

Analysis of Genetic Ddiversity and Distribution of Catalpa Bungei and Catalpa Fargesii in China

【作者】 郝明灼

【导师】 彭方仁;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 楸树组植物在我国已有2000多年的栽培历史,木材、叶片、花和种实等都具有较高的利用价值。论文以保护和利用我国楸树组植物种质资源为主要目的,对我国楸树组植物的种质资源分布现状进行全面调查,建立了GIS种质资源信息库,对我国楸树组植物的分布区域及分布规律进行了研究。在对种质资源全面调查收集的基础上,对149份种质材料进行了表型性状检测,采用ISSR和SRAP分子标记技术对138份种质材料进行了遗传多样性分析,并从叶用良种选育的角度出发,比较了14份种质材料的叶片成分含量。论文主要结论如下:(1)中国楸树组植物分布于19个省市自治区,地理分布范围在北纬25°8'~40°26'和东经99°26'~122°2'之间,全国范围内仅发现古楸树232株。气象要素、地貌、立地类型、坡位、坡度、坡向、土壤质地、土壤厚度、水源状况、交通区位和人为干扰度等因素影响楸树的分布区域和分布数量。(2)楸树组植物的叶片、花、种子、茎干等性状均有多种变异。叶片性状中叶长、叶宽、叶柄长度变异较大,叶片长宽比变异较小;花器性状中果柄长度变异最大,花冠宽度、雄蕊长度和花药长度的变异居中,花筒直径、花筒长度和雌蕊长度性状变异相对较小,花粉直径变异最小,楸树、滇楸和灰楸的花粉形态外观非常相似;种子性状中,朔果长度和种子千粒重变异较大,种子长度和宽度变异较小。(3) ISSR和SRAP均适合用于楸树组植物的遗传多样性分析。ISSR筛选出14个引物,共扩增出了90条谱带,其中多态性条带70条,多态性百分率为77.78%,UPGMA聚类分析可将138份基因材料划分为6个类群。SRAP筛选出6对引物组合,扩增出76条谱带,其中多态性条带有69个,多态带百分率为90.79%,UPGMA聚类分析可将138份基因材料划分为7个类群。(4)楸树叶片适宜作为能量饲料,不宜作为蛋白饲料。在5月下旬、7月中旬和9月下旬,8个品种类型和6个无性系叶片中的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、叶片含水率、叶绿素含量、粗脂肪含量存在极显著差异。初步选择范公亭、太清宫、襄樊清真寺等无性系和品种豫楸2号为叶用良种选育材料。

【Abstract】 Catalpa bungei and Catalpa fargesii had already been cultivated more than2000years inChina, and has valuable utilization which use its wood, leaf, flower and fruit. To protect and usethe germplasm resources of Catalpa bungei and Catalpa fargesii in China, this thesisinvestigated the germplasm resources all over the countrywide, built GIS database, studieddistribution status, and used ISSR and SRAP molecular marker methods to analyze group geneticdiversity. Additionally, the thesis compared leaf-utilization components among different cultivars,types and clones of Catalpa bungei and Catalpa fargesii. The main results were summarized asfollows:(1) Originally,19province have Catalpa bungei and Catalpa fargesii old trees or stands.Geographical distribution space were within north latitude5°8'~40°26'and east longitude99°26'~122°2'. Meteorological factors, site type, slope type, soil, water, traffic status andhuman disturbance all influenced the distribution area and amount of Catalpa bungei andCatalpa fargesii trees.(2) Different species, provenances and individuals of Catalpa bungei and Catalpa fargesiihad significant variation in leaf, flower, fruit and stem phenotypic characteristics. Variation ofleaf length, leaf width, petiole length, anthocaulus length, fruit length and thousand kerner weightis bigger than those of seed length, seed width, diameter of pollen.(3) ISSR and SRAP molecular marker methods can be used to analyze the group geneticdiversity of Catalpa bungei and Catalpa fargesii plant. ISSR used14primers to do PCR,percentage of polymorphic was77.78%, UPGMA cluster analysis showed6group types amongthe total samples. SRAP used6primers to do PCR, percentage of polymorphic was90.79%,UPGMA cluster analysis showed7group types among the total samples.(4) Leaf of Catalpa bungei and Catalpa fargesii can be used as energy feed, but not suit tobe protein feed. Among14materials, there had significant difference in soluble sugar, solubleprotein, water, chlorophyll, and coarse fat content. Clones of Fangongting, Taiqinggong,Qingzhensi, and cultivar Yuqiu2were selected as further breeding materials.

  • 【分类号】S792.25
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】432

