

The Research of Cultivation in Ancient Chinese Vernacular Novels

【作者】 孔庆庆

【导师】 孟昭连;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中国古代小说存在着颇为明显的说教现象,体现出小说创作的功利目的。小说中的道德说教出现,有着非常复杂的历史渊源。中国古代小说自问世之初地位便较为低下,被视为“小道”,《汉书艺文志》将“小说家”列于诸子十家之末,较多教化内容的介入,对提高其地位起到了很大的作用。借助小说的教化内容,使小说不再只是“街谈巷语,道听途说者”之言,而是具有了与诗文等文体争取平等地位的资本。儒家思想的深远影响,使中国古代文人时刻以“齐家、治国、平天下”为己任,将维护国家社稷的稳定,黎民百姓的安泰视为自己的义务。然而,并非每一个文人士子都能够平步青云,以遂平生之志,文学作品成为失意文人平生志向之寄托,借小说宣扬道德教化成为其实现抱负的途径之一。儒释道三家思想的合流,对文学产生了重要影响,文学作品的思想内容也变得相对复杂起来,这也影响到了小说之中的教化观念。在小说中所体现出的教化内容,不仅限于儒家道德理念,还包括了释家、道家的思想内容,劝善惩恶成为了说教内容的核心。在中国古代白话小说中一直存在着一位隐性的说书人,说书人叙事使其具有很强的空间感,也为小说叙事增添了更多的理性因素。小说的教化目的,与其叙事模式有着密不可分的关系,其独特叙事模式为宣扬教化提供了物化框架,对道德说教的标榜反过来也影响了小说叙事模式的建构。教化的终极目的,使小说创作在语言选择上倾向于通俗性、说理性、趣味性,并且营造出特定意境,协助教化的完成,体现出一定程度的艺术之美。然而过多教化成分的出现,对小说的审美性造成一定程度的损伤,但不能因此完全否定其艺术价值,教化与审美如若找到了恰当的融合点,便能够实现寓教于乐的良好效果。本文从微观与宏观双重角度入手,结合政治学、哲学、心理学、民俗学、叙事学等等多学科的相关知识,对小说中的教化问题展开了较为深入全面的探讨。论文共分为六章,第一章深入探讨了小说教化存在的历史及思想渊源,其中包括儒家传统诗教观的影响,小说的历史地位以及小说的传播过程方面。历代的童蒙教育以及大量善书的流传,也促进了小说教化的宣扬。第二章结合小说文本,从微观角度详细剖析了白话小说中教化观念的内容,劝善惩恶与儒家正统理念成为说教的主要成分。第三章从民俗文化角度出发,研究探讨了小说中大量民俗活动的教化功能,主要涉及祭祀、婚丧礼、节日、俗神信仰、占卜等方面。第四章是对白话小说教化方式的探讨,以小说文本形式为切入视角,系统分析了小说序跋的诠释功能、小说中韵文的警戒性、人物形象所传达出的教化意义,以及文本中议论评述与情节所实施的说教方式。第五章从一种新的视角探讨了白话小说教化功能与叙事模式之间的关系,提出了先验性叙事结构与意象性人物名远距离叙事方式,将说教目的与小说叙事结合起来看待。第六章主要讨论了白话小说中的教化成分对小说艺术价值的影响,肯定了适度教化的审美价值,但教化因素的过分介入也严重损害了小说的艺术美。

【Abstract】 There are many preach contents in Chinese ancient novels which is thereflections of utilitarian purposes in novels writing process. The appearance ofpreach contents in Chinese ancient novels have complicated historic reason. Therole of Chinese ancient novel is low when it comes out and it was consideredto be not orthodox. With the appearance of preach contents, its position and rolehad been more and more important. With the appearance of preach contents,Chinese ancient novels were not only just street gossip and hearsay, and theyhad same important position with others style such as poetry.Confucianism has profound influence to Chinese ancient scholars. Theythought that maintaining country’s stability and eudemonia of common peopleswere their responsibility. However not only everyone has such chance to makethe dream coming true and literary works became the unsuccessful scholars’spiritual sustenance. The harmony of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism hadbeen important influence to literary works which its content became morecomplicated. Further the preach contents in Chinese ancient novels also includedthese thoughts Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The contents of AdvisingKindness and Punishing Evil were the preach core in novels.It seems that one storyteller is existed in Chinese vernacular novels.Storyteller narrative has strong spatial sense and increase more rational factors.The preach aim of novels has high correlation with narrative model. Its uniquemode of preaching narrative provides a materialized framework,the moralteachings of the novel affect the construction of the narrative mode in turn.Ultimate goal of enlightenment makes novels tending to popular,rational,andinteresting language,to assist the completion of preaching,It reflects a certaindegree of artistic beauty. However, the emergence of too many preachingingredients, damages the aesthetic of the novel to a certain degree.But we cannot completely negate its artistic value, preaching and aesthetic,should find theright integration points, will be able to achieve the pleasure of good results.This thesis from the micro and macro perspective, combining political science, philosophy, psychology, folklore, narrative, and so multi-disciplinaryknowledge, discusses the preaching of the ancient novels issues of in depth。It isdivided into six chapters. The first chapter explores in depth the history andideological origins of the preaching in novels, including the Confucian conceptof the impact of traditional poetry, the novel’s historical position and the spreadof novel processes. Ancient childish good education and a large number ofpreaching books,also promote the spread of the novel enlightenment. The secondchapter with the novel text, a detailed analysis from the microscopic point ofvernacular content of the novel concept of enlightenment, Poetic justice andpreaching orthodox Confucian philosophy as the main component of theenlightenment. The third chapter from the perspective of folk culture,investigates the novel function of a large number of folk preaching activities,mainly related to worship, weddings, funerals, gift, holiday, vulgar belief in God,divination, etc. The fourth chapter mainly studies the way of enlightenmentabout vernacular fiction for the form of text.This part analyzes the interpretationof the novel features postscript, cautionary verse novel, the characters conveyingthe meaning of enlightenment, and debate the way of implementation of thepreaching about the comment and plot. The fifth chapter probes into therelationship between narrative and vernacular novel mode of preaching from anew perspective,advances priori narrative structure and imagery of the figuralwith long-range narrative,combine the narrative preaching aims to novelsnarrative. The sixth chapter discusses the influence about the novel artistic valuewhich makes by preaching in vernacular fiction, confirmes the aesthetic valueabout moderate enlightenment of novels. However, excessive intervention of theenlightenment factor, damages the artistic beauty of the novel.

【关键词】 白话小说教化叙事说书体
【Key words】 vernacular novelspreachnarrativestory-telling body
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

