

Chinese Proper Name System and the Hierarchy Distribution in Lexical System

【作者】 吕长凤

【导师】 周荐;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 专名词语的数量十分庞大,是汉语词汇系统中一个比较特殊的词汇类聚。本研究以现代汉语专名词语为对象,在系统论观点的指导下,从语言词汇的宏观视野出发,建立和描述汉语专名系统的整体框架。并在此基础上,对专名词语的意义和用法进行进一步的分析和概括,从而构建出汉语专名词语的层级性体系。在一种语言的词汇系统中,专名词语是与一般的普通词语相对而言的。对于二者的区别可以从多个角度进行比较研究,如果从词汇学的角度出发,二者的本质区别表现在语义上是否具有特指性这一关键点上。在明确了研究对象的所指的基础上,本研究试图阐述和分析汉语专名词语系统的全貌。通过我们的研究发现:专名词语系统虽然庞杂,但并非无章无序。从构成单位上看,主要由两级语言单位构成,分别是专有名词和专用短语。再进一步分析专名系统的内部,其分类又是具有层次性的。如果按照专名词语所指称的对象是否具有生命这个标准,我们首先把专名词语分为生命类专名词语和非生命类专名词语。这种分类的科学性在于,两个类别的划分涵盖了所有的专名词语。这两大类专名词语又有各自的下位分类。生命类专名词语包括人名、网名、动物名和神仙鬼怪名等。非生命类专名词语的下位分类更加繁复,其第一级下位分类是自然类专名词语和社会类专名词语。专名词语的命名并不是一个非常简单的以名指物的过程。不同类型的专名词语在命名过程中存在着不同的要求,以专名词语的整体为研究对象,其在命名中应遵循的原则可以概括为:必要性原则、区别性原则、大众化原则和审美性原则。专名词语的命名方法有:寓意命名法、谐音命名法、专名移用命名法和数字命名法等。专名词语是一种语言现象,也是一种人类社会普遍存在的社会现象。专名词语的社会文化属性主要表现为:民族性、区域性和时代性。本研究在分析专名词语意义的基础上完成了汉语专名词语层级性体系的构建。在专名词语显著度理论和专名泛化的隐喻和转喻机制的理论支持下,按照专名词语与一般的普通词语的距离远近这个判断标准,把专名词语系统分为专名词语基础层、专名词语中间层和专名词语扩展层。如果一个专名词语只具有指称某个特定的人或事物的专指意义,这样的专名词语距离普通词语的距离最远,那么它就处于专名词语的基本层级,由这样的专名词语聚合在一起就构成了专名词语体系的基础层。处于基础层的专名词语具有意义的单一性、指称的唯一性和命名的趋同性等性质特征。如果一个专名词语除了具有专指意义外,还具有一般普通词语那样的泛指意义,这样的专名词语因为获得了普通词语的泛指意义而距离普通词语就更近了一步,此种专名词语聚合在一起构成了专名词语体系的中间层。中间层专名词语的性质特征表现为意义的双重性和指称的分指性。处于专名系统最外层的扩展层专名词语距离普通词语最近,从形成上看,它们原本就是普通词语,由于语言使用者为了命名的需要而将其固化为书名、篇名、杂志名、电影电视名、歌曲名等专名词语。扩展层的专名词语突出的性质特征是意义的有理性和结构的多样性。此外,各个层级专名词语的范围和语用功能也是有所区别的。专名词语的词典收录体现了词汇学与词典学的交叉关系。本研究尝试对专名词典进行分类,并综合概括综合性词典和语文类词典专名词语收录的情况。最后着力对《现代汉语词典》第5版收录的专名词语进行了统计和分析,发现其存在的个别问题,试图对规范型语文类词典的专名词语收录有一个全面而深入的认识和把握。

【Abstract】 The quantity of proper names is very huge in the language. Proper name is aspecial category in the Chinese lexical system. The research objects of this thesis areModern Chinese proper names. Under the guidance of system theory, this thesisintends to construct and describe the Chinese proper name system. On the basis ofthis study, we further analyze and recapitulate the meaning and usage of the propernames. At the same time, we try to build the hierarchy of the Chinese proper names.In the lexis of one language, proper names are on the opposite of common names.We can research the difference of them from multiple angles. If we stand on the lexics,the essential difference is whether it has special referential meaning. After definingthe object of study, this thesis expounds and analyzes the panorama of the Chineseproper name system.According to our research, we find that proper names are orderly in the lexicalsystem. The proper name system concludes two language components. One is propernoun, the other is proper phrase. Further analysis of the proper name system’s internal,its classification is also has hierarchy. According to the standard that whether a propername has life, we first design all proper names into life proper name and non-lifeproper name. The scientific nature of this classification is that two categories cover allthe proper names. These two categories of proper names have their own smallclassifications. Life proper name includes personal name, net name, animal name,fairy-ghost name and so on. The classification of non-life proper name is morecomplicated. The fist level classification is natural proper name and social propername.The naming of proper name is not a simple process of using names referring tothings. Different proper names have different requirements in the process of naming.The principles of naming about proper name are necessity principle, differenceprinciple, popular principle and aesthetic principle. The nomenclatures of propername include implication nomenclature, homophonic nomenclature, proper namechanging-over nomenclature and number nomenclature. A proper name is a kind of linguistic phenomenon, and it is also a commonsocial phenomenon in the human society. The attribute of social culture about propername includes nationality, locality and times.On the basis of analyzing the meaning of proper names, this research completedthe construction of Chinese proper name hierarchy. The saliency theory of propernames is one theory of our analysis. The others are metaphoric mechanism andmetonymic mechanism on commonization of proper names. According to thedistance from common names, the proper name system can be divided into basic levelof proper name, middle level proper name and expended level proper name. If aproper name has only one proper meaning, it is farthest from common name. So it isin the basic level of proper name. The essential characteristics of level proper nameare unitary meaning, uniqueness of the alleged and naming homoplasy. If a propername has common meaning besides proper meaning, it is closer from common name.It becomes one of the middle level proper name. The essential characteristics ofmiddle level proper name include the duality of meaning and the separate referring.The proper names that are in the outermost of proper name system are the nearestfrom common names. They transform from common name. The prominentcharacteristics of expanded level proper name are the rationality of meaning andmultiplicity of structure. Otherwise, the scope and the using of each level are differentfrom each other.The proper names which are in the dictionary reflect the intersectionalrelationship between lexics and lexicology. This thesis tries to classify the propername dictionary,and then, generalizes the complexion of comprehensive dictionaryand language dictionary. At last, we endeavor to account and analyze the propernames in the Modern Chinese Dictionary (Fifth Edition). According the study, thereare some problems in this dictionary. Based on it, we can get a comprehensive andprofound cognition about the canonical language dictionary.

【关键词】 专名词语系统构建层级性
【Key words】 proper namesystemconstructionhierarchy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

