

Logical and Historical Unity in Marxist Perspective

【作者】 路晓锋

【导师】 吴克峰;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 逻辑与历史的统一,是辩证思维方法论研究的重要内容。出于对逻辑、历史及其统一的不同理解,学界对逻辑与历史统一的认识也存在分歧。我们可以从马克思主义的基本观点出发,结合马克思主义的发展历程,从必然性和现实性的角度解读逻辑与历史的统一。历史,在广义上包括自然史、社会史和思想史,在狭义上专指社会史。我们在此主要是从狭义的角度来理解历史,主要关注的是人类社会的发展进程。人类社会的发展是一个自然历史过程,具有内在的规律性。人类凭借理性思维认识历史发展规律,并将这种认识以概念、判断、推理等理论形式表达出来。这种对历史发展规律的理论化认识,就是逻辑。广义的逻辑具有多重含义,这里的逻辑是狭义的,是指关于发展规律的学说。规律,是事物内部以及事物之间本质的、必然的联系。规律和必然性是同等程度的概念。一定意义上,对历史规律的认识也就是对历史必然性的认识。逻辑是对历史规律的认识,也是对历史必然性的认识,是理论化的历史必然性。必然性,是指在事物的联系和发展过程中,那些确定不移的、不可避免的趋势。必然性内在地要求向现实性转化。现实性是合乎必然性的存在。在人类社会发展进程中,历史必然性要转化为现实性。逻辑作为理论化的历史必然性,也将在历史进程中完成向现实性的转化。逻辑与历史统一的实质,是理论化的必然性在历史进程中转化为现实性。逻辑与历史统一的过程,是人类思维从客观的历史实际出发,达到对历史必然性的认识,并借助实践转化为历史现实性的过程。马克思恩格斯以辩证唯物主义为基本出发点,结合政治经济学和历史唯物主义的研究成果,对逻辑与历史的统一作了经典的解读。以列宁、斯大林为代表的俄国马克思主义者,结合俄国革命和建设的实践,对逻辑与历史的统一做了进一步的阐释。以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛为代表的中国马克思主义者,在推进马克思主义中国化的进程中,丰富和发展了对逻辑与历史统一的认识。从必然性和现实性的角度理解逻辑与历史的统一,为我们认识社会历史问题,特别是认识马克思主义的理论与实践提供了一种新的视角。马克思主义理论的产生与发展;俄国十月革命的胜利和苏联社会主义建设取得的成果;新中国的诞生、社会主义制度的确立和中国特色社会主义建设的伟大成绩,都不是社会历史进程中的偶然事件,而是内涵着必然性的现实性结果,是逻辑与历史统一的结果。论文首先从必然性和现实性的视角阐述了逻辑与历史的统一问题,进而对马克思主义经典作家及中国马克思主义者的相关思想进行了理论梳理,最后在逻辑与历史统一的维度中,考察了马克思主义理论与实践的发展过程。论文由引言、正文和结语三部分组成。引言部分主要包括论文选题的缘起与意义、学界的研究现状、论文所采用的研究方法、主要创新点和不足之处等。正文分为三个部分,共五章。第一部分是第一章,主要从必然性和现实性的角度,重新界定了逻辑与历史的统一。逻辑与历史统一的实质,是理论化的必然性在历史进程中转化为现实性。在此基础上,论文对中西哲学史上逻辑与历史统一的相关思想进行了概括和总结。第二部分包括论文的第二章,第三章和第四章。论文以马克思主义的发展历程为基本线索,分三个时期梳理了马克思主义者对逻辑与历史统一的认识。论文第二章,主要梳理了马克思和恩格斯对逻辑与历史统一的认识。马克思恩格斯在辩证唯物主义视角下,初步阐释了逻辑与历史的统一问题;结合政治经济学的研究和对资本主义社会的批判,对逻辑与历史的统一进行了具体的解读;联系无产阶级革命斗争的实际,重点回答了逻辑与历史统一的实现条件和方式问题。论文第三章,主要梳理了列宁和斯大林对逻辑与历史统一问题的认识。列宁在与修正主义等思潮的论战中,自觉阐述了逻辑与历史的统一问题;在革命的低潮期,列宁深入研究了辩证法思想,并对逻辑与历史的统一问题进行了系统总结;结合俄国革命和建设的实践,列宁对逻辑与历史的统一问题做了补充和完善。斯大林在领导苏联社会主义建设的过程中,在理论上进一步发展了对逻辑与历史统一问题的认识。论文第四章,主要梳理了以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛为代表的中国马克思主义者对逻辑与历史统一问题的认识。结合中国革命和建设的实际,中国马克思主义者实现了对逻辑与历史统一思想的丰富和创新。第三部分是论文的第五章。论文在逻辑与历史统一的维度中,回顾了马克思主义理论与实践的发展历程:马克思主义者坚持逻辑与历史统一的方法,不断深化对社会历史发展必然性的认识,并在实践中推进必然性向现实性的转化,从而得到了现实性的历史结果。马克思主义理论的诞生以及后继者的理论创新和实践成果,都是必然性转化为现实性的结果,是逻辑与历史统一的结果。在结语部分,作者对论文的主要观点进行了总结,并借助一种数学方法论原则,对逻辑与历史统一方法的可行性进行了初步探索。

【Abstract】 The unification of logic and historicity is an important component of thedialectic thinking methodology. Because of the different understandings of the logic,historicity and the unification of these two respects, there still exists disagreement ofthe unification of logic and historicity. Combining with the development of Marxism,this dissertation analyzes the unification from the point of view of historicity andnecessity starting from the fundamental view of Marxism.History, in the broadest sense, includes natural history, human history andintellectual history. And in the narrow sense it specifically refers to human history. Inthis dissertation we mainly discuss the history in narrow terms and concentrate on theprocess of development of human society. The development of human society is aprocess of natural history which has its own immanent regularity. Human beingsacquaint themselves with the law of historical development by means of rationalthinking, and give these understandings expression to theory forms such as concepts,judgments and reasoning. This theoretical understanding of the law of historicaldevelopment is called logic. In a broad sense, logic has a multiple of meanings whilein this dissertation logic just means a theory of the law of development in a narrowsense. To some extent, the law or rule is an essential and inevitable correlation whichis lying in the internal affairs or the relationships between events. The laws andinevitability are equally concepts. In a certain sense, the understanding of historicalinevitability is the understanding of the rule of history. Logic is about theunderstanding of the rule of history, also the acquaintance of historical inevitabilitywhich is a theorization of historical inevitability. On some occasions, inevitabilitymeans a tendency that is incontestable and inevitable. The inevitability requires thechanges to actuality inherently, and reality is to some extent social existence which isin accordance with inevitability. In the realm of society and history, the inevitabilityof social development will turn to reality. As the theorization of historical inevitability,logic will turn to reality in the process of history. The essence of unification of logic and history is that the theorization of inevitability turns to reality in the process ofhuman history; the process of unification of logic and history is the process of humanmind which is starting from objective historical reality reaches to the understandingof historical inevitability which is turned into historical reality relying on practice.In the process of forming the theoretical system, Marx and Engels made aclassical analysis to unification of logic and history, which is making dialecticalmaterialism as the basic jumping-off place and on the basis of the researchachievements of political economy and historical materialism. The Russian Marxistswho were led by Lenin and Stalin combining of Russian revolution and its practiceenriched and developed the understanding of the unification of logic and history onthe basis of classical theories of Marx and Engels. The Chinese Marxists who are ledby MaoZedong, DengXiaoping, JiangZemin, HuJintao, further deepen theunderstanding of the unification of logic and history combing with the practice ofChinese revolution and construction.The understanding of unification of logic and history from the point view ofinevitability and reality is able to provide us a new perspective of understanding ofthe theories and practice of Marxism. With the birth of Marxism theory, it has beendeveloping into the leading idea of proletariat; the victory of the October Revolutionin Russia and socialist construction have been achieved initial results; theestablishment of new China and the foundation of the socialism system are therealistic outcomes of inevitability and the result of unification of logic and historyrather than accidental affairs in the process of social development.Firstly this dissertation demonstrates the unification of logic and history from theperspective of inevitability and reality, and then makes a survey and analysis of thetheories of classic Marxist writers and the thoughts of Chinese Marxists, finallyexamines the revolutionary movements of international proletariat and theconstruction of Socialism with Chinese characteristics.This dissertation includes three sections as followings: index, main body andconclusion. The index is composed by the reason and the significance of the selectedtopic, the current research circumstances, the methodologies of the dissertation, majororiginalities and inadequacies, etc. The main body is divided into3parts, altogether5chapters. The first part is thefirst chapter, which redefines the meaning of the unification of logic and history fromthe perspective of inevitability and reality. The essence of unification of logic andhistory is that the inevitability of theorization rises up to reality in the development ofhistory. And on that basis the dissertation sums up and concludes the thoughts aboutthe unification of logic and history in Chinese and Western philosophy history.The second part is composed by chapter2, chapter3and chapter4. The historicdevelopment of Marxism serves as elementary clue in surveying and analyzing theunderstanding of unification of logic and history by three chronicle periods. In thesecond chapter, it mainly discusses the understanding of unification of Marx andEngels. Marx and Engels took the unification of logic and history to the explainingpreliminarily from the perspective of dialectical materialism; and combing with theresearch of political economy and the criticism on the capitalist society they tookexplanations through elaboration; and put an emphasis on answering the conditions ofrealization of unification of logic and history. The third chapter demonstrates theunderstanding of unification of logic and history of Lenin and Stalin. Leninconsciously expounded the unification of logic and history against the revisionismand made a conclusion of the unification on the basis of dialectics thoughts throughof disillusionment of the revolution and he also made the supplement andconsummation of this problem combing with the practice of revolution andconstruction. Stalin further deepened the understanding of the unification of logic andhistory in the process of socialist construction in Soviet Union. Chapter4mainlydiscusses the understanding of the unification of logic and history of ChineseMarxists who aure led by MaoZedong, DengXiaoping, JiangZemin, HuJintao.Combining with the realities of the revolution and construction of China, ChineseMarxists greatly enrich and develop the idea of unification of logic and history.The third part is chapter5. This chapter mainly discusses the development of thetheory and practice of Marxism in retrospect and makes an conclusion finally: thebirth and the theoretical innovation and revolutionary practice of Marxism is theresult of the process of inevitability turned into reality rather than the accidentalaffairs. In the part of conclusion, the dissertation draws the support of mathematicalmethodology to deepen the understanding of the unification of logic and history.

【关键词】 逻辑历史统一必然性现实性
【Key words】 logichistoryunificationinevitabilityreality
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

