

Study on the Cultural Interpretation and Design Strategies of Hedge Landscape

【作者】 赵庆

【导师】 沈永宝;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 绿篱,作为中国园林和西方园林中共同的造景元素,具有分隔空间、增添景色、减轻噪音等功能。西方园林设计是以传统为基础,在现代主义本土化过程中生长、发展和成熟,传统的绿篱形式得到了传承。中国园林源远流长,但其设计手法在全球化的浪潮中已经失去了本土化的特征。绿篱景观作为园林的造景元素,也丧失了中国古典园林的精髓。西方绿篱景观形式在我国大江南北铺天盖地,模纹绿篱、绿篱色块等西方特有的绿篱形式在城市中频频出现,绿篱被大量、毫无意义的应用在城市绿化中。绿篱固有的空间功能、生态功能以及文化功能没有得到科学的应用。因此,本文通过文化、理论、实践三个方面的研究,分析当前绿篱应用存在的问题,提出体验性、生态性、地域性的应用策略,对促进和提升我国绿篱的现代化以及西方绿篱在中国的本土化有积极的作用。本文运用比较分析、归纳总结、案例分析等方法,以历史的角度系统阐述园林绿篱风格发展演变的过程和原因,从空间、景观和生态的层面分析了现代绿篱的功能,通过实地调查反映园林绿篱的应用现状,并归纳存在的问题,最后结合实例提出设计与应用策略。论文的分析和研究过程主要是对图纸以及实地考察照片等感性认识材料的分析和研究。全文分为五个部分:第一部分:绪论,第一章。绪论部分通过对论文来源、研究背景、绿篱相关概念和分类以及当前存在问题的分析,提出论文研究的目的、意义与内容,制定论文的研究框架。第二部分:绿篱文化的研究,包括第二章和第三章。第二部分将中国园林绿篱发展史分为秦汉时期、魏晋南北朝时期、唐宋时期、明清时期、近现代时期,将西方园林绿篱发展史分为古代时期、中世纪时期、文艺复兴时期、巴洛克时期、自然风致园时期、工艺美术时期以及现代主义时期。通过对其发展史的研究,总结两种园林中绿篱造景的特点;并在研究传统文化对园林绿篱的影响的基础上,以哲学文化、社会性质和园林设计理论的角度分析绿篱造景特点形成的原因,以便于深入挖掘中西园林绿篱的长处,了解双方的优良传统和存在问题,使我国园林中绿篱的应用因地制宜,拥有独特的风格。第三部分:绿篱功能的研究,包括第四章、第五章和第六章。第三部分对园林绿篱空间、景观和生态功能的分析,得出边界、围合、引导的空间功能,主景、衬景的景观功能以及降低噪音、改变微气候、构建生态廊道的生态功能;并在深入研究各项空间、景观和生态功能的基础上,提出了功能应用的途径,以便更好的挖掘绿篱的使用价值。第四部分:绿篱应用的研究,包括第七章和第八章。第四部分通过调查和分析园林绿篱在城市园林绿地中应用现状,得出不同类型园林绿地中绿篱造景的特征;归纳出三种应用体量最大的绿篱类型:道路分车带、绿地边界和模纹绿篱,并评价其特点与存在的问题;指出当前绿篱景观设计与应用的文化缺失问题:本土特征淡化和功利目的明显;提出体验性、生态性以及地域性的应用策略。第五部分:结论与展望,第九章。结论与展望部分总结了全文的研究与观点,得出文化是绿篱形式的决定因素,现代绿篱功能需要转变,现代绿篱设计与应用的策略三个结论;并指出论文研究工作存在的不足之处,并呼吁更多风景园林领域的学者和专家对绿篱景观倾入更多的关注。

【Abstract】 Hedge, as a common landscape element in both Chinese garden and western garden, has thefunction of space dividing, landscaping noise reduction and so on. The establishment of themodern Western landscape design on a traditional basis, gets growth, development and maturityin the localization process of modernism, and the form of traditional hedge is heritaged. TheChinese garden design, however, has lost its localization characteristics form in the wave ofglobalization, and the Western hedgerow landscape in China is overwhelming, such as the patternhedge and blocks of color, becoming the most common form in the city. Many meaninglessapplications in urban greening, this phenomenon has been seriously distorted the hedge whichsupposed to have a visual function in urban greening, ecological functions, and cultural functions.Therefore, for the problems of hedge application, this dissertation proposes the applicationsstrategy of embodiment, Ecology, and regionalism, to enhance the Chinese hedge modernizationand to promote Western hedge localization in China, which has a positive effect.Integrated use of comparative analysis, summary and case study, this dissertation, from ahistorical point, elaborates the process and causes of the evolution of the garden hedgerow style.And then, analyse of the function of modern hedgerow from the level of the landscape andecological. From the field investigation, hedge application status and the existing problems areclarified. In the end, with examples presented, the strategies of design and application areproposed. The analysis and research in this dissertation is using the material of the drawings andphotos of fieldwork as the perceptual knowledge.This dissertation is divided into five part:PART1:Introduction, chapter1By analysis of origin of the study, the research background, related concepts andclassification of the hedge, as well as the current problems, this part of the dissertation proposesthe purpose, meaning and content, and develops the research framework.PART2:Culture study, including chapter2and3In this part, the history of Chinese garden hedge is divided into the Qin and Han Dynasty,the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tang and Song Dynasties, the Ming and QingDynasties, and last the Modern Period. The history of western garden hedge is divided intoAncient Times, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance period, Baroque period, Landscape garden, theArts and Crafts period, and the Modernist period. By its development history, this part sums upthe characteristics of two gardening hedge landscape; From the philosophicalthe perspective ofculture, society, and landscape design theory, this part anaylizes the reasons for the formation of the hedgerow landscape characteristics based on the influence of the traditional culture. So thatwe can have a better understanding of the strengths, the fine tradition and the problems of bothChinese hedge and western hedge, and according to the local conditions, the application of hedgewill be unique style ourselves.PART3:Function study, including chapter4,5and6In this part, the space, landscape and ecological function of hedge is analized, and draws aconclusion that hedge has the space functions of boundary enclosure, guidance, landscapefunctions of main feature, background, as well as the ecological functions of noise reduction, themicro-climate regulation, and ecological corridor building; In order to apply and use hedge in abetter way, based on in-depth study of space, landscape and ecological functions, the specificdesign study is proposed.PART4:Application study, including chapter7and8Throughout the field investigationthe and application analysis of garden hedge existing inurban green spaces, this part of study gets a conclusion of the characteristics of hedge in differenttypes green space; Summarize three most common kinds of hedgerow application: dividing stripegreening, Green border and the mold pattern hedge, then evaluate its characteristics and existingproblems; Point out that the culture problem of the hedgerow landscape design and application:local characteristics desalination and obvious utilitarian purpose; Propose the applicationsstrategy of embodiment, Ecology, and regionalism.PART5:Conclusion and discussion, chapter9The last part summarizes the study and views of the dissertation, and draws conclusions thatculture determines hedge forms, the modern hedgerow features need to change, the strategy ofmodern hedgerow design and application; In the end, this author Indicates the shortcomings inthe study, and calls for more experts and scholars of landscape architecture pouring moreattention into the study of the hedge landscape.


