

The Research on the Architecture and Critical Driving Factors of International Marketing Dynamic Capabilities

【作者】 李巍

【导师】 许晖;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 随着在顾客需求、竞争对手、技术与社会管制等方面的不连续环境变化越来越频繁,企业维持其市场竞争优势的平均周期一直在减少。在全球化时代,产业环境和市场环境更是充满着诸多的不确定性,国际化企业无时不刻地处在高度动荡的市场环境之中;企业若不能对持续的环境冲击进行有效地回应,那么将很难获得或维持市场竞争优势。因此,企业如何在动荡的国际市场环境中获取和维持其竞争优势成为当前国际营销管理理论界和实践界所关注的热点议题。基于演化经济理论和资源基础观的动态能力观旨在回答企业如何应对动荡外部环境并获取持续竞争优势。虽然动态能力观起源于战略管理领域,但其相关研究已经远远超越战略管理的一般范畴,被应用到企业管理其他具体研究领域。然而,仍有研究者批评动态能力观就像一个“大帐篷”,缺乏针对性。对此,有研究者提出,动态能力研究应该从当前的概念与关系扩散阶段进入一个选择性与保留性导向的阶段。因此,将动态能力观与国际营销能力研究相结合,以探讨国际化企业有效应对国际市场环境变化、获取市场竞争优势为焦点,研究企业国际营销管理中的特定能力开发便是一个重要而有意义的方向。为此,本研究将动态能力观与国际营销研究相结合,在充分借鉴现有诸多研究成果的基础上,提出并发展国际营销动态能力构念,推导和检验其内涵与结构维度;并基于资源基础观和制度理论的视角,发掘与验证国际营销动态能力的关键驱动因素,以探讨国际化企业形成和发展快速适应、有效应对国际市场变化的特定能力议题。本研究旨在以“国际营销动态能力”构念为理论关注点,以“国际营销动态能力的结构维度与关键驱动因素”为研究着力点,力图对回答“国际化企业如何有效应对动荡国际市场环境,并获取和维持国际市场竞争优势”这一重要议题提供理论支撑与实践启示。为了有效地实现上述研究目的,本研究采用混合方法的研究设计,即量化研究和质化研究相结合(量化为主,质化为辅)的研究方法,使用因子分析、回归分析、结构方程模型,以及案例分析等技术工具,对国际营销动态能力的结构维度与关键驱动因素进行深入研究和系统分析。主要研究结论包括:(1)国际营销动态能力是指企业在国际范围内整合、建立和重置市场相关资源(资产、知识和技能),以创造和传递顾客价值的跨部门业务流程或惯例;通过理论推导和实证分析证实,国际营销动态能力的结构维度包括国际供应链管理、国际产品开发管理和跨文化客户关系管理三大跨部门核心业务流程;案例研究结论显示,在企业不同的国际化阶段,三大业务流程的地位和作用存在差异性。(2)在企业资产、组织知识和组织能力三大基本构面中,实证分析结论显示,营销资产、研发资产、国际市场知识、高管团队国际化经验、市场聚焦型战略柔性和网络能力六类资源因素对国际营销动态能力具有驱动作用;在不同国际环境动荡性和国际市场进入战略条件下,上述驱动作用存在一定的差异性。案例分析还发现,在不同的企业国际化阶段,驱动国际营销动态能力的关键资源因素不同。(3)在管制系统、规范系统和文化认知系统三大基础系统中,实证研究证实,适应性组织结构、组织学习、开放心智、市场导向四类制度因素对国际营销动态能力具有驱动作用;在不同国际环境动荡性和国际市场进入战略条件下,上述四类驱动因素与市场基础型奖励机制、高管团队风险偏好具有差异化的驱动作用。案例分析也发现,在企业国际化的不同阶段,驱动国际营销动态能力的关键制度因素具有显著差异性。本研究的价值与创新之处主要体现在:首先,本研究将动态能力观引入国际营销研究领域,提出“国际营销动态能力”构念,并对其内涵和结构维度进行理论探索和实证检验,这不仅拓展和深化了动态能力观的分析边界,更是将国际营销能力的研究视角从以往聚焦于静态资源禀赋,转向了关注和考察建立、整合和重构国际化企业资源基础的内部组织流程或惯例。其次,通过借鉴动态能力、营销能力和营销动态能力的相关研究成果,本研究从组织流程的角度对国际营销动态能力结构维度进行探讨,将其解构为国际供应链管理、国际产品开发管理和跨文化客户关系管理三大核心组织流程,并得到实证支持。这一研究结论深化了对国际营销动态能力内涵的认识,特别是为研究国际营销动态能力形成和发展提供重要线索。再次,本研究从资源和制度双重视角全面地考察国际营销动态能力的关键驱动因素,不仅有助于深化对国际营销动态能力形成和发展过程和机制的理解,更丰富了对企业动态能力和国际营销能力前置影响因素探索的分析框架。最后,本研究拓展了制度理论与企业行为关系研究的分析视野。在现有国际营销或国际商务的研究中,大多数都是关注宏观制度因素,例如政府管制、法律规范和社会文化等因素对企业市场行为的影响作用。本研究则从企业内部制度情景入手,分析和探讨企业内部制度因素对国际化企业战略行为的驱动作用,以此拓展了制度理论与企业行为关系的研究视域。

【Abstract】 With the increasing environmental changes in custumer demands, competitors,technology and social governmence, the median period enterprises maintaincompetitive edge continuously decline. In globalization era, since there are muchuncertainty in Industry and market environment, multinational enterprises (MNEs) ismomently located in a highly volatile market environment. If firms couldn’t carry outan effective response to the ongoing environmental effects, it would be difficult toobtain or maintain a competitive edge in the market. Therefore, how MNEs to obtainand maintain their competitive advantage in the volatile international marketenvironment has become a hot topic in theory and practice community concerning inthe international marketing.The dynamic capabilities views (DCV), basing on theevolution economics and resourse-based views, is designed to answer how to dealwith turbulent external environment and to gain sustainable competitive advantage.Although the concept of DCs originates from the field of strategic management, buttheir related research has been far beyond the general scope of strategic management,and be applied to other major research areas in business management. However,there are still scholars criticized that the dynamic capabilities views like a "big tent",lack of specificity. In this regard, some scholars have suggested that the study of thedynamic capabilities should enter the selective and retention-oriented stage from thediffusion stage on concepts and the relationship. Therefore, combining the DCV andinternational marketing capabilities, to explore the international marketing dynamiccapabilities (IMDCs) is an important and meaningful direction.Therefore, this study, develops the concept of IMDCs referencing on fullyexisting research conclusions; and probes the structural dimensions and the criticaldriving factors of the IMDCs basing on perspective of the resource-based views(RBV) and institutional theory (IT), and combining the DCV with internationalmarketing research, explores the specific capability issues that MNEs adapt quicklyand respond effectively to market changes. This study aim at taking the construct ofIMDCs as the theoretical concerns, regarding the structural dimensions and keydriving factors of the IMDCs as the research points, trying to provide the theoreticalsupports and practical implications for answering the pivotal topic for discussionhow MNEs to effectively deal with the turmoil in international markets environment, and to acquire and maintain the international market competitive advantage.For these purposes above, this study applying a mixed method research design,namely the research methods of combining quantitative research with qualitativeresearch (quantified based, supplemented by qualitative), employing severaltechnical tools, such as factor analysis, regression analysis, structural equationmodeling, as well as case studies, conducts in-depth research and systematic analysison the dimensions and structures of the IMDCs and related issues. The mainconclusions of the study include:(1) The IMDCs refers to the cross-departmentalbusiness processes or routines integrating, establishing and resetting themarket-related resources (assets, knowledge and skills) in order to create and delivercustomer value in an international contexts; Confirmed by theoretical deducing andempirical analysis, the structure dimensions of the IMDCs include internationalsupply chain management (ISCM), international product development management(IPDM) and cross-cultural customer relationship management (CCRM) threeinter-departmental core business processes; The same time, the findings of case studyshow that in the disparate international stages, the status and role of the threebusiness processes are different.(2) In the three basic perspectives of corporateassets, organizational knowledge and organizational capacity, empirical analysis hasconcluded that six kinds of resource factors, the marketing assets, R&D assets,international market knowledge, top management teams (TMT) internationalexperience, the market-focused strategic flexibility and network capacity, exertdriving effects on the IMDCs; on the conditions of different turbulence ininternational environmental and various international market entry strategy, thesedriving functions above are different to varying degrees. At the same time, the casestudies also find that in the different stages of internationalization of the MNEs, thedriving role of resource factors are significant different.(3) In the three basic systemsof regulative systems, normative systems and cultural-cognitive, empirical studiesconfirm that four categories of institutional factors, adaptive organizational structure,organizational learning, open-mind and market orientation take driving impacts onthe IMDCs; on the conditions of different turbulence in international environmentaland various international market entry strategy, above four driving factors andmarket-based rewards systems and TMT risk-prone preferences have variant drivingeffects on the IMDCs. Meanwhile, the case studies also find that in the differentstages of internationalization of the MNEs, the driving functions of institutional factors are significant different.The value and innovation of this study are presented as follow: first, this study,by taking the concept of dynamic capabilities in the research field of internationalmarkting, puts forward to the notion of international marketing dynamic capabilities,and theoretically defines and empirically test it’s connotation and architecture, andnot only expands and deepens the DCV, but also transforms the research perspectiveof international marketing capabilities from focusing on the static resourceendowments, to investigating and inspecting on the internal organizational processesor routines establishing, integrating and reconstructing MNEs’ resource bases.Secondly, by drawing on the research finds of the DCs, marketing capabilities andmarketing dynamic capabilities, this study, on the perspective of organizationalprocesses explores the architecture of the IMDCs, and empirically decomposes theIMDCs into three core organizational processes, namely ISCM, IPDM and CCRM.This conclusion deepens the understanding on connotation of the IMDCs, inparticular, has provided important clues to the formation and development of theIMDCs. Thirdly. this study under dual perspectives of the resources and institution,comprehensively examines the key driving on the development of the IMDCs, notonly help to deepen the understanding on processes and mechanisms of the formationand development about IMDCs, but also expands the comprehension about theantecedents of the DCs international marketing capabilities. Finally, this studybroadens the analysis perspective of the relationship between IT and corporationsbehavior. In the existing researches of international marketing or internationalbusiness, most researchers analyze the MNEs’ market behavior from the perspectiveof resources, and some studies, focusing on institutional factors, yet pay closeattention to the impacts of the macro-institutional factors, such as governmentregulations, laws norms and socio-cultural factors on the enterprise market (strategic)behaviors. However, this study, starting from the internally institutional contexts,analyzes and explores the effects of internal institutional factors on the MNEs’strategic behaviors, for example, the effects exerting on the development oforganizational capabilities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

