

Research on Canadian Environmental Policy

【作者】 张献华

【导师】 杨令侠;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 加拿大政府一贯重视环境保护,而皮埃尔·特鲁多政府时期(1968-1984年)则是加拿大现代环境史上的奠基时代。特鲁多政府环境政策的产生有着广阔的国际和国内背景。考察加拿大环境政策发展史,特鲁多政府时期的环境政策最能反映加拿大环境政治和环境外交特点及其在国际环境运动中发挥的作用。从国内方面看,特鲁多政府在环境政策的法规和政策建设方面取得了长足的进步。1971年联邦环境部创立后,省级环境机构也纷纷建立。这些联邦和各省的环境部门至今都是加拿大最重要的机构之一。1968年至1975年前后,特鲁多政府还密集颁布了多项环境法律、法规,为环境保护和环境治理提供了法制基础。此外,环境评估审查程序在这一时期的形成,不仅为现代环境评估机制提供了参照,而且对后世具有深远的影响。特鲁多政府不单致力于政策的建设,同时还非常重视政策的落实与监管。对五大湖水质治理、酸雨污染防治和有毒化学物质的治理等典型案例,都显示了加拿大环境政策制度化的成功。从国际方面讲,加拿大在这一时期的国际环境外交成果也是丰硕的。1970年,加拿大外交部发布《加拿大外交政策》的白皮书,其中阐明了构成加拿大外交政策出发点的六大国家利益,环境保护是其重要组成部分之一,也是加拿大建设“公平社会”的目标之一。无论是在1972年斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议和1974年的国际海洋法会议等国际会议上,还是在应对臭氧层破坏和有机污染物危害等国际环境问题方面,加拿大都充当了积极参与者乃至领导者的角色。特鲁多政府的环境政策不仅奠定了加拿大现代环境政策的基本架构,对加拿大环境保护具有开创先河、润泽后世的地位,并且在世界的环境保护运动中也具有非常重要的历史地位。

【Abstract】 The Canadian government has always attached great importance to environmentalprotection while Pierre Trudeau’s term (1968-1984) is founding era in modernenvironmental history in Canada. The environmental policies in this period wereimportant contents and should not be neglected.The birth of environmental policies in Trudeau government based on internationaland domestic backgrounds.Investigating the development of Canadian environmentalhistory, the environmental policies in Trudeau’s term showed the characteristics ofenvironmental politics and environmental diplomacy in Canada, including its role inenvironmental movement of the world.In the waves of the domestic and foreign environmental movements, the Trudeaugovernment could not avoid the questions the environmentalists had raised. It wasdetermined to mount an attack on environmental problems and to establish the newmachinery to make that attack effective, including constructing new institutions anddepartments, making new environmental laws and rules and implementinginstitutionalized environmental assessment and review. In terms of constructing newinstitutions, the most evident step taken by the Trudeau government in response toenvironmental concerns was the establishment of the Department of the Environment(or Environment Canada). As for making new environmental laws, a steady flow oflegislation in1970s vastly enhanced the capacity of the federal government to provideenvironmental protection. As far as institutionalized environmental assessment, Canadawas one of the earliest countries to explore it. Then environmental policies evolvedfrom the initial phase of combating pollution by cleaning up after the event to the stageof planning to prevent pollution. Therefore, the establishment of environmentalassessment in Trudeau’s term was a great step forward.With the forming of environmental system gradually, the Trudeau governmentcarried out many outstanding environmental policies at home and abroad, mainlyincluding the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, which was a landmark in Canadianenvironmental history and its impact on the public was profound. In addition, Canadaplayed a leading role not only in combating toxic pollution, but also in dealing with acid rain and United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm.The environmental policies in Pierre Trudeau government period (1968-1984) wereimportant contents in Canadian environmental history, even in the environmentalmovement of the world and should not be neglected. They constituted the basicstructure for modern environmental policies of Canada.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

