

As the "Other" Local—an Interpretation of the Formation of May Fourth Local Narrative

【作者】 李俊霞

【导师】 耿传明;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “乡土”是一个古老的文学母题,而在“乡土中国”,它更是一个源远流长的主题,自古以来描写乡土的作品就一直是长盛不衰。但在20世纪之前,传统中国并没有明确地将乡村视为一个文化空间,大漠孤烟,长河落日,清风细雨,春花秋月,这一切在文学之中表现的是如此的自然,以至于就如同生活本身一样。换句话说,在文学之中没有出现另一种相异质的文化空间,人们不能根据框架之外的内容来感知框架的存在。传统的中国社会是一个高度一体化的乡土社会,在没有现代文明的产物———都市崛起之前,是无所谓乡村的。因为任何事物都是通过与他者的参照来界定自身的,“他者”的缺失必然也会导致“自我”的模糊。只有当以都市文化为代表的现代化开始出现时,乡村经验和乡土文化才会凸显出来,也才会产生现代意义上的乡土文学。20世纪20年代初,正是中国从传统农业国家向现代文明转型的艰难开端时期,传统的封闭格局被打破了,中国进入到了一个“自我——他者”互动竞争的现代语境,这种历史的规约使得五四乡土文学的生成与建构必然要在“自我——他者”的二元模式中展开。在这种参照他者的历程中,五四乡土文学的历史情境、时代诉求、表征谱系和文化心理等方面都以自身的经验和探索呈现出了更为复杂的内涵。由于20世纪特殊的历史情境,五四乡土文学的发生与发展是与乡土中国现代化转型的过程紧密相连的。从20世纪初开始,乡土中国就身处内忧外患之中,而那一时代的许多知识分子,也大多是出生和成长于乡土,最后留学海外或侨居城市,在这种背景之下,他们在西方现代文明的启示和参照之下,开始把视线更多地投向自己身边的乡土,并以此来想象与思考乡土中国的现代化发展问题。中国的现代性问题具有一种“内因外缘”的性质。一方面,长期的积贫积弱使得乡土中国有一种迅速富国强民的现代性渴望与诉求;而另一方面,西方列强在对中国侵略的同时,也在客观上把现代性的观念带入到了中国,这也迫使中国不得不被动地去接受现代性的洗礼。因此,知识分子在追求现代性的过程同时也在对现代性进行着反思和批判,由此面对乡土,知识分子也就产生了两种心态:启蒙叙事和浪漫叙事。这两种态度背后其实是两种不同的关于中国历史的现代化进程的思考方式,在这种思考中,乡土成为了中国现代性的起点和实验场。

【Abstract】 “Local” is an ancient motif, which is a long-standing theme in the “Rural China”,and describing the local work has been focused since ancient times. However,before20thcentury, traditional China did not explicitly regard village as a culturalspace, the long river of the desert, smoke in the setting sun, the breeze rain, springflower and autumn moon, among all the literature which is so natural, so like lifeitself. In other words, among the literature did not appear another different culturalspace, and people cannot detect the presence of the frame according to the content ofthe framework outside. Traditional Chinese society is a high degree of integration ofnative society, in the absence of modern civilization——before the rise of the city,which does not matter to the countryside. Because everything define their own withother reference, and the missing of “the other” will inevitably lead to the fuzzy of “theself”. Only when the modernization as the representative of urban culture began toappear, the rural experience and local culture be highlighted, which produce thenative literature of modern meanings.The early1920s, it is the difficult beginning of the period of transition from atraditional agricultural country to a modern civilization, and the traditional closedpattern was broken, and China entered a modern context of “self-the other”interactive competition, this statute of the history which makes the generation andconstruction May Fourth local literature be in a dual mode of “self-the other”. In thisreference to other process, the historical context of May Fourth local literature, thedemands of the times, and characterization of lineage and cultural psychology areshowing a more complex meaning with their experience and explore.Because of special historical situation in twentieth century, the generation anddevelopment of May Fourth local literature is closely linked to the process of theRural China’s modern transformation. Since the early20thcentury, the native Chinesewas living in the domestic and foreign invasion, many intellectuals of that age, whomostly was born and grew up in the countryside, and finally study abroad or a city, under this kind of background, they start focusing more on their own side of the localin the west modern civilization enlightenment and reference, and in order toimagination and thinking the problem of Rural China’s modernization development.China’s modernity has an “internal edge” property. On one hand, the long-term poormakes local China has a desires and aspirations of modernity in rapidly wealthy andpowerful;and on the other hand, at the same time of the Western powers in theaggression against China, it also take the modern concepts into China in fact, forcingChina to accept modern baptism passively. Therefore, at the same time of theintellectuals in the pursuit of modernity process, they also reflect and criticize themodernity, so face the local, the intellectuals also produced two kinds of state ofmind:enlightenment narrative and romantic narrative. In actually, behind this twokinds of attitude in fact is two different way of thinking about the process of China’shistory modernization, in this kind of thinking, local became the starting point andexperimental field of China’s modernity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

