

Research on Tianjin Agriculture in Ming and Qing Dynasties(1368-1840)

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 南炳文;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 明清两代天津地区农业生产面临着较为严峻的自然环境,主要体现在气候寒冷、多水旱灾害、土地相对贫瘠等方面,给天津农业生产带来重重障碍。在这种不利的自然环境下,天津农业生产一直在发展壮大:一方面,先进的农业科学和技术相继传入天津,为天津农业生产提供理论技术支持;另一方面,大量新作物也被引入天津,促进了天津作物品种的丰富和农产量的提高;官方和民间开展的水利营田活动也不断取得成效,积极推动着天津农业的发展。农业生态环境不佳也造成明代天津农业开发不足,大量未开发、半开发土地被官方占有,在土地制度上表现为官田为主、民田为辅的局面。入清以后,随着政局的变革以及农业生产活动的扩大,天津地区土地得到广泛开发,大量土地为普通农民所有,民田开始在天津土地结构中占据主要地位。由于紧邻京师,天津地区赋役征收名目繁多,农业负担偏重。明代天津赋税征收上官田占主导地位,与土地构成中官田为主的局面相符合,小民徭役负担则相当之重。清代随着政权的更迭,明代原有的田土制度被打破,但清初天津地区田土制度以及赋役征收方面仍然深深带有明代的印记。随着时间的推移,清代天津田土和赋役构成也不断变化,赋役征收渐渐以民田为主。在农业生产活动不断开展的过程中,荒政等社会保障制度也在发展完善,为天津农业生产提供保障,使天津农业生产能够在常年多水旱灾害的情况下较为平稳地发展进步。总而言之,天津农业活动是在不断适应自然环境下所进行,农业得到了很大发展并为天津地区经济发展提供动力。明清时期是天津核心城区兴起和发展的重要时期,由明初的天津卫、天津左卫和天津右卫三卫,逐渐发展为区域性的经济城市。天津核心城区的发展与地理位置以及漕运、盐业等支柱性经济密切相关,但也在很大程度上与农业生产活动密不可分。有了足够的农业基础支撑,方能供养相当数量从事各行各业的人口,从而推动天津经济城市发展的进程。与此同时,城市的发展既为农业发展提供人力等各种资源,也不断对农业提出新的更高要求,二者相辅相成。

【Abstract】 During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Tianjin agriculture production faced with asomewhat terrible natural environment which mainly showed in cold climate,frequent flood and drought, comparatively sterile land. All the above preventedagriculture production from developing collectively. Nevertheless, Tianjin agriculturedeveloped continuously in Ming Dynasty. The developments of Tianjin agriculturemainly displayed in several ways: first, some advanced agricultural technologies hadbeen introduced into Tianjin which provided technical support for agriculturedevelopment; second, a large number of new crop strains had been brought in whichboost the escalation of crop strains and the increase of agriculture yields; third,uninterrupted water conservancy and reclaimed land in both official and civil onespropelled the development of agriculture. But even so, due to the comparativelyterrible environment, Tianjin agriculture developed insufficiency in Ming Dynasty.The government occupied a great deal of unexploited land and semi-exploited land.Accordingly, Guan-tian predominated in land possession system and Min-tian wassituated as supplementary. Along with the change of political power and theamplification of agricultural production, much more land in Tianjin had beenexploited; ordinary farmers occupied much more land. As a result, Min-tian began tooccupy a principal place in Qing Dynasty.Because Tianjin is close to the capital, Tianjin common people bore heavy taxand much heavier corvee. Corresponding to the land possession system, Guan-tiandominated in Ming dynasty tax levy. At the same time, common people bore ratherheavy corvee burden. Along with the change of political power, the old landpossession system was transformed. However, However, the land system and thesystem of tax and corvee in early Qing Dynasty were still deeply hit the mark of MingDynasty. As time went by, the system of tax and corvee was changed. Therefore,taxes and corvee collection focused on min-tian gradually.In the course of agriculturedevelopment, the famine relief policies and social security system constantly improved which supported the development of agriculture.All in all, Tianjin agriculture development in Ming and Qing Dynasties is aprocess in which Tianjin people constantly adapted to natural environment. Duringthis period, agriculture has had great development and support Tianjin urbaneconomic development. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Tianjin cityappeared and developed. In this significant period, Tianjin gradually shifted fromWei-suo system to regional economic city. The development of Tianjin city took agreat success, not only thanks to its geographic location and water transport of grain,salt transport etc, but also should thanks to the agriculture production. When theagriculture developed, there would be sufficient foundation to support urbaneconomic and provided much more employees, both of which promoted thedevelopment of Tianjin urban economic. The urban economic development alsopromotes the development of agriculture and sets new and higher requirements foragriculture constantly. In a word, urban development and agricultural developmentsupport each other and neither can exist effectively without the other.

【关键词】 明清天津城市农业
【Key words】 Ming and Qing DynastiesTianjincityagriculture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

