

Chinese Literary Field in1958

【作者】 于宁志

【导师】 李新宇;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文的研究对象是1958年的中国大陆文坛。这一年的文坛发生了很多新现象,如新民歌运动、诗歌道路问题的讨论、文艺大跃进、“共产主义文艺”、“三史”写作、“两结合”创作方法等,它们在中国当代文学发展流变的链条上产生了巨大的影响,而学界对这一年的复杂性和重要性缺少必要的关注。因此,选择“1958年的中国文坛”这一课题,具有以下几方面的意义:第一、“再批判”、“共产主义文艺”、“三史”写作、“党委、群众、作家”三结合的集体创作方式等是人们较少关注的现象,本课题将1958年的文学作为一个整体,充分关注被学界忽视的问题,具有填补性意义。第二、选择这一课题,将有利于凸显1958年在当代文学史上的地位,提醒人们重视1958年的影响和重要作用。第三、以1958年的中国文坛作为研究对象,透过一个年头看一个时代,也有利于探寻一种新的文学史结构与叙述方式。第一章考察1958年文坛发生的一系列文艺批判运动:对“双百”时期“毒草”的批判、对“修正主义文艺思想”的批判、“再批判”等。批判的矛头直指“写真实”、“个人主义思想”、“文学的独立性”等问题,而批判的目的是通过惩戒越规者,重新确立文艺规范。第二章梳理文艺大跃进运动的过程,勾勒“大跃进文艺”的面貌和特征,研究革命回忆录、“三史”写作、“三结合”写作模式、“共产主义文艺”等新现象。“大跃进文艺”具有社会主义性质,并产生了“共产主义文艺”的萌芽,它在打击“资产阶级文学”和“修正主义文学”之后继承了“双百”文学以前的无产阶级文学和社会主义文学传统,并决定着此后近20年文学运动的方向和基本形态。第三章检视诗歌发展道路问题的讨论。首先,描述新民歌引发的大讨论的过程和基本情况;其次,分析一元派和多元派争论的分歧和焦点;最后,阐述这次讨论的影响和意义。这场讨论抛弃了五四以来新诗几十年建立的基础,扭转了五四新诗和新文学的发展方向;消解了外国诗歌对中国新诗的影响,堵住了诗歌向外国学习和借鉴之路,切断了中国新诗和新文学借助于世界资源以实现现代化的路程。第四章将关注的重点投向文艺大跃进运动的理论成果——“两结合”创作方法”。第一节叙述“两结合”提出的过程、依据以及与社会主义现实主义的关系;第二节概括“两结合”的实质,即突出“革命的浪漫主义”,以此扼制了“双百”文学中刚刚出现的现实主义批判精神,使文学成为合格的政治工具。第三节审视“两结合”指导下的文学创作,指出这种文学成为“文革”中“假大空”文学的先导。第五章考察新规范制约下的边缘、异类与潜在创作。许多注重艺术个性营造、表现复杂个人情感、塑造丰富人物形象的作品因为不符合“规则”而受到批评,说真话的精神和批判的声音既不准公开出现,“清醒者”的创作只好转入地下。后来者需要打捞他们的声音,倾听他们的言说。本文以“1958年的中国文坛”为研究对象,关注了“再批判”、对“修正主义文艺思想”的批判、“共产主义文艺”、“三史”写作、“三结合”创作方式、1958年的潜在创作等学界较少关注的现象,并概括了它们在文学史上的影响和功能。论文阐述了1958年在中国当代文学发展流变中的位置和作用,使人们对当代文学的发展、分期有更深入的认识。另外,解剖一个历史结点,以一个年头透视一个时代的研究方法也是一种比较新颖的文学史写作方法,可以为文学史的研究提供一个例证。

【Abstract】 This dissertation researches the Chinese literary field in1958. A lot of newphenomenons appeared in1958, for example, the new folk song movement, thediscussions of the poetry of the road, the literary great leap forward, communistliterature and art, writing of the history of factories, communes and army,two-combination writing method and so on, which had significant impact on Chinesecontemporary literatue development. But the attention from scholars to theimportance and complexity of the phenomenons of1958is not enough. Selecting thesubject of the Chinese literary field in1958has the meaning of the following threeaspects. Firstly, this subject fills in the blanks at the recriticism, communist literatureand art, writing of the history of factories, communes and army, the collectivecreative way of the party committees, the masses and writers, which was ignored inacademic circles. Secondly, this subject draws attention to the impact and importanceof1958in the development of Chinese contemporary literature. At last, the way ofobserving an era through one year provides a new structure and narrative form ofliterary history.Chapter one examines a series of literary criticism movement in the literary fieldof1958, such as criticizing the poisonous weeds in the double hundred period, criticizing the literary revisionism theory and the second criticism, which aimed atwriting a real world, the idea of individualism and the independence of literature. Thepurpose of this criticism is to repair the literary norms by punishing offenders.Chapter two combs the process of the literary and art of Great Leap Forwardmovement. A lot of new phenomenons, such as revolutionary memoirs, writing of thehistory of factories, communes and army, the collective creative way of the partycommittees, the masses and writers, communist literature and art, are researched inthis charpter. The socialist Great Leap Forward literature and art produces bud ofcommunism arts. After beating the capital and revisionist literature, it inherits thetradition of the proletarian and socialist literature before double hundred literature anddetermines the direction and the basic form of the following20years.Chapter three observes the discussion on the development road of poetry. Firstly,it describes the course of discussion caused by the new folk songs. Secondly, itanalyses the differences and focuses between the two sides in the discussion. At last,this chapter elaborates the influence and significance of the discussion. The folkdirection caused by the discussion abandoned the basis of new poetry since the MayFourth in1919and reversed the direction of development of the May Fourth poetryand literature. Canceling the influence of foreign poetry, it hindered the road ofChinese poetry learning from foreign poetry and cut off the modernization journey of Chinese poetry and literature by world resources.Chapter four focuses on the theoretical results of the literature and art of theGreat Leap Forward,that is the two-combination writing method. The first quarternarrates the process of the production of two-combination and its reason and itscontact with socialist realism. Section two summarizes the essence of two-combination method. It extrudes revolutionary romanticism, through which chokesthe realistic and critical spirit just appeared in the double hundred period and turnsliterature into qualified political tool. Section three examines the literature writingunder the guidance of two-combination method and points out that it has become thepilot of the Cultural Revolution literature which is hypocritical and emptiness.Chapter five researches the edge, heterogeneous, and the potential writingrestricted under new standards. Many works focusing on the artistic personality,expressing complex personal feelings, and creating complex characters had beencriticized because of not meeting the rules. The spirit of saying the truth and criticalvoice was kept from public view, so the creation of the sober people had to gounderground. We must salvage their voices and listen to their speech.The dissertation summarizes the impact and function of many phenomenons inthe literary, such as the recriticism, criticizing the literary revisionism theory,communist literature and art, writing of the history of factories, communes and army, the collective creative way of the party committees, the masses and writers, thepotential creation of1958. The dissertation describes the position and role of the yearof1958in the development and change of Chinese contemporary literature, throughwhich helps people have a deeper understanding on the phases of the development ofthe Chinese contemporary literature. In addition, the anatomy of a historical junctionand observing one year is an original research method, which can provide an examplefor the study of literary history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

