

Qingdao Port, Jinan-Qingdao Rail Line and Economic Change along the Rail Line (1898-1937)

【作者】 张学见

【导师】 江沛;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 1898年德国强迫清政府签订《胶澳租界条约》,青岛从此沦为德占区,以此为契机,胶济铁路这一年正式开工兴筑,并于1904年全线开通。在此期间,青岛港也得以兴建。贯通鲁省南北部,并在济南与胶济铁路对接的津浦铁路也于1912年全线开通。从1903年至抗战前夕,山东公路建设开始起步,而这些已修的公路多围绕胶济铁路而建。由于山东境内的铁路、公路等现代交通网络尚不完善,运输能力还很有限,传统的水运、海运运输方式在近代山东并没有消失,其继续发挥着不可缺少的作用。这些以水运、海运为主的传统运输方式与以铁路、公路为代表的现代运输载体,组成了一个近代山东新旧相间的运输网络,而它们的关系也很复杂,合作中夹杂着冲突。胶济铁路从1904年修竣,并开始营运,至抗战前的1937年,历经德占、日占、中国政府管理三个时期。这期间胶济铁路的基础设施建设日趋完善,运输客货能力逐渐提高,然而近代山东乃至中国特殊的政治、社会环境,决定了胶济铁路除了饱受战争摧残外,还有诸如税捐、日债、管理机构腐朽、疫情与匪患、自然灾害与人为浪费、中外官商的巧取豪夺等因素影响其运输业的发展,这导致了胶济铁路一直盈利不佳。胶济铁路作为现代交通方式嵌入鲁省境内,是西方近代物质文明东渐的一部分。铁路作为西方近代工业文明产物,其社会功用的最大化,由于受近代中国特殊社会历史背景制约,并没有完全体现出来。但其现代性的一面,还是在以下多个方面对山东区域经济发展产生了深刻的影响。近代以来随着胶济铁路、津浦铁路先后贯穿济南,济南虽然作为鲁省政治中枢的角色并没有改变,但其经济职能、经济地位在跃升。近代济南在东西、南北铁路两大干线的牵引下,进入了快速发展的历史时期。不过胶济铁路沿线其他中小城市并非都向好的方向发展,这是因为决定一个城市发展趋向的因素很多,交通只是其中之一。胶州紧邻青岛、周村紧邻济南,由于区域经济资源有限,且具有积聚效应,当胶济铁路出现则引起这些资源过分向青岛、济南倾斜,最终导致其逆反性衰落。而近代胶济铁路沿线旅游业、转运业的兴起及铁展会在青岛的举办,则是交通对区域经济发展有重要影响的体现。德国人修建胶济铁路的主要动机,就是方便运销以淄博为代表的鲁省中部煤炭。实际上胶济铁路修竣后对其沿线煤矿业的产、运、销乃至其自身采煤生产方式的革新,均起到了极大的推动作用。不过随着胶济铁路1922年从日人手中收回后,胶济铁路沿线煤矿与胶济铁路管理当局分属不同利益主体,它们在总体合作中还伴有冲突和争吵。此外还有诸如胶济铁路当局对华洋煤矿所采取的歧视性政策、天灾人祸、日煤倾销以及胶济铁路本身的运力不足等因素,严重地困扰着胶济铁路沿线煤矿业的发展。为此山东当局以及胶济铁路当局不得不采取诸如筹建鲁东煤业产销合作公司、收买博山轻便铁路、增购车辆、更换重轨来促进胶济铁路沿线煤矿业的健康发展。以美烟在山东中部广泛种植及其所带来的影响为例,山东区域农业经济,也深受胶济铁路的影响。胶济铁路沿线美烟的商品化、销售的国际化,促进了农村自然经济的解体,一定时期里农民生活质量,农村市场经济水平也得以提高。胶济铁路沿线烟草业的发展,还刺激了胶济铁路沿线高利贷与金融业的发展、带动了沿线城镇经济的勃兴、导致其他农作物种植及其相关产业的衰落。但随着胶济铁路沿线农民日益成为世界烟叶购销市场体系中的一员,一旦世界经济出现波动,导致烟叶价格下跌,其不得不承担由此带来的悲惨后果。鲁南、鲁西、鲁北及豫北、冀南的花生、棉花、牛等大宗物品从各自的产地市场流向济南中级市场、再最终转运至青岛终极市场,这些区域最终主要被纳入了青岛港的腹地范围。这些大宗货品沿着这样的运销流动轨迹,也与天津港、上海港之腹地有所重合。青岛港与它们有着竞争关系,但从上述物品主体流向来看,青岛港占有明显的优势。而这些广袤的区域之所以能主要成为青岛港的腹地,其原因很多,但主要是由于胶济铁路和青岛港自身的作用,及它们所采取的种种优惠措施。胶济铁路、青岛港为代表的现代山东交通体系,及它们所构建的贸易网络,直接导致了明清以来山东区域经济西强东弱而逐渐演变成东强西弱,山东整体经济面貌由此得到了根本性的变迁。通过青岛港、胶济铁路与沿线经济变迁为个案的考察,不难窥探出交通方式的现代化对区域经济发展的重要作用,这也是近代中国区域经济转型和进步的重要原因之一。

【Abstract】 In1898, the Qing-government signed the “Jiao Ao Concession Treaty” under theforced power of Germany. Qingdao was occupied by German invaders since then.The construction of Jinan-Qingdao rail line started on the leased territory thereafterand it was completed in1904. Simultaneously, the development of Qingdao port wasmoved forward. The construction of the other line Tijian-Pukou rail was completedin1912. This rail line connected to Jinan-Qingdao rail run across from the south tothe north of Shandong province. The construction of the highway transportationsystem was initiated in1903until the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese war in Shandongprovince. The established highways were mostly built around the Jinan-Qingdao railline. Due to the limited transportation capacity of a far-from-completion highwaynetwork in Shandong province, the conventional waterway transportation did not quitand continued to play an indispensable role in modern Shandong history.Thecombined highway and waterway transportation formed the modern Shandongtransportation network. The interrelationship among the different modes oftransportation is complex; it involved cooperation and competition.The construction of Jinan-Qingdao rail line was completed in1904asaforementioned. It was operated thereafter until1937under three different managerialtime period from Germany, Japanese, and Chinese government. The fundamentalinfrastructure construction of Jinan-Qingdao rail had achieved significant progressover this time period. As a result, the transport capacity of passengers and goodshas been gradually improved. Meanwhile passenger and cargo transportation capacitygradually improved.However, due to the special political, social environment of Shandong provinceand even the whole country of China, Jinan-Qingdao rail line suffered severely fromthe war, tax, debt from Japanese, corruption from management organizations,epidemic and banditry, natural and man-made disasters, and the official andbusinessman’s plunder from both Chinese and foreigners. The combination of all the factors caused a poor operation of Jinan-Qingdao financially.The Jinan-Qingdao rail line was embedded in Shandong province as a moderntransportation mode which is a product of the western civilization. The socialfunctionality of railway was not maximized due to the constraints of modern China’sspecial social and historical background. But this modern transportation tool stillhad profound impacts on many of the following aspects of Shandong regionaleconomic development.With the development of Jinan-Qingdao and Tianjin-Pukou rail lines acrossJinan, the role of Jinan as the political center of Shandong province did not change,but its economical functionality and status has been raised up high. However, notall the medium or small-sized cities neighboring along Jinan-Qingdao rail line aredeveloped towards the right direction. There were many factors affecting thedevelopment trends of an urban area, transportation was merely one of the many.Jiaozhou and its surroundings are close neighbors to Qingdao and Jinan, but due tothe limited regional economic resources and the clustering effects, Jiaozhou suffereda reverse recession with the emerge of Jinan-Qingdao rail and the overly resourceinclination to Qingdao and Jinan. While the tourism industry along theJinan-Qingdao rail line, the rising transportation logistic demands, and the railexhibition at Qingdao demonstrated how transportation impacted the regionaleconomic development significantly.The major motivation to construct the Jinan-Qingdao rail by German was tofacilitate the sale of charcoal from the mid-Shandong province such as Zibo. In fact,the completion of Jinan-Qingdao rail line has revolutionized the way of production,transportation, trade, and coal mining along it. But as Chinese government retrievedthe authority of Jinan-Qingdao railway from Japanese in1922, the coal miningindustry along Jinan-Qingdao rail line and the Jinan-Qingdao railway administrationare separate entities of interests. They have overall cooperation accompanied byconflicts and discordance. Other than that, the discriminative policies fromJinan-Qingdao railway authorities to Chinese coal mines, together with naturaldisasters; Japanese coal’s dumping sale and the lack of capacity from railwaytransportation. To resolve the problem, Shandong and the Jinan-Qingdao railway authorities had to take some measures to promote the development of coal miningindustry along the railways such as establishing eastern Shandong coal ProductionCompany and cooperative marketing company, purchasing the Boshan light railway,adding more vehicles and heavier rails.The regional agricultural economic development in Shandong was deeplyaffected by Jinan-Qingdao railway, this can be seen from the fact the U.S. tobaccowas widely planted in central Shandong province. The commercialization andinternational sales of U.S. tobacco promoted the disintegration of the natural economy,the quality of farmers’ life and rural market economy had been improved in certaintime period. The development of tobacco industry along the railway stimulated thefinancial industry and high-interest service which led to the emergent economicdevelopment of towns along the railway. Unfortunately, this caused the decline ofcrops and its related industries. The farmers along the railway gradually became themember of world’s tobacco market trade system. Once the world’s economyfluctuated, the tobacco prices could fall, tobacco farmers had to bear the tragicconsequences.The peanuts, cotton, cattle and other large items which came from the northern,the southern, the western part of Shandong province, the northern part of Henanprovince, the southern part of Hebei province had been delivered to Ji’nanintermediate market from markets all around, then these products will be transferredto the ultimate market in Qingdao. Finally, these regions were incorporated intoQingdao harbor. These bulk goods followed the sales trajectories which have someintersections with the port of Tianjin and Shanghai. However, the Qingdao Portcompeted with them. While from the major flow direction of goods, the QingdaoPort had obvious superiority over the Tianjin and Shanghai Port. The vast regionhad become the main lands of Qingdao Port for many reasons, but the Jinan-Qingdaorailway and Qingdao harbor played a critical role in this process together with thevarying attractive policies from the both.The Jinan-Qingdao railway and the port of Qingdao are representatives of themodern Shandong transportation system. The trade and market network constructedbased on the transportation system directly caused the development of Shandong regional economy from being strong in the west and weak in the east to being strongin the east and weak in the west since the Ming and Qing dynasties. The overalleconomic map of Shandong province has been transformed fundamentally. Throughthe examples of the port of Qingdao and Jinan-Qingdao railway and its neighboringeconomic transformation, it was not difficult to identify the significant role that themodern transportation modes in the regional economic development. It is also oneof the critical reasons which drive the modern society transformation and progress.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

