

Research on Rosa Luxemburg’s Socialism Thought from the Perspective of Totality

【作者】 范冉冉

【导师】 王新生;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 作为第二国际马克思主义的杰出代表,同时作为西方马克思主义的奠基人之一,罗莎·卢森堡在马克思主义发展史上享有极其特殊的地位。“如何进行社会主义革命与建设”是卢森堡毕生在理论与实践上探索的主题,而总体性历史辩证法则是其社会主义理论的方法论基础。对于卢森堡思想的考察,无论是其宏观政治经济学理论还是其针对革命中某个具体问题的策略主张,惟有置于这一主题并在整体性解读中才能彰显出其深层的理论价值和现实意义。本文首先阐释了卢森堡社会主义理论的方法论基础即总体性的历史辩证法,然后从经济根源、政治力量、阶级基础、实现途径等方面探讨了卢森堡的社会主义革命理论,并从无产阶级民主与专政等角度论述了卢森堡对社会主义的本质的理解,同时考察了卢森堡与列宁、伯恩斯坦和考茨基等人在相关问题上的论战以及西方马克思主义学者对卢森堡思想的批判性解读,最后探讨了卢森堡社会主义革命和建设思想的历史贡献、局限性以及当代价值。卢森堡的社会主义思想并非抽象的思辨理论,其方法论也不是空穴来风,这一切都建立在她对马克思学说的深刻理解之上。卢森堡是马克思的忠实信仰者。在她看来,马克思学说最有价值之处体现于对“历史的发展道路”和“历史的研究方法”的阐释与创新上。卢森堡的总体性方法与马克思、列宁的辩证法既相互联系又互有区别,它是理论与实践、主体与客体具体的历史的辩证统一,这特别体现在她的政治经济学理论中。在《资本积累论》中,卢森堡把资本积累的内在逻辑与外在条件有机结合在一起,通过分析发达资本主义国家与欠发达国家和地区之间的矛盾关系,说明了帝国主义时代的历史运动规律及其经济根源,并由此提出资本积累的界限问题,从而在经济根源上把人类命运与历史的未来发展道路客观地联系在一起。马克思主义认为,社会主义的实现离不开无产阶级对自己阶级使命的清晰认识,并依托于在阶级意识指导下开展的反对资本主义制度的阶级斗争。本文探讨了卢森堡的总体性方法在其阶级意识理论上的应用,并展开论述了无产阶级意识的培养途径:精神灌输与实践内化。在党的组织策略上,卢森堡在批评列宁的“官僚的极端集中制”的基础上提出了党的“自我集中制”理论,本文分析指出两人的理论分歧不是坚持马克思主义与否的问题,主要是由于两人面临的社会和政治环境不同,组织状况也不同,因而在党的策略问题上也各有侧重。在党群关系上,卢森堡重视党的领导作用但也清晰地意识到党的领导作用具有历史地确定的内容和确定的界限,她继承并发展了马克思的群众史观,明确提出无产阶级的解放只能是无产阶级自己的事情。革命还是改良的问题是20世纪初德国社会民主党乃至整个国际共产主义工人运动争论的焦点。在实现社会主义的基本途径上,卢森堡主张决不能把党的日常斗争同最终目的割裂开,而应该把二者有机结合起来,并使日常的各项斗争服从于最终目的。本文回顾了卢森堡对伯恩斯坦和考茨基修正主义的批判逻辑,并从社会发展的量变和质变的关系上探讨了卢森堡关于合法改良与社会革命的认识对于实现社会主义的意义和历史限度,提出不仅要根据历史唯物主义的基本原则来分析和判断眼前所出现的错综复杂的形势,而且也要根据这一原则来确定无产阶级政党和工人群众面对错综复杂的形势究竟应该采取何种社会主义策略。民主政治是社会主义建设的核心内容,卢森堡奉行民主是社会主义的本质、无产阶级专政就是社会主义民主等理论主张,并坚持要求政务的公开性和彻底的监督制,实行人民参政。她反对布尔什维克让农民直接夺取土地和民族自决的政策,并就苏维埃解散立宪会议、取消人民出版自由、结社和集会权利等策略对社会主义的危害性提出警告。分析来看,这些思想实际上体现了对经典马克思主义原有主张的坚持,即社会主义是无产阶级自己建立、自己管理,以最广泛的民主为基础的社会制度,它拒斥任何来自上面的、代替人民群众对社会主义实施代管的做法。总体来看,社会主义没有普适性的模式,也没有现成的方案,它只能在资本主义的废墟上,充分发挥人民群众的积极性和首创精神,根据具体的国情在实践中去探索、开拓和创造。卢森堡的社会主义思想虽然呈现出一定的局限性,但从理论价值上看她的思想不仅创造性地丰富和发展了马克思主义哲学,而且对我们扩大马克思主义的历史视野,深入理解马克思主义的总体性历史辩证法和认识社会主义的本质具有重要的启示意义。从实践来看,卢森堡的理论对于我们重新反思全球化时代的东西方国家关系有指导意义,对我们思考中国和世界社会主义的前途命运、建设社会主义政治文明等方面都有重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 As the outstanding representative of the Second International Marxism and afounder of the Western Marxism, Rosa Luxemburg enjoyed special status in theMarxist development history. How to carry on the Socialist Revolution andConstruction is the theme that Rosa Luxemburg pursued in the theory and practice allher life. With regard to Luxemburg’s thought, no matter the theories about PoliticalEconomy or the claims on some particular problem of the Revolution, only integrityinterpretation can reveal the deep theory value and practical significance. First, thispaper explains Luxembourg’s socialist view on the basis of the methodology that ishistorical dialectics of totality. Second, this paper discusses Luxemburg’s SocialistRevolution thought from the economic root, the realization way, political power, massfoundation and other perspective. Third, this paper analyzes her SocialistConstruction strategy. Meanwhile, it examines Luxemburg and Lenin’s controversiesin some related issues, as well as the Western Marxism scholars’ reading aboutLuxemburg’s thought. Finally, it discusses the historical contributions, limitations,and the contemporary value of Luxemburg’s thought.Luxemburg’s Socialist view is not abstract philosophical theory, and itsmethodology is not smoke. It’s based on her deep understanding of the theories ofMarx. All her theoretical and practical foundation comes from her interpretation ofthe historical road and historical study method of Carl Marx. Luxemburg’s totalitymethod is the dialectical unity of the subject and object, the theory and practice. It’shistorical and specific, especially reflected in her political economics theory.Luxemburg balanced the internal logic and the external conditions of the CapitalAccumulation through the analysis of the relationship between the east and westcountries contradiction, explained the history movement and law of the Imperialismera, and then put forward the boundaries of Capital Accumulation. Luxemburg put thefate of human beings and the development of the future history road together from theeconomic origin objectively.The problem of Revolution or Reform is the subject of controversy in the Germany social Democratic Party and the whole International Communist LaborMovement at the beginning of the twentieth century. On the Socialist realization way,Luxemburg maintained that the Party’s daily struggle should be obedient to the finalpurpose. This paper reviews Luxemburg’s systematic critique on Bernstein’s and KarlKautsky’s Revisionist, and discusses the historical limits from the relationship of thequantitative and qualitative change. It improves that people should not only analyzeand judge eyes in the complex situation, but also determine what Socialist Strategyshould take when facing the complex situation according to the basic principle ofHistorical Materialism.As the Party’s Organization Strategies, Luxemburg proposed the "SelfCentralism" theory on the basis of criticizing Lenin’s "Extreme Centralism". Thispaper analyzes both of the thoeries and points out that their differences are notwhether insisting on Marxist or not, but mainly because they faced different politicaland social environment, their organization situation is different, so their strategiesemphasize on some particular different aspect. As the relationship of the Party andMass, Luxemburg thought highly of the Party’s leadership role but put forward thedetermination the content of the historical and certain limits of the Party’s leadershiprole. She inherited and developed Marxist view on the general public, also putforward that the Liberation of the Proletariat is only the things of the Proletariatthemselves. This paper discusses the problem of Proletarian’s Class Consciousnessand points out that Luxemburg’s Spontaneous theory is related with her classconsciousness thought, which has the subjectivity and objectivity.The Democratic System is the core content of Socialist Construction.Luxemburg pursued that Democracy is the essence of society, the Dictatorship of theProletariat is the way of Socialist Democracy and other theories. She also put forwardthat the Party should carry out the openness of the government thorough supervisorysystem and people’s participation. Luxemburg is against the Land Seizure policy bythe Bolshevik Party. This paper points out that Luxemburg insisted on the originalthought of the Classical Marxist actually. Socialism is the social system thatProletariats should establish and manage by themselves. It calls for the mostextensive democracy as its foundation, and rejects any way from above or instead of people to implement escrow on the Socialist practice.There is no universal model and ready plan in Socialist. It can be only created,explored and developed on the ruins of Capitalism by giving full play to people’senthusiasm and initiative, according to the specific conditions. Luxemburg’s Socialistview is not only the enriched and developed the Marxism philosophy creatively fromthe theory value to see. In practice, Luxemburg’s theory makes us to think of theguiding significance in the modern era of globalization relationship between easternand western countries, and has some important reference value for us to think ofChina and World Socialism’s future destiny and the construction of Socialist PoliticalCivilization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

