

China Model: Experience, Dilemma and Way out

【作者】 杨秀萍

【导师】 赵美玲;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 近年来,中国模式成为中外理论界持续热议的话题。金融危机以后,西方的衰退与中国的繁荣形成鲜明的对比,促使各国学者纷纷从不同角度来破解“中国奇迹”之谜。中国模式的崛起与全球化进程是一个双向互动的过程,因此,将中国模式置于人类社会发展和全球化进程的大视野中,综合分析其政治、经济、社会和文化价值,并在借鉴世界其他发展模式经验教训的基础上进行提升和完善,对推动中国特色社会主义现代化建设与世界和平进程具有重大的理论和实践意义。全球化深刻影响着世界历史进程。一个国家只要实行对外开放,必然会被纳入全球化的轨道之中,客观上要求每个国家必须做出选择与回应。中国积极主动地参与全球化进程,以理性的分析和判断抓住了全球化提供的重大历史机遇,形成了具有中国特色的发展模式。中国模式之所以能够超越苏联模式,又不同于西方模式,是因为它在制度属性、体制选择、价值理念和发展道路等方面都具有自己的独特之处:坚定不移的社会主义方向、政府主导的市场经济体制、以人为本的核心价值理念和渐进主义的改革发展道路。中国模式为发展中国家提供了一种有别于西方的发展模式,为人类社会发展道路的探索提供了有益的启示。在世界现代化进程中,形成了几种影响较大的发展模式:英美模式、莱茵模式、俄罗斯转型模式和拉美模式。将中国模式与世界主要发展模式从不同角度予以比较,进一步展示了中国模式的魅力,揭示出中国模式的内在规律。一个国家既要开放地汲取人类文明的进步成果,更要理性地坚守属于自己的道路和经验。中国模式在30多年改革开放实践中得以充分运用和发挥,并在政治、经济、文化、社会各个方面取得巨大成功。其成功经验可以概括为“四个坚持”:坚持共产党的坚强领导与强有力的政府权威;坚持执政精英主导的渐进主义改革道路;坚持经济发展优先与政治稳定优先相结合的发展策略;坚持务实主义的对外政策和国际战略。然而,全球化是一把“双刃剑”,为中国发展提供机遇的同时,也提出了严峻挑战。由于世界经济相互依赖性的制约和国际干预力度的加强以及全球问题的突出,国家的传统主权基础遭到一定程度的削弱,中国经济发展的脆弱性增加。特别是中国的崛起引起了一些发达国家的不安与质疑,中国模式或者不被承认或者遭到遏制。同时,中国模式自身也存在着许多问题和矛盾,并随着全球化的深入而日益凸显,在激烈的国际竞争中境遇更加艰难。因此,正视矛盾,应对挑战,正确解决全球化进程中中国模式面临的问题,决定着中国模式的未来走向和发展前景。金融危机后,世界发展模式的传统格局被打破,各国开始了新一轮的调整与变革,对中国模式的提升与完善具有重大的启迪意义。中国模式变革是一个系统工程,需要政治、经济、文化、社会、外交等各个领域协同进行。我国以科学发展观为指导,对中国模式进行了全面变革。我们从这次变革中得到启示:每个国家必须选择适合本国国情的发展模式,并结合时代特点进行适时地调整与创新,以平等开放的精神维护文明的多样性,协力构建各种文明兼容并蓄的和谐世界。本文以全球化为视角,构建了中国模式研究的整体性分析框架。将中国模式的纵向考察和横向比较结合起来,对中国模式进行全面、深入和系统的研究。客观总结了中国模式成功的基本经验,并针对中国模式存在的问题提出对策建议。论文结构分为理论解读、成就与问题、对策建议三个部分。第一部分(包括第一章、第二章和第三章),对中国模式进行理论解读,分析中国模式形成的时代背景、基本过程、理论基础和主要特征,并将其与世界其他发展模式进行比较研究,从纵向和横向对中国模式给予历史和空间的科学定位。第二部分(包括第四章和第五章),概括中国模式取得的重大成就,并总结出中国模式成功的基本经验。同时指出中国模式存在的问题以及全球化给中国模式带来的困境与挑战。第三部分(第六章),分析金融危机后世界主要发展模式变革的基本趋势,并提出了中国模式变革与转型的对策和建议。本文在吸收他人研究成果的基础上有所创新。确立了中国模式研究的全球化视角,构建了中国模式研究的整体性分析框架,突破了非此即彼的对立性思维,指出中国模式是特殊性与普遍性的统一,应尊重世界文明的多样性,在多元模式竞争中提升自己。

【Abstract】 China Model has been a hot topic among the theory horizon at home and abroadin recent years. After the financial crisis, there arises a bright contrast between westeconomy recession and the prosperity of China, which made national scholars explainthe answer to “Chinese miracle” from different aspects. The emergency of ChinaModel and the process of globalization is a two-way process. Therefore, it is an issueof great theoretical and practical significance that we make a comprehensive analysisof its political, economic value, social value and cultural values and improve andperfect it in reference to the experiences and lessions of other development model onthe background of the social development and globalization process in order topromote construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the peace processin the world.Globalization affects the course of the world history deeply. As long as a countrypursues a policy of opening up, it will be incorporated into the orbit of globalization,in which requires each country has to make a choice and response. China activelyparticipates in the globalization process, and grasps the great historical opportunityprovided by globalization with the rational analysis and judgment, which forms adevelopment model with Chinese characteristics. The reason why Chinese Model isable to surpass the Soviet Model, at the same time it is different from the Westernmodel is its own unique in system properties, system selection, value anddevelopment of road: the determination of market economic system of socialism andGovernment-oriented, people-oriented core value concept and development andreform road of gradualists. China Model provides a model distinct from the Westernmodel of development for developing countries. It also gives a useful enlightenmentfor exploring human and social development and promotes the process ofglobalization. In the course of world modernization, several patterns have formedsuch as American Model, Rhine Model and Russia Transition Model and LatinAmerica Model, which have a relatively large impact on the world of development.We should compare China Model with the main development models in the world from different perspectives in order to further demonstrate the charm of China Modeland reveal the inherent law of the China Model as well as provide a useful referencefor the developing countries to achieve modernization and enlightenment. It isnecessary for a nation to learn from the achievements of human civilization openly.What is more, a nation should have rational confidence in as well as stick to its ownroad and experiences.China Model has made full use of in the practice of more than30-year reformand open of China, and made great achievements in the political, economic, culturaland social. Its successful experience can be summarized as “the Four Upholding”:that is, insisting on the party’s strong leadership and powerful government authority;adhering to the ruling elite-led gradualist reform path; insisting on the developmentalstrategy of combining the priority of economic development and the priority ofpolitical stability; adhering to the pragmatic foreign policy and international strategy.But Globalization is a “double-edged sword”——it provides both opportunities andchallenge for the development of China. Due to restrictions of the interdependence ofthe world economy and the strengthening of international intervention as well asglobal issues outstanding, the basis of traditional sovereignty had been somewhatundermined and vulnerability of China’s economic development has increased. Inparticular, China’s rise has caused unrest and questioning of the developed countries;China Model is neither recognized nor contained. At the same time, China Modelitself also has a lot of problems and contradictions. These contradictions andproblems will be more serious with the deepening of globalization in the fierceinternational competition. So it determines the future direction and developmentprospect of China Model to take right attitudes towards contradictions face thechallenges and properly solve the problems that China Model confronted in theprocess of globalization.After the financial crisis, the traditional pattern of the world’s developmentmodel has been broken, countries have been starting a new round of adjustment andreform, which has a significant enlightening significance to the China model’supgrading and improving. The China model reformation is a system engineering,which needs the policy, economy, culture, society, diplomacy, and other fields in conjunction with the proceeding. Under the guidance of the scientific developmentview, China has a comprehensive transformation of the China model. We get anenlightenment that every nation must choose a development model suiting its ownnational characteristics, and combine with the characteristics of the times to adjustand innovate, maintain diversity of civilizations in the spirit of equality and openness,build a harmonious world of all civilizations.Based on the above literature review, in this paper, we make an analysis on theChina Model from the global perspective. We lead a comprehensive research on theChina Model. We summarize the successful experience of the China Model, and thenmake suggestions for the China Model. There are three parts in the paper. In the Part I(including chapter1, chapter2and chapter3), we will show what is the China Modeland its characters, when and how the China Model formed. Then, we will make acomparison with other countries and point out the significance of the China Modelfrom the historical perspective and special perspective. In the Part II (includingchapter4and chapter5), we will give some important examples of China Model, andthen summarize the experience of the China Model. The problem of the China Modeland its challenge to the global economics will be proposed. In the Part III (includingchapter6), we analyzes the basic trend to reform the main development model in thethe world and put forward the countermeasure and suggestion for reform andtransformation of China Model.The innovation of this paper mainly embody in the following three aspects. Weestablished the China Model’s research perspective of globalization; built the integrityof the analytical framework of the China Model; broke through the opposition ofthinking. Then we pointed out that the China Model is the unity of universality andparticularity, which should respect the diversity of world civilization, and to upgradeitself in the multi-mode competition.

【关键词】 中国模式中国经验中国道路全球化
【Key words】 China ModelChina experienceChina roadGlobalization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

