

Research on Visual Characteristics of Mountain-like Texture of Wood

【作者】 苗艳凤

【导师】 关惠元;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 家具设计与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 木材纹理是由木材细胞的排列所形成的,是木材最重要的自然属性之一,也是鉴定和利用木材的重要基础,同时也会影响到木制品的视觉效果。木材纹理因为不同的锯切方式会产生不同的纹理形状,本文主要研究木材弦切面上的山峰状纹理。本论文首先从能够表征木材纹理视觉特性的的视觉心理量词汇中筛选了能够涵盖表征木材山峰状纹理特性的心理量词汇,应用感性工学的理论,从视觉心理量与视觉物理量的角度,对实木山峰状纹理和实木图像制版山峰状纹理、人工模拟山峰状纹理的视觉特性进行了研究。主要研究结果如下:(1)对13个实木木材山峰状纹理、12个科技木木材山峰状纹理43个实木图像制版山峰状纹理进行视觉心理量喜好程度的问卷调查分析,筛选出了20个喜好程度较高的山峰状纹理。并进一步用聚类分析法分析,发现木材山峰状纹理可分为三类。Ⅰ类纹理的间距平均值为4.63mm,粗细平均值为0.79mm,疏密程度平均值为0.23;Ⅱ类纹理的间距平均值为3.61mm,粗细平均值为0.76mm,疏密程度平均值为0.21;Ⅲ类纹理的间距平均值为4.75mm,粗细平均值为1.01mm,疏密程度平均值为0.28。(2)对于喜欢度较高的20个山峰状纹理用聚类分析法进行视觉物理量分析,发现木材山峰状纹理的视觉心理量特征也可分为三类,一类纹理的视觉心理量是朴素、自然、舒适、亲切;二类纹理的视觉心理量是现代、高雅、豪华、昂贵、细腻;三类纹理的视觉心理量是传统、粗犷、廉价。(3)通过对木材山峰状纹理的视觉物理量和视觉心理量的对比分析,发现视觉物理量和心理量之间有很好的对应关系,即,“朴素、自然、舒适、亲切”的一类视觉心理量对应“纹理间距、粗细及疏密程度中等”的Ⅰ类视觉物理量;“现代、高雅、豪华、昂贵、细腻”的二类视觉心理量对应“纹理间距、粗细及疏密程度较小”的Ⅱ类视觉物理量;“传统、粗犷、廉价”的三类视觉心理量对应“纹理间距、粗细及疏密程度较大”的Ⅲ类视觉物理量。(4)对Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类木材山峰状纹理进行人工模拟纹理设计,并将人工模拟纹理应用到二款家具上进行实例验证,证实与小样研究结果一致。

【Abstract】 The wood grain is formed by the arrangement of the wood cells, which is the mostimportant one of the natural properties of wood and also an important basis for theidentification and use of wood, and can also affect the visual effects of wood products. Thewood will produce different shapes of textures because of the different way of cutting thepeaks. This dissertation studied the tangential section of wood-like texture.This dissertation screened the psychological quantity vocabulary from the visualpsychological quantity, which could cover the characterization of wood mountain-liketexture. The theory of Kansei Engineering was applied to research on the mountain-liketexture, high emulation printing, and the artificial simulation mountain-like texture visualcharacteristics from the respects of visual psychological and physical quantities,respectively.The major findings are as follows:⑴Thirteen solid wood mountain-like textures, twelve technology wood peaks liketextures, and forty-three high emulation printing mountain shape textures were used forsurvey analysis of the visual psychological preference. There were twenty mountain-liketextures screened with higher preference. By cluster analysis found that they could bedivided into three categories (I, II, and III). The average values of texture spacing, thicknessand density for category I were4.63mm,0.79mm and0.23, respectively. The average valuesfor category II were3.61mm,0.76mm and0.21, respectively. The values for category IIIwere4.75mm,1.01mm and0.28, respectively.⑵The analysis of the visual physical quantity for the higher preferences of20woodmountain-like textures by cluster analysis found that the characteristics of visualpsychological quantity of mountain-like texture could be also divided into three categories,the first one was plain, natural, comfortable and friendly; the second was modern, elegant,luxurious, expensive and delicate; the third was traditional, rugged, and inexpensive.⑶By comparison of visual physical quantities of wood mountain-like texture andvisual psychology analysis found that the visual physical quantities and visual psychologyanalysis have a good corresponding relationship. Even “simple, natural, comfortable and cordial”that a kind of the visual physical quantity corresponded to “the medium extent ofspacing, thickness and density”that category I for visual psychology quantity;"the modern,elegant, luxurious, expensive and delicate" that two kind of the visual physical quantitycorresponded to "the less extent of spacing, thickness and density "that category II for visualphysical quantity;"traditional, rugged, and inexpensive "that three kind of the visualphysical quantity corresponded to "the larger extent of spacing, thickness and density "thatthe category III for visual physical quantity.⑷The artificial simulation was used to categories I, II and III and the mountain-liketextures were used to two types of furniture fabrication, which was validated by examples.that confirm with sample research results.


