

A Typological Study on the Multi-functionality of Reduplication

【作者】 王芳

【导师】 刘丹青;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文是对重叠多功能关联模式的类型学考察。全文共分八章。第一章主要对国内外重叠功能已有的类型学研究进行了简要梳理,对本文的指导理论做了简要介绍,界定本研究的具体范围,最后是对材料的说明。第二章考察了重叠跨语言复现的多功能模式。在尽量区分重叠形式能产度的前提下,本章分别考察了跨语言中名词重叠(包括数量短语重叠)、动词重叠、形容词重叠和副词重叠的各种功能,各种功能均以不同的语言材料例示。在材料调查的基础上,本章进一步概括出了重叠操作的两条性质:一是重叠语法手段的跨语类性(cross-categoriality),一是重叠手段在负载数量、性状程度和时体意义上呈现出的蕴含性倾向。第三章主要构建了以“复数”和“反复”义为核心的重叠式的功能图。在数量(及相关)空间中,依据重叠跨语言的表现及其他数量形式的功能,本章构建了重叠式负载的“复数”、“集体性全量”、“逐指性全量”、“多量”、“各种各样”、“集体”、“状态”、“次第”等功能间的关联;在时体(及相关)空间中,本章构建了“反复”、“持续”、“进行”、“惯常”、“将来”、“去及物化”、“背景化”、“方式”、“状态”等功能间的关联。在此基础上,本章对汉语方言中的动词重叠获得了两点认识:一是部分汉语方言中可能同时存在区别于次生重叠的原生重叠模式,一是部分汉语方言中,次生的动词重叠开始出现功能的扩张,向原生重叠靠拢。背景化功能(backgrounding)是实现这一功能扩张的促发点,重新分析中的无标化机制是实现次生重叠向原生重叠功能靠拢的动因。第四章主要考察重叠式负载的“反身”与“相互”,“极处”、“程度增强”与“原型/典型”,“话题”、“条件”和“让步”等功能间的联系。在民族语调查的基础上,本章认为,“反身”和“相互”功能是与重叠的“复数(或反复)”义相关;“极处”是“程度增强”的一种,“程度增强”与“典型/原型”是一组常见的多义模式,在程度副词上也有同形负载的现象;最后,本章在重叠式经常充当话题、条件小句和让步小句事实的基础上,指出这三种功能的可能来源:话题与重叠强调性的语义特点相符;充当条件分句,可能是重叠话题功能的进一步发展,也可能由动词重叠式经常具有的时间背景功能发展而来;充当让步分句,可能是重叠式强调性进一步发展的结果。第五章主要讨论基于儿语模拟的重叠式的众多功能之间的联系。基于一些旁证,本章推测对儿语的模拟是重叠产生的另一动因,儿语重叠获得指小功能依靠的是“主体感染”的认知机制。依据前人研究和汉语方言中小称形式的功能表现,建构了小称功能图,并将具体语言中重叠式的表现在该图上加以验证。发现,一些语言中重叠表达的“只有/限量”、“假装”、“专指”、“名物化”、“程度减弱”、“动量减小”等功能与形体小功能之间呈现出蕴含关系。在此基础上,本章指出,至少一部分偏离象似的重叠式的功能,是小称功能引申发展的结果。第六章讨论重叠式的缩减,即去重叠化的过程。本章首先列举汉语方言及其他语言中重叠式的缩减现象,并简要考察了重叠缩减操作带来的语义后果。在介绍目前学界对完全重叠和部分重叠间关系认识的基础上,提及汉语方言中形容词完全重叠和部分重叠模式之间的关系问题。第七章讨论重叠、对称和并列之间的关系。本章从句法和功能两个角度分析强制性对称结构与重叠之间的联系,认为强制性的对称结构可以看作是加缀重叠的一种,与短语重叠距离很近。而非强制性的对称结构自由度更高,名词倾向具有指称性,整个结构多表示具体的事件,更接近并列。重叠和并列结构间也具有语义上的近邻性。在此基础上,构建了“叠音>(语素和词)重叠>短语重叠>对称结构>并列结构”的层级模式。第八章总结全文,指出有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 This thesis is devoted to the studies of the multi-functionality of reduplications,in the framework of typology. The whole work falls into eight chapters.Chapter1is an introduction. This chapter reviews the previous typologicalresearches concerning the functions of reduplications, and makes a brief introductionof the theories used in this research. Lastly, the range of this study and the linguisticdata used in this thesis are illustrated.Chapter2investigates the multi-functions of reduplications cross-linguistically.With a differentiation of the productivity of reduplications in a specific language,functions expressed by the reduplication of different lexical categories, which arenouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, are summarized respectively, and each functionis exemplified with data from different languages. Based on the rather detailedinvestigation, two generalizations about reduplications are raised: the first is thecross-categoriality of the reduplication; the second is the universal tendency amongthe use of reduplications to express the categories of number, property and aspect.Chapter3focuses on the construction of the correlations of the various functionsexpressed by reduplications. Referring to the different performance of reduplicationscross-linguistically and the function of some other devices encoding the numbercategory, this chapter correlates the functions of plural, numerous, collectiveuniversal quantification, distributive universal quantification, various kinds,collective, stative and in order, with the function plural as the core. Similarly, in thecategories of tense and aspect, this chapter correlates the functions of iterative,continuative, progressive, habitual, future, detransitivizing, backgrouding, mannerand stative, with the function iterative as the core. Furthermore, based on thefunctional maps obtained through cross-linguistic comparison, this chapter proposesthat the verb reduplication in Chinese dialects may have two different situations. Thefirst is some Chinese dialects, such as the Wuning dialect and the Yangzhou dialect, may own the primary verb reduplication which is differing from the the secondaryverb reduplication in Mandarin, with the representation of a different stress pattern.The second is that, the function of the secondary verb reduplication in some dialects,especially in some southern dialects, is experiencing a process of functionalexpansion, which leads their functions more close to the primary verb reduplication.In the process of expansion, the function backgrounding plays an important role, andthe de-marking mechanism of grammaticalization is the most important motivation.Chapter4mainly discusses the relations between functions of reflexive andreciprocal, among the upmost point, augmentation of degree and prototype, amongtopic, conditional and concessive. Based on the statistics, this chapter comes to thefollowing conclusions:(1) Function reflexive and reciprocal are connected withplural(and iterative) respectively;(2) Function the upmost point is a specificperformance of the function augmentation of degree, and the polysemy ofaugmentation of degree and prototype, as a common phenomenon, can also be seen inadverbs of degree.(3) As a property of the reduplication, the function emphasis mayleads to the frequent appearance of reduplications in the topic position. The use ofreduplications as a concessive clause, may be a further evolution of the functionemphasis. As for the function of encoding a conditional clause, two evolutionarysources may be possible, one is the function of encoding topics, and the other is thefunction of backgrounding.Chapter5is mainly about the functions concerning diminutive. This chapterholds that the use of reduplications may also have another motivation: imitating ofbaby talk. The cognitive mechanism of the reduplication in baby-talk can begeneralized as ‘the infection of speaker’s character’. Based on the relavant studies,this chapter constructs the universal relations between functions expressed bydiminutives. Through comparing the behavior of reduplications in a certain languagewith this functional map, this chapter figures out that some seemingly non-iconicfunctions of reduplications, such as only, pretend, nominalization, specific (kind ofsth), attenuation of degree and attenuation of action, may be the more peripheralfunctions of diminutives. Chapter6gives a special concern to the phenomenon of de-reduplication, that is,the contraction of reduplications in languages, which does not get enough attentionyet. After the illustration of some examples, this chapter analyses the possible resultsbought by the opration of contraction, including semantic results and the results onother aspects. Lastly, this chapter briefly mentions the issue of the diachronic relationbetween the partial and full reduplication.Chapter7is dedicated to the relation between reduplications, symmetricalstructures and coordinate structures. From the view of the semantic and syntacticbehavior, this chapter argues that some symmetrical structures are more close tophrasal reduplications, like partial reduplications inserted with affixes, while somesymmetrical structures are more close to coordinate structures. Reduplications alsobear some similar semantic features to coordinate structures. Based on the analysisabove, this chapter describes the hierarchy of reduplications on different levels, that is,from the level of syllables, to the level of words and phrases, even to the level ofclauses.Chapter8makes a general conclusion, and points out the issues needing furtherexplorations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

