

The Research of Women Relief in Beijing1902-1937Based on Official Activities

【作者】 孙高杰

【导师】 李少兵;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 近代以来,在中西文化的冲突与融合中,中国传统的社会结构、生活方式、思想观念等都开启了现代化的步伐,妇女救济事业也随之逐渐步入了现代化的发展轨道。北京特殊的政治、文化地位,使其在妇女救济事业的近代转型过程中发挥了引导和示范作用,因而具有一定的典型意义。在北京传统的社会救济机制中,除以节妇为救济对象的清节类善会善堂外,养济院、普济堂、粥厂、暖厂、栖流所等救济机构都具有妇女救济的功能。这些机构均以向被救助者提供物质援助为主要救济手段,救济的目标仅限于维持他们的生命,很少考虑使有劳动能力者通过救济最终可以自食其力。清节类善会善堂更是以帮助孀妇守节为目的,带有浓重的封建伦理道德色彩。晚清以降,随着西方现代女性观念的传入,妇女命运与国家命运开始被联系起来。先进的国人逐渐认识到,中国要实现富强,就必须改变妇女的生活状况,由此揭开了近代妇女解放运动的序幕。在此背景下,娼妓、婢女、妾等女性群体的存在开始被看作是中国社会落后的表征,是社会发展进步必须要面对和解决的问题。这些不幸妇女开始被视为“鳏寡孤独”之外需要特殊救济的群体。以妇女解放为契机,在晚清社会救济变革的过程中,妇女救济在救济对象上突破了只对老弱、废疾、贫妇及节妇实施救济的局限,将娼妓、婢女、童养媳等弱势群体纳入了救济范围,体现出社会救济的人性主义光辉。女养济院、贫民教养院、女工厂等机构的设置,则代表着“分类教养”、“教养兼施”等现代救济理念开始被付诸实践。妇女救济的这些革新不仅体现着社会救济理念、方式的现代化趋向,更意味着社会意识开始发生变化。向来被贱视的妓女开始得到社会舆论的同情,有了可以寻求救助的济良所;历来被认为应该“服于家事”的妇女也可以走出家门,进入工厂参与社会劳动。这些转变不仅仅是知识精英在提倡,还得到了封建统治者的支持。北洋政府时期,受五四新文化运动的影响,不幸妇女获得了前所未有的舆论关注,政府也开始正视这些舆论,担负起救济不幸妇女的责任。以京师警察厅为代表的官方力量,不仅在法令和政策上给不幸妇女以支持,还通过济良所和妇女习工厂两所官办妇女救济机构直接对不幸妇女实施救济,给她们提供容身之所,对她们进行文化和技能教育,为她们能够顺利回归家庭做准备。但受社会环境、政治腐败及管理人才缺乏等因素影响,这一时期的妇女救济政策较为被动、保守,妇女救济机构的救济措施仍旧以“养”为主,“教”的工作较为有限。南京国民政府时期,政府加强了对妇女救济机构的管理,进一步充实了救济妇女的政策法规,加大了对娼妓、婢女等不幸妇女的保护力度。妇女救济机构因为一批具有现代教育背景的专业人才的加入而展现出新的姿态。在管理上更加人性化、科学化;措施上真正地做到了养教结合,“教育救济”的特征明显;救济的目标则强调妇女能够作为一个独立人而存在。尽管救济经费的不足及行政管理上的严苛,在一定程度上影响了救济工作的效果,但妇女救济事业正是在这种困境和探索中向着现代化迈进。总之,从尚贞崇节的敬节会,到拯救妓女的济良所,再到不幸妇女皆予收容的妇女救济院;从以施衣、舍粥、赠银等为主要救济手段,到教授技艺、培养独立意识的“教育救济”;从视虐待不幸妇女为自然之事,到对这种行为施以舆论谴责、政令禁止,1902—1937年,北京妇女救济事业所呈现出的发展脉络,不仅体现了妇女救济事业的进步,也意味着社会意识的演进,不仅体现了北京这个城市的发展进步,也在一定程度上折射出整个中国社会的进步。

【Abstract】 In modern China, with the conflict and integration of Chinese and Westerncultures, the traditional social structure, life style, ideas began the pace ofmodernization. The relief of women in China also began to realize modernization.Because of special political and cultural status, the transformation of women relieffirst occurred in Beijing.In traditional social relief mechanism, besides Qingjietang, Yangjiyan, Pujitang,Zhouchang and Nuanchang also had the function of relief women. To these agencies,the goal of relief mostly restricted to maintain the recipients’ life, with little regard tohelping them get the ability to earn their own living. Qingjietang, with a strong colorof the feudal ethics, was to help the widows to keep chastity.Since the late Qing Dynasty, with the introduction of modern western feminism,women’s fate was combined with the development of the country, which finally makeWomen’s Liberation Movement set off in China. Under these circumstances, thepresence of prostitutes, maids and concubines was considered as a symbol ofbackwardness. In order to achieve social progress and development, those problemsmust be faced and solved. These tragic women began to be regarded as specialvulnerable groups. In the process of social relief transformation in the late QingDynasty, new relief agencies like Elderly Women House, The Door of Hope andFemale Factories came out. The relief objects not only included the elderly, disabled,the poor women and widows, but also included prostitutes, maids and othervulnerable groups. The new relief agencies began to teach the tragic women someskills, hoping that they could be self-supporting in the future. These changes not onlyreflected the modernization of women relief, but also represented the change of socialconsciousness. The prostitute began to get more sympathy of public opinion, andwomen could get out working in the factory. These changes were not only advocatedby the intellectual elites, but also supported by the feudal rulers. In the period of the Beijing Government, with the impact of May Fourth and newculture movement, tragic women gained unprecedented public attention. Thegovernment began to assume the primary responsibility to relief them. Imperial PoliceAgency not only enacted laws and policies to help women, but also supported TheDoor of Hope and The Factory for Women to Learn Skills. Those twogovernment-run women’s relief agencies not only provided the tragic women withshelter, but also gave them cultural and skills education. All the work they had donewas to help them to have a happy marriage. Because of political corruption and poormanaging ability, women’s relief policies were passive and conservative, the reliefagencies paid little attention to the education.After the establishment of the Nanjing National Government, the governmentstrengthened the management of women relief agencies, and formulated morepolicies and laws to protect prostitutes, maids etc. Some women with moderneducational background were hired as the head of the women relief agencies, whofocused on the cultural knowledge and life skills education. The goal of women’srelief was no longer merely to qualify tragic women for wife and mother, andculturing the idea and ability of independence became the main purpose of womenrelief. Unfortunately, the further development of women relief was limited by the lackof relief funds and strict management. But women relief still moved towardmodernization in times of hardship.In short, the work of women relief in Beijing made great progress in therealization of modernization from1902to1937, which reflected the evolution ofsocial consciousness and modernization of municipal administration in Beijing.

【关键词】 北京不幸妇女社会救济
【Key words】 BeijingTragic womenSocial relief
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

