

Taxonomic Revision of the Subtribe Acrobassiina from China (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae)

【作者】 刘家宇

【导师】 李后魂;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 动物学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 峰斑螟亚族隶属于鳞翅目螟蛾科斑螟亚科斑螟族,绝大多数种类是农业、林业和仓储害虫,具有重要的经济意义。峰斑螟亚族为斑螟亚科中最大的类群,属、种众多,许多近缘属不易区分。我国幅员辽阔,生物多样性丰富,基础区系研究仍较薄弱,因此有必要对我国峰斑螟亚族进行系统的总结和修订,为提高我国对峰斑螟亚族物种多样性的认知以及对经济害虫的防治提供基础数据和理论基础。本文依据Roesler(1973)的分类系统,对中国峰斑螟亚族进行了系统学修订。本论文在原有研究的基础上(杜艳丽,2002;任应党,2006)涉及我国峰斑螟亚族29属86种,其中新增53种,包括13个新纪录属,34新种,19中国新纪录种,使中国峰斑螟亚族物种数量上升至52属219种。新纪录属:脉斑螟属Ancylodes Ragonot,1887,刺兜斑螟属DentitegumiaAmsel,1961,宽斑螟属Ephestiopsis Ragonot,1893,红斑螟属Gunungodes Roesler et Küppers,1981(已发表),束缘斑螟属Mesciniadia Hampson,1901,凹缘斑螟属Mesciniodes Hampson,1901,亮泽斑螟属Metallostichodes Roesler,1967,叉颚斑螟属Myelopsis Heinrich,1956,拟类斑螟属PararotrudaRoesler,1965,长环斑螟属Penetiana Hampson,1930,锯斑螟属Pristocerella Kieffer,1909,齿额斑螟属Prorophora Ragonot,1887(已发表)及戟额斑螟属Rasputinka Roesler,1989。新种(已发表2种):刺端脉斑螟Ancylodes termispinellosa sp. nov.,双刷异曲斑螟Ancylosis(Heterographis) biculcita sp. nov.,短管异曲斑螟A.(H.) canalicurta sp. nov.,钩腹异曲斑螟A.(H.)hamisaccula sp. nov.,缘突异曲斑螟A.(H.) marginipapillata sp. nov.,脉异曲斑螟A.(H.)vasistrigulosa sp. nov.,缘白类曲斑螟A.(Staudingeria) marginalba sp. nov.,拟亚光类曲斑螟A.(S.)pseudosuboblitella sp. nov.,白背荔枝斑螟Anonaepestis albicosta sp. nov.,后亮荔枝斑螟A.dorsinitida sp. nov.,端刺荔枝斑螟A. termispinata sp. nov.,双斑蛀果斑螟Assara bimacula sp. nov.,半环蛀果斑螟A. hemiannula sp. nov.,长突蛀果斑螟A. longitranstilla sp. nov.,类双角叉额斑螟Christophia paragranulella sp. nov.,齿瓣叉额斑螟C. valvispinifera sp. nov.,钩刺兜斑螟Dentitegumia hamiclaspera sp. nov.,几突宽斑螟Ephestiopsis similishiva sp. nov.,叉类暗斑螟Euzopherodes furciprocessa sp. nov.,长刷类暗斑螟E. longiculcita sp. nov.,长颚类暗斑螟E.longignathosa sp. nov.,凸带类暗斑螟E. taenitumefacta sp. nov.,郑氏红斑螟Gunungodes zhengi Liuet Li,2011,无突同斑螟Homoeosoma (Homoeosoma) nullisignum sp. nov.,弯背片斑螟Lambaesiaflexicosta sp. nov.,黑叉颚斑螟Myelopsis nigilimbata sp. nov.,窄瓣颚斑螟Paramaxillariaangustivalva sp. nov.,端红长环斑螟Penetiana termirubera sp. nov.,长锯斑螟Pristocerellalongisterna sp. nov.,双刺齿额斑螟Prorophora (Reisserempista) binacantha Liu et Li,2012,尖背拟果斑螟Pseudocadra acericosta sp. nov.,黄拟果斑螟P. flavida sp. nov.,带拟果斑螟P. ligigracilis sp.nov.及长带戟额斑螟Rasputinka longifasciaria sp. nov.。中国新纪录种:线脉斑螟Ancylodes staminella (Christoph,1877),萨曲斑螟Ancylosis (Ancylosis)sareptella (Herrich-Sch ffer,1860),王类曲斑螟A.(Staudingeria) reginella (Roesler,1970),蛇菰蛀果斑螟Assara balanophorae Sasaki et Tanaka,2004,黄钝额斑螟Bazaria gilvella (Ragonot,1887),白背旗斑螟Cathyalia pallicostella Roesler et Küppers,1981,单突叉额斑螟Christophia baliella(Ragonot,1888),膨刺兜斑螟Dentitegumia classica Roesler,1989,神宽斑螟Ephestiopsis vishnuRoesler et Küppers,1981,种裸斑螟Gymnancyla (Spermatophthora) hornigii (Lederer,1852),弯束缘斑螟Mesciniadia infractalis (Walker,1864),闪烁凹缘斑螟Mesciniodes micans (Hampson,1896),半茎亮泽斑螟Metallostichodes hemicautella (Hampson,1899),黑蓝亮泽斑螟M. nigrocyanella(Constant,1865),红斑叉颚斑螟Myelopsis rufimaculella Yamanaka,1993,刺拟类斑螟Pararotrudanesiotica (Rebel,1911),前白长环斑螟Penetiana proleucia Hampson,1930,钩腹齿额斑螟Prorophora (Prorophora) albidogilvella Roesler,1970(已发表)及蒙古齿额斑螟P.(Reisserempista)mongolica Roesler,1970(已发表)。初步研究了斑螟亚科雄性第八腹节及其附属物(味刷)特征在分类学上的应用,并以中国曲斑螟属Ancylosis Zeller,1839为研究材料,以雄性第八腹节及其附属物(味刷)为特征,编制了中国曲斑螟属雄性分种检索表。结果表明应用雄性第八腹板及其附属物(味刷)的特征,可以有效对种进行区分和鉴定,有重要的分类价值。探讨了雌性外生殖器囊突的分类价值,总结了其数量、着生位置、形状、排列方式和细微结构的多样性。文中编制了中国峰斑螟亚族分属检索表和本论文涉及属的分种检索表(包括中国所有已记述种类),依据实际标本详细描述了60种,依据文献补充23种,提供了各分类阶元的文献引证信息,给出了地理分布信息、成虫外形图和雌、雄外生殖器特征图。模式标本及其他研究标本均保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。

【Abstract】 The subtribe Acrobasiina belongs to the tribe Phycitini of the subfamily Phycitinae in the familyPyralidae. Many species of this subtribe are serious pests and have great economic importance in agricultureand forestry. As the largest group of Phycitinae, Acrobasiina has the largest number of genera and species.Nevertheless, the taxonomic position of some closely allied genera and the status of some closely relatedspecies within Acrobasiina remain in chaos and problematic due to lacking definite characters to define them.China is vast in territory rich in biodiversity, yet the fauna study is far from sufficient. Thus, it is necessaryto revise Acrobasiina in China so as to provide basic and theoretical data for our understanding of thespecies diversity and for the control of important economic pests.This dissertation focuses on the taxonomic revision of the tribe Acrobasiina in China, following thesystem proposed by Roesler (1973). Eighty-six species are involved, including fifty-three species newlyadded to the Chinese fauna. The number of Acrobasiina in China has increased to219species and52generain total.Thirteen genera are newly recorded for China: Ancylodes Ragonot,1887, Dentitegumia Amsel,1961,Ephestiopsis Ragonot,1893, Gunungodes Roesler et Küppers,1981(published), Mesciniadia Hampson,1901, Mesciniodes Hampson,1901, Metallostichodes Roesler,1967, Myelopsis Heinrich,1956, PararotrudaRoesler,1965, Penetiana Hampson,1930, Pristocerella Kieffer,1909, Prorophora Ragonot,1887(published) and Rasputinka Roesler,1989.Thirty-four species are described as new (including two published species): Ancylodes termispinellosasp. nov., Ancylosis (Heterographis) biculcita sp. nov., A.(H.) canalicurta sp. nov., A.(H.) hamisaccula sp.nov., A.(H.) marginipapillata sp. nov., A.(H.) vasistrigulosa sp. nov., A.(Staudingeria) marginalba sp. nov.,A.(S.) pseudosuboblitella sp. nov., Anonaepestis albicosta sp. nov., A. dorsinitida sp. nov., A. termispinatasp. nov., Assara bimacula sp. nov., A. hemiannula sp. nov., A. longitranstilla sp. nov., Christophiaparagranulella sp. nov., C. valvispinifera sp. nov., Dentitegumia hamiclaspera sp. nov., Ephestiopsissimilishiva sp. nov., Euzopherodes furciprocessa sp. nov., E. longiculcita sp. nov., E. longignathosa sp. nov.,E. taenitumefacta sp. nov., Gunungodes zhengi Liu et Li,2011, Homoeosoma (Homoeosoma) nullisignum sp.nov., Lambaesia flexicosta sp. nov., Myelopsis nigilimbata sp. nov., Paramaxillaria angustivalva sp. nov.,Penetiana termirubera sp. nov., Pristocerella longisterna sp. nov., Prorophora (Reisserempista) binacanthaLiu et Li,2012, Pseudocadra acericosta sp. nov., P. flavida sp. nov., P. ligigracilis sp. nov., and Rasputinkalongifasciaria sp. nov.Nineteen species are reported to occur in China for the frist time: Ancylodes staminella (Christoph,1877), Ancylosis (Ancylosis) sareptella (Herrich-Sch ffer,1860), A.(Staudingeria) reginella (Roesler,1970),Assara balanophorae Sasaki et Tanaka,2004, Bazaria gilvella (Ragonot,1887), Cathyalia pallicostellaRoesler et Küppers,1981, Christophia baliella (Ragonot,1888), Dentitegumia classica Roesler,1989,Ephestiopsis vishnu Roesler et Küppers,1981, Gymnancyla (Spermatophthora) hornigii (Lederer,1852),Mesciniadia infractalis (Walker,1864), Mesciniodes micans (Hampson,1896), Metallostichodeshemicautella (Hampson,1899), M. nigrocyanella (Constant,1865), Myelopsis rufimaculella Yamanaka, 1993, Pararotruda nesiotica (Rebel,1911), Penetiana proleucia Hampson,1930, Prorophora (Prorophora)albidogilvella Roesler,1970(published), and P.(Reisserempista) mongolica Roesler,1970(published).The application of the characters of the male eighth abdominal segment and culcita in taxonomy isstudied for the first time, based on which a key to the species of Ancylosis Zeller,1839is provided. Theresult shows that the male eighth abdominal segment and culcita can be used to identify species and are oftaxonomic value in species identification.The taxonomic value of the female signum is discussed. The number, location, shape, the way of itsarrangement as well as the micro structures are summarized.Sixty species are described in detail based on available specimens, and twenty-three species are addedaccording to literature records. Detailed citations, synonyms and the geographical distribution of eachspecies are given. Keys are provided to the known genera of Acrobasiina in China, as well as to all thespecies of each genus involved in this study. Photographs of adults and illustrations of the male and femalegenitalia, as well as the maps to show the geographical distribution of all the species are included.All the specimens studied, including the types, are deposited in the Insect Collection, College of LifeScience, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.The research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.31093430&No.J0930005).

【关键词】 鳞翅目螟蛾科斑螟亚科斑螟族分类学修订新种新纪录
【Key words】 LepidopteraPyralidaePhycitinaePhycitinitaxonomyrevisionnew speciesnew record
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期

