

Liang Shuming’s Rural Reconstruction and Controversy

【作者】 崔慧姝

【导师】 于语和;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪二三十年代,中华民族战乱灾祸接踵而至满目疮痍,乡村在时代大潮的裹挟中,危机日益加剧,中国大地由此兴起了一场轰轰烈烈、波澜壮阔的乡村建设运动。以梁漱溟、晏阳初、陶行知、卢作孚等为代表的诸多乡村建设派别,虽然名称不同内容各异,但都胸怀救国之志,希望通过挽救乡村危机进而振兴中国农村,刷新中国政治,最终实现整个中国社会的现代化。在为数众多的乡村建设试验中,梁漱溟主持的山东邹平乡村建设实验以其理论指导的系统性、具体实践的全面性以及对传统文化的坚守性而独树一帜、卓然不群。梁漱溟是一位思想家,更是一位社会活动家,他的乡村建设理论和实践正是其致力于复兴中国传统文化,并融西方现代理念于传统儒家文化之中的一种尝试。虽然由于种种原因梁漱溟乡村建设实验最终难以为继,且从其初始发展的20世纪30年代至建国后的相当长一段时间内,就遭受了或平和或尖锐的批评,但在选择民族现代化道路的探索中,他的奋斗是发乎心灵的。从某种意义上说,他所提出的问题远比解决问题重要的多,他的尝试对当前农村问题提供了诸多有益的理论和经验借鉴。通过对梁漱溟乡村建设理论形成的再认识及建设实践的再回顾,可以明晰的感知梁漱溟在进行理论构建和实践时,是站在对人性价值高度肯定的人文精神以及由民族灾难所产生的忧患意识的特殊立场上,试图以民族传统文化尤其是政治文化中的人文价值、道德情操为源头活水,以此为基础探索和寻找中国社会独特的政治发展道路,由此既保持传统的价值,又学习西方的科学技术与民主政治,既获得现代化的物质利益,又能避免现代化的负面影响对人类理性的百般蹂躏,最终达成传统中国的现代转化。无可否认,在彼时风雨飘摇、激流涌动的中国社会,梁漱溟移山填海、百折不回的尝试,不可避免地为自己设定了一个无法解决的理论困境和实践难题。这些困境和难题的存在和解决,梁漱溟及其追随者自身固然有其独到的理解和设想,但若从各时代各派别对其观点的争议方面进行研究,无疑能为当前相关问题的认识和解答提供一个更为广阔和客观的视角,以及更为细致入微的经验吸收和错误反思。本文试图通过对梁漱溟乡村建设理论及实践的争议研究,从另一个角度思考当前农村发展和建设问题。我国是一个农业大国,农村社会的现代化关乎整个社会的现代化发展和建设大局。梁漱溟上世纪三十年代所提出和主张的乡村建理论和实践正是建构在以乡村为本位的认识之上,某种程度上正是中国能够超越各种现代化模式而确立自身优势的思想底蕴所在,昭示了中国社会尤其是中国农业和农村走向现代化的独特路径。诚然其乡村建设的理论基础与实践过程绝非臻于完美,并由于个人局限和历史条件最终归于失败,但客观说来,梁漱溟的农村社会变革思想仍然是基于传统农业国如何走向现代化的考量,仍然是其基于自身独立思考对现代化趋势的拥抱和接纳,而非抗拒和排斥,并为当今的中国农村现代化实践提供了极其宝贵的思想启示。综合从梁漱溟及其批判者双方的观点出发,或许能够厘清中国农村现代化的主要路径和具体措施并且提供一个更为全面的角度和值得借鉴的方法。世易时移,时代的迅猛发展、物质的极大丰富使各种文化体系的深层价值观念及民族文化心理积淀成为关注点,在乡村治理和建设日新月异如火如荼的时代背景下,从梁漱溟乡村建设理论及实践的争议角度进行研究,不仅可以为分析彼时关于民族独立和复兴的解决思路提供一个更为公允的评判态度和方法,也期待为21世纪中国的新农村建设和乡村治理提供启示与反思,并以此指导实践,实现民族的伟大复兴和永久辉煌。

【Abstract】 The1920s and1930s, as the rural crisis continues to increase, the rise of therural reconstruction movement thing on a massive land and spread north and south.By Liang Shuming, James Yen, Tao Xingzhi, Lu Zuofu as the representatives of themany factions of rural construction, although the name and content are different,they are all cherished same aspirations for national salvation, want to save the villagethrough the revitalization of China’s rural crisis and refreshed China’s political, so asto realize the modernization of China society. Among the many rural constructionexperiments, because systematic theory to guide and the comprehensive nature of thespecific practice, adhere to the traditional culture, Liang Shuming’s Zoupingexperiment of rural reconstruction is so unique.Liang Shuming is a thinker, but also a doer, his theory and practice of ruralreconstruction is an attempt to revival of Chinese traditional culture and to integratetraditional Chinese and western modern concept. Although a variety of reasonsLiang Shuming’s Zouping experiment of rural reconstruction is ultimately fail, andfrom the thirties of last century to the fifties suffered a mild or severe criticism, butat the exploration of national modernization, his spiritual struggle is made almost. Ina sense, his questions are more important than to solve the problem, and give usmany useful theoretical and empirical reference about how to understand today’sissues in rural areas.Based on the review of the formation process of Liang Shuming’s ruralreconstruction theory and practice, we can clearly feel that during the theory buildingand practice, Liang Shu-ming is standing on a special position that because highdegree of positive human values and human spirit generated by the national disaster.He attempted to base on the human values and morality of traditional culture, toexplore the unique path of political development in China, so while maintainingtraditional values, but also learning Western science and technology, not only toobtain material benefits of modernization, but also to avoid the negative effects ofmodernization on human reason. Undeniable, in that precarious and rapids surgingChinese society, Liang Shuming’s hard trying inevitable to set itself an unsolvable theory and practice dilemma. The existence of these difficulties and problems, Liangand his followers of course has its own unique understanding and vision, but, from acontroversial perspective to research, no doubt for today our understanding provide abroader and objective perspective, as well as more detailed lessons.This paper attempts to led us from another point of view to think the problem ofmodernization of agriculture and rural through the controversial research of LiangShuming’s rural reconstruction theory and practice. Liang Shuming’s ruralreconstruction theory and practice is to build awareness on village-based, to someextent it is the ideological basis of the mode of modernization with Chinesecharacteristics, clear unique path to the Chinese community, especially themodernization of China’s agricultural and rural. It is true that the theoretical basisand practice of Liang Shuming’s rural reconstruction not perfection, and because ofpersonal limitations and historical conditions ultimately failed, but objectivelyspeaking, Liang Shuming’s rural reform idea is still based on traditional agriculturalcountry how to modernize, is still his own independent thinking based onembracement and acceptance of the modern trends, rather than resistance andexclusion. From the controversial research of Liang Shuming’s rural reconstructiontheory and practice, maybe help us to clarify the main path of the modernization ofrural society and provide a more comprehensive perspective.As the time goes away, the rapid development of the times and great wealth ofmaterial to force us to seek deep cultural values and accumulation of culturalpsychology., through the controversial research of Liang Shuming’s ruralreconstruction theory and practice, not only for our analysis to provide a moreimpartial judge attitude and approach, but also for the new rural construction andrural governance to provide a useful reflection and learning, and to guide ourpractice,to achieve the great rejuvenation and permanent glory of our nation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

