

Research on the Historical Experience of Popularization of Marxism (1919-1949)

【作者】 邵新顺

【导师】 杨谦;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 胡锦涛总书记在党的第十七次全国代表大会上提出,要“大力推进理论创新,不断赋予当代中国马克思主义鲜明的实践特色、民族特色、时代特色。开展中国特色社会主义理论体系宣传普及活动,推动当代中国马克思主义大众化”。马克思主义大众化的命题虽然第一次出现,但其实践却从中国共产党的成立初期就已经开始了。因而,研究1919-1949年间马克思主义大众化的历史经验对推进当代中国马克思主义大众化具有十分重要的借鉴意义。正确认识马克思主义大众化的本质含义是研究马克思主义大众化的理论基础。本文第二章研究认为,马克思主义大众化在本质上是一个政治社会化的问题,马克思主义在实践性基础上的科学性、革命性和人民性是否得到彰显,是衡量党的政治实践中社会成员是否实现马克思主义化的标准。马克思主义大众化是指马克思主义政党通过各种形式的教育、宣传、示范、制度、权力等的力量,使更多的人们理解和掌握马克思主义思想观点,逐渐认同、支持无产阶级的政治统治、政治制度、政治秩序,认同中国共产党及其所领导建立的社会的社会主义性质,认同、支持和实践无产阶级专政体系所制定的纲领、路线、方针、政策和行为标准、道德要求,并在实践中把这种制度化、政策化、道德化的社会规范内化为个体自觉的行为和社会运行的内在秩序,逐步形成马克思主义的立场观点和方法,逐步形成马克思主义的政治认同、社会主义的政治行为、共产主义的政治信仰,以建设巩固的无产阶级和劳动人民政权。马克思主义大众化,在本质上是社会主义、共产主义意识形态的政治社会化。本文第三章研究认为,马克思主义实现人类解放的革命主题高度契合近代以来中华民族救亡图存求解放的时代主题,是马克思主义在中国广泛传播的根本前提;新文化运动所主张的以白话文代替文言文的书写方式,是马克思主义理论文本广泛传播的语言前提;将以西文的话语结构叙述的马克思主义翻译转换成符合中文表达方式的通俗易懂的马克思主义,是实现马克思主义大众化的民族化前提。本章从马克思主义作为社会科学理论的层面,探讨了马克思主义在知识界、理论界如何得到广泛认同。马克思主义在清末以来先后被地主阶级改革派、资产阶级维新派和革命派、无政府主义者介绍进中国,但直到俄国十月革命胜利后,才在中国得到广泛传播,在中国五四运动后被先进的知识分子所接受和信仰,成立了中国共产党。马克思主义者在战胜了各种关于社会发展、变革和前途的主张,在令人信服地论证了中国社会的性质后,确立起唯物史观在各种社会思潮中的主流地位;唯物辩证法也在批驳了各种反动哲学思想后确立了自己的主流地位,充分凸显了马克思主义世界观的科学性。以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导的新的社会科学运动的兴起,现代意义上的中国哲学社会科学学科的建立,将马克思主义的科学的思想方法渗透进了中国的知识界。本文第四章从马克思主义作为中国共产党的指导思想和理论基础的层面来探讨中国共产党及其领导的军队是如何实现马克思主义化的。新民主主义革命时期,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人将马克思主义的立场、观点和方法与中国革命实际紧密结合,形成了马克思主义中国化的第一个伟大理论成果毛泽东思想,毛泽东思想大众化的结果就是新民主主义革命的胜利。中国共产党的马克思主义化不是天然和自然形成的,尤其是在新民主主义革命时期党员成分多为农民的时代背景下更是如此。对党员干部群众的马克思主义理论教育是经常性的工作,与各种错误思想路线作斗争推进马克思主义中国化的教育是必要的内容,中国化马克思主义毛泽东思想的教育是中心的内容,与反马克思主义思想作坚决斗争保证马克思主义在意识形态领域的支配地位是重要的内容。军队是完成无产阶级政党政治任务的武装集团,必须在党的绝对领导之下,坚持军队内部的民主主义制度,坚持全心全意为人民服务的无产阶级政治方向。而要长期保持党和军队的无产阶级性质,使其坚持共产主义理想,全心全意为人民服务,就要依靠系统而有力的政治工作。本文第五章从马克思主义作为无产阶级和广大劳动群众的革命旗帜和精神武器的角度出发,探讨中国共产党是如何动员广大人民群众参加反帝反封建的革命斗争的。中国共产党在以乡村为中心开展武装革命的过程中,坚持人民群众是历史的创造者的唯物史观,采用各种方式方法开展对工农群众的政治动员,在政权建设中将实现人民群众的政治、经济、文化等各方面权利放在首位,特别是以土地问题为中心的政策切实调动了广大人民群众参加革命开展阶级斗争的政治热情,增进了对中国共产党的高度认同,以对共产主义生活理想的美好向往形成了对马克思主义朴素的政治信仰。党高度重视了文化战线马克思主义意识形态的渗透,以唤醒民众阶级意识参加阶级斗争和对新生活的美好描述为内容的革命文学兴起,并在抗日战争时期的根据地形成了声势浩大的解放文学,促进了马克思主义意识形态的社会化。本文第六章总结了1919-1949年间的马克思主义大众化的历史经验。本文认为,马克思主义、中国共产党、社会主义是三位一体的,休戚相关。马克思主义的科学性、革命性和人民性是马克思主义大众化的外在动力,马克思主义的基本原理是马克思主义大众化的基本内容,马克思主义的中国化和时代化的马克思主义是马克思主义大众化的现实内容,马克思主义的立场观点和方法是马克思主义大众化的本质内容。在日常生活中实践党的路线方针政策是马克思主义大众化的根本途径,此过程中的思想政治教育是马克思主义大众化的基本实现方法。党的政治实践的效果是马克思主义大众化的内在动力,其中能否增进人民群众的切身利益是实现马克思主义大众化的根本动力。因而,不断增强党的执政地位合法性是马克思主义大众化的必要前提;保持党的先进性是马克思主义大众化的根本保证,加强党的政治建设、思想建设和作风建设是马克思主义大众化的主体内容。本文第七章作为结语部分,从推进当代中国马克思主义大众化的具体操作层面,提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 On the17th National Congress of the CPC President Hu Jintao presented that weare supposed to make every effort to carry out theoretical innovation and giveMarxism of contemporary China distinct characters of practice, featuring with ethniccharacteristics and characteristics of the times. And we will publicize the theories ofsocialism with Chinese characteristics, and take Marxism of contemporary China tothe popularization of Marxism. In this process the topic of the popularization ofMarxism was presented for the first appearance, however the practice ofpopularization of Marxism was started in the early period of the founding of theCommunist Party of China. Consequently doing researches on the historicalexperience of the popularization of Marxism from1919to1949are of great referencevalue for advancing the popularization of Marxism in contemporary China.The correct understanding of the essential meaning of popularization of Marxismis the foundation of doing research on this problem. The popularization of Marxism isan issue on political socialization in nature, the scientific nature, revolutionary natureand the affinity to the people which are on the basis of the practice of Marxismwhether can be realized is the measurement criteria on the Marxism whether can berealized by members of society in the process of political practice. The popularizationof Marxism means that the Marxist political party is supposed to make more andmore people to understand and master the views and ideas of the thoughts ofMarxism via all kinds of education, publicity, demonstrations, institutions andauthorities, and make the people approve and support the political domination of theproletariat, political institutions and political order, acknowledge that the socialismwhich has been constructed and led by Chinese Communist Party, and make thepeople acknowledge, support and carry out the outlines, routes, guiding principles,behavior standards and moral requirements made by the proletariat, and try to turn thesocial criterions of institutionalization, policy realization and ethical principlerealization into self-conscious behaviors and the internal order of the society in thepractice to formulate the point views and methodology of Marxism to consolidate theauthority of the proletariat. The popularization of Marxism to some extent is thepolitical socialization of ideology of socialism and communism.In chapter3, the revolutionary theme of human emancipation in Marxism hasbeen the theme of our era of Chinese people as the foundation of the extensivetransmission that the Marxism is in China; the writing mode of using the vernacularChinese instead of the classical Chinese asserted by the May fourth new culturemovement is the linguistic premise of extensive transmission that the Marxist theorytext is in China; making Marxism narrated in western language translated into theMarxism of Chinese expression that can be easily understood is the precondition of the nationalization of popularization of Marxism. Subsequently the dissertationdiscusses that how Marxism can be very widely shared by the intellectual circles andtheory circle. Marxism was introduced into China by the reformers of the landlordclass, the bourgeois reformists and anarchists, and then had been widely shared inChina till the victory of the October Revolution in Russia. Then Marxism wasaccepted by the advanced intellectuals in China after May fourth movement whoeventually set up Chinese Communist Party. The Marxists in China formed themainstream of historical materialism in different kinds of trend of thoughts after thedemonstrations of social developments and changes. Historical materialismestablished its mainstream position in the process of criticizing different kinds ofreactionary philosophical ideologies and showed its scientific nature of Marxismperspective of the world. The social science movement which was guided bydialectical materialism and historical materialism and the establishment of thephilosophical social science made the scientific methodology penetrating theintelligentsia of China.Chapter4discusses how Marxism can be realized by Chinese Communist Partyand its army from the perspective of the guiding ideology and theoretical foundation.During the New Democratic Revolutionary Period,the Chinese Communists who represented by Mao Zedong were putting the Marxism stand, viewpoints and methods to the actual state of the Chinese revolution, forming the first great theoretical achievement of sinicization of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought. The result of the popularizationof Mao Zedong Thought is the victory of New Democracy Revolution.Marxism inChina was not formed naturally and natively especially in the period of newdemocratic revolution. Marxist theoretical education for the members of the party andpeople is a regular work. Advancing the education of nationalization of Marxism viaagainst different kinds of wrong thoughts is the main content and the education ofnationalization of Marxism is the central content. It is important to oppose and rejectall kinds of trend of thoughts against Marxism for the purpose of keeping the status ofMarxism. Army is a military group of accomplishing political tasks of proletariatparty and has to be led by the party while sticking on democracy and politicaldirection of serving the people wholeheartedly. Keeping the nature of proletariat classand sticking on the communist ideals, serving the people wholeheartedly reallydepend on the political work which is systematic and powerful.Chapter5discusses the people led by Chinese Communist Party took part in theanti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolutionary struggle. Chinese Communist Party usesall kinds of methods to make politics arouses to the people in the process of armedrevolution which was regarding country as center, sticking on the historicalmaterialism that the masses of the people are the creator of the history and put thepolitical rights, economical rights and cultural rights on the first place. Especially thepolicies which centered upon the land problem increased the enthusiasm of the people on class struggling. The party attached great importance to the cultural front Marxistideology of penetration to awaken people to the class struggle and classconsciousness of new and better life described as the revolution literaturedevelopment content during the war of resistance against Japan formed the base to theliberation of the vocal literature, promoting the socialization of the Marxist ideology.Chapter6concludes the historical experience of popularization of Marxism from1919to1949. This dissertation argues that Marxism, CCP and socialism are thetrinity and closely related. The scientific nature, revolutionary nature of Marxism andthe affinity to the people are the external power of popularization of Marxism, thefundamental principle of Marxism is the basic content of popularization of Marxismand the Marxist sanitizations of Marxism and The Times of Marxism is the reality ofthe content and Marxist stand viewpoint and the methods of Marxism are the essentialcontent of popularization of Marxism. In our daily life the practice of the party’soutlines principles is the fundamental way of popularization of Marxism, theideological and political education is in the process of the popularization of Marxismis the basic method. The party’s political practice effects on the popularization ofMarxism are inner powers, and whether can improving the vital interests of thepeople of the popularization of Marxism is the basic power. Therefore, to enhance theparty’s ruling position legitimacy is the necessary premise of popularization ofMarxism; Keeping the party’s advanced nature is the basic guarantee ofpopularization of Marxism, and strengthening the party’s political construction andideological style construction is the main body of popularization of Marxism.Chapter7puts forward some suggestions from the perspective of specificoptional level on promoting the popularization of Marxism of contemporary China asthe conclusion

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

