

Integration and Alienation: the Chinese in Cuba,1847-1970

【作者】 袁艳

【导师】 韩琦;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以古巴华侨华人与当地社会关系的演变为主线,系统梳理了华侨华人在古巴的历史。总体来看,古巴华侨华人主要由历史上的三大群体构成:19世纪的契约华工、加利福尼亚(华)人以及20世纪的自由移民。1847-1874年间,古巴从中国引进12万余名契约华工。1860-1875年间,由于美国日益排华,数千名加利福尼亚(华)人转移到古巴。进入20世纪,数万名中国自由移民陆续进入古巴。直到1959年古巴革命胜利,进入古巴的中国新移民基本中止。在对中国人移民古巴的历史进行概述后,文章分阶段考察了契约华工在古巴的历史、20世纪上半期的古巴华侨华人社会以及1959年古巴革命后的华侨华人。作者在通盘审视华侨华人在古巴的历史后提出,古巴华侨华人融入当地社会经历了一波三折的过程。19世纪的契约华工和加利福尼亚(华)人在古巴共和国成立后基本融入了当地社会。而在20世纪上半期,以新移民为主体的古巴华侨华人似乎与古巴社会有着隐约的疏离。1959年古巴革命胜利后,留居古巴的华侨华人在古巴革命政府的改革中被整合进古巴社会。作者尝试对造成这种波折历程的原因进行了分析,认为不同时期进入古巴的不同移民群体的巨大差异性、不同移民群体进入古巴的非连贯性和渐次性以及一个多世纪来古巴国内形势的巨大变化,是导致古巴华侨华人融入古巴社会的总体进程呈现波折特征的重要因素。但不同时期,影响古巴华侨华人融入的具体因素各不相同。在后契约华工时代,契约华工、加利福尼亚人及其后裔之所以能顺利融入古巴社会,与古巴华人参加古巴独立战争密不可分。独立战争为古巴人民的联合打下了基础。而契约华工参加古巴独立战争,是他们被整合进古巴社会的关键一步。独立战争之后,古巴面临着国民身份的重建和整合。契约华工和加利福尼亚(华)人在这次整合中,获得了新的社会地位和公民权利。20世纪上半期的古巴华侨华人与古巴社会有所疏离,其原因较为复杂。作为第一代移民,20世纪到古巴的自由新移民首先面对的是生存和适应问题。他们改组并复兴19世纪后期古巴先侨成立的各种侨团组织,逐渐形成以衣食相关的小商业为主的族裔经济,继续保持着中华传统文化。同时,华侨跨国家庭的大量存在,使得他们一直保持着与中国的联系。而20世纪上半期中国兴起的民族主义,也影响到古巴的华侨华人。来自中国的拉力,使得华侨华人与当地社会有着一定的距离感。这种距离感,在古巴对华侨华人入境的限制和排华风潮之下加剧。为应对古巴的排斥性政策与活动,古巴华侨华人进一步团结起来,强化自己的侨民身份,寄希望于中国使领的交涉。但古巴华侨华人加强与中国的联系以力图改善在古巴的境遇的做法,使得古巴人进一步视华侨华人为外国人,这进一步加剧了双方的疏离。20世纪上半期,来自中国的拉力和古巴的推力,使华侨华人未能顺利融入古巴社会,但他们渴望被古巴社会所接纳。1959年古巴革命后实施的改革,对古巴华侨华人影响巨大。古巴革命和改革使华侨华人感到强烈的生存危机感,一部分人选择离开古巴,更多的人则继续留在古巴。就留居古巴的华侨华人而言,危机意识加速了他们主动融入古巴社会的进程。一方面体现在积极取得永久居留权,另一方面则是较过去更为积极地参加到古巴的各种活动中。同时,古巴革命政府实施外侨居留证法,开始将外侨也纳入并整合到整个国家和社会之中。

【Abstract】 Following the evolutionary relationship between Overseas Chineseand the local community in Cuba, this dissertation comprehensivelyreviewed the history of the Overseas Chinese in Cuba. In general, theOverseas Chinese in Cuba is mainly composed of three historical groups:the contract laborers and Chinese Californians in the19thcentury, as wellas free immigrants in the20thcentury. Between1847and1874, Cuba hadimported more than0.12million Chinese contract laborers. Since theUnited States increasingly excluded Chinese, thousands of ChineseCalifornians were transferred to Cuba from1860to1875. Tens ofthousands of free immigrants had moved into Cuba in the20thcentury.The new immigrants from China hadn’t suspended until the victory of theCuban revolution in1959. After a comprehensive overview of the history of Chineseimmigrants into Cuba, the dissertation in phases investigated the historyof the contract laborers in Cuba, the Chinese Community in Cuba in theformer half of the20thcentury and the situation of Overseas Chinese afterthe Cuban revolution of1959. The author then put forward that theOverseas Chinese in Cuba has experienced a process of twists and turnswhen integrating into the local community. Contract laborers and ChineseCalifornians of the19thcentury had almost integrated into the localcommunity after the Republic of Cuba was established. In the former halfof the20thcentury, the Overseas Chinese in Cuba, especially the newimmigrants, seemed have a subtle alienation to Cuban society. After thevictory of the Cuban revolution in1959, the Overseas Chinese remainingin Cuba were integrated into Cuban society in the reforms of Cubanrevolutionary government. The author tries to analyze the causes for thetwists and turns. She believes that there are three important factors. One is the huge difference between the three groups of immigrants in differentperiods. Another is that the three immigrant groups entered into Cubagradually, but not continually. The last one is the huge change ofdomestic situation in Cuba from the19thcentury to the20thcentury.However, specific factors affected the integration of Overseas Chinese inCuba in different periods. Why contract laborers, Chinese Californiansand their descendants were able to successfully integrate into Cubansociety in the post era of contract laborers? An important factor was theChinese in Cuba participation in the Cuban wars for independence. Thewars laid the groundwork for the Cuban people to join together. Contractlaborers participation in the Cuban Wars for independence was a key stepfor them to integrate into Cuban society. After the Wars for independence,Cuba faced with the reconstruction and integration of national identity.Contract laborers and Chinese Californians were integrated and gained anew social status and civil rights in Cuba. The reasons why the Overseas Chinese had been alienated to Cuban society in the former half of the20thcentury were more complex. As first-generation immigrants, the new freeimmigrants in20thcentury first needed survive and adapt to Cuba. Theyreorganized and revived a variety of overseas compatriot organizationestablished by the pioneers in the19thcentury. Then an ethnic economybased on small business was gradually formed which related to food andclothing. They continued to maintain the traditional Chinese culture inCuba. At the same time, there were a lot of overseas Chinesetransnational families so that they had maintained links with China. Therise of nationalism in the former half of20thcentury also affected theoverseas Chinese in Cuba. Pull from China made the Overseas Chinesehad a certain sense of distance with the local community. This sense ofdistance intensified by the restrictions of the Overseas Chineseimmigrants into Cuba and anti-Chinese agitation. To respond to theexclusionary policies and activities in Cuba, the Overseas Chinese united and strengthened the identity of its own nationals, and hoped the help ofChinese consul in Cuba. The Overseas Chinese in Cuba strengthened tieswith China to try to improve the situation in Cuba, which made theCubans think the Overseas Chinese as foreigners further and exacerbatedthe alienation of both sides. The Overseas Chinese failed to integratesuccessfully into the Cuban society under the pull of China and the pushof Cuba in the former half of the20thcentury, but they were eager to beaccepted by the Cuban society. Reforms implemented after the Cubanrevolution in1959influenced the Overseas Chinese in Cuba heavily. Astrong sense of existential crisis made some Chinese leave Cuba, whilemore people continued to remain in Cuba. For the remaining ones, thesense of crisis accelerated the process of active integration into Cubansociety. They obtained permanent residency initially and participated invarious activities in Cuba more actively than in the past. At the same time,the Cuban revolutionary government implemented Certificate for Alien Residents, which made the aliens included and integrated into Cuba.

【关键词】 古巴华侨华人疏离融入
【Key words】 CubaOverseas Chinesealienationintegration
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

