

The Russian Cosmists Thinker’s Knowledge about the Relationship between Man and Nature

【作者】 欧索罗娃·塔基雅娜

【导师】 罗见今;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 科学技术史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 人类机器文明在二十世纪可悲地引发了全球环境危机,今天,环境安全成为人类关注的主要问题之一。人们深刻反省,认识到造成目前环境问题的根源首先在人类自身,己形成环境哲学;以新的科学观来认识自然,合作克服环境灾难,形成了综合性的环境科学,并在全球范围内开展环保运动,力图寻找人与自然和谐、可持续发展的正确道路。人与自然的关系是哲学的永恒主题。十九世纪到二十世纪初俄罗斯宇宙主义(Russian cosmism)思想家欧多耶夫斯基(B.Φ.OπoeBCkHH)、费多罗夫(H.Φ.ππeopoB)、维尔纳茨基(B.H.BepHaπcKHH)在深入考察自然进化和宇宙演变的基础上,提出须重新认识自然和人在自然中的位置,力求人类和社会的理性发展,其核心是本体论问题、如何认识与发展人与自然的关系、人类存在的目的和意义、人与自然关系的道德重建。这些珍贵的思想遗产可以成为我们今天的重要借鉴,帮助人们回应人类文明所面临的全球性挑战。俄罗斯宇宙主义者令人信服地证明了人与宇宙、社会与环境之间不可分割的联系,坚持人和自然具有同等价值。区别于早期宇宙中心主义和西欧人类中心主义,提出了深刻的哲学思想一一人类宇宙主义。他们乐观地认为,人类最终能够克服地球上的时空限制,实现生命的不朽。依据自然的自愈能力和人的无穷的创造性,费多罗夫在宗教思想的鼓励下勇敢地提出了复活的构想。俄罗斯宇宙主义具有积极进化的特征,现代航天学创始人齐奥尔科夫斯基(K.3.ⅡHoπIkoBCKHH)预见了一个新世界的发展阶段:太空探索,并具体设计了脱离地球进入宇宙的可行方案。现在,人类保护生态平衡,开发无污染能源,合理利用资源,重建公共生活,改善人本身,在地球上建立一个如维尔纳茨基所提出的“智慧圈”(noosphere)。二十一世纪在环境保护方面的要求是:从环境哲学的高度审视人与自然关系的重大意义,寻找全球问题的解决办法与创造人类发展的新方案。对此,俄罗斯宇宙主义者的卓越思想给我们提出了非常有价值的研究素材。本文的题目是:俄罗斯宇宙主义思想家对人与自然关系的认识。第一章引论阐明选题意义、研究现状、研究的方法、目标、对象和创新点。第二章概述俄罗斯哲学对人与自然关系的认识,包括三部分:早期曾受到西方哲学的某些影响,俄罗斯本土哲学的天人观,并提供了近代人与自然间互动的系统分析。第三章论述十九世纪俄罗斯哲学的特征,在此背景下俄罗斯宇宙主义形成,它包括三个流派:文学艺术派,宗教哲学派和自然科学派。本文介绍了各派的重要人物和代表人物。在第四章中依据历史文献详细论述俄罗斯宇宙主义三大学派代表人物——V.欧多耶夫斯基、N.费多罗夫和V.维尔纳茨基的观点,并讨论俄罗斯宇宙主义在哲学史上的地位。第五章论述俄罗斯宇宙主义对解决今天环境问题的积极意义,阐明现阶段促进社会发展的人、自然和文明之间的关系继承了历史上的进步思想,说明环境伦理学的作用和在环境问题中的地位。

【Abstract】 The technological civilization in the twentieth century led to the global environmental crisis. Today, environmental protection has become one of the main issues of human concern. After self-examination, people realize the root cause of the current environmental problems lie in mankind itself and this later formed the environmental philosophy; comprehend nature with the new sense of science, cooperation to overcome the environmental disaster which later formed a synthetic environment science and develop global environmental movements for trying to find out a right way of maintaining the harmony between man and nature and sustainable development.The relationship between man and nature is an eternal topic of philosophy. From the nineteen century to the early twentieth century, based on a thorough investigation of natural evolution and cosmic evolution, Russian cosmists V. F. Odoevsky, N. F. Fedorov and V. I. Vernadsky put forward a new view to understand nature and man’s place in nature and strove to show a rational development of humans and science. At its core is the ontological problem, how to know and develop the relationship between man and nature; the purpose and the significance of human existence and moral reconstruction of the relation between man and nature. These valuable ideological heritages can be important lessons that would help people respond to global challenges. Russian cosmists convincingly prove the inextricable link between man and the Universe, between man and nature, and persists in a view that man and nature have the same value. In contrast the early cosmocentrism and anthropocentrism presented a deep philosophical thought:anthropocosmism. They were optimistic that humans could overcome the Earth limit of time and space at last, and bring about immortal life. According to the natural healing abilities and infinite creativity, N. Fedorov, on the encouragement of religious thought, bravely put forward the conception of resurrection.Russian cosmism has positive evolutionary characteristics. A founder of modern astronautic, K. E..Tsiolkovsky, has predicted development stages of a new world:the exploration of space, and specifically designed a feasible scheme to escape from the earth and populate the universe. Human beings are protecting the ecological balance by developing pollution-free energy, using resources reasonably, reconstructing public life, improving themselves, and then going to build by V. Vernadsky proposed noosphere.In the twenty-first century, environmental protection required people to think about the relationship between man and nature from the perspective of environmental philosophy, to find a new project to solve the global problems and develop human beings. Russian cosmists’super excellence idea has given us valuable research material.The title of this paper is:The Russian Cosmists Thinker’s Knowledge about the Relationship between Man and Nature.The first chapter is an introduction to elucidate the significance of this object, research status, research method, research goal, object and innovation.The second chapter gives an overview of the relationship between humans and nature. It includes three parts:how Russian philosophy had been affected by Western philosophy to some extent in its earlier period,.the local Russian philosophy view of heaven and man, and provides a modern systematic analysis of interaction between man and nature.The third chapter discusses the feature of Russian philosophy in the Nineteenth Century. And the impact in which Russian cosmism philosophy was formed. It includes three schools:literary art, philosophy of religion, and natural science. This paper introduces various important personages and representatives.The fourth chapter elucidates the opinions of the three schools representatives-V. Odoevsky, N. Fedorov, V. Vernadsky in details, and discusses the Russian cosmism position in the philosophy-history.The fifth chapter discusses the positive meaning of Russian cosmism to solve the environmental problems of today, and to elucidate the relationship between man, nature and civilization that having inherited from the historical progressive thinking. Also the paper illustrates the environmental ethics and its position in the environmental issues.


