

West Lake Dream: Social Networks and Culture of Hangzhou Intellectuals in the17th Century

【作者】 王涛锴

【导师】 常建华;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 17世纪,是中国近世史上的一个重要时期。晚明以降,江浙等地区市镇经济的繁荣,使得中国学界产生了数十年的“资本主义萌芽”论争,至今余波未已;明末东林党以至黄宗羲等人对君权的批判也引发了民主因素等近代性的讨论。不过,对明末清初文化的变动,大多数研究者偏重于晚明或者盛清文化的探讨,只是把明末清初文化作为两者的过渡或附属。其实,明清更替时期的文化,尤其是士人生活,呈现出一番独特面貌。在研究方法上,士人研究大多强调社会结构(主要是阶级与等级)和宏观历史结合的视角,本文则利用地域史和社会网络相结合的方式来考察明清交替时期的士人群体。社会网络的方法,主要是从横向的角度观察不同的社会关系与个体以及社会各系统间的互动,从其入手来探究明清易代之际社会与文化,可以避免孤立地看待不同群体(如官员、文人、僧侣等)在文化建构中的地位和作用,从而深入把握地方社会的内在变化,更重要的是有助于摆脱以往结构化的认识。杭州自晚唐以渐开始崛起,五代时钱氏立国和后来宋室的南兴,更确立其东南第一大都会的地位;在元明时代虽有所衰落,仍是可与南京、苏州并立的区域中心都市。相应地,文化教育的普及和科举人才的繁盛,也使其成为人文之渊薮。笔者从社会网络的视角,指出17世纪杭州存在着时文会社、放生会等组织,且其经历了从小筑社、读书社以至登楼社50余年的变迁,最终加入了跨地域的复社以及十郡大社。同时,通过对《尺牍初征》、《今世说》等书分析,我们还发现明清之际的士人网络是一个以声名为中心,伴随着物质赞助、讯息交流以及文化互动的社会关系集合体。杭州士人及其社会网络具有地域性,这一网络实现了杭州地区士人内部各阶层之间、文化和商业之间、世俗与宗教之间以及性别之间的良好互动,也使得社会中的声望、财富和信息等社会资本一定意义上被不同人群所获取。作为个体的士人,可与杭州地方官、名士的交往,从而能够融入杭州并获得相应的回报。另一方面,该网络也具有跨地域性,杭州的地方官员、流寓士人等群体的存在,使杭州能够和其他地区进行信息、声望等方面的交换,从而有利于士人的游历活动。杭州士人社会网络,又建立于该阶层(或群体)日常生活中,一定的社会交往之上。通过分析日常生活情境下的士人社会交往,我们就能够认清社会网络构建的社会背景。就士人生活而言,社会交往与他们所属的社会分层(流品)、生活空间(工作、家庭生活、余暇等)和交游活动(定交、拜谒、通信等)有着密切的关系。进而言之,社会分层关涉到不同地位士人间的相互关系,生活空间则包括了士人的治生、家庭生活经营、闲暇生活和日常生活的节奏等内容,至于交游活动则是士人积极实现自我与社会互动必经之路。另一方面,社会网络依赖于一定的空间而运行,同时又对之有所塑造。杭州自唐宋以来因山水而名闻天下,西湖及其周边作为一个特殊的自然人文空间,必然和该地的士人网络有着复杂而又多样的互动,其中我们专门探讨了晚明杭州的湖山重建工程和士人风雅行为的关联。在士人日常生活中,于“家国一体”的社会秩序之外,随着城市和商品经济的发展,杭州也出现了“士农工商”四民之外的边缘群体,其中引起我们注意的是隐士和名姝(包括闺秀和妓女等)。此两者,前者秉持出世的态度试图与现实社会有所切割,后者则是中国传统社会男女性别关系下的特殊产物。在明末清初,他们是当地社会网络重要部分,西溪景观的开发以及杭州才女文化的发达即为其活动的产物。最后,由于地理和社会人文因素的作用,明清时代的文化疆界(分野)相较前代更为显著,地域意识得以凸现(如会馆的兴建、郡邑文集丛书的刊刻等),那么,从全国来看,各地相互间的竞争与整合在所难免,杭州士人网络亦需应对这一局面。在此过程中,引人注意的是跨地域人员流动的作用:一方面,徽州士人通过商籍逐渐融入杭州的社会网络;另一方面,杭州士人在游历京师(北京)生活中,和当地的文坛元老多有来往,并通过其所主导的社会网络获得了相当的声誉。此外,我们还考察了杭州士人文化与“主流”文化的关系,从侧面认识到国家文化传统的构建过程。

【Abstract】 The17th century is a period of vital importance in modern Chinese history,when there appeared prosperous commercial economy in areas of Zhejiang andJiangsu around which a great controversy on "preliminary capitalism" came intodebate several decades ago and is still seen presently, and when the Donglindangschool and Huang Zongxi launched their criticism of the royal power and began adiscussion of such modernistic features as democracy. But for the big change betweencultures in Ming and Qing dynasties, most scholars put emphasis upon the epoches ofLate Ming and the Mid-Qing yet regard the joining period between the two dynastiesas a transmission or a subordination. But actually the cultural circle in this joiningperiod is very active and productive, especially those intellectuals, who showed greatuniqueness and a different distinction.In the research method, such intellectuals stressed a combination of socialstructure, mainly class and social layer, and a view of macro history. The paper is tostudy the intellectual group via an integration of regional history and social network.The method of social network is to look at the social relation and interactionsbetween individuals and social systems by a lateral view, by which we can studyculture in this period, avoiding an isolated view of the roles and positions of differentsocial groups, such as officials, intellectuals and monks, removing the structuralistknowledge in the past and recognizing the internal changes of the region.Regional feature is quite obvious in dynasties of Ming and Qing, which is shownin recent researches in folkmanship, regional literature and regional economy.Hangzhou developed since Late Tang period, and after Wuyue founded by QianHouse in the Wudai Period and the Song Regime in the south, it became the biggestmetropolitan in southeast China. Though it saw decline in Yuan dynasty, still itremained a regional center like Nanjing and Suzhou. The widespread education andaggregation of intellectuals had been its source for prosperity. Different from perviousresearches, the paper is to use the perspective of social network to study theconstruction of intellectual groups in Hangzhou and observe the relation between individuals and social network by examples of Li Yu and Wang Zhuo.Intellectuals and social network in Hanzhou are obviously regional which realizethe positive interaction between layers inside the intellectual group, culture andcommerce, non-religious and religious and genders and through which such socialresources as social status, wealth and information can be obtained by different groups.Individual intellectual can be involved in Hangzhou and get reward bycommunicating with the local officials and powerful people. On the other hand, suchnetwork is trans-area, Hangzhou can change information and prestige with otherregions by transferring officials, traveling intellectuals and migrating population.Social networks of Hangzhou intellectuals are based upon the daily life of suchgroups and social interactions. We can identify the background of such network byanalysing the social interaction in their daily life situations. For intellectuals, there isclose relation between their social interaction and the layer they belong to, life space(work, family life and leisure) and friend activities (making friends, visiting andletter-writing) where social layer concerns with intellectuals interacting each other ofdifferent status and life space with their life attitude, family operation, and rhythm oftheir leisure and daily life whereas interaction is an inevitable way of self-realizationand social involvement. On the other hand, the operation of social network isdependent on certain spaces, and contribute to its formation the other around.Hangzhou is famous for in scenery since Tang dynasty. As a special humane space,the West lake and its surrounding area is in close and rapid interaction with the localintellectual social network.There appeared some marginal groups beyond intellectuals, peasants,hand-workers and businessmen, notably hermits and famous women (versatile girlsand prostitutes) beyond the ritual order of "family and country integration" in thedaily life of intellectuals along with the development of the city and its commerce, theformer wanting to set them apart from the actual society while the latter is the productof the special relationship between the two sexes who both were important part of thisnetwork and influencial.Last, the distinction between cultural domains is more clear in Ming and Qingdynasties and the regional ideas are getting apparent (building folkman clubs, compiling local literatures and so on) due to the functions of geographical andhumane factors. But there is competition and reorganization of cultures from differentregions, which Hangzhou intellectual network has to cope with where the movingpopulation calls foe attention. Intellectuals from local Hangzhou and other regions,Hanzhou intellectuals and the local ones all need time and effort to adjust themselves.So tidying out such history is of great value in understanding the construction ofmainstream national culture in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期

