎。集体化时期,对于广大农村妇女而言,参与农业生产、走出家庭所带来的解放感是不容置疑的。但同时,参与农业生产也给妇女带来一些始料未及的问题。最为突出的有两个问题:一是妇女走出家庭参与社会劳动后,但男子却没有相应的分担家务劳动,家务劳动仍然主要由妇女来承担,这就加重了妇女的负担,给妇女造成了双重束缚;第二个问题是在妇女解放的过程中,中共只注重发扬“冲天干劲”,“片面地宣传‘苦干’、‘猛干’,表扬有病坚持工作”,忽视性别差异的问题,结果导致妇女身体受到很大的损害。由此,集体化时期乡村妇女参加农业生产劳动给妇女带来的不仅仅是解放,在解放的背后妇女承受了许多不能诉说的苦痛和挣扎。首先,集体化时期把“男女平等”视为妇女解放的目标,并把“男女平等”简单理解成“男女都一样”,以男人的标准来要求女性,把体力的平等作为妇女解放的标志。其次,在妇女开始走入社会参加农业劳动的同时,男子却并没有在家庭中相应的承担一部分家务劳动,家务劳动仍被看成是妇女的职责所在,因此,在集体化时期乃至此后的很长一段时期,乡村妇女都要承受农业劳动和家务劳动的双重负担,在这双重重担之下,妇女们疲累不堪,苦不堪言,“男女平等”并没有真正实现。集体化时期妇女解放运动貌似激烈,却出现了妇女解放而不平等的悖论。这缘于国家权力的越位和妇女权利的缺失,男女平等旨在鼓励妇女与男人看齐多做贡献,却有意无意地忽视了性别差异和妇女的权利。

【Abstract】 After the foundation of new China, mobilizing women to participate in socialproduction became an important part of the CPC women work. With the mobilizationof the CPC, countrywomen began to get out of their homes and participate in socialproduction in large scale. They created massive wealth and value for the country andtheir collective. At the same time, they greatly changed their own quality and theircircumstances. Can we say this represents “the liberation of women”? What onearth is “the liberation of women”? Did Women in the collectivization period get trueliberation? This is an important topic of women history research as well as the focusof this article.This article concentrates on the research of the great role that women in TaihangMountain Area played in agricultural production and the significant change theybrought to themselves in the course of their participation in agricultural productionduring the collectivization period. The article also tries to introduce the plights andstruggles that the countrywomen faced during their participation in agriculturalproduction and discuss whether the countrywomen got true liberation or not in thecollectivization period. The article consists of seven parts: introduction and sixchapters of text.The introduction mainly includes the significance of the subject, academichistory, theories and methods of research as well as the resources of material.The first chapter mainly introduces women’s participation in agriculturalproduction in Taihang Mountain area. In traditional society, with the labor divisionmode of “the man goes out to work while the woman looks after the house”, Womenengaged in housework most of the time. Their major activities were cooking, washing,knitting and sewing, doing the housework and nursing children. As far as the TaihangMountain area is concerned, owing to the limited land and large population, womenseldom went to work in the field except few poor women would go there to do someassistant work. Otherwise, they would be laughed at. Because housework is hard to be quantized and can not be exchanged, the value of housework is greatly discountedin traditional conception, and housewives are regarded as hangers-on or worthlesspersons in their families. Until the eve of the anti-Japanese war, women in TaihangMountain area were under the trammel of feudal patriarchal system and wereconfined to the traditional women’s space profoundly influenced by feudal culture.After the anti-Japanese war, the CPU began to mobilize women to participate inagricultural production to fulfill the historical mission of women liberation and solvethe tremendous financial problem. With the mobilization of the CPC, women inTaihang Mountain area began to break through the feudal bondage of thousands ofyears and get rid of the single housework. The quantity and scale of womenparticipating in agricultural production enlarged gradually, which played a certain rolein agricultural production. Meanwhile, women changed their attitude toward labor.They didn’t regard labor as a disgrace any more. New family ties were formed andwomen’s social status was promoted to some extent.Chapter two focuses on the CPC’s mobilizing women to participate inproduction. Under the guidance of Marx, Ernst, Lenin and Stalin’s theories ofwomen’s emancipation, and as a result of the massive gap of labor force in economicconstruction after the foundation of new China and the reference to the experiences ofSoviet Union, mobilizing women to participate in agricultural production was still amajor task among the CPC women work. The CPC mobilized women to participate inagricultural production by means of ideological education, freeing women fromtroubles at home, making use of demonstration effect, helping women learnagricultural technologies, carrying out the policy of “equal pay for equal work”, andso on.Chapter three deals with the fact that women were gradually holding well half ofthe sky in agricultural production. With the mobilization of the CPC, the rate offemale labor force participation was rising gradually, and their roles in productionwere becoming obvious. Women were gradually holding half of the sky inagricultural production.Chapter four mainly talks about the influence they brought to themselves whenwomen participated in agricultural production. During the collectivization period, women participated in agricultural production in large scale. They not only createdenormous wealth and value for their families, their groups and the country but alsobrought great influence on the improvement of their own quality. During the processof their participation in agricultural production, they greatly improved and changedtheir work skills, mental outlook and social status.Chapter five deals with the principle of equal pay for equal work for men andwomen during the collectivization period. During that period, work points were theform to measure the quantity and quality of farmers’ work and get their correspondingpay. Because of the traditional idea of sexual discrimination and because that womenusually had comparatively low work skills, in the early days in their participation incollective labor, women generally got lower work points than men did. With theimprovement of their work skills and the increase of their work intension, womenbegan to object this scoring method. They began to ask for the application of theprinciple of equal pay for equal work to men and women alike in the agriculturalproduction. Out of their consideration of liberating women and promoting women’swork enthusiasm, the CPC gradually made equal pay for equal work to men andwomen a system and obtained certain achievement. But owing to the objectivephysiologic difference between men and women and the traditional different mode ofdivision of labor, equal pay for equal work to men and women was only a slogan andwas not truly put into effect.Chapter6presents the plights and struggles that the countrywomen were facingwhen they participated in agricultural production. During the collectivization period,there was no doubt that women’s participation in agricultural production and gettingout of their homes brought them great sense of liberation. But at the same time, theirparticipation in agricultural production also brought them unexpected problems.There were two obvious problems. One of them was that men didn’t share houseworkcorrespondingly while women were out to work. Women still had to take on most ofthe housework and thus added their burden. Their bondage was doubled. The otherone was that the CPC only encouraged women to develop “soaring drive” andone-sidedly advocated “hard work” and “intense work”. Keeping on work despiteillness was praised and sexual difference was ignored. So in the course of women’s liberation, women’s health was greatly damaged.Therefore, in the collectivization period, women’s participation in agriculturalproduction brought them not only liberation but also pains and struggles that can’t bevoiced. Firstly, equal pay for equal work for men and women was regarded the goalof women’s liberation and sexual equality was simply interpreted as men and womenshould be treated alike. Women were treated with the standard of men. Strengthequality was regarded the sign of women’s liberation. Secondly, men didn’t sharehousework correspondingly while women entered the society and participated inagricultural work. Housework was still regarded as women’s duty. So during thecollectivization period and a long time after that, women were double burdened withagricultural work and housework. They were exhausted and miserable. Sexualequality was not really realized. In the collectivization period, women’s liberationmovement seemed intense but women only got liberation not liberty. This wasbecause of the offside of state power and the deficiency of women’s rights. The aimof sexual equality was to advocate women to make equal to men and make morecontributions, but gender differences and women’s rights were ignored consciously orunconsciously.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期
  • 【分类号】D442.6;K27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】348
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