

"Middle Generation" Poetry Research

【作者】 邵波

【导师】 罗振亚;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本论文从有关“中间代”命名的争议开始,框定“中间代”这一命名的历史必然性与合法性,进而从整体上对“中间代”诗歌进行拯救式打捞,以期改变诗坛对“中间代”诗人长时间的漠视或有意遮蔽的现状。通过梳理诗人们共同的时代背景和历史经历,细读那些丰富而驳杂的诗歌文本,从而提炼他们诗歌的艺术特色和诗学特征,辨析出“中间代”在二十多年的沉潜背后,烛照他们内心、支撑他们创作的诗歌理想,为这股中国当代诗坛最为倚重的力量,为一代诗人的坚实努力给予公允的评价。绪论部分,首先对“中间代”的命名加以清理和分析,勾沉出围绕这代诗人有关命名问题的争议和其间暴露的诗学问题,论证“中间代”命名的合理性与合法性,这是本论文得以展开的逻辑前提。其次,以“中间代”诗人的诗路历程为中心,从整体上研究他们在1990年代和新世纪两个“十年”里的创作实绩,力图勾勒出这群诗人从沉潜到浮出历史地表的过程。最后,梳理目前有关“中间代”研究的文章,并把社会学、心理学、哲学等学科的研究方法引入其中,跨学科地对“中间代”的诗歌艺术进行多维阐释。第一章以“中间代”诗人的精神走势为研究对象,总结出众多诗人相似的精神轨迹和思想脉络,以这群诗人的精神背景为线索,将他们凝聚起来。其中,分为“中间代”诗人的精神成长史,焦虑的时代表征和新世纪对人文主义精神的守望三节,依次论述诗人们在成长的特殊环境下相应的心理症候,诗歌学徒期所遭遇的边缘化处境,以及面对席卷而至的大众文化浪潮和消费社会,他们诗作中流露出的精神品质与道义操守;从而凸显出“中间代”诗人沉潜、内敛的性格秉性和内心对诗歌“痴心无悔”的坚持。第二章主要研究“中间代”诗歌的艺术技巧,将诗人们多元并举的诗艺手法分类,在保留文本差异性原则的前提下,透过“中间代”先锋技术实验总结这一流派内部相对一致的诗艺追求。“及物”写作作为“中间代”情有独钟的艺术法宝,展现出别具一格的诗意特色,无论是对日常生活的细腻描画,还是社会现实的个人化书写,均努力发掘平凡人生、普通事物身上隐匿的个人历史和生存哲学;叙事性则是“中间代”诗人得以不断向繁复的日常经验扩容的必要手法;“中间代”诗歌的“长度”主要突出他们长诗的类型和样态,抽取经典诗人、诗作厘清其背后隐藏的精神“信息”;“古典镜像”主要论述“中间代”诗歌的古典意蕴,探讨诗人们的怀古情结。第三章集中讨论“中间代”诗人的诗学特征。“中间代”诗人与前几代诗人相比,诗学主题可谓花样翻新,哪怕是旧题材,流经他们的笔端亦会闪现新质意趣。其中城市诗学直逼现代人的生存空间,探究大都市的种种社会病理和“孤独的人群”的现实境况;生态诗学是以人与自然的和谐相处为宗旨,揭示生态危机的社会历史根源,寻找返照人类原初之地的秘密甬道;怀旧诗学则侧重探讨新世纪重新出现的“海子热”,论述诗人以“怀旧”作为诗歌要旨的复杂心理状态;而性别诗学则从男、女诗人双方对女性、女性诗歌的理解入手,探知“中间代”女诗人不同以往的诗写策略,估评性别诗学在写作、传播、阅读上的多元趋势。第四章侧重于多元文化背景下的“中间代”诗人研究,其中包括三个至今仍被湮没的诗人群落:“中间代”诗人翻译家、少数民族“中间代”诗人和港澳台“中间代”诗人。他们二十年间都在各自的诗学领域取得了较大成就,但是由于种种原因,诗坛和批评界对其重视不够,研究成果寥若晨星,笔者本章对其进行初步开掘,客观地复原他们的整体风貌,予以他们相应的历史评价。第五章笔者试图借用“小群体”这一特定社会学视角,对作家流派的研究做进一步的阐释,尝试破解诗人群体性研究的另一维度,即从小群体社会学的剖面入手,在自成体系的新诗研究框架外,实验性地建立某种跨学科的研究范式。并从“中间代”命名背后复杂的人际关系、博客时代诗人新的交往形式和“中间代”诗评家的小群体影响力三方面融合“小群体社会学理论”,最终从诗群外部着眼,考察“中间代”发生、发展到繁荣的诗歌史进程。可以说,“中间代”作为一个整体,已经在当今诗坛形成了一股不容小觑的力量,他们承前启后,锐意创新,以坚韧的写作态度为当代先锋诗歌的代际转接立下汗马功劳。最终,“中间代”凭借取得的成绩和一如既往的开拓精神,获得了诗坛的首肯,也为文学史书写出厚重的篇章。

【Abstract】 This thesis starts from the “middle generation” controversy, frames the historicalinevitability and legitimacy of “middle generation” and to save the whole poetry of itso as to change the status quo o f ignoring and intently sheltering the “middlegeneration” for long time. In terms of combing the poets of shared era backgroundand experience to touch their rich and complex poetic texts in the depth of the soul, torefine their poetic and artistic characteristics, to find their poetry ideal light behind inmore than20years of preparation and give a fair evaluation to those poets who arethe indispensible group of China’s contemporary poetry and to their contribution.The introduction part first clear, analyze and frame the name of “middlegeneration” and sort out the naming controversy around this generation of poets andthe poetics exposed during that period,demonstrate the rationality and legitimacy ofthe “middle generation”, which is the prerequisite of this paper. Secondly, the“middle generation” of poets,research on the overall performance of poetry in the1990s and the new century, trying to outline the group of poets emerged from thedowns to the historical surface.Finally, to sum up the article on “middle generation”and to incorporate in the method sociology, psychology,philosophy and otherdisciplines and to interdisciplinary show the “middle generation” of poetry frommulti-dimensional perspectives.The first chapter takes spirit trend of “middle generation” poet as a researchobject,briefly outline many poets similar spiritual path and the thread of thought,gather the spirit of the poets background as a clue.This chapter is divided into historyof spiritual growth,characterization of anxiety of the era and the guardian ofhumanism.It in turn discusses the poets of psychological symptoms in the growth ofspecial circumstances while facing the wave of popular culture and consumer societyrevealed the spirit of quality and moral conduct.So as to highlight the introvertedcharacter and the adherence to poetry of “middle generation”.The second chapter research on the artistic skills, tend to classify their poetic techniques, try the art of poetry the way poets multiple simultaneous subtotals, underthe premise that to retain the text of the principle of difference, to climb throughpursuit relatively consistent internal art of their poetry.“Transitive” of magic weapon,showing the unique poetic characteristics, whether it is a delicate painted on daily life,ordinary things body hidden personal history and philosophy of existence; narrative isa necessary technique for the “middle generation” to the complex daily experience theexpansion; the length of “middle generation “of poetry mainly implies the types andpatterns,extracts from classical poets and poems;”classical mirror”focuses on theclassical implication of the “middle generation” of poetry to explore the nostalgia ofthe poets complex.Chapter three focuses on the characteristics of the “middle generation” of poets.“Middle generation “poets, compared with previous generations, their poetic themecan be described as a new guise, even the old theme of his writings will be flowingthrough their flash new quality poetry interesting. City poem is a mirror to themodern living space, explore the various social pathology of the metropolis and the“lonely crowd “reality of the situation; eco-poetics is based on the harmony betweenman and nature of the purpose to reveal the social and historical roots of theecological crisis, penetration of the land of human primordial secret passageway;thenostalgia poetics, focused on the “Haizi”, re-emergence of the new century, discussesthe port of “nostalgia” as poetry the essence of the complex mental state; the poeticsof gender from male, female poet both sides start with the understanding of women,female poetry to recognize the “middle generation” poets different writing policy andto revaluate the multi-trend of gender poetic writing,communication and reading.Based on multicultural context, Chapter four carries on its research on “middlegeneration” covered three still buried poet community: poet and translator, minorityand “Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan” of “middle generation”. They have achievedgreat accomplishments in their respective field of poetic in twenty years, but due tovarious reasons, they got inadequate attention from poetry and criticism and so doesthe number of research. The author digs to recover them to their overall style and givethem corresponding historical evaluation.Chapter five would like to research on this school of poets by using a particular sociology perspective of “small group” and try to break into dimensions of the poetsstudy, saying tentatively establish some kind of interdisciplinary research beyond theframework of the self-contained poetry research. And finally intergraded the “smallgroup sociological theory” to study on an external focus from three aspects:complicated human relationships behind the “middle generation “, new exchangesways in the blog era and the “middle generation “critics influence,do further externalfocus study on this group of the occurrence, development and prosperity in theprocess of poetry history.It can be said that,the “middle generation” as a whole, holding up to a toughattitude, has already made tremendous contribution to the intergeneration transfer ofpioneer poetry. It’s my belief that by virtue of the achievements and pioneering spiritas always, these poets will obtain the acknowledgement and their works willeventually become a significant part of the literature history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

