

Tang Hua-Long and the Politics of the Period from the End of Qing and Beginning of the Republic of China

【作者】 郝幸艳

【导师】 刘景泉;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史基本问题研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 汤化龙身处清末民初鼎革巨变的历史时期,是一位颇具代表性的风云人物,与当时的重大历史事件紧密相联,影响巨大。研究汤化龙与清末民初政治史的互动关系,既可以全面了解、把握其人生轨迹及在中国近代政治进程中的作用、地位,也可以通过其言行和思想嬗变,管窥资产阶级自由派在这一复杂历史背景下的特定心理及行为特征,总结其成败得失的经验教训;还可以从一个侧面反映出清末民初复杂多变的政治生态及社会变迁。基于此,本文以汤化龙与清末民初政治为切入点,对其生平活动及影响给予较为全面、客观的论述,并通过对汤化龙的个案剖析,透视这一派别在政治舞台上的角色扮演及历史运命。正文共分四个部分。第一章为第一部分,主要介绍汤化龙政治思想成因、内涵及嬗变过程。意在指明其思想虽由传统的“名臣政治”,转变为未脱“贤人政治”范畴的君主立宪与共和立宪思想,又渐次成为“平民的先觉”,但“以秩序的求进步”、“以统一的固国基”,始终为贯穿其一生的思想主线,且成为与革命派、当权派关系演变的内在思想动因。第二、第三章为第二部分,重点论述清末时期的汤化龙在立宪运动、辛亥风云中面临的重重历史困境及对历史发展的双重作用。本章意在阐明汤化龙背离清政府转而与革命派合流的心路历程,符合其思想发展的逻辑,并非革命投机行为。第四章为第三部分,主要探讨民国初年的汤化龙作为政党中坚在政党政治中的地位、政见、作用及与北洋系的复杂关系。本文既不同意汤化龙是北洋当权派御用官僚说,也不认同根本对立说,认为双方应是基于一定利益基础上的有限度的结合。第五章为第四部分,主要概述汤化龙在清末民初政治中的人物关联。指出与汤化龙政治关系最为密切的人不是梁启超,而是刘崇佑。正是集团成员的合力才成就了汤氏的政治业绩,也恰恰是集团内部的矛盾、分裂及个别重要成员与之政见逐渐相左,逸出集团作为反动力存在,成为汤氏失败的原因之一。中国清末民初的政治舞台上活跃着地主阶级当权派、在野派、资产阶级革命民主派和自由派几个政治派别。属于资产阶级自由派的汤化龙终其一生以“王者师”自居,极力引导、调和当权派及革命民主派,试图令其在宪政轨道内,推行分权主义的议会政治,以渐进的、和平的方式达到宪政救国的目的。但是具有理性主义的西方宪政观被作为一种救亡、发展的工具移植到中国后,当时的政治环境尚不具备令其生存的社会土壤,加之缺乏以民众为基础的强大社会力量的支撑,汤化龙纵然以天下为己任,怀抱满腔爱国热情,依然难逃失败的悲剧结局。这种悲剧,既是汤化龙个人的不幸,也是整个资产阶级自由派多舛命运的写照。

【Abstract】 Tang Hua-long was one typical and influential figure during the last stage ofQing Dynasty and the early years of Republic of China in which great changes hadtaken place,he had close relationship with the significantly historical event at thattime, producing great influence. Studying the interactive relationship between Tangand political history at that period not only can make us have a comprehensive graspof his life together with function, status in the process of modern politics of China,through Tang’s words and deeds and thinking evolution, we also have a restrictedview on the specially mental state together with behaviour trait of the wholebourgeois liberation party in the complicatedly historical background and summarizehis experiences and lessons from his gains and losses. Meantime, the research alsocan from one side reflect the variously political ecology and social change. Therefore,the thesis takes the Tang and the politics of the last stage of Qing Dynasty and theearly years of Republic of China as breakthrough point, generally and objectivelyexpound his activity and influence. Through the case-by-case analysis about Tang, itprovide us a particular view on this class’s role play and historical fate in the politicalstage.The thesis falls into four parts. The first chapter is the first part, it mainlyintroduce the cause, connotation and evolution of Tang’s political thoughts in orderto point out the fact that though his thoughts changing from the traditional “famousminister politics” to Constitutional monarchy and Republic thought which is confinedto the domain of “sage politics”, then gradually becoming “civilian’s prophet”, yet“pursuing progress with order”,“consolidating the national basis with unity” wasalways his main thought through his life and became the internally thinking cause ofrelationship evolution with the revolutionary and authority. The second, third chapteris the second part, it mainly expound the numerous historical plight faced with byTang in the constitutional movement and the Revolution of1911during the last stageof Qing Dynasty, Tang’s positive effect on carrying forward constitutionalgovernment progress, pushing forward the development of revolution situation, consolidating revolution achievement should surpass its negative effect, hiscontribution would not under the revolutionary. Tang’s mind’s journey of departingfrom Qing government and merging into the revolutionary was consistent with logicof thingking development, not the deed of joining the revolution to seek his gains.The forth chapter is the third part, it mainly discuss Tang, serving as the backbone inthe party, his status, idea, function and relationship with Northern Warlords authorityin the political party. The thesis neither agree that Tang is the hired official ofNorthern Warlords authority nor the opinions completely opposite to each other. Itholds the view that two parties had limited cooperation on the basis of certaininterests. The fifth chapter is the forth part, it mainly summarize Tang’s relationshipnetwork in the political movement during that period. It point out the fact that Tang’sthe most intimate friend was not Liang Qi-chao,but Liu Chong-you. It was the groupmembers’ unite efforts that accomplished Tang’s political achievement. It was alsoprecisely the internal contraditory, division and some members’ idea contrary to Tang,becoming the reactionary force in the group that became one of reason of his failure.There were three political forces in the political stage during that period inChina, landlord authority party represented by Qing government, Northern Warlordsgroup; revolutionary democratic party delegated by Sun Yat-sen,Huang Xing;bourgeois liberalization party embodied by Ling Qi-chao, Tang Hua-long. Being in aposition of serving the emperor as the guide through his life, Tang spared no effort tolead, reconcile the authority and revolutionary democratic party, attemptting to makethem enter the constitutional government track,pursue parliament politicscharacterized by decentralism power, trying to realize the target of saving countrygradually and peacefully by constitutional government. But after the fact that westernconstitutional government concept featured by rationalism serving as a tool whichcould save and develop country was transplanted into China, lack of politically socialenvironment, it could not survive in China at that time. Moreover, being devoid ofstrong support from the social power based on the masses, although taking the wholecountry as his own obligation, bearing patriotism full of enthusiasm, Tang still wasdestined by the tragic result. This tragedy was not only Tang himself misfortune, butalso the portraiture of the whole bourgeois liberation party suffering adverse fortune.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期
  • 【分类号】D693;K252;K827
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】220
  • 攻读期成果

