

The Influence Study of Ideologically Psychological Contract on Employees Behavior

【作者】 王勃琳

【导师】 于斌;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着人力资本在企业中发挥越来越重要的作用,学者们越来越重视研究员工与企业之间深层次的雇佣关系,心理契约的概念应运而生。心理契约的研究发展到现在,人们发现价值理念信仰的认同在员工与企业之间也发挥着重要的作用,基于这种认同而形成的心理契约被称作理念型心理契约。本文正是在这样的时代背景下,选择心理契约的这个前沿问题理念型心理契约开展研究,主要探讨在中国情境下,理念型的契约是否能成为心理契约中的一个独立维度,以及其对员工行为的影响机制和情境。依托1155份有效问卷,采用因子分析、多元回归分析和结构方程模型等分析方法对相关假设进行了实证检验。经过实证检验得到的发现和结论有如下几点:第一,心理契约是一个多维度的概念,其中包括交易型契约、关系型契约和理念型契约。理念维度是心理契约的一个清晰的维度,它代表着员工对价值信仰的追求。理念型维度的确认拓展了心理契约概念的结构框架,根据心理契约的理论基础社会交换理论所提出的理念货币为基础,来对心理契约中的理念维度进行验证。通过实证检验,发现在心理契约中确实存在由理念货币交易而形成的理念型心理契约。第二,心理契约三个维度对员工行为的影响不同。对员工角色内行为影响程度从大到小依次为交易维度、理念维度和关系维度;对员工组织公民行为的影响程度从大到小依次为理念维度、关系维度和交易维度。这说明经济成分的交易维度更多地决定员工的角色内行为,而作为员工额外工作付出的组织公民行为,则主要有心理契约的理念成分和关系成分决定。这意味着:经济因素的交易型心理契约更多地决定了员工完成份内工作的角色内行为部分;如果想激发员工更多的主动工作意愿和公民行为,就要重视员工的理念型心理契约的建设。第三,理念维度并非直接作用于员工行为,而是通过情感承诺的中介过程间接影响员工行为。员工自身的价值信仰与企业的理念目标一致是企业招聘员工的前提条件,当员工入职后因为理念认同而形成理念型心理契约时就会产生对组织的情感承诺,基于组织情感承诺,员工在企业中会表现出更多的组织公民行为并很好地履行自己的角色内行为。第四,理念型心理契约对员工行为的影响会受到员工公平敏感性的调节作用。员工履行自己的理念型心理契约时会表现出组织公民行为和角色内行为,但不同的员工对于理念型心理契约的履行行为的影响不同。同样在具有理念型心理契约的员工中,大公无私型员工将比自私自利型员工表现出更多的角色内行为和组织公民行为。本论文的创新之处主要体现在以下四个方面。第一,将理念型心理契约维度纳入到心理契约的结构框架下,弥补了已有研究只关注交易成分和关系成分在心理契约中的作用而忽略理念因素在员工心理中发挥的重要作用,有助于扩展心理契约的结构框架。第二,深入分析了心理契约三个维度分别对员工行为影响大小程度差异,发现理念型心理契约对于员工组织公民行为的影响要强于交易型和关系型心理契约。第三,基于过程视角揭示了理念型心理契约对员工行为的作用机制,有助于澄清理念型心理契约与员工行为之间的复杂作用关系。第四,揭示了理念型心理契约对员工行为影响的情境因素,有助于理解同样具有理念型心理契约的员工中,不同员工履行员工行为的积极程度不同。本论文的结构安排如下:第一章引言主要介绍研究背景、研究问题、研究意义、研究方法等,并从总体上介绍了整个研究的框架体系。第二章文献回顾与述评部分阐述了研究的理论情境、理论基础选择的依据以及所依托的知识基础。第三章理论模型与假设提出,从过程视角构建了研究的理论模型,并阐述了研究设计的思路和假设。第四章研究设计与数据分析方法,主要介绍本研究样本的选取以及数据收集过程、变量的测量工具选择以及简要说明主要的统计方法和原理。第五章理念型心理契约问卷开发,主要介绍理念型心理契约问卷开发的过程和项目,为后续研究奠定基础。第六章为理念型心理契约与员工行为的实证分析,包括样本描述性统计、相关分析、回归分析和结构方程模型分析,检验理论假设、得出研究结论并给予相应的解释。第七章研究结论与展望,归纳出全文的主要研究结论,提出论文的主要创新点,并指出不足和改进方向。

【Abstract】 Along with the human capital in the enterprise plays more and more importantrole, researchers pay increasingly attention to study the deeper level of employmentrelationship between employee and enterprise, then the concept of the psychologicalcontract comes into being. Up to now, with the development of the psychologicalcontract research, people find that the identity of value idea between employee andenterprise also plays an important role. Based on such an identity, the so calledideologically psychological contract is formed. In this context, the forefront issues ofideologically psychological contract is chosen to be discussed in this paper, in findingwhether or not the ideologically psychological contract is one of the independentdimension of psychology contract and what mechanism and situation it influences theemployee behaviors. Relying on1155valid questionnaires, the concerned hypothesesare empirically tested with the analysis methods of the factor analysis, multipleregression analysis and structural equation model, the conclusions are as follows:Firstly, the psychological contract is a multi-dimentional concept, includingtransactional psychological contract, relational psychology contract and ideologicallypsychological contract. Ideologically psychological contract is an independentdimension of psychological contract, and it represents the pursuit of the employee forvalues and beliefs. Ideologically psychological dimension expands the conceptstructure framework of psychological contract. Based on the theory of socialexchange proposed of the theory of ideology currency, which is the theory basis ofthe psychological contract, the concept dimension of the psychological contract isverificated. Through the empirical test, it is found that the ideology currency formedby the trading of idea currency do occur in the concept of ideologically psychologicalcontract.Secondly, the three different dimensions of psychologically contract affectdifferent types of employee behaviors. As for in-role behavior, the influence degree ofthree dimensions is transaction dimension, ideology dimension and relationaldimension and as for organization citizenship behavior is ideologically psychological contract, transactional contract and relational contract from large to small. This showsthat the transactional contract of economic factor influences in-role behavior muchthan the other two, and the idology factor and relational factor of ideologicallypsychological contract mainly influence extra work of organization citizationshipbehavior. This means that the economic factors of the psychological contract candecide the in-role behaviors of employees, and active attitude on working andbehavior must be encouraged by the construction of the ideologically psychologicalcontract.Thirdly, ideologically psychological contract does not influence employeebehaviors directly, but indirectly through the intermediary process of emotionalcommitment. It is a precondition that staff share the same values and beliefs withenterprise for enterprise to recruit employees. After entering into the company,employees will produce the emotional commitment to the organization when theyestablish ideologically psychological contract because of ideological identification,and then they will show more organization citizenship behaviors and in-rolebehaviors.Lastly, employee equity sensitivity plays a moderate role in the effects ofideologically psychological contract on employee behaviors. Employees withideologically psychological contract will show organization citizenship behaviors andin-role behaviors, but the staff with different equity sensitivity shows differentdegrees of behaviors, the selfishness staff will show more organization citizenshipbehaviors and in-role behaviors than that of selfless type with the same form ofideologically psychological contract of employees.The contribution of this study can be summarized as follows: firstly, bringingthe ideologically psychological contract into the frame structure of psychologycontract, the paper makes up for the existing research just focusing on tradingdimension and relational dimension and ignoring the essential role of ideologydimension that plays an important role in employee psychology, and helps to extendthe frame of psychology contract. Secondly, the different levels of influence of threedimensions of psychology contract on employee behaviors has been analysed in depthin this paper, and it finds that the influence of ideologically psychological contract on employee organization citizenship behaviors is stronger than that of transactionalpsychology contract and relational psychology contract. Thirdly, in the study theinfluence mechanism of ideologically psychological contract on employee behaviorsis revealed, helping to clarify complex relational between them. Fourthly, the contextfactor of ideologically psychological contract influencing employee behaviors isrevealed in the paper, which helps to understand that different employees with the theideologically psychological contract have positive behaviors at different levels.The structure of the study is showed as follows: The first chapter mainlyintroduces the research background, the research questions, the research significance,the research methods, etc. and introduces the research framework system in general.Chapter two is the part of literature review and shows the theoretical context, thechosen basis of theoretical foundation and the relevant knowledge of the study.Chapter three is research theory model constructed by the theoretical model andresearch hypotheses from the perspective of the process, and then expounds thedesign thinking and research hypotheses. Chapter four is the research design and dataanalysis methods, which focus on the selection of samples, data collection process,the measurement tool selection of variables and the main statistical methods andprinciples. Ideologically psychology contract questionnaire is exploited in Chapterfive, which lay the foundation for next research. Chapter six is the empirical analysisof the relational of ideologically psychology contract and employee behaviors,including sample descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis andstructural equation model, testing of theory hypotheses, conclusion and correspondingexplanation. Chapter seven is research the conclusion and prospect, gives the mainresearch conclusion, the main innovation points, and also points out the deficiencyand the future research around the dissertation issues.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

