

【作者】 山城智史

【导师】 王振锁;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 19世纪60年代,德川幕府面临着内忧外患的时局,锁国体制难以维系,被迫打开国门,最终导致幕藩体制瓦解。其后通过开展明治维新拉开了新时代的序幕,日本由幕藩体制向近代天皇制国家演变,开始走上中央集权的道路。日本将“王政复古”、“废藩置县”等一系列政策付诸行动,竭尽全力地在日本国内推行“中央集权化”。明治政府加强中央集权也包含着“扩张领土”的战略意图,琉球地处远离中央的边境地区,同时与中国保持着朝贡册封关系,在东亚近代化潮流中,其归属成为中日外交上的重要问题。经历了从琉球国到琉球藩、冲绳县的变迁,明治政府最终吞并了琉球。明治政府吸收和采纳了近代西方的国际关系准则,这与依靠传统国际秩序,力争保护朝贡国的清政府之间在体制上的差别形成鲜明对照,并在从琉球到冲绳县的变迁中体现出来。在东亚国际秩序动荡重组的漩涡中,明治政府不顾清政府反对,执意施行“处分琉球”,在短短的十年内彻底地改变了琉球的命运。本文以历史学实证研究为中心,结合国际关系学研究方法,多角度地检证明治政府的外交政策,特别是对19世纪70年代约十年内,明治政府与清政府围绕琉球问题的交涉进行全面、系统地论述。本文由序章、正文四章和终章构成。主要论述明治政府围绕琉球问题与清政府展开的交涉,同时对清政府与俄国之间开展的有关伊犁边界问题给琉球问题的处理带来的影响进行了阐释。本文在积极借鉴中日两国学术界先行研究成果的基础上,通过进一步挖掘资料,对明治政府的对清政策进行了深入分析,首次提出井上馨有效地利用清俄伊犁边界问题,旨在维护明治政府在处理琉球问题上的有利地位。明治政府为了顺利推进日清间的“分岛改约交涉”,对国际背景加以充分利用,通过抓住清政府的弱点,明治政府步步为营地奉行“扩张领土”的既定政策,最终将琉球并入日本。明治政府修订与西方国家以往缔结的“不平等条约”也是当时最为紧要的外交课题之一,遂决定首先在《中日修好条规》到期之前进行修订,试图将上述两项政策结合起来,以期推动与欧美各国的改约进程。然而,无论是分岛方案还是条约修订案都遭到清政府的拒绝而未能如愿。为此,明治政府则转而主要着眼于清俄间的伊犁边界问题,并将日本和俄国在暗地里合作的姿态和讯息有意地传递给清政府。同时命日本驻俄公使全面调查清俄之间的交涉态势,秘密收集各方面情报。井上馨在弄清楚清俄交涉的态势后,对正在北京谈判的宍户公使、天津及上海的日本公使及时做出指示,寻求本国在琉球问题上的利益最大化。综上所述,明治政府通过吞并琉球,在实施扩张领土政策方面迈出了一大步。无疑,明治政府与清政府之间针对琉球问题的外交交涉,以及明治政府推动中日之间改约的努力,也包含着明治政府在向近代国家过渡的过程中,通过与西方国家修改“不平等条约”而构筑对等关系的外交意图。

【Abstract】 1960s,Japan had two problems that internal affairs and diplomatic problemforeign countries in the Edo period.It was too difficult to maintain nationalisolation.Finally,Japan feudal system was disintegrated by them.Japan generallymoved smoothly through the Meiji Restoration,based on changing from isolationsystem to empire,Meiji government start to establish centralization of power.Japancarry out “the Restoration of imperial rule”and “haihan-chiken”(the abolition ofdomains and establishment of prefectures),established centralization of power in thewhole of Japan.Meiji government`s centralization of power means Territorial aggrandizement,Liuqiu is a remote region.and the Liuqiu Kingdom had a tributary relationship withthe Chinese Empire.The processes of modernization in several countries in EastAsia,attribute of control of Liuqiu was to become a diplomatic issue between Japanand China.From Liuqiu kingdom to Liuqiu domain and from Liuqiu domain toOkinawa prefecture of Japan,finally Liuqiu kingdom was annexed by Meijigovernment.Meiji government adopted international rules and international orderfrom western, in addition process of Liuqiu kingdom to Okinawa prefecture realizedtreaty system.Meiji government carried out policies to Liuqiu without considering adissentient voice of Qing Dynasty.The destiny of the Liuqiu was changed by Meijigovernment for only ten years.In empirical research of historical science with study of international relationsmodel,this paper mainly revolves Liuqiu issue from history and the origins betweenGovernment of Japan Meiji and Government of the late Qing Dynasty in the period ofthe1870s.ConsideringThe thesis is make up of introduction、conclusion and text, mainly aims at theseaspects, such as Liuqiu issues、Ili issues、Japan’s treaty revision policy、diplomacypolicy、Liuqiu issues was affected by Ili issues,and so on.Meiji government embraced a global background to play on Qing Dynasty`s weaknesses for negotiations with Liuqiu issues.Revising the unequal treaty withwestern countries was one of the topic of the Meiji government foreign policy.SoMeiji government decided to revise treaty with Qing Dynasty firstly,and planed toadvance a project that revise unequal treaty with western countries.However,Thisplan failed by Qing Dynasty`s rejection.Therefore Meiji government took note of Iliissues between China and Russia.In addition Meiji government suggested Qinggovernment take a guess that Japan have a political alliance with Russia an indirectway.At the same time,Inoue Kaoru give the Japanese Ambassador at Russia ordersthat examine minutely situation of Ili issues between China and Russia.In a word,Meiji government forced the annexation of the Ryukyu Kingdom forterritorial aggrandizement.Certainly,Ryukyu issues as a diplomatic resolution ofproblems between Meiji government and Qing government,Meiji government madean effort for treaty revision.It meant processes of modernization that Meijigovernment needed to revise the unequal treaty and build equall relationship with theallied western powers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

