

The Study on Multidimensional Ecological Transformation of Resource-exhausted Cities

【作者】 陈新生

【导师】 张智光;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 生态学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 资源型城市是我囯城市类型的重要组成部分。在过去几十年的发展中,为我囯的经济建设和社会发展作出了重要贡献。作为一种特殊类型的城市,资源型城市的经济发展具有很强的资源导向性,产业结构单一且受不可再生资源生命周期规律的影响,越来越多的资源型城市面临资源枯竭的威胁。我囯政府高度重视资源枯竭型城市的经济转型与生态环境恢复工作,在“十五”期间,囯家振兴老工业基地战略和支持资源型区域发展持续产业政策的实施,使得资源枯竭型城市的发展因为实践的需求成为研究热点之一。本文以可持续发展、产业经济学、恢复生态学等相关理论指导为基础,分析了资源枯竭型城市的发展现状及在综合转型和谐路径上的绝对优势、相对优势和制约因素,并以徐州市为例,从经济转型机制、生态与环境的恢复、社会和谐等方面对资源枯竭型城市的多维生态转型进行了研究,主要内容如下:1.首先研究了资源枯竭型城市的概念和特征,并对囯内外资源枯竭型城市可持续发展的实践状况进行了研究,分析了资源枯竭型城市可持续发展存在的问题及成因,构建了资源枯竭型城市经济一自然一社会多维生态系统结构模型,研究和分析了复合系统的机理、互动模型和多维生态转型路径。2.建立了资源枯竭型城市可持续发展评价模型,并运用该模型对徐州市可持续发展现状进行了评价,探讨了其中的问题和成因。在此基础上,研究制定了徐州市多维生态转型的总体战略,既实现煤炭产业的战略转移,积极探索其他资源产品,创造经济新增长点;积极发展高新技术产业,大力发展第三产业和旅游业;以生态健康为目标,建立稳定的区域生态网络,确保生态安全。3?以产业竞争力相关理论为指导,在分析徐州产业经济发展现状的基础上,提出徐州市产业转型的相关对策,既以优势产业为基础,推动潜力产业发展,优化产业比例关系;以企业为转型核心主体,科技创新为龙头,提升产业竟争力;以体制改革为先导,政策体系为支撑,构建良好的产业发展环境。4.以釆煤塌陷地复垦为重点,研究了徐州市生态恢复与重建途径,既对于积水较深的塌陷地以复垦为渔业为主,兼顾湿地景观的建设和旅游业的发展;对于积水较线或季节性积水的塌陷地,以复垦为农地为主,林地次之;对于无积水的塌陷地复垦为农林地。5.基于徐州市社会问题的系统分析,研究了徐州市剩余劳动力转移模式:就地转移、异地转移和两者相结合;社会保障模式:包括社会保险、社会救济、社会福利、社会互助和优抚安置等几大体系。最后构建了徐州市社会综合转型的和谐路径:科学定位城市、合理规划布局城市、优化产业经济结构、灵活选择剩余劳动力转移模式、实施城乡一体化社会保障体系。

【Abstract】 The resource-based city is an important part of urban type. In the past severaldecades of development it had made important contributions to economicconstruction and social development. As a special type of city the city’s economicdevelopment resources has a strong resource-oriented industrial structure singleindustrial structure and it could be affect by the law of the life cycle ofnon-renewable resources.Now more and more resource-based cities are facing thethreat of resource depletion our government attaches great importance to thetransition of economies and ecological environment restoration.The same timeduring the Tenth Five-Year revitalization of old industrial bases and the supportionof sustainable industrial policy implementation of resource-based regionaldevelopment make the development of resource-based city become one of the hotsbecause of practice needs.This dissertation bases on Sustainable developmentindustrial economics restoration ecology and other related theories.It analyzed thedevelopment status of the resource-exhausted cities and the absolute advantagecomparative advantages and constraints of harmonious path of comprehensivetransformation.It also take Xuzhou as an example studies the multidimensionalecological transformation of the resource-exhausted cities from the economictransformation mechanism the restoration of ecological and environmental socialharmony and so on. The main contents of this dissertation is as follows:First,this dissertation studied the concept and characteristics ofresource-exhausted cities. It also studied the sustainable development practice statusof the domestic and foreign resource-exhausted cities. This dissertation analyseddevelopment problems and causes of resource-exhausted cities.Then it constructedeconomy nature and society multidimensional ecological system structure model ofthe resource-exhausted cities. It studied and discussed the mechanism of compositesystem interactive model and multidimensional ecological transition path.Second this dissertation established sustainable development evaluationmodel of the resourse-exhausted city and apply the model on sustainabledevelopment status of Xuzhou city which explores the problems and causes. On thebasis of this this dissertation studied and formulated the overall strategy of Xuzhoumultidimensional ecological transformation realized the coal industry strategicshift actively explored other resources products created the new point of economic growth; actively developd high-tech industries vigorously develop thetertiary industry and tourism; made ecological health as the goal established astable regional ecological network ensured the ecological security.Third this dissertation based on Industrial competitiveness theory analyzedthe status quo of industrial and economic development in Xuzhou and proposedrelated countermeasures of industrial transformation of Xuzhou City.It mesns basingon competitive industries to promote the development of potential industriesoptimize the industrial proportional relationship; make enterprise as the centralsubject of transformation and technological innovation as a leader to enhanceindustrial competitiveness;make reform as a pilot and the policy system as a supportto build a good environment for industrial development.Fourth this dissertation focused on Coal Mining Subsidence LandReclamation studied ecological restoration and reconstruction of Xuzhou City itpointed that the reclamation of deeper water is mainly for the fisheries both takingthe construction of the wetland landscape and the development of tourism intoaccount; for plotthe collapse of shallow water or seasonal water the firstreclamation is agricultural land followed by woodland;for the no water collapsethe reclamation is agriculture and forestry land.Fifth this dissertation based on systematic analysis of social problems inXuzhou City it studied the transfer of surplus labor model of Xuzhou City: localtransfer off-site transfer and combination of both of these three models. Socialsecurity model contained several major system such as socialrelief social welfaresocial mutual help and special care and placement.Finally it built a harmonious pathof Xuzhou City social transformation: the scientific orientation of city rationalplanning of the layout of the city optimize the industrial economic structure theflexibility to choose the surplus labor transfer mode the implementation of theintegrated social security system in urban and rural areas.


