

National Identity Characteristics of the Literature and Its Literary Generation

【作者】 樊义红

【导师】 刘俐俐;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 民族文学的(身份)认同问题是近年来受到学术界广泛关注的话题。这种(身份)认同尤以其中的民族(身份)认同最有探讨的意义和空间。民族文学特别是中国当代少数民族小说中的民族认同现象丰富而复杂,这对我们探究民族文学的异质性(相对于汉族文学)和规律性都具有潜在的启示意义,而以往对这一问题的研究无论从深度还是广度而言都很欠缺。面对学术界对“民族文学”概念各持己见、莫衷一是的现状,首先区分出广义的民族文学和狭义的民族文学概念很有必要,而后者是此文主要关注的研究对象。认同理论经历了从本质的认同论到建构的认同论的发展历程,较为可取的认同论是综合了二者的特点但又以建构的认同论为主。民族认同建立在认同的基础之上但又有自己的特点。将认同和民族认同理论引入中国当代少数民族小说和民族文学研究有其必要性、合理性和多重意义。民族文学的很多元素都参与了对民族认同的建构,其中尤以“文学性”的几个方面如语言、叙事、文体和形象对民族认同的建构最为隐秘和复杂,也最具理论研究的价值。中国当代少数民族小说中,语言对民族认同的建构包括母语写作、非母语写作和双语写作;叙事对民族认同的建构包括第一人称复数转向、多重视角、平行对话结构、宗教文化叙事和叙事者干预;文体对民族认同的建构包括抒情性、重述神话史诗、文化展示性书写和文体转型;形象对民族认同的建构包括民族英雄形象、民间英雄形象和民族文化形象这三类特殊的人物形象,以及由我者形象和他者形象所构成的几种关系模式:对话模式、对比模式、冲突模式和镜像模式。语言、叙事、文体和形象对民族认同的建构都有其特定的机制、策略、原因、意义和限度等。对这几方面的研究也启发了我们对于中国当代少数民族小说的语言、叙事、文体和人物形象,文学本身的语言、叙事、文体和形象层面,以及认同和民族认同的理论反思。以上的研究引导我们发现了中国当代少数民族小说和民族文学的一种特殊性质:“民族认同特性”。它不同于民族文学的民族性、文化性和审美性但又与其密切相关。它有其特定的内涵但又是动态发展的。民族认同特性的发现具有多重意义。可从两个大的方面考察这种民族认同特性生成的原因,一方面,文学是建构认同和民族认同的重要手段,这为民族认同特性的生成提供了可能性。另一方面是民族文学作家的民族认同建构,这使得民族认同特性生成的可能性成为了现实。这方面又可以分为民族文学作家自发的民族文化传达和自觉的民族文化建构两种情况。前者主要生成了一种显性的民族认同特性,后者则生成了一种显性和隐性兼备的民族认同特性。而自觉的民族文化建构又与三种民族认同的危机有关:汉族文化和文学的话语压力;现代性对少数民族文化的挑战;全球化对少数民族文化的同质化威胁。民族认同特性也昭示了中国当代少数民族小说和民族文学的文化特色,这启发我们从民族文学理论与批评建设的目的出发,探讨对民族文学进行文化研究的必要性、合理性和多重价值等。

【Abstract】 The identity of Chinese ethnic literature is a topic widely talkedabout by academic community in recent years.In which the ethnicidentity is worthy of being studied most.The phenomenon of identity inChinese etunic literature especially contemporary ethnic fictions are richand complicated,which has potential significance for us to study theheterogeneity and regularity of the ethnic literature.But in the past theresearch on this issue is very lack in terms of depth and breadth.In the face of the situation that the academic community disagree tothe concept of “ethnic literature”,to distinguish the general and narrowethnic literature is necessary.This paper focuses mainly on the narrowethnic literature.The identity theory has experienced the developmentalprocess from the essential identity to the constructive identity.Idealidentity has the two types of characteristic,but mainly of the constructiveidentity.National identity bases on the concept of identity,but also has its own characteristic.To introduce the theory of identity and nationalidentity into Chinese contemporary ethnic fictions and ethnic literature isnecessary,rational and important.Many elements of the ethnic literature are involved in theconstruction of ethnic identity,especially the construction by the severalaspects of “literary” such as language,narrative,style and image is themost secret,complicated and valuable.In Chinese contemporary ethnic fictions,the construction bylanguage includes native language writing,non-native writing andbilingual writing;the construction by narrative includes turning to thefirst person plural,multiple perspectives,parallel dialoguestructure,religious and cultural narrative and narrative intervention;theconstruction by style includes lyricism,retelling the myth andepic,writing for showing culture and the stylistic transformation;theconstruction by image not only includes ethnic hero image,folk hero image and ethnic cultural image,but also the several modes posed by myimage and other images:the dialogue mode,the contrast mode,theconflict mode and the mirror mode.The construction bylanguage,narrative,style and image has their specificmachanisms,strategies,causes,significance and limits.According to theresearch on these things,we can be inspired about thelanguage,narrative,style and style of Chinese contemporary ethnicfictions and literature, the theory of identity and national identity.The above study leads us to the discovery of a special nature ofChinese contemporary ethnic fictions and the ethnic literature:“theethnic identity feature”.It is different from the national,cultural oraesthetic feature,but also closely related to them.It has its specificmeanning and is dynamic.The discovery of “the ethnic identity feature”has multiple meanings.There are two major reasons accounting for theformation of the feature.On the one hand,literature is an important means to construct identity and national identity,which offers thepossibility of the formation of the ethnic identity feature and in factgenerates a dominant feature of ethnic identity.On the other hand,theethnic writers try to construct the ethnic identity,which make thepossibility of generating the ethnic identity feature become a reality andin fact generates a dominant and recessive ethnic identity.The latter canbe divided into two cases:spontaneous and conscious construction by theethnic writers.The conscious construction is related with three kinds ofethnic identity crisis:the discourse pressure from the Han culture andliterature;the challenge to the ethnic culture from modernity;the threat ofhomogenization to the ethnic culture from globalization.The ethnic identity feature also shows the cultural characteristics ofChinese contemporary ethnic fictions and the ethnic literature,whichinspires us to explore the necessity,rationality and the multiple valuesand so on of the cultural research on the ethnic literature,for the purpose of the construction of the ethnic literature theory and criticism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

