

"Rich People、Equality of People、Renew People"

【作者】 韩剑锋

【导师】 赵铁锁;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 近代中国生产落后,民生凋敝。古老的国度面临瓜分豆剖,勤劳的人民饥馑交集、哀鸿遍野。如何破解强国富民的历史课题,成为时代发展的根本问题。站在时代潮头的孙中山提出了民生主义的解决方案,他说:“民生主义,就是要人人有平等的地位去谋生活;人人有了平等的地位去谋生活,然后中国四万万人才可以享幸福。”“实施民生主义的四大纲领是:节制资本,平均地权,铁路国有,教育普及。这是改革社会,提高人民生活主要途径。”任何能够影响后世的思想,会有它自身的时代局限性,但也必然有它的超前性和真理性。在中国共产党出现之前,孙中山民生主义思想是当时中国最先进的经济社会发展思想,它以“利国福民”为宗旨,深刻批判了西方资本主义社会的弊端,提出了具有社会主义价值追求的民生主义主张。它强调以振兴实业造福民众,以平均地权、节制资本实现社会公平,以普及和发展教育提高民族素质。本文对于孙中山民生主义思想,力图进行实事求是地历史研究和逻辑分析,取其精华,弃其糟粕,通过继承和弘扬这份思想遗产,为振兴中华提供有益的历史启示和借鉴。本文分为五大部分。第一部分,绪论,包括选题缘由和研究意义、学术史的回顾与思考、创新观点与不足之处。第二部分,孙中山民生主义的形成和发展。这一部分主要是本文的第一章,着重研究了孙中山民生主义产生的思想渊源、现实基础及其发展历程。其中思想渊源主要从中国传统的“均平”思想、约翰·穆勒和亨利·乔治土地税思想和科学社会主义三个方面进行了探究;现实基础主要从“养民和新民”、“裕民和齐民”和“救民和保民”三个层面展开了分析;而发展历程主要从最初确立、成为革命的纲领、实施和受挫、和向科学社会主义的转向四个阶段进行了梳理概括。第三部分,孙中山民生主义思想的社会主义的价值取向。这一部分内容主要是文章的第二章,着重阐述社会主义是孙中山民生主义思想的价值目标。文章首先从“补救天演之缺憾”、“拥护国利民福者,实社会主义”、“其事则在思患预防”三个方面,分析了孙中山社会主义思想提出的理论基础和社会历史背景;其次重点分析了孙中山社会主义思想的内容、性质和特点;最后阐述了孙中山社会主义思想的历史影响和当代价值。第四部分,主要研究孙中山民生主义的四大纲领:平均地权、节制资本、振兴实业和普及教育。这一部分内容包括第三至六章,是文章的主体部分。第三章主要阐述了孙中山“平均地权”思想的形成发展,内容、目的和实质,重要意义、历史局限和理论缺陷。文章提出了平均地权的实质是有限制的私有制和有条件的公有制相结合的判断。第四章主要分析了孙中山“节制资本”思想的形成发展,主要内容和历史影响。其中对发达国家资本进行重点讨论,指出国家资本的发展与国家民主政治之间有着密不可分的关系。第五章主要探讨孙中山“振兴实业”思想的提出、主要内容、重要意义和历史启示。其中特别阐述了国家主权、社会秩序对振兴实业的重要影响。第六章主要研究了孙中山“普及教育”思想的形成发展、理论特色、当代价值。本章运用工具理性和价值理性的分析框架,对孙中山的教育思想进行了较为全面梳理概括,突出了孙中山教育思想不仅主张普及教育的教育救国的工具理性,也特别阐述了教育对完善人格方面的价值理性的作用。第五部分,论文的结束语部分,主要阐述孙中山民生主义思想的当代价值。结束语以“裕民”、“齐民”、“新民”为目标,结合当代中国经济社会发展中的现实问题,总结了孙中山民生主义的当代价值和启示意义。文章围绕“裕民”目标,总结了孙中山民生主义思想,对于当前夯实农业发展基础、发展基础公共交通、建设大港走向海洋的启示意义;文章围绕“齐民”目标,总结了孙中山民生主义思想,对于当前加强土地科学管理、驯服私人资本特性、解决国有资本垄断的现实意义;文章围绕“新民”目标,总结了孙中山民生主义思想,对于当前增加教育财政投入、加强科学精神教育、加强思想道德教育的重要启示。

【Abstract】 In china from1840to1949, the county production was backward, and thepeople’s life was miserable. Ancient countries faced the situation of divided by othercountries; and many hard-working people were starving intersection. Nationalstrength and prosperity became the time development basic question. Standing intimes current head, Sun Yat-sen raised the principles of people’s livelihood to solutethe question. he said:“principles of people’s livelihood, is to everyone has equalstatus to seek life; as soon as everyone has equal status to seek living, and400million Chinese people can enjoy happiness.”“The implementation of principles ofpeople’s livelihood is four programs: to restrict capital, average land ownership,state-owned railway, and the popularization of education. This is main way of thereform of society and improvement of people’s living.”Any thought that can influence the later, which will has its own limitations of thetimes, but also inevitably has its advanced nature and truth. Before The CommunistParty of China appeared, Sun Yat-sen principles of people’s livelihood thought wasthe most advanced economic social development thought. It is for the purpose of“benefit country and happy the people,” deeply critical of the western capitalistmalpractice, and Proposed principles of people’s livelihood that put forward asocialist value. It emphasizes to revitalize the industrial to benefit the people, to theaverage land ownership and control capital to achieve social justice, to popularizeand develop education to improve national quality. For Sun Yat-sen principles ofpeople’s livelihood, this article tries to seek truth from facts to make historicalresearch and logical analysis, to take its essence and discard the dross. To inherit andcarry forward this legacy of ideas,we can get useful historical inspiration andreference to revitalize the Chinese nation.This article is divided into five parts.The first part is introduction, including selected topic reason and the significanceof the research, the academic history review and thinking, and the innovation and shortcomings.In the second part, it studies the formation and development of Sun Yat-senprinciples of the people’s livelihood. This is a major part of the first chapter of thispaper, focusing on the ideological origins, realistic basis and development process ofthe Sun Yat-sen principles of people’s livelihood. On the ideological origins, thispaper mainly studies three aspects, the Chinese traditional thought of equality, JohnMill and Henry George land tax thought and scientific socialism. On the realisticfoundation it mainly studies “support people and renew people”,“rich people andequality of people” and “save people and protect people”. On development process,this paper based on four stages: the initial establishment, became the revolutionaryprogram, implement and frustrated, and to scientific socialism.In the third part, it studies the socialist value orientation in Sun Yat-sen`sprinciples of people’s livelihood. This part is the main content of the article secondchapter; it elaborated that socialism is of value goal of Sun Yat-sen principles ofpeople’s livelihood. This article first from “remedy the deficiency of evolution”、“the support of national interest and people’s welfare, are real socialism”、“thething in the Prevention of future”, to analyze the theoretical basis and socialhistorical background of Sun Yat-sen socialism; Secondly, this paper analyzed thecontent、nature and features of Sun Yat-sen socialist thought; Finally,it elaboratedthe historical influences and contemporary value of Sun Yat-sen socialist ideological.The fourth part, mainly studies the four programs of Sun Yat-sen`s principles ofpeople’s livelihood: average land ownership, control capital, revitalize industry andpopularizes education. This part includes four chapters from third to the sixth, andthis part is the main part of the article. The third chapter mainly expounds theformation and development, content, purpose and essence, significance, historicallimitations and defects in theory of Sun Yat-sen “average land ownership” of thethought. This paper proposes a combination of the substance of the average landownership is limited private ownership and public ownership conditional.The fourthchapter analyzes the formation and development, main content and historicalinfluence of Sun Yat-sen “control capital” of the thought. In particular, it analyzedthe important influence of national sovereignty and social order to develop the industry. The fifth chapter mainly discusses Sun Yat-sen “revitalize industrial”concept, main content, significance and historical enlightenment. Especiallyexpounds the state sovereignty, the social order to revitalize industrial importantinfluence. The sixth chapter mainly studies the formation development, theoreticalcharacteristics and contemporary value of Sun Yat-sen universal education thought.This chapter uses the tool rationality and value rationality analysis framework tostudy Sun Yat-sen’s educational thought, highlights Sun Yat-sen education thoughtsthat is not only advocated the instrumental rationality of universal education savingthe nation, also elaborated the value rational function of the education in perfectingpersonality.The fifth part, the ending part, mainly discusses the contemporary value of SunYat-sen’s principles of people’s livelihood. For the goal of to rich people、equality ofpeople and renew people,and combining with the practical problems in thecontemporary Chinese social and economic development, it summed up thecontemporary value and significance of the Sun Yat-sen People’s Livelihood. On therich people target, this article summarized the important significance of SunYat-sen’s principles of people’s livelihood, to tamp foundation of the currentagricultural development, to develop public transport, to construct large port andtoward the ocean. On the equality of people target, it summarized the importantsignificance of Sun Yat-sen’s principles of people’s livelihood, to strengthen thescientific management for land, taming the private capital characteristic, solvestate-owned capital monopoly. On the renew people target, this article summarizedthe important significance of Sun Yat-sen’s principles of people’s livelihood, toincrease financial investment in education, strengthening the scientific spiriteducation, strengthen ideological and moral education enlightenment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

