

Social Construction of Talk-in-interaction: Theoretical and Methodological Research of Ethnomethodology-Conversation Analysis

【作者】 范宏雅

【导师】 赵万里;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 谈话是社会生活中的一项中心活动。它是社会成员从事社会活动、建立和维系直接的社会关系、确立或否定个体的社会身份并且传递、修正和更新个体文化符号的重要媒介和方式。社会成员通过互动谈话达到意义共享、相互理解和行为的一致性从而实现社会和谐。因此,人类学家、社会学家、语言学家和心理学家等社会科学工作者都把面对面交际的研究当作理解人类社会行为的重要战略场地。日常互动交际的组织模式、社会成员互动谈话中话语的组织模式、互动双方达成理解和共识的方法以及谈话对于建构更大范围社会结构的作用等等话题成为核心研究内容。诞生于上世纪六十年代、由萨克斯、谢格罗夫和杰弗逊三位社会学家所创立的谈话分析致力于发现有秩序的自然发生的互动谈话背后所蕴含的话语规则、程序和常规及其与更大的社会结构之间的共建关系。这种微观的研究视角代表了当今社会学研究“质的革命”的典型路径,在某种程度上开启了社会学思维方式的革命。谈话分析在近半个世纪的发展时间内积累了大量的研究成果,其跨学科性对研究者解读其理论和方法内涵提出了很高要求。目前国内所开展的对谈话分析的介绍和评介多在语言学界展开,对其社会学根源和谈话与社会结构关系的探讨鲜见。本研究的目的就是对谈话分析的理论基础、基本理论建构、实践研究成果和研究方法进行学术梳理和规范性导读,避免误读从而为后续研究打下良好的学术基础。根据这一研究目标,本研究以文献资料法为基础,辅以逻辑论证和个案描述相结合的方法,系统分析谈话分析的发展轨迹,阐述其理论来源和理论要件,总结其研究方法并分析其实践应用成果。主要的研究手段包括内容分析和访谈咨询等。首先,本研究试图从根本上理清谈话分析的学科缘起及其理论渊源。具体分析了谈话分析的哲学基础—建构主义认识论和日常语言哲学学派对谈话分析的启发和影响。重点阐述了谈话分析的社会学基础,主要涉及戈夫曼的互动秩序理论和加芬克尔的常人方法论与谈话分析的学科渊源。对于谈话分析的跨学科性以及民族志方法学、语言学、人类学等诸学派对谈话分析尤其是萨克斯本人的影响也逐一进行了阐述。系统分析了谈话分析的兴起和发展阶段及其代表人物和贡献,以期对谈话分析的总体研究态势和发展走向进行较为全面的概括。其次,对谈话分析作为一种社会学理论的理论背景和理论建构进行分析和阐述。谈话分析遵循以下的理论主旨:一,互动成分具有语境限制和语境更新功能;二,互动话语中的秩序是无处不在的;三,谈话分析遵循自下而上从语料出发的研究方法;四,谈话分析注重对偏常案例的分析。其具体研究成果体现在“纯粹谈话分析”和“应用谈话分析”两个领域。前者包括发现了互动谈话的微观结构特征,如相邻对、话轮转换结构、可取结构、修正结构等等,并对这些话语内部结构与相应社会行动的关系进行了研究。同时发现了互动谈话宏观结构特征,主要包括对电话谈话及其社会行动的研究以及故事讲述及其社会行动的研究等等。而后者主要是指谈话分析对机构性谈话及其社会行动进行了开创性研究,对正式的机构性谈话和非正式的机构性谈话的话语结构特征及其与机构性情境的关系进行了探索和阐释。同时,对于应用谈话领域其它相关的研究内容如人机对话、政治演讲以及语言教学等内容也有所提及和介绍。再次,对谈话分析的具体研究方法进行总结和概括。谈话分析学者偏爱录音、录像等技术手段以期真实再现日常生活实践并如实将其描述出来,从而“回到事情本身”。谈话分析的研究步骤主要包括以下四个过程:一,收集和录制语料;二,部分和全部地转写语料;三,分析选定片断;四,做出研究报告。这种研究视角和方法使社会研究成为一种自下而上而非“先验至上”的、可操作的、可信度强的并且可以重复检验的科学化过程。最后,对谈话分析的贡献、不足和未来走向进行分析和评述。常人方法论及其分支谈话分析作为一种质性研究方法,从某种意义上使社会学放弃了作为客体对立面的主体地位,超越了传统二元思维方式的矛盾与困境,从完全的经验一元论出发,将个人与社会、社会结构与人际交往、宏观理论与微观行动、社会学知识与常识推理等两极对立的概念结合起来,丰富了我们对社会的认识。实现了思维方式的创新。因此,尽管从其诞生之日起,常人方法论及其谈话分析屡遭诟病,就目前发展态势而言还未形成统一的理论标准,研究话题还比较有限,研究方法还有待进一步规范,但它可以说是当代社会学思维方式变革的真正开始,其理论的独特性、丰富性和深刻性为后现代社会学的精神革命开启了新的篇章,尤其是谈话分析在发展过程中所体现出的跨学科性更蕴含着其作为一种研究方法所具有的广泛的发展空间和潜力。

【Abstract】 Conversation is a primordial activity in social life. It is the important medium andmeans through which social members indulge in social activities、establish and maintaindirect social relationships、affirm or deny individual’s social identities and transmit、renew and modify individual’s cultural symbols. Through interactive conversation,social members share meanings、reach mutual understanding and continuity of behaviorso as to realize social harmony. Therefore, social scientists including anthropologists、sociologists、linguists and psychologists all treat the study of face-to-face interaction asan important strategic field for the understanding of human being’s social behavior. Theissues like the organizational sequence in participants’ interactions、the methods the twosides employ to reach mutual understanding and the functions that interactions have forconstructing social structure on bigger scales have all become kernel research topics.Founded in the1960s by the three sociologists of Sacks、Schegloff and Jefferson,Conversation Analysis(CA) is dedicated to finding out the underlying rules、proceduresand conventions beneath orderly and naturally-occurring interactions and theinterrelationships in between interactions and bigger social structures. CA believes thatinteraction is not to reflect social reality passively, but to construct social reality activelyand language itself is kind of social reality which is directly involved in social affairsand social structure. This microscopic perspective represents the standard approach inthe “qualitative revolution” in modern sociological research and in a certain degreerevolutionizes sociological way of thinking.CA has flourished in research achievement within half a century’s development. Itsmulti-disciplinary feature sets great standard for researchers to interpret theconnotations of its theorizing and methodology. At home, the introductions andcomment to CA are mainly carried out in the field of linguistics and few are thediscussions on the sociological foundations of CA and the interrelationship in betweenconversation and social structures. The present thesis is to do an academic summary andstandard introduction to the theoretical foundations、basic theoretical constructions、 applications and methodology of CA so as to avoid misinterpretation and set solid basisfor further academic work. According to this research target, the research adopts themethod of documentary interpretation supplemented by logic argumentation and casedescription so as to systematically analyze the development trend of CA、elaborate itstheoretical foundations and key findings、summarize its methodology and analyze itsapplications. The major research technologies include content analysis、interview、consultation and so on.First and foremost, the present research attempts to elaborate on the origin of CA ondiscipline and theory, which includes the concrete analysis of the inspiration andinfluences from the philosophical foundation of CA—constructiontivism and ordinarylanguage philosophy、the elaboration of the sociological foundation of CA including theinteractive order theory of Goffman and the interrelationship in between Garfinkel’sethnomethodology and CA and the turn-by-turn illustration of the multi-disciplinaryinfluences on CA, especially on Sacks himself including those from ethnography、linguistics and so on. The origin and development of CA and the representatives andtheir contributions at each stage are systematically analyzed in order to summarize thecomprehensive research and development trend of CA. Besides, the theoreticalbackground and theoretical construction of CA as a system of sociological theory areanalyzed and elaborated. CA adheres to the following theoretical principles:1.interactive constituents are context-bound and context-renewed;2.order is everywherein interaction;3.CA adopts the bottom-up method;4.CA pays attention to the study ofdeviant cases. The concrete research achievement is manifested in the two fields of“pure CA” and “applied CA”. The former includes the findings of the microscopicfeatures of interaction like adjacency pair、turn-taking、preference structure、repairstructure, etc and the relationship between these internal features of interaction and thecorresponding social action. It also includes the macroscopic features of interactionrepresented by the research on telephone conversation、 story-telling and theircorresponding social action. The latter refers to the pioneering work of CA oninstitutional talk and their social action including the exploration on the interactivefeatures of both formal and informal institutional interactions and their relationship withthe corresponding institutional context. Besides, other applications of CA including human-machine interaction、political speech and language teaching are also mentionedand introduced. Furthermore, the concrete research methodology of CA is summarized.CA practitioners prefer the technological means of recordings and videos in the hope ofvisualizing ordinary life practice and truly depicting them, which is called “back tothings themselves.” The research procedures of CA include:1.recording and collectingdata;2. partially or fully transcribing the data;3. analyzing the chosen script;4.makingresearch report. This perspective and method allows the research to become a scientificprocedure of being bottom-up rather than being “transcendental”、 highlyoperational、reliable and worthy of being tested and retested. Last, the contributions、shortcomings and future trend of CA are analyzed and commented. As a qualitativemethod, EM—CA in a certain degree transcends the traditional dilemma of dualism insociology and from the perspective of empirio—monism, it combines the binaryconcepts of individual and society、social structure and human interaction、macroscopictheory and microscopic action and sociological knowledge and commonsense reasoning,which enriches our knowledge of society and realizes the innovation of thinking mode.Therefore, despite the the facts that EM—CA has met with countless criticism since itsfounding, the standard theorizing has not been formed, the research topics are stilllimited and the methodology still needs to be regulated, it begins the innovation ofthinking mode in modern sociology. The uniqueness、richness and deep—foundednessof its theory starts new chapters for the mental revolution of post—modern sociologyand the multi-disciplinary feature shown in EM—CA in its development embodies itspotentiality as a research methodology。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

