

Comparative Research of Housing Problem

【作者】 王可

【导师】 丁军;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 当前我国已进入改革发展关键期,经济体制深刻变革,社会结构深刻变动,利益格局深刻调整,思想观念深刻变化。这种空前的社会变革,既给经济社会发展进步带来巨大活力,同时也带来诸多矛盾与问题。其中,诸如住房、教育、社会保障等民生问题伴随着经济社会发展而日益突出。党的十七大报告将“住有所居”作为改善民生为重点的社会建设的重要内容和重要目标,把握了民生问题的关键。衣食住行,为人的基本生活所必需。安居才能乐业,安身才能立命,无论是定居还是流动,人类都需要解决住房问题。住房问题关系到经济平稳健康发展,关系到社会和谐稳定。各国政府都把解决居民住房问题作为重要的施政目标。我国住房市场化改革作为经济体制改革的重要组成部分,对于改善城镇居民的居住条件、促进房地产及相关行业与市场的繁荣发展,推动国民经济的发展起着极大的推动作用。但是,我国住房市场上商品房一枝独秀,且房价节节攀升;同时,保障型住房建设短缺。如果没有国家的扶助,低收入人群和弱势群体仅凭借市场力量根本无法获得一套合适的住房。单纯的市场机制不能解决全体居民的不同住房需求,使每位居民“住有所居”,政府责无旁贷。同样变计划经济体制为市场经济体制的中东欧转型国家——波兰、捷克、匈牙利,在转型初期也出现了类似的问题:市场机制在为居民提供更多住房选择的同时,也使中低收入者和弱势群体面对住房这一人生中最昂贵的商品而望房兴叹。本文紧紧围绕波兰、捷克、匈牙利三个中东欧转型国家在经济转型期如何实现“住有所居”这一重要主题,总体分三大部分进行论述。第一部分,是导论,即第一章,由问题的提出与研究意义、国内外研究状况、本文的逻辑结构、研究方法与创新之处组成。第二部分,即第二章、第三章、第四章,是本文的重点章节,分别介绍了三个国家转型前后的住房政策演变过程,及住房市场化改革的过程,指出住房市场化改革在提高住房建设和分配效率的同时,也使低收入者和弱势群体的住房承受力降低。波、捷、匈三国政府坚持商品房与保障房建设两手抓,充分体现了中东欧转型国家住房市场化改革过程中的民生定位。波兰,是这三个中东欧国家中国土面积最大、人口最多的国家。由于大批住房在二战中遭到破坏,波兰也是住房短缺最严重的国家。住房市场化改革使波兰的住房建设有所恢复,并不断发展,尤其是个人建房比例极高;住房金融体系日益完善;人民的居住水平较转型前获得了较大提高。与此同时,波兰政府在住房领域的扶持从未放松,尤其是在保障中低收入者和弱势群体住房权利的公共租赁住房建设上。目前波兰已形成保障型住房建设的长期机制,由社会住房协会负责建造、管理,由国家设立多项公共基金为其发放优惠贷款,提供信贷保障,专门扶助保障型住房的建设。这是波兰住房市场化改革过程中住房政策上最突出的特点。住房市场化改革使捷克住房由原来的国家统一建造与分配转为主要由住房市场提供,住房金融体系逐步建立起来并不断发展完善,为居民建、购房提供多种住房融资工具。住房建设不断增加,房地产市场日益活跃;捷克居民居住条件获得极大改善。在转型的第一个10年里,捷克政府在商品房与保障型住房建设上均有新政策出台,但重点推动商品房建设。2000年以来,捷克政府逐步认识到市场化并不能解决全体居民的住房问题,低收入人群和弱势群体必须依靠政府的援助才能实现“住有所居”。捷克民生定位下的保障型住房建设层次分明,目标群体定位清晰,政府财政投入巨大,保证了保障型住房的建设与分配效率。在这三个国家20余年的经济转型过程中,捷克住房政策向民生定位转变的态度最坚决,保障人群全面而具体,保障型住房政策实施效果显著。匈牙利是一个有着悠久的自有住房传统的国家。转型前,其住房自有率是三个国家中最高的。转型初期,匈牙利住房市场化改革的政策重点是刺激住房建设与投资,完善住房金融体系,为购、建房者提供多种融资工具,同时政府为其提供多种补贴,鼓励他们拥有一套自有住房。保障型住房建设在转型的最初10年里无任何进展,相反却随着住房私有化的推进而大幅度缩减,所剩无几。进入新世纪以来,匈牙利政府意识到保障型住房的缺失使低收入人群和弱势群体的住房需求无法得到充分满足,连续出台多项保障型住房扶持方案。这些方案有成功的,也有以失败告终的,但是匈牙利政府一直没有放弃对保障型住房建设的扶持,始终关注着低收入人群和弱势群体住房需求的变化,努力做到“居者有其屋”。第三部分即第五章,对波兰、捷克、匈牙利在住房市场化过程中的住房市场化特征和住房政策进行了比较,分析了三个国家政府干预的侧重点的不同,最后总结了对于同处于经济转型期的中国住房改革的启示与借鉴。总体看来,由于社会历史背景和经济转型战略的不同,中东欧三个转型国家在住房市场化改革过程中的住房政策各具特色,但归纳起来有一个共有的特征,那就是在推动住房市场化的同时,各国政府高度重视中低收入者和弱势群体的住房需求,加大财政投入力度,保障社会各阶层的住房权利,努力实现人人“住有所居”。

【Abstract】 Currently, China has entered a crucial period in the process of reform anddevelopment. As a result, dramatic changes have been witnessed in the economicsystem, social structure, interest pattern and ideology, which has brought enormousvitality as well as problems to the economic and social development. Therefore,issues concerning people’s livelihood, such as house price, educational equality,ecosystem and social security, have become increasingly prominent, whoseresolution will reinforce the establishment of a harmonious society.Housing problems has been highlighted as the key issue in social constructionin the Report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China.The situation of basic necessities of life, food, clothing, housing and transportation,can directly influence people’s living standard, cost, experience and expectation. Andthe constant improvement in all these necessities is the essential part in developmentof human society. Only with the solving of housing problems can people live inpeace and enjoy their work.Housing problem is not only related to people’s lives but also to economy andpolitics, which has a great impact on people’s living condition, economicdevelopment and social stability. Governments all over the world have regarded it asan important issue and tried every means to achieve improvement these aspects.As an essential part in the reform of economic system, the reforms in China’shousing market will greatly improve the people’s living condition, promote theprosperity of the real estate industry and related industries and markets andaccelerate the national economic development. However, with the ever-increasingprice and a lack of affordable housing projects, the low-income group and thedisadvantaged group will never buy their own houses without the financial aid of thegovernment, which means a single market mechanism can not cater for differentneeds of all residents and government surely has a role to play.Likewise, similar problems also arise in the early period of transformation in those central and eastern European countries like Poland, Hungary and CzechRepublic where market economy has taken the place of planned economy. In thedissertation, the author analyses the evolvement of the reforms and policies andwould like to expound the governments’ roles and responsibilities in dealing with theexisting problems in order to realize the entitled right of every member in thesociety.This dissertation consists of three parts:Part one raises the topic, explains the significance of the study, and presents aliterature review and introduces the structure and methodology.Part two includes chapter two, chapter three and four, which respectivelyintroduces housing policies and the evolvement of housing reform, points out thathousing market enhances the efficiency of construction and allotment and also takenotice of the needs of low-income and disadvantaged groups. In addition, thegovernments’ intervention and generous grants show the change in the orientationtowards people’s life.Poland has the biggest area and the most population among these threecountries. Due to World WarⅡ, plenty of houses in Poland were destroyed whichlead to the serious shortage of housing. The reform in housing market made housesconstruction recovered and kept developed, which has bettered the people’s livingcondition. Meanwhile, the Polish government carried out the long-term affordablehousing policy which included that TBS was responsible for building andarrangement of the house, and the government set up different sort of funds toprovide preferential loans, supporting construction of the affordable housing. Themeasures taken by the Polish government were the most prominent among the threetransforming countries.The reform in housing market in Czech Republic caused that the houses havebeen provided by the housing market instead of the government which builded anddistributed the houses before the reform. The improvement in living condition andthe increasing invigoration in real estate market in Czech Republic were broughtabout during the reform in housing market proceeding. Since2000, the Czechgovernment has been aware that housing problem cannot be sovled only by the market, and that the low-income group and the disadvantaged group must obtainthe financial aid to get their own living houses. In the three countries, Czech housingpolicy were set upon the people’s livelihood,and the affordable housing policyattained the best effect. Czech affordable housing policy made the housingconstruction positioned to family living different level, and assured the fairness ofthe housing distribution.In Hungary, there is tradition for the family to possess their own house, andbefore the social transformation, the percentage of family owning houses kept thehighest level among the three countries. Hungarian reform in housing market paidattention to variety of financing instruments, and offered sorts of subsidiaries toencourage family to have their own house. As the result of the house privatizing andmarketing, the affordable houses decreased dramatically, almost depleted. Since2000, Hungarian government has been aware of the seriousness that the scarity ofaffordable housing cannot cater for the demands of the low-income group and thedisadvantaged group, and proposed a lot of programs to sustain the affordablehousing. However, some of the programs succeeded, some failed, Hungariangovernment has never given up support of the affordable housing construction, paidclose attention to change in demand of housing of the low-income group and thedisadvantaged group, and taken efforts to achieve the goal of each family havinghouse to live..Part three contains chapter five, which compares the housing markets’characteristics and related policies, analyzes the different focuses of individualgovernment and makes recommendations to the housing reform in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

