

Study on the Construction and Management of Univeristy’s Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Teams

【作者】 王军

【导师】 王伟军;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 情报学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着人类对自然现象、社会现象认识的不断深入,科学研究问题越来越复杂,同时,随着科学技术的发展,不同学科之间的交叉融合与相互渗透已成为当代科学发展的主要趋势。高校作为国家创新体系中的重要主体,是进行学科交叉科技创新的中坚力量。学科交叉型高校科研创新团队就是为了适应当前科技创新环境而提出的一种新型科研组织模式,对其进行深入研究对优化配置高校科研资源,进一步提升高校的科研水平及创新能力具有极其重要的意义。本文采用情报学、管理学等学科领域的相关理论方法,尝试对学科交叉型高校科研创新团队的基本内涵、形成机理、建设思路、管理方法等论题进行深入研究,以期为高等院校进行学科交叉型高校科研创新团队建设管理提供理论指导及参考借鉴。文中附图2幅,表14个。全文约12万字,共分为6个部分,主要内容如下:第一章首先是对高校科研创新团队的发展现状及面临的挑战进行分析,在此基础上提出本文的研究问题,阐释了本文的研究目的、研究意义及主要的研究方法,并对本文研究中所涵盖的理论基础进行总结,最后提出本文的研究创新点。第二章对与本文有关的国内外研究成果进行述评。其中主要对团队内涵及特征、团队形成动因、团队建设与管理、高校科研团队的定义、特点、类型、建设与管理、学科交叉的概念、学科交叉型研究组织的类型、建设与管理、学科交叉型科研创新团队的内涵、特征等内容进行述评,并对学科交叉型高校科研创新团队的定义、特征、类型等进行了详细论述。第三章采用定性研究与定量研究相结合的研究方法,对学科交叉型高校科研创新团队的形成要素进行分析,构建了团队目标、人才储备、制度保障、团队文化、支撑平台为5个一级要素,团队负责人、团队的研究人员、人事聘用制度、绩效考评制度、职称晋升制度、薪酬分配制度、团队内部交流机制、团队内部竞争机制、团队内部合作机制、团队的设备平台、团队的协作平台、团队的知识平台、团队的合作平台和团队的办公场所为16个二级要素的学科交叉型高校科研创新团队形成要素体系。采用相关分析与多元线性回归分析方法得出团队目标、制度保障、团队文化三个要素为学科交叉型高校科研创新团队形成的核心影响要素。并在此基础上从外部环境及团队构建两个方面提出了学科交叉型高校科研创新团队形成的主要障碍。第四章首先对学科交叉型高校科研创新团队的组建原则、组建步骤、组建路径等内容进行研究,在此基础上进一步对制度建设、平台建设、文化建设等具体的建设内容进行详细论述。第五章从管理的本质、管理的基本目标、管理中的关系范畴、管理范式构建等方面对学科交叉型高校科研创新团队管理的内涵进行界定和梳理,并重点对学科交叉型高校科研创新团队中的组织管理、知识管理、运作管理、资源管理、绩效管理等内容进行详细论述。第六章对全文研究进行总结,提出本文研究中存在的不足之处,并对未来的研究进行展望。

【Abstract】 As people understand natural phenomenon and social phenomena better and better, the scientific researches become more and more complex. And with the development of science and technology, the mutual infiltration and cross merging of many disciplines have become main trends. Colleges and universities as an important subject in the national innovation system, is the backbone of interdisciplinary scientific and technological innovation. interdisciplinary research and innovation team is a new kind of scientific research, which is to adapt to the current environment for innovation and organizational models. And in-depth study of univeristy’s interdisciplinary research and innovation teams of great significance to optimize the allocation of resources and enhance the level of scientific research and innovation capability.This paper adopts the theory and technology of information science, management science and and other disciplines, tries to make in-depth research of the basic connotation, the formation mechanism, construction ideas, management methods and other topics about univeristy’s interdisciplinary research and innovation teams, to provide theoretical guides and references for the construction and management of univeristy’s interdisciplinary research and innovation teams. There are2Figures and14tables in this paper. This paper totals about120,000words, consists of6chapters. This paper sections as following:The first chapter analysis the development status and the challenges of the univeristy’s interdisciplinary research and innovation teams first of all, and then puts forward the research question, explain the purpose of this study, the research significance and major research methods, summarizes the theoretical basis of this study. Finally, this paper points out the research and innovation point of this article.The second chapter reviews the related research achievement of this article. These research achievements mainly review the connotation and characteristics of the team, the formative causation of the team, the construction and management of the team, the definition, characteristics, types, construction and management of the science research team in colleges, the concept of interdisciplinary, the types, construction and management of the interdisciplinary research organization and the definitions and characteristics of interdisciplinary research and innovation teams. And this chapter discusses the definitions, characteristics and types of university’s interdisciplinary research and innovation teams in detail.The third chapter uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods to analyze the elements for the formation of interdisciplinary scientific research innovation team, build a team goal, talent pool, system security, team culture, supporting platform elements, the team of leader, the team of researchers, personnel hiring system, performance appraisal system, within the system of job promotion, salary distribution system, the team internal exchange mechanism,the team internal competition mechanism the team internal cooperation mechanism, the team’s equipment platform, the team’s collaboration platform, the team’s knowledge platform, the team’s cooperation platform and team of office space for sixteen two level elements of interdisciplinary university research and innovation team form factor system. Draw a conclusion that the team goals, institution security, the team culture consistent of the core of the three elements for interdisciplinary scientific research innovation team formed elements of influence through use correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis method. And build on this basis put forward from the external environment and the team formation to the two aspects of the main obstacles to the formation of interdisciplinary scientific research innovation team.The fourth chapter first studies principle of interdisciplinary scientific research innovation team, set up steps to study the formation of path content system construction, platform construction, cultural construction, concrete construction, on the basis of further discussed in detail.The fifth chapter from the management of the nature, the basic goal of management, management category of relation, management paradigm to defines and combines the connotation of university’s interdisciplinary research and innovation team management, and focus on expound the content of the university’s interdisciplinary research and innovation teams in organizational management, knowledge management, operation management, resource management, performance management in detailFinally, a summary of this research is listed, pointing out the limitations, and making a research prospect.


